Ex-FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe Laments Recent Agent Firings: ‘Moment of Terror’
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Ex-FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe Laments Recent Agent Firings: ‘Moment of Terror’

Ex-FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe Laments Recent Agent Firings: ‘Moment of Terror’

“If you get fired, you’re done. That’s the end of your reputation, your ability to get a new job. … This is a moment of terror for these people.”

Speaking to CNN colleague Anderson Cooper about the recent firings of FBI agents who participated in the political persecution of President Donald Trump on Monday, disgraced former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe said, “This is totally unprecedented.” According to McCabe, who claimed to have spoken to more agents in the last four days than in the last four years, “This is a moment of terror for these people.”

Here’s how McCabe described the current state of affairs inside the FBI:

The rank and file agents and analysts … Those people are never touched by the political winds that blow through every four years.

The work they do is lawful. It’s within FBI policies and not doing the work is not really an option for them.

To be targeted in this way for termination, or retribution simply for doing their job on a major national security case is incomprehensible to them.

It is a place in utter disarray right now. People are worried about how am I going to pay the bills? How am I gonna support my family?

If you get fired, you’re done. That’s the end of your reputation, your ability to get a new job, you lose your pay, you lose your chance at a pension, you lose your health insurance. This is a moment of terror for these people.

It is absolutely disgraceful that they’re being put through this in the middle of some political gamesmanship or act of retribution. They don’t deserve to be treated this way. It’s unlawful and it’s disgusting.

“Totally unprecedented?” Let’s provide this repellent fraud with a reality check, shall we?

McCabe is no stranger to revenge. Perhaps his empathy for the agents now losing their jobs stems from a twinge of guilt. It was McCabe who, in July 2016, launched Crossfire Hurricane – the FBI’s counterintelligence investigation into allegations that the Trump campaign was colluding with the Russian government to win the election. This marked the opening salvo in the Justice Department’s and FBI’s nearly decade-long campaign to destroy Donald Trump.

In May 2017, after Trump fired FBI Director James Comey, McCabe, in a clear act of retaliation, opened an investigation targeting Trump specifically. Without evidence, he alleged that Trump had acted as an agent of Russia and colluded with Kremlin officials to secure his victory. He also initiated a criminal investigation into Trump for possible obstruction of justice.

Days later, the FBI’s probe was handed off to special counsel Robert Mueller, whose 22-month investigation became an unjustified smear campaign that dominated the first two years of Trump’s presidency. Mueller was appointed by then-Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who was reportedly angry over Trump’s decision to publicize a memo he (Rosenstein) had written justifying Comey’s dismissal.

In December 2019, an exhaustive report by Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz exposed serious FBI misconduct at the highest levels. The report revealed that as early as January 2017, the FBI knew that British ex-spy Christopher Steele’s infamous dossier—a compilation of salacious and unverified allegations about Trump’s ties to Russia—was fraudulent. During the FBI’s first interview with Steele’s primary sub-source in January 2017 (and two subsequent interviews by May 2017), the source admitted that the dossier’s claims had been made up in a Moscow bar and bore no resemblance to the truth.

The FBI had already used the now-debunked dossier as the basis for its initial October 2016 application and its January 2017 renewal request for a FISA warrant to spy on Trump campaign advisor Carter Page.

With the full knowledge that the dossier, deemed the “central and essential” component of their application, was false, the FBI submitted two additional renewal requests to the FISA Court.

The FBI’s counterintelligence investigation into President Trump continued, and until his firing, Director Comey used his private meetings with Trump as opportunities to set him up for potential “crimes.”

Notably, in future Congressional hearings, both Comey and former FBI lawyer Lisa Page testified that as of May 2017, the FBI still had no evidence of Trump colluding with Russia. Furthermore, Comey claimed that Trump’s request to leave then-National Security Advisor Michael Flynn alone was an act of obstruction of justice.

McCabe was fired in 2018 for lying to federal investigators on at least four occasions. In a statement announcing his termination, then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions wrote, “McCabe had made an unauthorized disclosure to the news media and lacked candor − including under oath − on multiple occasions.”

His firing came just days before his planned retirement, stripping him of his pension. McCabe later sued the Justice Department and, three years later, reached a settlement. The agreement “expunges from his personnel folder references to having been fired and entitles McCabe … to his full pension.” It should be noted that by the time of the settlement, DOJ leadership had changed hands. McCabe reached his deal under Attorney General Merrick Garland.

Although this summary only scratches the surface of the earliest days of the deep state’s coordinated plot against Trump, it clearly highlights McCabe’s central role. He was a key figure in orchestrating what was, up until then, the most egregious and consequential fraud ever committed against a political candidate, and later, a sitting president, in American history.

Having faced no real consequences, they kept upping the ante, ultimately resorting to lawfare as their final weapon to bring him down. These individuals abused their power.

Trump is not targeting rank-and-file agents. He is pursuing those who knowingly took part in the relentless plot to destroy him.

They must be held accountable for their corruption. And deep down, the disgraced former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe probably knows it too.


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AF_Chief_Master_Sgt | February 4, 2025 at 7:15 pm

“This is a moment of terror for these people.”

Well, you despot, traitorous tool of the deep state, you and the rest should live in fear.

Your citizen targets lived in fear of late night and early morning visits by Jack Booted Thugs kicking in their doors, frightening children, and killing dogs.

These people were incarcerated without due process, and tortured by criminal Democratic Party operatives pretending to be prison guards. Vietnamese prisoners in Hanoi had better conditions and treatment.

Fire ALL of them. Destroy the entire FBI and roll its mission into another organization , then refuse applications by any former FBLiar.

Calling it a “moment of terror” doesn’t really make it one, dear.

    JohnSmith100 in reply to Halcyon Daze. | February 4, 2025 at 10:51 pm

    They sound just like other criminals who get caught. Their jig is up, time to pay.

    Ghostrider in reply to Halcyon Daze. | February 5, 2025 at 9:05 am

    Right on cue. This liberal ex-government official turned CNN mouthpiece explains how the hunters are being turned into victims with the stroke of a pen and a mandate. Elections certainly do have consequences.

And yet, I can’t find it within me to feel sorry for any of those affected.

    diver64 in reply to UJ. | February 5, 2025 at 5:27 am

    At least he said this in a place no one watches. I don’t care what that traitor says but he is wrong on something. He managed to find another job. I’m also not caring much about the future of people that subverted our system of government for personal political reasons.

I’m off to make more popcorn. Leftist tears will provide the salt.

They weren’t very sympathetic while locking up the J6 political prisoners and ruining their lives….Not sure I can muster much sympathy for them.

Just “a moment?”

The J6 defendants you framed survived four years of terror.
(Well, some didn’t survive.)

Donald Trump, the man you vilified again and again, was literally shot.

A moment isn’t enough. Many of you deserve years.

Conservative Beaner | February 4, 2025 at 7:49 pm

Any pension awarded to McCabe and the rest of the gestapo should be awarded to Trump and any person tortured by the SS.

2smartforlibs | February 4, 2025 at 7:50 pm

The sad part is they thought the swamp would always have their back.

The Gentle Grizzly | February 4, 2025 at 7:53 pm

“If you get fired, you’re done. That’s the end of your reputation, your ability to get a new job. … This is a moment of terror for these people.”

So, how many lives have the FBI destroyed with allegations that went nowhere, “evidence” from their world-famous labs, or just shot to death like Ruby Ridge and Waco?

Two peas in a cozy little Leftist pod.

This ‘Moment of Terror’ brought to you by Director Comey, Director Wray, Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, Deputy Assistant Director Strzok and FBI lawyer Page,

There are 38,000 people in the FBI — 88 were fired. Big deal, there are still 37, 912 left.

Hopefully, this is just the start of the terror. I want to see FBI thugs in general population getting what they deserve. I have as much sympathy for them as they had for people like Matthew Perna, Richard Jewell, or Vicki Weaver.

People are worried about how am I going to pay the bills? How am I gonna support my family? If you get fired, you’re done. That’s the end of your reputation, your ability to get a new job, you lose your pay, you lose your chance at a pension, you lose your health insurance. This is a moment of terror for these people.

My heart bleeds for them.

How does McCabe think all their innocent victims felt, for all the years that they rained terror on others?

SeekingRationalThought | February 4, 2025 at 8:17 pm

McCabe has always supported the FBI’s right to cause terror in others, at least if they are Republicans, so I can’t imagine why he would imagine anyone would worry about some FBI goons worried about their “phony baloney” jobs (as Governor La Petomane might say). The job’s become phony baloney when they become political.

Plenty of wacko progressives lawyers and politicos that will line up to hire those that abused power for the noble cause. Look at McCabe. So long as they can no longer weaponize and fabricate under color of law, that’s what matters. But they will not suffer so long there are people pretending they must save us from ourselves, when they are the actual danger by the way they act.

“Andrew McCabe Laments”

I keep repeating it over and over, it has a nice ring to it.

He belongs in prison

Hung in public

Terror? Terror is watching the DoJ and FBI destroy the rule law, entrap people, lie to the Courts and thumb their noses at political neutrality.

They tried to hide the Hunter Biden and the slow walked to get as many offenses as possible to toll-out on the statute of limitations. They then gave him a super-sweetheart deal that no regular citizen would ever get.

“If you get fired, you’re done. That’s the end of your reputation, your ability to get a new job. … This is a moment of terror for these people.”

Is that like the H1B IT workers that were flooded into the IT field 25 years ago? I had all the certs, BS, and 18 years of experience. I was replaced with an H1B for half of what I made. Due to my experience level nobody would touch me. It was a good thing I also had a trade that I learned in the Air Force.

    JohnSmith100 in reply to Tsquared79. | February 4, 2025 at 11:07 pm

    I made a point of developing a phenomenal number of skills, that served me very well. I took pay cuts in order to get my foot into another opportunity and learn new skills.

“This is a moment of terror for these people.”

How about the many moments of terror Michael Shane Daughtery had to endure from the FBI and corrupt judges. His life was really destroyed over nothing.


This the worst I’ve heard of yet. A law enforcement officer himself Daughtery was put through hell for mere trespass. A judge was in on it.

“When I asked about my 6th Amendment right to a speedy trial, I was advised by Federal Court Judge Randolph D. Moss that the Sixth Amendment had been suspended due to Covid-19 and the large number of arrest made from the January 6th incident.”

It gets worse. Read the whole thing.

The judges are as bad as the FBI.

    After reading that, I am fully convinced that the FBI, ATF and any other agency involved should be shut down, every person fired (so they can feel a little terror) and any one that can be tried to the maximum extent possible. Judge Moss should be impeached, tried for denial of rights, and never see the light of day again in a SuperMax.

    Democrats are the true Fascists and tyrannical authoritarians.

    henrybowman in reply to oden. | February 4, 2025 at 10:24 pm

    “the Sixth Amendment had been suspended”
    WTF, Willis?
    Do the Second, you clown, I dare you.

irishgladiator63 | February 4, 2025 at 9:32 pm

“The rank and file agents and analysts … Those people are never touched by the political winds that blow through every four years.”
This is a lie and it really needs to stop being repeated. The FBI has become overwhelmingly more liberal after years of dei hires and the older, better agents “retiring” or otherwise leaving due to things like the covis shot. The people still there were either totally fine with what they did or remained silent and let it happen.

What about the J6 young man that killed himself. What about the many girls that were molest by Larry Nassar while they wasted their time with Trump.

McCabe should have had his retire zapped

Did Anderson Cooper win the Andrew McCabe lookalike contest, or did Andrew McCabe win the Anderson Cooper lookalike contest?

