Gaza Ceasefire over as Hamas attacks, reportedly kidnaps IDF soldier (Live Updates and Video)
Egypt cancels planned talks.

[This post will be “sticky” most of the day]
Live Video and Twitter feed at bottom of post.
The U.N. and U.S. sponsored 72-hour ceasefire only lasted barely hours, as Hamas used the lull to launch an attack in which IDF soldiers were killed and one is missing and believed kidnapped.
This has led to Israeli retaliation and renewed fightings.
Not sure you can get updated any better than this. Mark Regev a few minutes ago. #IsraelUnderFire
— Paul Hirschson (@paulhirschson) August 1, 2014
.@IDFSpokesperson says suspected capture of soldier occurred at 930a, 90 minutes after cease fire began
— Nick Schifrin (@nickschifrin) August 1, 2014
Confirmed: #Egypt cancels #Gaza talks, after #Israel informs host of capture of Israeli officer.
— Julie Lenarz (@MsIntervention) August 1, 2014
Isr. Radio: the kidnapping was part of an attack inside Israel via tunnel.
— yaacov lozowick (@yaacovlozowick) August 1, 2014
This morning's kidnapping began when a suicide bomber emerged from tunnel and attack soldiers in east Rafah, injuring many. #Gaza
— Daniel Nisman (@DannyNis) August 1, 2014
Channel 10: Captured soldier Hadar Goldin has twin brother who has been brought home from Gaza. Engaged 2 months ago.
— Chemi Shalev (@ChemiShalev) August 1, 2014
Parents are calling kids in the army, but the overriding emotion is rage. "We gave them a ceasefire and they took advantage…"
— Peter Schwartzstein (@PSchwartzstein) August 1, 2014
UN envoy Serry's statement regarding the collapsing Gaza ceasefire
— Barak Ravid (@BarakRavid) August 1, 2014
Egypt closes Rafa borders, reinforces troops along borders, according to reports will return Palestinians, incl wounded in vicinity to Gaza
— Chemi Shalev (@ChemiShalev) August 1, 2014
BREAKING NEWS: White House says reported Hamas attack in Israel a "barbaric" violation of ceasefire via @Reuters
— Lisa Daftari (@LisaDaftari) August 1, 2014
Netanyahu to Kerry: Hamas will bear consequences. Israel will take all necessary actions against those who call to destroy it
— Tal Shalev (@talshalev1) August 1, 2014
UN chief Ban Ki-moon "shocked and profoundly disappointed" by Hamas' violation of cease-fire
— (@haaretzcom) August 1, 2014
Father of abducted soldier: Confident #IDF will return my son –
— Ynetnews (@ynetnews) August 1, 2014
Qatar is financing and aiding Hamas rather than pressuring it to cease fire, as it promised and as it should
— Chemi Shalev (@ChemiShalev) August 2, 2014
– @IsraeliPM @netanyahu : #OperationProtectiveEdge "will take as much time as needed, we will use us much force as required"
— The Times of Israel (@TimesofIsrael) August 2, 2014
Netanyahu praises Obama's "commitment" to #Israel security & Congress for passing Iron Dome funding. Reports of discord-"media inaccuracies"
— Anshel Pfeffer (@AnshelPfeffer) August 2, 2014
Bibi: "Only one place for decent, civilized people to stand, and that is on the side of #Israel."
— Seth Frantzman (@sfrantzman) August 2, 2014
i24 News live
— Legal Insurrection (@LegInsurrection) July 17, 2014
Broadcast live streaming video on Ustream Tweets from

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Enough with the cease-fires. Hamas breaks them like a politician breaks campaign promises. War to the knife, knife to the hilt. Actually, make that “…knife to the pommel.”
We are tired of this. Just tired of this. This operation has 91% support amount the Israeli Jewish population. 91%! No more “humanitarian” ceasefires! Kerry, go home and take the entire damned State Department with you! And if this “restraint” gets more soldiers killed, then just start bombing. Most of the world thinks we are killing lots of civilians anyway (we’re not); we might as well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb.
They break the cease fire one hour after it starts? One hour?
