FEMA Fires Employees Who Sent Money to NYC to House Illegal Aliens in Hotels
DHS: “Firings include FEMA’s Chief Financial Officer, two program analysts and a grant specialist.”

*UPDATE 10:48 AM ET* I just got this email from DHS (emphasis mine):
WASHINGTON–Effective immediately, FEMA is terminating the employment of four individuals for circumventing leadership to unilaterally make egregious payments for luxury NYC hotels for migrants. Firings include FEMA’s Chief Financial Officer, two program analysts and a grant specialist.
Under President Trump and Secretary Noem’s leadership, DHS will not sit idly and allow deep state activists to undermine the will and safety of the American people.
Daaaaaaang! Will update when more comes out.
From this morning…
Fox News found out that the DHS plans to fire the employees who sent $59 million to New York City so officials could put illegal aliens in luxury hotels.
The DHS told the network that “four employees are being fired today for circumventing leadership and unilaterally making the egregious payment for hotels for migrants in New York City.”
On Monday, Elon Musk alerted the public that FEMA sent the money to NYC last week.
New York City Hall told The New York Post that the city has only used “$19 million of all $237 million in federal funding that has been awarded to the city during the migrant crisis have gone toward hotels, luxury and otherwise.”
“The $59 million in question appears to correspond with long-expected FEMA funding previously disclosed by City Hall, seemingly undercutting Musk’s insinuation that it was a fresh discovery,” added The New York Post.
A City Hall spokesperson relayed similar information to Fox News, stating that the money came from allocated funds set up by former President Joe Biden’s administration:
A New York City Hall spokesperson confirmed to Fox News that the city had received funds “through the past week” that were allocated by the Biden administration for the purpose of housing and supporting illegal immigrants.
Of the $59.3 million, $19 million was for direct hotel costs, while the balance funded other services such as food and security. According to NY City Hall, the funds were not part of a disaster relief grant.
I explained the Stafford Act in my Monday post.
Congress passed the Stafford Act in 1988, allowing federal agencies to deploy assistance to state, tribal, and local governments when hit by a major disaster or emergency.
The act defines an emergency as “any occasion or instance for which, in the determination of the President, Federal assistance is needed to supplement State and local efforts and capabilities to save lives and to protect property and public health and safety, or to lessen or avert the threat of a catastrophe in any part of the United States.”
A major disaster is “any natural catastrophe (including any hurricane, tornado, storm, high water, winddriven water, tidal wave, tsunami, earthquake, volcanic eruption, landslide, mudslide, snowstorm, or drought), or, regardless of cause, any fire, flood, or explosion, in any part of the United States, which in the determination of the President causes damage of sufficient severity and magnitude to warrant major disaster assistance under this Act to supplement the efforts and available resources of States, local governments, and disaster relief organizations in alleviating the damage, loss, hardship, or suffering caused thereby.”

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Is that all? Just fired?
Stand by. As the deep state implodes this should become even more entertaining.
Buy stock in Orville Redenbacher.
This is one of the things America voted for: actual consequences! No more “failing upward” like the architects of Fast and Furious. And not just flunkies thrown under the bus — the CFO. And not after five years of tedious litigation, but days later. Common sense is finally back in style.
No heads on pikes as a warning to others?
They will be on “administrative” leave for a month or so and then they will sue and all that. It’s not easy to actually just fire government employees
Once she is investigated there will probably be a whole lot more unlawful actions come to light. If so, she will be in very hot water.
If she did this, you can just imagine what else she has done over the years.
Yep. A general rule of thumb is that when an administrator is hinky, she/he are being hinky about lots of things, not just one thing. Start digging after you discover the one thing and you’ll find the rest.
The Chief Financial Officer likely had his/her hands in lots of pies. A forensic audit of the style currently being done by the DOGE team should be very interesting.
They can be fired. Bosses just have to be willing to take the steps.
Firing is step 1. Now indict and try on criminal violation of US law.
So perhaps Trump and Musk need to immediately determine what amounts of money the Biden regime “allocated” to places like New York City and Chicago to pay to house and feed illegals at the last moment before they left office and then cut those funds off. There’s no reason why the U.S. taxpayer has to fund the housing and feeding of the illegals they’ve invited into their states and cities. Period.
Yes, sanctuary city status is entirely voluntary on the part of the State or municipality. Accordingly, the costs should be borne exclusively by the voters making this choice. The legislatures in NY, CA, IL, etc, should be raising their respective State taxes as required to really show us how much virtue they have.
Some details seem missing. To the best of my knowledge, illegals have been housed in NYC luxury hotels for a couple of years. Of course, this is no emergency resulting from some natural disaster and IMO not a dime should ever have been paid for illegals’ housing by FEMA.
It’s the classic Marxist game plan — create a disaster, then give your pals money to solve it. Hegelian™.
TY Mary.. this is going to stick in 1 million craws… Getting fired just doesn’t do it. We had J6 people in prison for years for trespassing. SMH…
The purge should have started long ago.
