Dr. Birx Admits Young and Healthy People Didn’t Need COVID Vaccine
“The messenger RNA vaccine should have been rolled out for the people that were at risk for severe disease because that’s what the vaccine was developed for.”

Dr. Deborah Birx is trying to save herself, isn’t she? She told Piers Morgan everything our lovely Leslie Eastman said from the beginning of COVID and about the vaccine:
- Meant for the immunocompromised and elderly
- Nothing like childhood vaccines
- Young and healthy people didn’t need it
- Wasn’t designed to prevent infection.
I’m immunocompromised with rheumatoid arthritis and Sjögren’s syndrome. I refuse to get the COVID vaccine. I still get the flu and pneumonia vaccine, though. The one time I forgot to update my pneumonia shot I got it. I had pneumonia in December 2019, and I wanted to die. COVID? I just slept a lot.
I felt worse with the flu and, of course, pneumonia…I never want the latter ever again. Painful and awful. I cried so much. I almost went to the hospital because it was hard and hurt to breathe.
Anyway, it’s nice that Dr. Birx finally admits everything:
BIRX: He [HHS Secretary Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.] made it very, he made it very clear to every mom out there that his children were immunized about childhood vaccines. And what we’ve done wrong in public health is we didn’t explain that COVID vaccines were nothing like the childhood vaccines and that the childhood vaccines, like many of the diseases, you get it once, you don’t get it again.
And this is getting the children to have that disease without getting the deadly consequences. That is not what the COVID vaccine was designed to do. It wasn’t designed against infection. And if you look at the vaccine hesitancy rates, they’ve doubled since COVID.
So we have to start addressing these things. We can’t just…
MORGAN: Let me ask you, et me ask you, Deborah, I mean, given that you were the face of COVID from the Trump presidency at the time, do you share this doctor, who I was with, do you share the concerns about the longer term negative impact of some of the COVID vaccines?
BIRX: The messenger RNA vaccine should have been rolled out for the people that were at risk for severe disease because that’s what the vaccine was developed for. But when we say that we’re following the science and the data, we need to follow the science and the data. And the science and the data, said people, primarily over 65, or people with significant comorbidities were at risk for severe disease. Those are the individuals that should have been immunized first, and we should have put our science behind our immunization schedule and protected those most at risk.
It went into young people in hospitals before it went into our elderly and nursing homes. That is not following the science and the data. So I am all who are following the science and the data, but it shouldn’t just be a statement, it should be a reality.
And when we don’t match what we do in public health to the science and the data, that is when we get into trouble and that’s when we start to fracture trust with the American people.
People lost their jobs if they refused the vaccine. People called them grandma killers. Kids couldn’t go to school without it.
Even if you had the vaccine, society treated you like a pariah if you even questioned the vaccine or said people have the right to question it.
NEW: Dr. Deborah Birx admits the COVID shots were pushed on the wrong people, saying the rollout on young people ignored the science.
Now, she tells us.
“The messenger RNA vaccine should have been rolled out for the people that were at risk for severe disease because that’s… pic.twitter.com/4tCnaDA7Bo
— The Vigilant Fox
(@VigilantFox) February 18, 2025
In a 2022 exchange with Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), Birx was cornered into admitting that the Biden administration’s claims about the jab’s efficacy were based on “hope,” not science.
JORDAN: “When the government told us the vaccinated couldn’t transmit it [COVID], was that a lie or… pic.twitter.com/jMv2Neiuso
— The Vigilant Fox
(@VigilantFox) February 18, 2025

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Yes, that was obvious as early as April of 2020. Every statistic we had gotten from The Real World showed it. Yet these people who are obviously in the pocket of big Pharma decided to lie to all of us. It’s no wonder nobody trusts the bastards anymore
And if there is ever any criminal charges or lawsuits, she should be named as a co-defendant
And yet, how many people were fired from their jobs for not getting the vax?
Along with her entire scarf collection, she wears to draw attention to herself.
Pharma pulled a huge very profitable con job, they should be made to pay dearly for what they did. I think it was intentional. It would be fun to see key player hung.
Children are being denied organ transplants based on not having this worthless shot.