I guess in this White House that will be viewed as Hamas showing restraint.
When will the world, especially the UN and John F. Kerry, get it that Hamas and the Palestinians believe it is okay to LIE to “Zionists/infidels”?!?! Any agreement to a ceasefire is to be broken, because their word is MEANINGLESS. There will be NO PEACE in the Middle East until the evil that is fascist Islam is conquered.
The lives of all those poor women and children, ESPECIALLY those who are not willingly a part of this heinous Hamas effort, are all blood on the hands of Hamas and the Palestinians.
I saw a Tweet yesterday that said that the Palestinians are to blame for all the deaths of civilians in Gaza because they elected Hamas, put them in place, and supported war and the annihilation of Israel.
I don’t know what real “choice” they had (like the votes in Syria and Libya, I doubt they were fair elections), but it all rests on them. Hate and evil reign in Gaza.
Sorry, D. Marie: I had not read your comment. I am glad that you are reminding people of that basic and crucial fact.
They certainly had a choice. Hamas did not run that election, Fatah did. Their choice was only between one set of terrorists and another, but they did have a choice, and they chose the more bloodthirsty and less patient of the two. Fatah’s ultimate goal is the same as Hamas’s — the death or expulsion of every Jew who will not bow his head and live as their subject — but it has the patience to play the long game; Hamas doesn’t.
Hamas emerged & gained support because Fatah & Arafat were Tainted by Israeli/ Us links and/ of they SAS them as ineffective .( which they were) .
The West propped up Fatah with even more funds .rather then acknowledge HAMAS as the rightful election victors .
Correction – Saw them as ineffective . Remember the a Israeli blockade of Arafat’s compound?
( my typo of SAS. – might not be astray . The Brits tried to break up Fatah & might have been more than successful in that but look at what they got . We have only had evidence that the SAS were in Zintan in Libya supplying & training locals against Ghaddafi’s . Now they have been driven out oF Libya by their pupils.
An Italian reporter already conceded they’re slanting the news out of fear. IF YOU CAN’T REPORT THE TRUTH, DON’T REPORT ANYTHING!
“When will the world…”
Probably never. The UN is largely run by evil and corrupt people. Most leftists are incurably ignorant and depraved.
Israel should simply publish a compendium of the evidence of Hamas’ genocidal intent, tell the world “f*ck you” and proceed to exterminate Hamas and all who pose a serious threat. If this requires killing millions, then so be it. I was okay with killing millions of Germans in WWII, so why not islamo-nazis today? Whatever it takes.
Dig a 10′ trench around gaza. Eject the UN.
And then what?
Napalm. From 10,000 + feet. Every square inch of Gaza.
People have forgotten what “war” is. They have tried to dress it up in “civilized” actions. To “protect” non-combat individuals.
WAR is about horror and crushing your opponent until they throw down their weapons and beg for your mercy, swearing fealty to YOUR way of life.
The time has come for the world to remember WHY you don’t invite war. No more “humanitarian” pauses, no more prisoners, no more mercy, no more quarter. Kill EVERY LIVING THING in Gaza, man, woman, child and animal, until anyone remaining agrees to go anywhere other tha the West Bank and agrees to never return or assert claim.
Try that and you’ll get an international coalition invading and destroying Israel, led by the USA. Serbia set the precedent for that; I thought at the time that this was why Clinton did that to Serbia, as an example to Israel. Samantha Power called for such an invasion years ago, and this would get 0bama on her side.
It would be remembered as “the second Holocaust”, retroactively justifying the first. People don’t seem to get that the real problem with the Holocaust was that the Germans’ fantasies about the Jews weren’t true. If they had been true, if we really were vampires destined from birth to prey on them, then their attempt to exterminate us would have been justified. But people won’t see that. They shy away from any need to determine right and wrong, truth and falsity, and instead fall back on judging the means rather than the ends; they say that nothing justifies “genocide”, that it’s bad no matter what the cause, because that saves them from determining which causes are right. So any attempt by Israel to kill over a million Arab “civilians” will be seen as a Holocaust, no matter how just it might be. I don’t know what the solution is, but that one can’t be on the table.
The irony is that the “Palestinian” cause is simply a continuation of Hitler’s. They were his allies in WW2, and when he was defeated they kept on pursuing his program. People forget that.
There might be an international coalition, but it wouldn’t be invading Israel. They might cut OFF Israel from international trade, but if the Israeli’s didn’t want a foreign soldier’s boot to be on the ground within sovereign Israeli territory, they wouldn’t be there.
There’s a reason for that. Any significant massing of troops or material for attack into Israel would invite an Israeli nuclear strike. Yes, yes, I know: Nukes bad!!! Overwhelming response. Pah! It’s time the world grew up. Why is it we don’t kick over that tinpot dictator in N.Korea? Because the COST would be too high and the Executive and Legislative branches KNOW that the American Public doesn’t have the stomach for it.
The Norks only have 5 or 6 nuclear weapons, and they have very small yields, all things considered. Imagine what the better part of 400, far, far more powerful ones would be able to accomplish (and they DO have them, regardless of their “noncommittal” answers in the past). With a very few, the Israeli’s could cripple any “international” response to their actively crushing the land grabbers.
If a US carrier group comes in with orders to invade, (a) Israel will KNOW in advance (they still have a fantastic spy network) and if the order to invade is given, they will promptly destroy it with a smuggled close nuclear weapon into it’s midst. Imagine that: Instantly GONE – $800 BILLION in assets and (what’s a carrier group complement these days?) call it 11,500 sailors. Immediate secondary strikes to any major outfit within easy striking distance of Israel capable of retaliation (NAVCENT in Bahrain, Al Udeid in Qatar, Aviano in Italy are the ones that immediately come to mind. Possibly Afganistan, but I think they’ll allow Iranian Air Defense to handle that. There won’t be any debate about it in Israel, either. The decision’s already made if it looks like a force is amassing that can overrun the IDF. If the Israeli’s look like they’re going to die, they’ll die on their feet, thank you very much.
We fought the Serb conflict from 10K+ feet. That’s the sole and only reason that Clinton was willing to get involved, was because the people on the ground couldn’t effectively fight back. That’s not a problem that Israel has. They can very easily take out anything in their airspace.
All in all, nothing has changed since Vietnam. War by the US is still fought with toothpicks and little flags. Bebe Netanyahu is telegenic enough that he’ll go on the major networks and give warning to the US “don’t attack us, you WILL regret it. You wouldn’t help us root out the terrorists, so stay out our way while we do it ourselves” (and they WILL give him airtime). Afterward, he will be able to say “we gave you warning of the consequences of attempting to stop us. That choice was YOURS to make.” After ONE incident attack on US material of that nature, you think that parents are going to encourage their kids to join the military? It’s bad enough when there are bodies of soldiers to bury. Imagine that there is simply NOTHING left. The US is too soft to fight that conflict. The public simply WON’T allow the leadership to do so.
As for the horror of calling it “the second holocaust,” what do you call it NOW? No culture can withstand having to run to a missile shelter every 15 minutes (or less). If Hamas wants to hide amongst civilians, it’s time to make those civilian “human shields” live up to their name and see exactly how committed they are to allowing terrorists to let THEM die for the Hamas cause.
Firebombing Gaza CAN be on the table as a response, and in fact it MUST be on the table as a response.
In other words, actually DO what Hamas WISHES it could do. You and your ilk are rancid.
There is no moral equivalence between murderers and their victims. The people of Gaza have declared a war of extermination against the Jews; therefore the Jews have the right to fight that war and exterminate the enemy, just as it would have been perfectly just to exterminate all the Germans in WW2.
Gus (a) you’re a Troll. My usual policy is not to feed the trolls. However:
(b) Israel would be happy to let live in Gaza. However Hamas, who RUNS Gaza, has decided that they would rather fight a guerrilla war, hide amongst the civilians population, commit war crimes by doing so, just in the HOPE that Israeli response will cause civilian deaths, so that Hamas can then go out and say “look at Israel: they’re the bad guys because a civilian died” without ANY context that Hamas is actually responsible because, oh I don’t know THEY FIRED A MISSILE FROM A HOSPITAL PARKING LOT.
Hamas can end the violence at their WHIM. All they have to do is stop shooting missiles and stop committing terrorist acts.
They WON’T do that, because they want to KILL every Israeli MAN, WOMAN and CHILD, for no reason other than greed for Israeli Land, and that their Mullahs are telling them so.
So, no. I will make NO APOLOGIES for actually advocating BRINGING the fight that Hamas wants to have TO THEM.
In any case, the tunnels are more than 10 feet deep. More like 14 metres.
GPS targetting of the entrances and exits, along with bunker busters, will handle that.
First you need to find the tunnels.
Then do it.
That actually be as hard as it sounds. Start by firebombing the known tunnels. That will start explosive fires in Gaza in the homes where the tunnels exit. Target spontaneous fires on estimated egress points in Gaza with Artillery and level the block (no warning, no quarter, that time has passed).
Follow up with ground penetrating radar. There are flight based systems that can do it now, with reasonable accuracy. Flag anything that looks like it might be a non-natural void-space in the ground, go there and put a landmine at the Israeli side entrance. If it goes “boom” you know to come back, and firebomb the remaining space and destroy the other end.
I wonder if the tunnels could be effectively patrolled and cleared out with vicious attack dogs?
Once they are known, they can be eliminated.
And monitored from space as needed for future maintenance work. IE, re-elimination.
Two words; “Thermobaric Device”
These tend to handle tunnels well, they also come in as small a package as 40 mm grenades that can be launched from an under mounted launcher.
Yep. or planted by a small track-mounted robot, if close enough.
Enough with the journalists/propagandists wandering around Gaza. There is work to be done.
I believe they are “lying” around Gaza.
muslims lying to infidels is SOP. People should consider that when listening to obama talk to Americans.
Not just SOP, it is quite literally part of their religion, specified in their holy book, as an OBLIGATION of ‘good Muslims’.
I’m not seeing much on any of my favorite *conservative* sites about this:
The Clown Caucus continues to spin.
Name all the conservative sites you have visited today, moronic troll.
Or, better still, just go away and don’t come back here with your off-topic BS.
Be gentle with the libtard troll. He’s been dying to use “clown caucus” for a week now. He can’t help himself.
“Clown caucus” can be used literally twice every day to describe the Tealiban.
Gus is putting on display his psychosis. He believes in phantoms like a “Tealiban”.
More to be pitied than despised. But you can laugh at him…
I do.
“All of them”, Princess. Not one is talking about the hilarity of House Republicans demanding that Obama do by executive action what they are incompetent to do (i.e. their jobs), while the day before they sued him for doing executive actions within the scope of his authority, to enforce a law they’ve voted to repeal a 50 times.
This is because *conservatism* is fundamentally dishonest and intellectually bankrupt – as evidenced by you, its most learned ambassador to the world.
Ummm…you poor moronic troll…
Pres. ScamWOW has a very broad field of LEGITIMATE executive actions he is SUPPOSED to exercise. That is why the Presidency is called the EXECUTIVE BRANCH. He has laws he’s SUPPOSED to be enforcing…faithfully. According to his oath of office.
Now, knowing you are too stupid to get this, I’ll patiently point out that he DOES NOT have the latitude to BREACH the law by his own actions.
I know you really won’t get this, but I always live in hope that some rational information will penetrate your crap-packed skull.
Now, go rock in your corner, and stop pestering the sane people, mmmmKay…????
Bugger, Rag.
And what is that hillarity? Is it because the president starts changing laws all by his lonesome and the Congress stands by and does nothing or worse something pathetic?
So it is within the scope of authority of an American president under the constituition to suspend or delay parts of the law that he doesn’t like? or:
Article II … he shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed, …
Why is it relevant in your mind that the Congress voted to repeal Obamacare how does this have any bearing othe actions of our lawless president, the alleged Constitutional lawyer?
So name the fundamental dishonesty or bankruptcy, if you can. The problem is that you will quickly find that you are not a on solid footing with this statement, but you probably already know this that is why you make this statement. You want to invoke anger so that you can cloud your total lie without ever having to defend it.