Inquiring minds and all that.

In any case, the sooner FBI HQ becomes a Spirit Halloween store the better.

Rupert Smedley Hepplewhite | February 4, 2025 at 10:12 pm

“They don’t deserve to be treated this way. It’s unlawful and it’s disgusting.”

Wait a second, I need to check with Randy Weaver about how these darling agents are being mistreated.

    “…the Washington Times’s Jerry Seper reported in September 1993: “Court records show that while the woman’s body lay in the cabin for eight days, the FBI used microphones to taunt the family. ‘Good morning, Mrs. Weaver. We had pancakes for breakfast. What did you have?’ asked the agents in at least one exchange.” –JAMES BOVARD

Delenda est Quantico.

The democratic party is starting to resemble a ponzi scheme in its last days. It is also starting to a have a trickle down wffect to local politics where people are starting to realize the same grifting is going on in their own back yard.

Somewhat unrelated, but I hear that some news organizations around the world are having trouble meeting payroll since USAID is shut down.

Welcome to ‘the moron’s’ bizarro world. Where scumbags like him are the ‘good guys’ and the Fbi are the bad guys for investigating him. Sick effs

    ChrisPeters in reply to tjv1156. | February 5, 2025 at 10:51 am

    Actually, the “Bizarro World” is the creation of the Democrats, whereby people like Andrew McCabe and Jamey Comey initiate politically motivated law-fare investigations of PEOPLE, rather than constitutionally acceptable investigations of ACTUAL CRIMES.

    There is a real difference, and what the Democrats have done in recent years is aligned with the sort of “Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime” sort of thinking from the Soviet Union.

      tjv1156 in reply to ChrisPeters. | February 5, 2025 at 5:11 pm

      oh rigggggght. Trump never called Raffensberger. He declassified all those documents. He never lied about election fraud. He never said” you bette go down there and fight or you’re not going to have a country;’ to a bunch of 91 IQ morons. He asked Pelosi for ng troops – she denied the request. It wasn;t any riot. the 91 iq morons were escorted in. Geeezus you redhats will fall for anything ‘ the moron’ tells you . SMH

        Milhouse in reply to tjv1156. | February 6, 2025 at 3:10 am

        Yes, he did call Raffesperger. As he had every right to. He said nothing in that call that was illegal. He did most of those other things too, none of which were illegal.

          tjv1156 in reply to Milhouse. | February 6, 2025 at 10:05 am

          Yes – I ‘m sure if Hillary Clinton had called a Dem Sec of state and asked him to ‘find 11,000 votes’ you’d be ok with that right? ( don’t answer-you’d just embarass yourself). Legal or not- the fact that you don’t see how insanely inappropriate this is tells us all we need to know about you.

They should have thought about that before ONE-SEVENTH of the entire organization decided to go all-in on the insane J6 persecutions.

They’re terrified because the ‘fine men and women’ and the ‘dedicated rank-and-file’ has been proven to be the absolute nonsense lie we said it was.

    tjv1156 in reply to Olinser. | February 6, 2025 at 10:08 am

    rigghhhht- the morons who stormed the capitol were the good guys and law enforcement were the bad. the sick, twisted world of MAGA thanks to the scumbag moron.sick eff cult

McCabe should be in fear of his own prosecution.

Dolce Far Niente | February 5, 2025 at 12:29 pm

I’m fascinated to hear how losing your job in an ordinary downsizing of an organization is considered “terror”. Literally millions of Americans have been terrorized in this way over the years. I confess we did not know it was illegal to fire people; I wish we had been told sooner.

But mostly, it shocks me that FBI agents, who all have college degrees, many in law, are incapable of getting jobs outside government. We’re going to be seeing the homeless population increase with these poor fellows in ragged FBI windbreakers huddling over their shopping carts of possessions. What a tragedy that will be, these men with their lives “done”.