I feel cleaner already.
I suppose they will sue, too. Who doesn’t?
“The $59 million in question appears to correspond with long-expected FEMA funding previously disclosed by City Hall, seemingly undercutting Musk’s insinuation that it was a fresh discovery,”
In other words……….FEMA has been lying about diverting funds to illegals! FIFY
How many hours until a far-left activist judge from a deep blue state orders Trump to rehire them? When it happens, Trump should have all their office furniture set outside…near a tree with the most birds. Judge can’t order Trump to put their offices indoors just like Trump can’t order a judge how to instruct a jury.
Or their new office in Diego Garcia, or the Aleutians, or right next to that orange river the mines folks caused, or Antarctica, or at Gitmo. I’m sure the administration could find tons of truly suitable potental work places for these people.
Using dial-up of course.
Diego Garcia is a UK possession and they are trying to give it to Mauritius. Seriously, if the UK does that we should sanction the UK and cut off diplomatic relations.
Well, if the UK succeeds in th at piece of stupidity, I’m sure we have other equally remote places we can stick career eejits where they can’t take family!
Yeah, that’s a crazy story that not too many on the right have been paying attention to. Diego Garcia is critically important to our long-term Indo-Pacific interests. If the UK cedes it to Mauritius, China will have a deathgrip on a vital shipping route (because it already essentially owns Mauritius) and it would be a GIGANTIC gift to the Iranians; Diego Garcia is really the only airbase we can use to attack Iran without having to worry about host country limitations or overflight issues. We’d really be screwed.
The UK is being super short sighted but it’s their possession not ours. Obviously a reassessment of our allies is long overdue.
When we even discuss whether a supposed friendly Nation much less Allied Nation would grant US overflight permission or whether a host Nation would ‘allow’ US forces stationed there to conduct military operations ….those Nations ain’t allies. Instead they are transactional, situation dependent, fickle fair weather acquaintances ..at best.
All the more reason to pull back into our own hemisphere, assert hegemony and forward deploy only to Nations who whose interests are interlinked with our own National Security imperatives. That includes economically, ‘most favored Nation trade status’ should have real value, coveted by other Nations and reserved for our staunchest allies who whose answer to being informed of US military OPS is ‘can we send a couple squadrons of aircraft, half a dozen Destroyers or an Army Brigade to help?’.
Or, we buy Diego Garcia instead of Greenland…
“Using dial-up of course.”
Hell no. Cell phones, solar juice, and propane tanks for heat.
Why spend money to run infrastructure to no-man’s-land?
THIS is what I voted for!
Keep it up, team!
And all before the budgetary CR runs out!
No worries. A DC District Court Judge will issue a Court Order reinstating these employees. The Judge will be called courageous by the New York Times. The Democrats will consider the order as sacred as one of the Ten Commandments.
Everyone remember that there was no money from FEMA for the people of North Carolina because they’d spent it all. Bastards.
This was by design. They divided up the appropriations between “refugee” services and disaster recovery, intentionally limiting the disaster funds. This means when a disaster hit, they need to do a supplemental appropriation for it. It took 4 days to get one for Katrina. We haven’t seen one for Helene. Mayorkas was pinned down in a hearing last fall and revealed that they had plenty of money, but it is earmarked for refugee assistance and he had no authority to transfer it. Looking at the appropriations language, he was correct. (Maybe the first time for him) The federal government doesn’t have bottom line budgeting like many states and localities do.
I’m convinced this is all the stuff that Trump wanted to do during his first term, but he was told, I’m sure, time and time again, that “it just isn’t done that way” or “we’ve always done it this way” or simply “you can’t do that!” I’m sure that all this thinking out of the box from Trump is why Mattis and Kelly et al hate Trump. Four stars are four stars cause they’ve broken the code of the status quo. They can’t abide disruptors like PDT.
Waiting for him to fire Michael Byrd. The pikes are thirsty.
Byrd works for Congress, where is the Speaker and Majority “Leader” on that?
Swift retribution is the only way to drain the swamp of bureaucrats impeding Trump’s actions. He wasn’t advised well in his first term as POTUS. (see the list of fired first term people) He was a novice in the swamp, but he learned well in the last 8 years.
These guys should be behind bars the rest of their lives. Aiding and abetting, by the thousands. Fraudulent use of taxpayer monies.
Throw the book at them or I’m gonna be an unhappy camper..
Jobs program building and staffing millions more prison cells. Where do I sign up?
The illegal immigration open borders “disaster” was man made……..by radical democrats. and they will continue to do so.
THIS report is circumventing the truth…there is a FEMA department, separate from emergency related funds THAT can be used by FEMA to house illegals/immigrants…it is FUNDED by Congress and this department was ALSO USED by Trump during his first term. The information about this separate department can easily be verified by a quick search on FEMA’s own website. There’s plenty of fraud/misuse/corruption that’s true without misleading articles getting the base all fired up for nothing. I’m a Trump supporter…but RIGHT IS RIGHT AND WRONG IS WRONG