I just love the way the troll blames the House for the last of action by the Democratic-controlled Senate, and thinks we don’t notice.
Hamas has won the battle, spectacularly, overwhelmingly so, but it has lost the war. The few remaining Israelis who were willing to give Hamas a chance now see the error of their ways. They know they are next.
That would be nice, but I doubt it. Right now the public is angry, and the left is mostly in hiding, but even at this time there was an anti-war rally in Tel Aviv. Sooner or later the mood will swing and the left will emerge from under its rock, and then Netanyahu will follow.
Even at this time, with almost complete public support for the war, he agreed to last night’s stupid stupid ceasefire. He had no need to do that. None at all. The public was all for standing strong, but he has no spine and he agreed, and look what he caused. The kidnapping, and all the soldiers who will fall as a result, are all on his head. And in the end he will release 1000 more terrorists, or 10,000.
Yes, Netanyahu gave Hamas another chance and now he has learned the error of his ways.
Well, I hope he has.
A lower standard for “victory” than any ever articulated by human beings.
Rumour has it that Hamas has a new prayer, to be recited 5 times a day until death.
“Oh shit, Allah, what that fuck have we done this time ?”
It will be used as a targetting beacon by the Israeli air force.
It is estimated that < 10 % of Hamas will get to recite it 5 or more times before death.
Evacuate Gaza entirely.
The UN has been caught far too many times to be considered an impartial relief agency anymore, much less a peace broker.
The problem is, to where? What do you do with over a million people? Where do you put them? Egypt will not let them in. So what do you do? Invade Egypt, bus them all over the border, and then withdraw?! Besides breaking the peace treaty with Egypt, and the actual working relationship that now exists with the Sisi government, all that would achieve would be to create a new Gaza just over the border. So what else is there?
Iran and Qatar.
1. How do you get them there?
2. If you somehow solve that, how do you force those countries to let them in?
Drop them off. From 10,000 feet,
Gravity will force them to be accepted.
Never argue with gravity, you will lose every time.
“1. How do you get them there?”
My suggestion is to motivate them to leave on their own, using rolling waves of fire and devastation.
“2. If you somehow solve that, how do you force those countries to let them in?”
That is not Israels problem. Think of it as a kind of “you don’t have to go home but you can’t stay here” mentality.
Israel should have driven them into the sea 20 years ago.
Do you have any idea how many people 1.8 million is? How many planes it would take to transport them anywhere by air? Where would you get those planes, and how would you get them on board, and where would they land? These are practical questions. I have no moral objection to expelling the entire Arab population, but how can it be done?
Actually, you just pointed out another root of this war. The miserable tyrannies in the Middle East refuse to allow Palestinians the ability to emigrate, to have citizenship in their countries, and even to buy their houses with their own funds.
A good way to start would be to have our government point this out explicitly, and call them on it.
Before asking where to put all of them, ask how to destroy Hamas while fighting amongst all of them?
Because, while there are no pleasant answers to your question, the answers do become more palatable when considering the alternative.
Millhouse … why won’t Jordan except them? Aren’t they really Jordanian?
Point taken about forcing people to do things, the point of the gun is always the solution of a weak mind. That said, the Palestinians won’t integrate with Israel, why is this? The walls don’t help, I understand the need for the walls, but it doesn’t help with integration. Also why on Earth would a people dealing with so much misery want to stay in such a place. Why won’t the Palestinians of their own accord go? It seems that many have left but why do the others remain?
BTW you comments are thoughtful and pointed, keep up the good work.
No, they’re not Jordanian. “Jordan” is just the eastern 3/4 of the Palestine mandate, that the UK split off and turned into a kingdom for its Hashemi allies from WW1, when they were kicked out of Arabia. And no, the last thing they want is a million third-generation “Palestinian refugees”. They kicked the last lot out in 1970 — what did you think “Black September” was — and they will absolutely not accept any more. And now that there’s a peace treaty Israel can’t just force the issue.