And yet the COVID vaccine is still on the “childhood list” in order to attend public school.
Start by banning C19 mRNA injections.
How many young people have shortened lives from this? Plenty!
Maybe it’s some kind of plan to balance Medicare and social security. You know live long enough to work and pay in but not living long enough to collect
first paragraph states:
Dr. Deborah Fox
please correct, thanks.
her actions really piss me the fk off. gonna shutup now before I get banned.
Why isn’t she in prison already…along with Herr Fauci?
Key steps.
1. Pause Covid jab requirements immediately.
2. Present evidence backing up the series of drip, drip admissions re efficacy of Covid Jab that have been made over the past several years. Most of it already exists we need it put into a digestible format for average Citizens.
3. Halt ALL future Covid Jab mandate/requirements to include those on organ transplant waiting lists.
4. Create a Federal Covid ‘clean up fund’ to compensate those injured by the Covid Jab or harmed financially by being fired for refusal. Put extreme pressure on employers (public and private) to rehire all those fired refusing Jab. Use coercion if necessary.
5. Create clear statutes that forbid a repeat of Covid insanity. Create thresholds of ‘danger’, require outside independent verification of the level of ‘danger’ before invoking any sort of mandated for Jab, Vax, Mask, social distancing, closing schools, closing business. Set a hard time limit on any use of ‘public health emergency’ power.
IOW admit the errors, the hysteria, the overreach and set in place limitations to prohibit a repetition of the Karens invoking a future Covid mania.
Re: #5
If a disease is harmful enough, mandates are unnecessary. People will do whatever they think will keep them safe. The mandates were for people who were following the science and weren’t afraid of Covid/knew they were in particular danger from it. Everyone who was frightened ran out and got vaxxed as soon as they could.
As some wag put it, “Imagine a disease so terrible you need a test to know if you have it, and a vaccine so safe and effective it has to be mandated.”
#5 covers more than just individual decisions about accepting the Jab.
IMO the true danger are the Karens using the coercive power of govt force to curtail individual liberty. Closing private businesses, schools, places of worship, forbidding folks visiting their relatives in hospice/hospitals, preventing freedom of assembly and worship, declaring !asks mandatory not just without evidence of efficacy but contrary to evidence. All that crap must be stopped outside severe circumstances verified by independent researchers. Even when the independent verification exists there must be a hard time limit on the use of such things.
I did not say otherwise. I only used the jab itself as an example.
For instance, an elderly person can refuse visitors, and/or his relatives can stay away for fear of harming him. Parents can keep their kids at home. People who want to mask up can do so, or they can isolate themselves and not go out in public.
Who are these “independent researchers”? Surely, government and media will have theirs, but who can be trusted to guide the government? Government will select those with whom it agrees. I can’t see where your proposal is any better than what we have already experienced. Government has already shown it will pick the wrong set of experts to guide it.
OK no worries. I inferred that you were only addressing the hesitation or enthusiasm of getting the jab as you didn’t speak more broadly.
‘Independent’ researchers? Signers of.the Great Barrington Declaration who risked much professionally to state facts about the lack of evidence in support for the Covid Karens mandates.
I’m not sure where this happened, but in Connecticut, you had to be 75 to get the vaccine the first month, then 70 to second month, then 65..
Of course, Connecticut was also one of the states that sent covid patients into nursing homes.
That was in the early phase where they were just rolling the stuff out, it was scarce, and people didn’t yet know it was a fraud. The push for kids came when they had overproduced, the suckers were no longer biting, and they had to find someone new to jab to score that government moolah.
“NEW: Dr. Deborah Birx admits the COVID shots were pushed on the wrong people, saying the rollout on young people ignored the science.”
If she hadn’t been one of the very tyrants pushing it onto the wrong people back then, I might give a damn about her opinion now.
She acts like she wasn’t talking to the President every day with a microphone and TV cameras constantly in her face. She could have said this any time back then.
Birx, Fauci, Collins, Walensky, and others should already be in GitMo awaiting execution for their crimes against humanity.
Mostly because the COVID mRNA treatments are NOT vaccines.
