Former CIA Analyst Pleads Guilty to Leaking Secret Documents About Israel Strike Plans on Iran
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Former CIA Analyst Pleads Guilty to Leaking Secret Documents About Israel Strike Plans on Iran

Former CIA Analyst Pleads Guilty to Leaking Secret Documents About Israel Strike Plans on Iran

“Asif Rahman, 34, pleaded guilty to two counts of transmission of national defense information, according to court records.”

A former CIA officer named Asif Rahman has been arrested and has pleaded guilty to sharing classified documents about Israel’s plans to launch a missile strike on Iran.

Rahman, who is from Ohio and attended Yale University, was arrested in Cambodia, then transferred to Guam, and is now being held in Virginia.

ABC News reports:

Former CIA analyst pleads guilty to leaking Israeli retaliation plans

A former CIA analyst arrested in November and charged with leaking highly classified records showing Israeli plans to launch a retaliatory strike on Iran pleaded guilty Friday in a federal court in Virginia.

Asif Rahman, 34, pleaded guilty to two counts of transmission of national defense information, according to court records.

Rahman faces up to 10 years in prison for the first count and up to three years for the second count. His sentencing was set for May 15.

Rahman admitted to accessing and printing out two documents regarding Israel’s retaliatory strike plans on Oct. 17 and transporting them to his residence, where he later uploaded images of them and provided them to “multiple individuals he knew were not entitled to receive them,” according to the plea agreement.

He later took various steps to try and conceal his involvement in the leak, even as authorities were able to track him down remarkably quickly given he was the only individual found to have printed out the documents, according to logs reviewed by investigators.

This reinforces the idea that our intel community deserves more scrutiny.

Ynet News has more details on what was leaked:

Rahman, 34, was arrested after an FBI investigation linked the leaked documents to his workstation at the U.S. Embassy in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. The highly classified documents detailed aerial drills, weapons movements at an Israeli air base and preparations for a possible strike on Iran. These included a “large-scale deployment drill,” aerial refueling drills and handling of advanced air-launched ballistic missiles (ALBM), including at least 16 “Golden Horizon” missiles and 40 “Rocks” or ISO2 missiles.

The documents were leaked on October 17 via a Telegram channel called Middle East Spectator, shortly after Iran fired nearly 200 ballistic missiles at Israel in response to assassinations of Hamas and Hezbollah leaders. At the time, the Biden administration was urging Israel to refrain from attacking Iranian nuclear or energy facilities.

Rahman, a Yale University graduate, faces up to 20 years in prison under the Espionage Act. However, a plea deal under negotiation could limit his sentence to six and a half years. Federal prosecutors reportedly agreed to the reduced penalty after Rahman took responsibility for his actions and expressed a desire to resolve the case.

Six and a half years is a ridiculously short sentence for this. There are J6 people who have already been in prison for almost that long.

Featured image via YouTube.


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Treason. Shoot him.

Will serve as deterrent.

    ahad haamoratsim in reply to tiger66. | January 18, 2025 at 2:18 pm

    Many bad things but treason ain’t one of them, unless you plan to retroactively amend the U.S. Constitution.

      Lucifer Morningstar in reply to ahad haamoratsim. | January 18, 2025 at 7:58 pm

      Fine, then give him a fair trial and then execute him for treason. That should satisfy any Constitutional requirements.

        No, the constitution says that what he did is not treason. So you can’t execute him for treason, no matter how fair his trial, unless you first amend the constitution twice: once to change the definition of treason and once to repeal the prohibition on ex post facto laws.

          Lucifer Morningstar in reply to Milhouse. | January 19, 2025 at 11:49 pm

          Then fine. Give him a fair trial for mishandling classified documents and then execute him for his crimes. That should satisfy any Constitutional requirements.

        Didn’t Trump leak classified information ? Why yes he did. Yet you idolize him. Vey hypocritical,

          Milhouse in reply to tjv1156. | January 19, 2025 at 11:47 pm

          No, he didn’t. Presidents can’t leak, by definition. If the president does it it’s not a leak.

          Trump chose to disclose certain information because it was the right thing to do, and it was in the USA’s interest, which he is the only person authorized to determine.

          But above all because it was the right thing to do. Or do you dispute that? What decent person would not have disclosed it, if they were legally able to do so?

    ConradCA in reply to tiger66. | January 18, 2025 at 8:16 pm

    It was Biden who is giving him a slap on the wrist.

No doubt another “DEI” hire, recruited and employed because of his Muslim status.

    Paula in reply to guyjones. | January 18, 2025 at 9:35 am

    There needs to be a purge. A big beautiful one.

      tjv1156 in reply to Paula. | January 19, 2025 at 7:27 am

      OH,so now you’re FOR purging traitors who leak classified information.
      Donald Trump stored, showed off and refused to return classified documents, indictment says

        guyjones in reply to tjv1156. | January 19, 2025 at 8:51 am

        Don’t be so painfully and predictably myopic and dense, moron.

        Any person possessing a scintilla of intelligence and common sense knows that this dispute with the National Archives was totally contrived and politically motivated; cooked up by a rabidly anti-Trump Dhimmi-crat partisan apparatchik in the National Archives.

        #45’s lawyers were engaged in a discussion with the National Archives to resolve whatever legitimate issues existed; the raid on #45’s home was an absurd, vindictive and Soviet-style abuse of power, intended for political show and benefit. Par for the course, where the lawless and stupid Dhimmi-crat apparatchiks are concerned.

        Let’s see your precious opprobrium with respect to crime boss, Biden’s, retention and storage of classified documents in his Delaware garage, D.C. “think-tank” office and other unsecured locations — documents that he likely used in furtherance of his and his family’s decades-old foreign influence-peddling racketeering schemes; and, notably, documents obtained when the imbecilic, avaricious and treasonous dotard was a U.S. Senator and Vice-President, and, didn’t even possess the authority to remove them or to de-classify them.

        But, such obvious facts and realities are wasted on you, given that your brain and intellect have been severely eroded by leftist fanaticism and TDS.

          tjv1156 in reply to guyjones. | January 19, 2025 at 9:26 am

          Perfect answer!!

          A cult is a dangerous group that uses manipulation to control its members. Some signs of a cult include:

          Unquestioning loyalty: Members are expected to conform to the group’s beliefs without question.
          Authoritarianism: The group is led by a charismatic person who has absolute power and doesn’t answer to anyone.
          Black-and-white thinking: The group promotes a simplistic worldview that demonizes the outside world.

          Brainwashing: The leader uses coercive persuasion to isolate and control members.
          Unreasonable fears: Members are convinced that the outside world is dangerous, full of evil conspiracies, and that they are in danger of being persecuted.
          Denial of reality: Members are convinced that the group is the only safe place, and that the leader is always right.

Once CIA, always CIA. Crime against Israel, hand him over to them!

First the penalties must be higher say 25 to life. Then we gotta rein in plea bargaining by requiring a minimum floor and requiring consecutive sentences. The defendant should be required to plead to all charges/no pleading to X charge but not Y charge. Finally there’s gotta be a floor on each crime say 10 years without any early release. Here this guy had multiple crimes. Each instance he improperly accessed is a separate crime, the removal of each specific doc from secure facility is a separate crime, each doc being printed is a.separate crime, each transfer is a separate crime.

Set a ten year floor on each crime and make him serve consecutive sentences for each without any potential for early release. That’s at least 60 years for the 6 and probably more crimes he actually committed.

    guyjones in reply to CommoChief. | January 18, 2025 at 10:36 am

    I read in the NY Post that a slap on the wrist sentence is in the works. The perp is “cooperating” with prosecutors, setting the stage for a sentence of five to six years, or, possibly even less.

    Contemptible and indefensible, but, par for the course with regard to the doctrine of federal judges and prosecutors showing total leniency and unaccountability where Dhimmi-crat and “minority” lawbreakers are concerned.

A movie, Man on Fire and a crooked cop comes to mind.

This is Biden’s DOJ in action
6.5 years

It’s time to have a conversation about excluding Islam from Western civilization.

When the core tenets of this socio/economic/moral structure that masquerades as a religion instruct followers to kill non-believers, lie to advance their cause, and treat women as property there is no common ground nor can there ever be.

Churchill was right about mohammedism – it is to humans as rabies is to dogs.

    inspectorudy in reply to Peter Moss. | January 18, 2025 at 10:30 am

    I agree and have been asking for years to know of one SINGLE country that is glad they have Muslims in their midst. I cannot name a single positive attribute they offer to any society. As they expand their influence, the native culture shrinks. The local laws are ignored or changed for the worse. Education is perverted and social customs are curtailed. I don’t believe any Muslim can be trusted in a position of national security.

      alaskabob in reply to inspectorudy. | January 18, 2025 at 10:40 am

      The Left screams “Christian Nationalist” or “Zionist State” yet never can get to admitting that neither wants to dominate the world by force and bloodshed as needed…as Islam is commanded to do. For Christians, “The Great Commission” to go into the world to spread the gospel never carried the same instructions that Muslims are allowed to do….never.

