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“Garbage” – How Democrats Really Feel About Trump Supporters

“Garbage” – How Democrats Really Feel About Trump Supporters

It’s not just a contest between two candidates; it’s a contest between outlooks—a movement that hates the other side to their core and reveals that when among their own. They told us how they really feel.

This is deja vu all over again.

Obama (2008): ““They get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”

Hillary (2016): “you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. They’re racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic – you name it. Some of those folks – they are irredeemable.

Biden (2024): “The only garbage I see floating out there is his supporters.”

I think I’m beginning to sense a pattern.

Transcript (auto-generated, may contain transcription errors, lightly edited for transcription clarity)

Many people say, when somebody says something nasty, “Why don’t you tell us how you really feel?”

Well, we just found out how Joe Biden, the president of the United States, feels about Trump supporters; he called them garbage.

The media and the White House are trying to wordsmith it, inserting apostrophes, but we have the recording, and we know what he said, the tone of his voice—there was no apostrophe there. He said, “The only garbage I see floating out there is Trump’s supporters.”

We know that’s how he feels; he told us how he really feels.

There is a long history of top Democrats making derogatory statements about Republican, Trump, or Tea Party voters.

Remember Obama in 2008 at a closed fundraiser talking about how his opponents get bitter, cling to guns or religion, or hate people who aren’t like them, anti-immigrant sentiment. That’s how he explained it among friends.

Hillary did the same thing at a closed fundraiser, calling half of Trump supporters a “basket of deplorables”—racist, sexist, homophobic, and other names.

Certainly, Trump calls people names, and people call Trump names; it’s part of the process.

But what’s unusual is that when they’re among their own, at a fundraiser or closed session, when they don’t think the world is listening, they reveal their true feelings—a deep disgust and hatred for the Tea Party, Republicans, and Trump supporters.

That’s how they feel, and as we head into election day, that’s something to keep in mind. It’s not just a contest between two candidates; it’s a contest between outlooks—a movement that hates the other side to their core and reveals that when among their own.

They told us how they really feel.

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destroycommunism | October 30, 2024 at 11:41 am

its how they really feel about america

they are avowed communists with differing degrees of takeover strategy

I’d like to think that Biden did this deliberately in order to sabotage Pelosi, Schumer, Jeffries and the rest of the Democrat ‘ledership’ for dumping him, but I’m not sure he has the ability any more to control his mouth.

I’m sure this was the language of the Nazis

it’s what they did with trash, they burned it

    destroycommunism in reply to REDACTED. | October 30, 2024 at 12:10 pm


    this is the same justifiable setup that they used after the proclaimed 2016 was stolen

    I mean heck if it was stolen

    certainly there is nothing wrong with

    stealing it back they surmised


    Lebensunwertes Leben

    or, according to the WEF “useless eaters.”

Dolce Far Niente | October 30, 2024 at 12:10 pm

Of course this is really how they feel about us, but to be frank, my opinion about the other half of Americans is not much more charitable.

Let me point out I don’t want them dead, in concentration camps or in prison, however, and I’m not particularly interested in forcing them to be silent. I just don’t want them to be able to do those things to me.

    thalesofmiletus in reply to Dolce Far Niente. | October 30, 2024 at 12:59 pm

    I just don’t want them to be able to do those things to me.

    Agreed. These people — and by an large we’re talking about women, children, and men both weak and dishonest — should be nowhere near the levers of power.

It’s simple: they think all that sweet taxpayer money is their personal property, and they want it all.

I had a ringside seat to the winding-up of a Fortune 100 Company, and this is what it looked like. The 5 top officer took bonuses the size of a minor division of a conglomerate.

Really don’t expect anything else from Sundowner. He has turned into a real terrible man.
Lies, foreign money payoffs, stealing tax money to pay off Leftists.

    rochf in reply to Skip. | October 31, 2024 at 12:38 pm

    He hasn’t turned into a terrible man–he’s always been terrible–it’s just that the dementia has removed all of his filters

“There is a long history of top Democrats making derogatory statements about Republican, Trump, or Tea Party voters”

Dare I say many so called republicans, ie mitch, Cornyn, Romney, Ryan etc, etc, etc

Hate us too

I’d submit that this trend of a U.S. president vilifying the GOP/conservative half of the country began with the wretched and vile narcissist-incompetent-dunce, racial arsonist and demagogue par excellence, Obama.

Obama’s lofty, unity rhetoric from his speech at the 2004 Dhimmi-crat National Convention turned out to be so much deceptive, self-serving rhetoric. That rhetoric was contradicted by all of Obama’s transparent, sneering and obnoxious contempt for rural, devout and conservative Americans (e.g., “…they get bitter and cling to guns or religion or antipathy towards people who don’t look like them”).

Crone Clinton parroted Obama’s rhetoric, and, Biden — despite the pretense of unity offered during his 2020 campaign — has doubled-down on it. Now, wretched crone-harlot-dunce, Harris, continues the trend.

    guyjones in reply to guyjones. | October 30, 2024 at 2:25 pm

    Written before I watched Professor Jacobson’s video clip — where he correctly observes that Obama’s “bitter”-“clinger” remark was a seminal moment in leftist presidents’ vilification of the opposition.

E Howard Hunt | October 30, 2024 at 3:22 pm

Hmmm, actually I think that the cabal hates the people who support them even more.

Harris is the handpicked candidate of Obama. The MSM had clearly been the propaganda arm of the Democrat party, They deliberately suppressed a photograph of Obama in a meeting with Louis Farrakhan, prior to the 2008 election. Obama purposefully sought to ally the United States with a terror-sponsoring, America-hating theocracy. Our country has given Iran total support in its pursuit of nuclear weapons, with which it has promised to use to wipe Israel, off the map. The truth is that an American political faction, Democrats is employing third-world tactics surveillance, censorship, election interference, political prosecution, and political violence—to put the United States under the thumb of a single party led by a man who in his mind has become the people.

Subotai Bahadur | October 30, 2024 at 5:46 pm

The examples cited by the good professor, and innumerable others by other Leftists, reinforce a meme that I created some time ago. TWANLOC. Those Who Are No Longer Our Countrymen. We share nothing with them; country, Constitution, or laws. They believe in none of them.

And they are not our only deadly enemies. We have been and are still being invaded by millions of hostile foreign invaders who have never been our countrymen. The odds are not good, and I suspect that if the sogannante election places the Left in power that every one of us will have to make some quick decisions. If the electoral process lacks integrity, is its product the legitimate president? Either way, the implications are major.

Subotai Bahadur

Dliefsarb Yrral | October 31, 2024 at 11:34 am

What we see, easily in slow Joe’s slip and less blatantly from other leftists, is the same outlook that leads to mass murder when they gain power without recourse. Russia, China, Cuba, Cambodia and Venezuela have shown what a mistake it is to let them gain power.