The mRNA treatments didn’t immunize anyone against anything!! They only masked some of the symptoms. But that was all they were supposed to do – which people forgot pretty early on and after Traitor Joe started yelling about the shots immunizing people the rest went along with the lie. Meanwhile, Traitor Joe got 6 or 7 mRNA shots and he came down with COVID several times … including the last time after his disastrous debate (which really wasn’t COVID but just Traitor Joe needing to hide away for a bit).
Before they changed the definition specifically for this shot, they would not have legally been able to label it a vaccine.
That one single fact demonstrates everything you needed to know about it.
We warned everybody when they first started forcing this poison on people that these ‘admissions’ were going to come years later.
The info was available from day 1.
Even better, when they finally got the sham authorization for Cominarty and started forcing people to take it with the illegal mandates, Cominarty was not even available in the US. They were forcing people to take shots that were specifically NOT part of the FDA sham authorization! But our courts let them carry out this mass crime without any pushback, at all, and this simple, obvious fact was almost never mentioned in public. Almost never. It was crazy.
They told me it was a “vaccine.” What they didn’t tell me is that they had changed the definition of a “vaccine.”
Be careful if you’re in the market to date “women.”
Yeah, good advice…..unless you really want to ‘Take a Walk on the Wild Side’ or end up with ‘Lola’.
Aerosmith gets no respect from you?
Very good to mention Aerosmith ‘Dude looks like a Lady’… but neither of us mentioned Tone Loc and ‘Funky Cold Medina’. Probably more examples from less commercially popular bands.
The dumbing down of america.
A lack of a high school education was the most important predictor of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in 3,142 US counties, finds a study yesterday in the American Journal of Infection Control.
And a research letter yesterday in JAMA Internal Medicine shows that 15 state lottery-based incentive programs didn’t significantly increase vaccination rates compared with 31 states without such programs.
You posted a link to 3 year old article regarding a “vaccine” that one of the chief architects of the failed covid response now admits doesn’t prevent infection or transmission. And she knew that when this article was published.
wonder how many millions of lives were saved because the people that were experts in the field erred on the side of caution. But keep listening to some goober on the internet next time we have a deadly pandemic. DON”T LISTEN TO THE SOCIALISTS LIKE HERR FAUCI WHO ARE TRYING TO CONTROL YOU AND TAKE AWAY YOUR FREEDUMZ!!! LOL
There’s zero evidence the jabs saved any lives. For one thing, if you’re boosted, you’re more likely to get infected. Generally, it will not be serious, but millions of people (myself included, at the age of 64) had Covid and it was a nothing burger. However, when you get Covid, your chance of dying from it is not zero. Meaning if you get it three or four times (as many boosted people I know have), your chances of dying goes up. Most people who got the jab weren’t going to die from Covid without it. The vaxxes did nothing to protect hundreds of millions of people who would have survived the disease any way.
BTW, I haven’t had it again. Natural immunity is superior to vaccine-induced immunity. And, as we now know, the mRNA vaxxes weren’t supposed to immunize. Yet “experts” told us we needed the jabs because they were superior to natural immunity.
The fact remains that many of us went on the record at the time that we knew we were being lied to, and we were right. To what do you attribute that? Dumb luck?
‘jab’ is a dead giveaway. it’s MAGA code for” I’m uneducated. I believe in an environmental lawyer .NOT researchers and experts from prestigous institutions!”
BTW-since you are clearly a redhat,this constitutes the BEST proof of how many lives the vaccines saved. And what might be,you ask? simple .Trump said so,
Trump Dismisses COVID-19 Vax Safety Claims, Says He Saved 100 Million Lives
HAHAHAHHHHAH . Hey come on- he’s a straight shooter who tells it like is ,right?
“But you know, you have many reports that say the vaccines save tens of millions of lives,” he continued. “That without the vaccines you would have had a thing…where perhaps 100 million people died.”
Huh? “Jab” is a normal English word. It’s a synonym for “shot”, “needle”, “injection”, “hypo”. It has nothing to do with any lawyer, whether environmental or hereditary.
Meanwhile your ” researchers and experts from prestigious institutions” didn’t exactly cover themselves in glory, now did they? All they did was destroy their credibility, like the boy who cried wolf, and now even when they give good advice people are reluctant to accept it.
