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“First They Came for the Hook-Up Culture” Week at College Insurrection

“First They Came for the Hook-Up Culture” Week at College Insurrection

Another week of campus antics and political correctness.

What have we done?

Hook-Up Culture insurrects:

If the bubble doesn’t get you, the Feds will:

Well, we’ll always have cheap home-brewed beer:

Study hard, and you too can be a success:

That’s okay, as long as they don’t come for the Hook Up Culture:

Come on, she didn’t mean it, like David Gregory and that illegal ammo magazine:

Cornell is number …. (in the business, that ellipsis is called a “tease”):

What, is she racist or something? (Read tonight’s Saturday Night Card Game)

I bet this guy also doesn’t cancel school for snow:

Trick question:

You can’t make this s–t up:

Let me guess, they taste like Tofurkey:

Prof. refuses to speak in class – why didn’t I think of that?

Nobody, and I mean Nobody, could have seen this coming:

His platform? Mess with faculty heads:

No insult to fast food workers intended:

The End:


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Dysfunctional behavior will be progressive as long as its practitioners enjoy dissociation of risk. The “hook-up culture” will be progressive as long as elective abortion is rationalized and condoms are paid for by family, friends, neighbors, and total strangers. The natural and cultural feedbacks which mitigate the development of dysfunctional behaviors have been circumvented with predicable consequences.