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Author: Katya Rapoport Sedgwick

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Katya Rapoport Sedgwick

Mom. Wife. Writer. Mom. Grad school dropout. Wrong kind of immigrant.

A pile on on Mrs. — sorry, Doctor — Jill Biden is fun and I think I did my part just now. Democrats will gladly have you go after some miserly woman; please don’t take this bait....

Woke allyship requires a near-identical worldview and presumes no reciprocity. The Contemporary Left judges everyone by a stringent Marxian measure and leaves no option for difference of opinion....

The self-proclaimed bleeding hearts need to explain why they cry bitter tears for Gaza when the pain of others, like Ukrainians, doesn’t catch their attention....

"Soviet propaganda painted Zionism as a racist, fascist, Nazi, settler-colonial, imperialist ideology that opposed everything that socialism and communism stood for."...

The word antizionist, although not for the lack of trying, might not have the same bloody history as antisemite, but it is objectively more shrill....

So what that Gay didn’t follow the rigid publish or perish time schedule or properly attribute her meager works? We have to recognize that her refusal to live by the expectations of what the Smithsonian and campus radicals call 'whiteness' is a revolutionary act....

Most artists slow down eventually. But my father was still full of enthusiasm and new ideas weeks before his death....