Former DNC Fundraiser Says Joe Biden’s Presidency ‘Was for Sure Obama’s Third Term’
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Former DNC Fundraiser Says Joe Biden’s Presidency ‘Was for Sure Obama’s Third Term’

Former DNC Fundraiser Says Joe Biden’s Presidency ‘Was for Sure Obama’s Third Term’

“I don’t think that’s even a question. I don’t think anyone— it definitely was.”

Over the last four years, you may have heard someone suggest that Joe Biden’s presidency was nothing more than Obama’s third term, you may have even said it yourself. Now a former major fundraiser for the Democrats and the Kamala Harris campaign is saying it.

Lindi Li, who has given up on the Democrats and is now working to advance Trump’s presidency, recently appeared on the Shawn Ryan podcast and said Biden’s presidency was all about Obama’s legacy.

Transcript via Real Clear Politics:

SHAWN RYAN: So let’s move on to who was running the presidency for the last four years. A lot of people say it was Obama’s third term. There are rumors — and these aren’t even, these are friends of mine that are moderate Democrats — they thought it was Elizabeth Warren running it. They thought it was Bernie Sanders running it. But I think the general consensus, if you asked the majority of the population, is that they think it was Obama’s third term.

LINDY LI: It was for sure Obama’s third term. I don’t think that’s even a question. I don’t think anyone— it definitely was. And that’s why you saw Obama fighting for his dear life. Why was he fighting so hard in the fall? Because he was fighting for his fourth term. He was fighting for his own legacy.

The relationship between Obama and Biden is most reminiscent of that between LBJ and JFK. JFK had little respect for Lyndon B. Johnson, but he picked him anyway because he wanted to win the South, he wanted to win Texas. But he had very little respect for LBJ’s intellect. JFK was surrounded by his Harvard brain trust, and he had immense disdain for LBJ’s Texas Hill Country vibe. That was the same attitude Obama had towards Biden. Obama thought that Biden would eventually [mess] everything up, and that’s eventually what happened.

But also, he didn’t have much faith in Kamala Harris before she ascended to the top role. He was vetting people like Mark Kelly and Andy Beshear. Most party chieftains didn’t have Kamala Harris as their number one choice, but in the party of DEI, you can’t skip a Black woman. The optics would have been terrible.

Watch the clip below:

If you want to see more, the full video is about 9 minutes long:

Lindi Li has been a very outspoken critic of the Kamala Harris campaign, specifically with regards to the more-than-a-billion dollars that they still cannot seem to account for. She is now on the Trump train.

The Hill reported in January:

Ex-DNC member says she’s now raising money for Trump

An ex-Democratic National Committee official who helped finance President Biden and Vice President Harris’s White House campaigns says she’s now fundraising for President-elect Trump.

In an interview with The Daily Mail this week, Lindy Li, a former DNC official who raised money for high-profile Democrats, said that she is turning her attention to Republicans, aligning with the MAGA figures she tried to defeat as recently as November.

Li in the interview described the DNC as a “cult” and is now asking fellow donors to join her in the pro-Trump movement.

“My real friends are all supportive, but my political friends, it’s just been really bad. It’s a cult. The way that they’ve treated me is difficult,” she told the outlet. “I’m not the only donor, I’m just the only one who is a public figure and willing to speak out, everyone else is afraid for their own necks.”

It’s amazing how many people have been red-pilled in recent months.

Featured image via YouTube.


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Lucifer Morningstar | February 11, 2025 at 11:10 am

Obama used Biden as his third-term in office and was working hard to get Harris elected so he could have a fourth term and cement his legacy. Gee, tell us all something we didn’t know all along.

No presidential immunity
Treason as a capital offense
Others pending….

“It’s amazing how many people have been red-pilled in recent months.”

You misspelled “convenient.”

    moonmoth in reply to henrybowman. | February 11, 2025 at 11:39 am

    You’ve displyed an all-too-common attitude: Adherents of a group whose mantra has been “Those other guys are incapable of seeing the truth!!” have to spit all over any of those “other guys” who do come to see the truth, b/c otherwise the Adherents would have to admit that that mantra was inaccurate.

      And you’re a low value boor.

      Li crossed over because she’s a grasping, febrile, sellsword.

      henrybowman in reply to moonmoth. | February 11, 2025 at 1:36 pm

      Yeah, tell it to the Marines.
      I remember Nikki Haley.
      I remember Rex Tillerson.
      I remember Bill Barr.
      I’m keeping a critical eye on Tulsi Gabbard.
      And then, of course, there’s Zuckerberg.
      Clutch him closely to your warm breast, Mouth.

      CommoChief in reply to moonmoth. | February 12, 2025 at 7:17 am

      Let her demonstrate the reality of her ‘conversion’ with concrete actions sustained over a period of time. The ‘conservative’ movement establishment folks have a real blind spot about this. Whenever a d/prog shifts on one position they start giving hugs/kisses and seemingly adopting them.

      We should neither embrace them as the prodigal son nor give them the stiff arm. Instead we should thank them for their support on that particular issue and evaluate their future actions, ignoring mere words. If they continue to demonstrate the validity and sincerity of their change of heart via concrete actions then we can embrace them.

Shocked, I tell you. SHOCKED!! Who KNEW?

Thank God for Donald Trump. Quite seriously I had been saying, and believing, that the great American Experiment had failed. The last dozen years have been a good lesson for me in how fragile and special our liberties are.

Oh, puhlease. 0bama’s first two terms weren’t being run by him. Much better to say, “This was the third term for the cabal that ran 0bama.”

You mean to tell me that the comatose guy in the white house wasn’t running the country? The guy with the blank stare who had to read everything off note cards–that guy? Unable to sway back and forth and clap his hands–that guy? The one whom the Easter bunny had to shoo away?

She’s a turncoat punk.

Penny ante nonsense. How about some high value kompromat? Where are the corpses buried? How about a printout of Cayman Island dark pool slush fund account numbers?

Instead, Li crosses over with high school drama club gossip and Shawn Ryan swoons and needs a dose of smelling salts?

We know. I didn’t call him JoeBama fer nothing…

This moon faced idiot stayed quiet as long as she got paid.

The clicking of insects isn’t news

in other news water is wet.
Joe Bite me thrust Harris into it.
the Dems wanted a new primary
maybe Mark Kelly …
maybe the commie from Ill.
NOT heels up Harris.
that was Bite-mes middle finger
for being forced out.

OnTheLeftCoast | February 11, 2025 at 3:24 pm

So. . . she raised bags of money to try to get a second term for what she knew was a meat puppet whose strings were being pulled by Team Obama, Too bad for her that Bidet went downhill too fast.

Plan B failed too.

Now Li, facing years away from the circles of power she was used to inhabiting, is down to Plan C: Convince enough people that she suddenly found her conscience and patriotism and se now supports Trump.

    TopSecret in reply to OnTheLeftCoast. | February 11, 2025 at 6:49 pm

    Just like all the tech billionaires suddenly firing their censorship teams and rushing to apologize to Trump. They realized that they were on the losing side and wanted to gain some favor to avoid getting crushed.

Suburban Farm Guy | February 11, 2025 at 7:09 pm

Saw him fantasizing about that very thing. He thought it sounded cool. And setting up residence in DC is highly suspicious.

They really screwed up, stealing that election. Tactical error bigtime

The first time I saw this woman, I thought something was off. Call it intuition. I don’t trust this woman. She was a huge Biden/Harris supporter and Trump hater until the election, Then she switched. Read Susie Moore’s essay about Lindy Li: