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America is Coming Back Week at Legal Insurrection

America is Coming Back Week at Legal Insurrection

All the news you may have missed.

Trump hasn’t been sworn in yet, but there are already some signs of our recovery.

Joe Biden will not be missed by many people.

Just unreal.

Kamala Harris running again would be funny.

Congress still needs to get its act together.


This guy just keeps looking worse.

The left’s support for him is sickening.

This was also horrible.

Israel updates.

Pure waste.

CNN is such a joke.

So is MSNBC.


Anyone surprised?

End of an era.

What a shame.

Getting results!

I was told this was a conspiracy theory.


Merry Christmas!


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Can America “come back” without shrinking the size of the federal government? That means making the first derivative of government spending negative, not just the second derivative. For those who might have forgotten their calculus, the first derivative is akin to velocity while the second is akin to acceleration. In the strange logic of Washington, a negative second derivative gets labeled as a “cut.” meaning spending continues to grow, just not as fast. Government spending as well as the national debt has exhibited exponential growth where derivatives of all orders are positive. Lately the debt has gone “super exponential” meaning the doubling time shrinks. Unlike plain old exponential growth, super exponential blows up at a finite and predictable time. See Didier Sornette’s book “Why Stock Markets Crash.” Or go to his website at ETH Zurich. I don’t know if he has calculated the singular point for US national debt. I might have to do it.

Trump won’t reduce military spending or most of the mandatory entitlements, and that’s most of federal spending along with servicing current debt. The Trump team will cut out a lot of unnecessary spending which will get good publicity, but won’t be enough to make America “come back.” Democracy along with fiat money spells eventual doom.

America is Coming Back Week

Obama says if America keeps coming back to a positive healthy footing he will admit his efforts to ruin the country have failed and will move out of Washington DC.