Sometimes learning new things is uncomfortable.
Sometimes certain words make people uncomfortable.
- Student Groups at Duke Appoint Themselves Word Police
- College ‘Trigger Warnings’ Get Noticed by the MSM
Some people are made uncomfortable by religion.
- Man Says College Rejected Him Over Religious Beliefs
- Clemson Coach Responds to Freedom From Religion Foundation Complaint
Some people are made uncomfortable by the US Constitution for some reason.
Quite a few college professors are uncomfortable around Republicans.
- Connecticut Prof Apologizes for Anti-GOP Bashfest
- UCLA Prof Says GOPers are Disseminators of ‘Pure Lunacy’
- Columbia Prof Suggests GOP Opposition to Minimum Wage Hike Is Racist
And lots of people in academia seem to be uncomfortable around men.
- Fed Up Princeton Student Pushes Back at Claims of White Privilege
- The War on College Men is Joined by the White House
- U. Virginia student recounts life after being cleared of false rape charges
- #WarOnMen continues with study that shows male researchers stress out lab rats
And Pro-Life displays.
The truth often makes people uncomfortable.
The flip side of being uncomfortable is being too comfortable which can make you say or do stupid things.
- U. Wisconsin-Madison’s Advanced Pleasure Workshop: Sex Out Loud
- Michigan Student Radicals Claim Affirmative Action Ruling Proves Nation Still Racist
- Profs at UW-Madison Want First Two Years of College to be Free
- Dartmouth Derides Swarthmore’s new “Genderfuck” Program
- Students at UNC Chapel Hill Protest Their School’s ‘White Supremacist History’
Sometimes there are legitimate reasons to feel uncomfortable.
- Applications Plunge at Dartmouth and Harvard
- Tuition and Fees to Rise at University of Virginia
- Columbia Students File Complaint Over School’s Handling of Sexual Assaults
- Colleges now dealing with increasing heroin use by students
- Job Prospects Grim for Class of 2014
The good news is that students who persevere in the face of discomfort.
Usually come out on top.
Thanks for reading College Insurrection!
Featured image by yours truly.

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Excellent video by Prager. A must-see.
Regarding the student accepted to all the Ivy League schools. I read this last week, and the first thing that popped into my head was “Why would someone who must be so clearly outstanding bother applying to all of them, wasting those application fees”. The second was wondering if this achievement by a student whose parents immigrated from Ghana is actually a story about how much easier it is to get accepted if you not only are one of the many excellent student applicants, but also are judged by a different set of admissions criteria.
It’s not “higher” education, but the Discovery Channel has cancelled a show on bad teachers who have sex with students – under pressure from teachers’ unions.
“Bad teachers – coming soon to a school near you!”
Excellent aggregation well sorted. I’m impressed.