EU ends arms embargo on Syrian rebels, as Hezbollah moves in deeper
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EU ends arms embargo on Syrian rebels, as Hezbollah moves in deeper

EU ends arms embargo on Syrian rebels, as Hezbollah moves in deeper

The EU’s arms embargo on the Syrian conflict — which effectively meant an arms embargo on the rebels — expired tonight after there was no agreement reached to extend it.

This means that arms can be sent to rebels, although it’s unclear if that will happen immediately.

The announcement came via Twitter:

“Tonight EU nations agreed to bring the arms embargo on the Syrian opposition to an end. This was the outcome that the United Kingdom wanted. It was a difficult decision for some countries, but it was necessary and right to reinforce international efforts to reach a diplomatic solution to the conflict in Syria.

It was important for Europe to send a clear signal to the Assad regime that it has to negotiate seriously, and that all options remain on the table if it refuses to do so. Tonight EU nations have done just that.

The other elements of EU sanctions on the Assad regime will be retained. EU nations also agreed a common framework for those member states who, in the future, may decide to supply military equipment to the Syrian National Coalition. These agreed safeguards would ensure that any such equipment would only be supplied to the National Coalition, for the protection of civilians. This does not mean that we have made any decision as the United Kingdom to send arms to the National Coalition, but we now have the flexibility to respond in the future if the situation continues to deteriorate and if the Assad regime refuses to negotiate.

Thousands of lives are at stake in Syria. Our focus remains on efforts to secure a successful outcome at the forthcoming Geneva conference, and a political transition that ends the conflict, allows refugees to return to their homes, and prevents further radicalisation in Syria.”

This effecting lifting of the arms embargo comes on the heels of Hezbollah announcing it will send even more troops to help Assad, the quagmire in Qusayr, the firing of rockets into Hezbollah’s stronghold in Southern Beirut and also in the pro-Hezbollah town of Hermel.

Le Monde also reported the use of chemical weapons by pro-government forces, based on reporting by Le Monde reporters in Syria accompanying the rebels.

Guerre chimique à Damas by lemondefr


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and we have maverick mccain over there now.

From the “follow the money” angle, this is likely about a natural gas pipeline that Qatar wants to run to Europe. Even the US is in on this, with McCain currently visiting the “rebels,” so as to backstop the Fed’s “intervention” in European banks. Next, we’ll see what the Russians do to protect their gas monopoly.

    JerryB in reply to JerryB. | May 27, 2013 at 8:26 pm

    P.S. It’s not a big surprise that McCain is over there. He has a history of profiting from bank failures, going back to the Keating Five S&L scam. He’s probably got himself tied into European banks that the Fed is bailing out and wants to solidify his future returns. (It’s interesting that he can waltz in there not fearing for his life.)

    JerryB in reply to JerryB. | May 28, 2013 at 9:02 pm

    P.P.S. Russia is sending SAMs to Syria. Now we’ll see how much the Quatari gas pipeline is worth to Hussein. If only it were named “Keystone.”

One question – if Asad doesn’t change his posture for negotiations, will the EU follow through and actually start arming the rebels?

Or, will they use the Obama playbook and just move the red line?

one thing is for sure – won’t see our WH do anything. Because angry muslims with guns and bombs are “isolated” and only occurs inside the US.

We need to let ’em duke it out and end the business of getting involved in undeclared wars. Especially the enterprise of nation-building.

I see very little gained in our adventures in Iraq and Afghanistan. We were victorious is the first few weeks and that’s when we should have pulled out.

Let the “do gooder UN” take are of nation building…

Assad’s been making gains.

McCain “sneaks” across the border to meet with al Qaida.

I’m watching the only real man on the world scene: Vladamir Putin.

“Tonight EU nations agreed to bring the arms embargo on the Syrian opposition to an end… to reach a diplomatic solution to the conflict in Syria.”

I do not think this means what you think it means.

Who would we have had to pay to have kept McCain over there?

Juba Doobai! | May 28, 2013 at 3:32 am

So they are planning to arm Al Qaeda. Brilliant strategery, EU and McCain. When American soldiers and citizens are slaughtered with arms provided by the EU and McLame, we will know who to blame.

Just let the Arabs fight it out and ignore them as long as they’re doing that. Already, lots of Hezbollah types have been killed, which comes under the heading of it’s all good.

To get our support, we should require their conversion. Judaism. Christianity. It’s all good.

Henry Hawkins | May 28, 2013 at 11:04 am

Maybe we could run guns from somewhere nearby, maybe North Africa, Benghazi maybe, through Turkey to the Syrian rebels. We could put an ambassador in charge of it, give him CIA assets, let local militia handle security. What could go wrong?