Julius and Ethel Rosenberg could not be reached for comment….because the US executed them in 1953 for conspiracy to commit espionage. This idiot SUCCESSFULLY committed espionage and yet he’s been sentenced to a shorter term than some J6ers.

He will get out of prison while, Enrique Tarrio will still have no less than 15-years left on his sentence from a ‘seditious conspiracy’ conviction from January 6th (presuming he’s not pardoned by Trump).

    CincyJan in reply to TargaGTS. | January 19, 2025 at 4:28 am

    I believe the definition of treason is conspiring or taking action to undermine the US government. Israel is not mentioned. But this is why I think Miley did indeed commit treason, and it is the excuse being used against J6 protestors.

      Milhouse in reply to CincyJan. | January 19, 2025 at 6:51 am

      There are two definitions of treason, neither of which is what you say.

      1. Making war on the USA. This guy never did that.

      2. Adhering to the USA’s enemies, and expressing that adherence with an overt act giving them aid and comfort. The key element here is the adherence. Giving an enemy aid and comfort for some reason other than adherence to his cause is not treason. The prosecution has to prove both the act and that the motive was adherence to the enemy.

      In this case, if you could prove that he published the satellite data out of loyalty to Iran (which is a USA enemy), then you could make out a case for treason. But since there were no witnesses you’d have to have his confession in open court, which he wouldn’t do without a deal making it worthwhile.

      Milhouse in reply to CincyJan. | January 19, 2025 at 6:57 am

      What Milley did was not treason. If he had actually warned the Chinese of an impending attack, that would be treason. But he knew that there wasn’t going to be an attack. Every American knew, and everyone who understood America knew. There was no way Trump was going to order an attack, so he was safe in promising the Chinese to warn them if he did.

      The whole point of the promise was because the Chinese didn’t know, since they don’t understand Americans, and certainly don’t understand Trump, and they were genuinely worried that he might do something stupid. Milley knew he wouldn’t. And assuring them that he wouldn’t was very much in America’s interest.

      Still, it wasn’t his place to make such a promise without running it by Trump first. It should have been Trump’s decision whether he should make the promise or not. Taking it on himself to make that decision without consulting the president was at least bordering on insubordination.

“Rahman admitted to accessing and printing out two documents regarding Israel’s retaliatory strike plans…”

Accessing? How?

I do not believe he was operating under Mossad’s radar. Not for a minute.

    TargaGTS in reply to George S. | January 18, 2025 at 11:47 am

    He was a CIA analyst. As such, his workstation would have had access to JWICS (the TopSec network). IDF would have briefed DoD, particularly if the mission would have to overfly US controlled airspace. Any of the mission intel IDF shared with us would then have been uploaded to JWICS and could be accessed by anyone with the appropriate clearance…or perhaps he ‘borrowed’ the appropriate clearance. Those kinds of details will never be known. This is why the government almost always pleads these cases out before trial. They want to avoid having to present a case in front of jury…and court reporters.

    One would hope that in the aftermath of this event, DoD/CIA have increased intel safeguards shared by IDF. But, who knows considering how incompetently NatSec has been managed the last 4-years.

      diver64 in reply to TargaGTS. | January 19, 2025 at 6:16 am

      One of the first things that the Trump Administration needs to do is examine every security clearance held and start removing them starting with any person no longer in government. That should be automatic. This guy may have been an analyst but he was stationed in Guam and no way should that plan have been available to him. This damage goes beyond him to how Israel informs the US of anything anymore.

        Milhouse in reply to diver64. | January 19, 2025 at 7:02 am

        As I understand it he wasn’t stationed in Guam, he was stationed in Cambodia. He was arrested there, taken to Guam so he could be charged, and then to Virginia for trial.

        And I don’t think it was anything Israel had informed the US of.

      Milhouse in reply to TargaGTS. | January 19, 2025 at 7:00 am

      As I understand it, what he took and published was not Israeli material at all. It was entirely US intel, from satellite observation of Israeli troop movements. The US saw the Israelis prepare for a potential attack on Iran, and took note of it. He copied that and published it where the Iranians would see it.

      At least that’s what I gathered from the news reporting at the time.

It’d be a shame if he ends up sharing a cell with a J6er whose life has been ruined by Biden’s corrupt DOJ.

What is the etymology of the word “shiv”? Sounds Hebrew.

Wouldn’t that be something.

give him to Israel to deal with.

“arrested in Cambodia, then transferred to Guam, and is now being held in Virginia.”

Extradited from Cambodia? Strange bedfellows.
Why doesn’t a genius like this simply take refuge in Iran? They’re not going to give him up.

check out all the cult phonies pretending to care about leaking classified information.
Donald Trump stored, showed off and refused to return classified documents, indictment says