In any case, relocating this poisonous population would just move the problem. So long as UNRWA continues to exist, and to keep these people in “camps” (towns, really) and as “refugees”, and to run schools indoctrinating them in Jew-hatred, there is no solution.
I fear the children who have come up through that UN-run school system; I don’t think they can ever be sane human beings. They’re going to have to be imprisoned for life, and prevented from raising another generation in the same ideology.
So, Jordan is really Palestino-Jordan, which goes back to my point about them really being Jordanian.
It is OK for Jordan to expel the PLO and it’s poison, and not in your way of thinking for Israel to do the same of PLO/Fatah/Hamas? Explain please? I understand that the UN is definitely in the way of this, and this may be your explaination, if so please state otherwise provide your line of reasoning.
But the west bank seems to be held in check by the Jordanians tiredness of the PLO/Fatah/Hamas terrorism, and even though Jordan is no friend to Isreal, they are the lesser evil than that of the PLO/Fatah/Hamas, why not then relocate the “refugees” from Gaza to the West Bank?
This is truly a sad state of affairs. I have faith in humanity and I believe that there has to be another way 🙁
So, Jordan is really Palestino-Jordan, which goes back to my point about them really being Jordanian.
Um, no, exactly the opposite. Neither they nor any of their ancestors have ever lived in what is now Jordan.
[Jordan] They kicked the last lot out in 1970.
It is OK for Jordan to expel the PLO and it’s poison, and not in your way of thinking for Israel to do the same of PLO/Fatah/Hamas? Explain please?
They expelled the PLO and its fighters, no more than 10,000 people, not 1.8 million people. And those people had the resources to travel to Lebanon, which was willing to take them. Now explain how Israel could expel 1.8 million people when it’s at peace with Egypt and Jordan, and the Syrian and Lebanese borders are heavily guarded.
I understand that the UN is definitely in the way of this, and this may be your explaination, if so please state otherwise provide your line of reasoning.
What’s the UN got to do with it? The UN is in New York and Geneva, not on Israel’s border. If it were, perhaps the Arabs could be driven there!
> In any case, relocating this poisonous population would just move the problem. So long as UNRWA continues to exist, and to keep these people in “camps” (towns, really) and as “refugees”
But the west bank seems to be held in check by the Jordanians tiredness of the PLO/Fatah/Hamas terrorism, and even though Jordan is no friend to Isreal, they are the lesser evil than that of the PLO/Fatah/Hamas, why not then relocate the “refugees” from Gaza to the West Bank?
Excuse me? What has Jordan got to do with the “west bank”? Jordan isn’t holding anyone in check! Jordan has no control over that area. Israel is holding the terrorists there in check, barely. Adding 1.8 million fanatics would not make that any easier!
FYI I am getting my information from this Black September wiki.
It seems splitting hairs that Palestinian’s ancestors haven’t lived in Jordan, but currently there are Palestinians in Jordan as per the article. Most people in this country are not native to it, so I think of Palestinian as a culture not as a indegenious people. This makes more sense to me because cultural ties are stronger than land ties. This might be my mistake as a western thinker. I will let it be. If you wish to answer to it … cool.
I know that the orginal post was about the removal of the civilian population of Gaza and noted that 1.8 million people probably won’t relocate, nor should be asked to, but what about expelling the Hamas/Fatah fighters? Or simply engaging with them and removing as many as possible. Jordan did it. It seems utterly otherworldly that these fighters would be allowed to stay especially when the Arab world grows weary of their violence, or even if it doesn’t.
I guess I am not understanding why a group of people that is as vitriolic and vile that when they were removed from Jordan and left Lebanon they promptly started a civil war, is being handled with such kid gloves by Israel. I really can’t see why Israel isn’t curb stomping Hamas/Fatah. And if the civilians of Gaza are supporting this aggression, then aren’t they a part of the problem? I want there to be another answer but violence, but sometimes de-escalation and avoidance can no longer be employed and it is time to go to self defense. It seems that in this case that Hamas/Fatah gotta go regardless of what the political leadership in the U.S. (or any country) thinks.