And if you think that “redhats” think Trump is right about everything you don’t understand anything. Most of us know very well that Trump is a braggart who is given to making claims that have little to do with reality. We understand that not everything he says is true. We don’t care, because he’s proven that when it comes to making decisions that matter he usually gets them right. That’s why we voted for him, and why we’re cheering almost everything he has done in the last month. He’s made a few mistakes, but by and large he’s done the right thing, and a lot faster than most of us expected, so we’re happy.
What do you want me to call it, a “vaccine”? It was not. It was the modern day version of snake oil.
Trump was wrong, but apparently you believed him (and still do). People I trust were saying during the campaign that Trump should have admitted he was wrong and he didn’t. Another mistake. Trump supporters support him for those things he gets right. Is there any other reason to support someone? Or do you expect perfection? In which case I imagine you vote for/support no one.
“The people that were experts in the field” are now admitting they were wrong, and they didn’t err on the side of caution but on that of recklessness. They didn’t save lives, they cost them. Young people were forced or convinced to take the shot that did them no good but only harm, and more of them died from the shot than would have died without it. (Since the rate of young people dying of Wuhan rather than merely with it was approximately zero. )
Have another booster, rooster.
What’s up Chuck?
Like your post, another word for vomit.
Given how many shenanigans there were with every single stat regarding covid, I wouldn’t be surprised if “lack of a high school education” included children. Ie, people who shouldn’t have the shot in the first place and couldn’t have a high school education.
It’s quite a big deal to admit to the criminal malpractice of medicine, to force people to take a treatment which, for them, is only contraindicated.
I’ve said for years that these people need to be prosecuted, and all the evidence which has come to light since has only supported it.
The Diamond Princess cruise ship told the initial story.
People need to make sure that they have adequate levels of vit D.
I’ve been doing 8000IU/day D3+K2 since mid-COVID with good health results. Last blood test showed levels around 80, half the lowest “possible toxicity” level but over the 20-50 “optimum” into the “possible hypercalcuria” (kidney stones) level, so the doc said to cut back. I cut down to a quarter for a while to let it sink… and walked smack into this current bout of COVID.
Don’t forget Trump promised the first company to make an actual vaccine $100million. So I bet Pfizer said hey we got one, collected the money, sold another billion or so worth to the government to give out and then once they had their money and Trump was gone told Biden Oh by the way this does not work like a normal vaccine. And the Biden administration instead of saying Oh by the way you need to give us our money back instead said, don’t worry we can just force people to take so it doesn’t go to waste.
“I never want (pneumonia) ever again. Painful and awful. I cried so much. I almost went to the hospital because it was hard and hurt to breathe.”
Christmas of 2023, I had pneumonia and congestive heart failure. I spent six days in the hospital, three of which were in intensive care. I’m 68, and I’ve never spent a day in the hospital, let alone a week. I could have died from either one.
I can sympathize with what you’re saying here. It wasn’t fun, but, in my opinion, you should have gone to the hospital. Just my opinion, mind you…
The vaccine would have saved more lives if it had only been made available to people at high risk of dying from COVID-19 (those >65 and/or with co-morbidities). Someone with the amount of experience that Dr. Birx has would have known that before the vaccine was available. No excuses.
I guess the checks cleared.
As I wrote here only a few days ago, I want to know who it was who conflated “authorized for use in people X years old” with “medically indicated for people X years old.” The point of authorizing the vaxxes for infants, children, teens, and young adults was to allow it to be administered to those for whom it may have had benefits. The vast majority of people in these age groups couldn’t benefit from the vaxxes, yet all the experts pretended getting vaxxed was a necessity for everyone for whom the vaxxes had been authorized.
Birx is saying this was a mistake (as many of us knew at the time). But whose mistake?
So, I stupidly got two jabs, one Astrazenica and one Moderna.
Headaches increased lots.
I am 71 yo and will never have another one.
I have lost trust in doctors.
The Dr Birx statement contradicts the article, all she says is that the elderly and those with comorbidities should be vaccinated first. This article is pure cope given what a disaster the anti vax position is.