Legal Insurrection reader and sometimes commenter Bill Dyszel has produced a masterpiece opera, titled Mercurial Redemption, An Eco-Maniacal Opera.
Here is his description:
“An eco-maniacal opera, inspired by Elmer Fudd with music by Richard Wagner. Any resemblance to the classic “What’s Opera Doc” with Bugs Bunny is entirely intentional. The incandescent light bulb is, in fact, scheduled to become unavailable in the US at the end of 2011. Ride of the Valkyries and the Tannhauser chorus have been desecrated before, but this brings the offense to a new level, at least I hope so.”
I haven’t laughed so hard in a long time.
Also highly recommended, and a former Video of the Day, the Blagojevich Polka.
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"An Eco-Maniacal Opera."
Charlie Sheen got another job?
Truly funny, Dyszel's a genus! Obviously, he has'nt broken any yet, as I'have recentley.
4 out of 4 stars! I laughed, I cried… I found myself singing the music as I left the theater. I can't wait for the sequel.
Vewy well done =)
Thank you! Thank you! And special thanks to Professor J for everything!
I am moved to tears! Oh, wait.. it just me laughing to keep from crying. I get these mixed up a lot these days.
Very funny! Thanks!
sort of runic rhyme said,
"Dyszel's a genus!"
I don't know if I'd go as far back in the kingdom classification as genus. But he is definitely a heretofore scientifically undescribed and unique species.
LukeCoolhand, mercery toxifition is a serious isshue.
Dyszels's vitches were hilarious, too!
Dun't worrie, my goood frend sorta eunich lime. Yur safing teh envirnonmint. Due it four the childran and the rabbbits.
Where are the Valkyries when we need them?
@cecil I wanted to hire some Valkyries with authentic cast iron brassieres (aluminum would do), but the Valkyries Union wouldn't allow it.
I'm thinking if we save all our spent merclightbulbs and collect enough of them to throw at those congressmen and women who voted for this insanity, they will either be poisoned to death when the bulbs break, or they will see the error of their ways. These bulbs are like chemical weapons.