“the point of the gun is always the solution of a weak mind. ”
Bullshit. Sometimes the ‘weak minds’ make it the ONLY option, to respond in kind, but better.
LOL you have already proven yourself to be quite the coward. Your only solution to any problem is violence, the funny thing about people like you is that they talk very BIG but they act very SMALL.
Keep posting, it reminds me that the most scary talk rarely results in any more than a fizzling fart when it comes to action from the person saying it.
Shane – bite me.
Then bite Rags.
Doesn’t all that homoerotic attention make your boyfriends jealous?
Serious question.
Actually the Gazans don’t have much in common with the arabs of Judea and Samaria. They speak a dialect of Arabic which is closer to the Egyptian than that spoken in Judea and Samaria and the inhabitants of Judea and Samaria consider the Gazans the “white trash” of palestinian society.
The muzzies like to say ‘From the river to the sea’ (is Palestine)
IOW, River Jordan to the coast IOW ‘no Israel’.
OK, now swap ‘Palestine’ and ‘Israel’ and you got it right.
No more Gaza, period. Enough of this shit already.
Hamas/UN/media propaganda about Shijaiyah ‘attack’ masterfully exposed
That is amazing. Can wee get any of the “big guys” to follow up?
First you’d have to find a set of balls they can borrow.
This is painful. Some heavy price to pay for a “cease fire”. Next suggestion for a cease fire should be responded to by the equivalent of a spit in the face of whoever suggests it.
Gaza needs to be re-occupied and annexed to Israel. Further relief from the UN should entail the demand that other countries take in the refugees, especially Qatar and Turkey. (Jordan and Lebanon have managed to take in 2 million Syrian refugees.)
Here are additional countries of whom the UN should demand agreement to accept Gazans: Ecuador, Brazil, Peru, Chile and El Salvador (who have withdrawn their ambassadors to Israel in sympatico with Gazans), Bolivia (who has labeled Israel a “terrorist state”), and Chile.
If the arabs living in Gaza really wanted this to end it might be a good time to rise up and throw Hamas and all it’s tentacles into the ocean.
I won’t hold my breath waiting for that one..
True on both.
Will somebody kindly inform our genius President and his Secretary of State, John F’n Kerry, that, according to the terms of its founding document, Hamas does not acknowledge the legitimacy of ANY cease-fire? They only do hudnas.
Read the document. Take it seriously. They do.
This document is the major impediment to peace, world-wide. There will be no peace until Muslims world-wide repudiate this document for the blasphemy against Islam and Allah that it is.
Remember, Hamas does not exist without the blessings and premission and accordance of the population of Gaza.
‘The People’ of Gaza could remove them (work with the IDF to get it done) within a week or less if they decided to.
Hamas exists ONLY with Gaza’s permission.
Thus, there is no sympathy for ‘Gazan’s who pretend to not be part of it’. They go alond with it, they permit to exist in their lands, their streets, their buildings.
Let’s not forget who caused this whole problem: Arik Sharon. When Israel controlled the area, there were no rockets, no tunnels, and far fewer soldiers were being killed.
The problem is that over the years Hamas had gotten very good with tunnels to beat the embargo.
Psychologically , physiologically ( smaller stature) they can beat the IDF in tunnel warfare. The IDF don’t have the tunnel trained commandos as those that fought in Afghanistan do . ( in retro they probably should have placed some teams ) . Invaluable. Experience .
They practicably cannot. Report: Hamas executes alleged spies, shoots protesters in Gaza.
Sorry, this was supposed to be a reply to the suggestion that Gazans rise up against Hamas.
Yes, they can. Yes, some will die on both sides. But ultimately, a few thousand or a few 10’s of thousands of Hamas vs a few million Gazans, the Hamas will be worn down, and ended.
IF the Gazan’s want it so. But obviously, they do not.
And let us not forget the origins of the supposed alternative, Fatah.
Started by the creator of modern islamic terrorism, Yasser Arafat.
The source also of Black September, for those of us who remember the 60’s / 70’s. The Munich Olympic Massacre, among other acts.
This is now somehow ‘the peaceful alternative’ ???? WTF ??