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Antizionist Social Media Influencers Pretend Sinwar Died Like “A Legend”

Antizionist Social Media Influencers Pretend Sinwar Died Like “A Legend”

Palestine has no heroes. That’s the conclusion I get looking at the antizionist social media post-elimination of Yahya Sinwar.

Palestine has no heroes. That’s the conclusion I get looking at the antizionist social media post-elimination of Yahya Sinwar.

It was a controversial act. Some say that the mastermind of the 10/7 massacre in southern Israel died like a dog. Others counter that he was more of a rat — immediately following the pogrom, as Gazans paraded dead bodies of Israeli men and woman and passed sweets to celebrate the slaughter, Sinwar retreated into the tunnels his people spend decades digging for just this occasion.

For further protection, he surrounded himself with hostages and reportedly changed into a woman’s dress. The head of Hamas positioned his forces in tunnels and civilian infrastructure, including schools and hospitals, turning his own people into human shields. It didn’t help, of course. Israel methodically diminished Hamas fighting capacity. What happened next is the stuff of legend.

IDF soldiers on patrol next to the Egyptian border spotted three armed men and engaged them. When one of them retreated into a building, Israelis sent in a drone to locate him. In the last-ditch attempt to save himself, the gunman threw a stick at the drone, but it was too late — he was found and a charge fired by a tank blew off a part of his brain and collapsed the building.

The body remained unclaimed until the next day when the soldiers returned to discover the strangely familiar corpse. They cut off part of his digit for DNA testing. Sinwar had a fake passport on him and $10,000 in cash — his organization was destroyed; he could no longer assemble enough men for protection, so he was attempting to flee.

Sinwar’s English language social media fan base had a very bad Thursday. Given how the war is going for Iran’s proxies, they had to know that something like this was coming, so there was no denials like in the case of Herbollah’s Nasrallah a few weeks ago. Still, they didn’t take it well. Just like on October 7, 2023 we witnessed conspiracy theories about the staged massacre form live on social media. In October 16, 2024 the same pool of people created urban legends about Sinwar.

Coping with the loss, antizionist influencers latched on to the narrative of valiant Sinwar falling in a battle resisting the Jews. Despite the fact that Israel publicized the drone video that shows the billionaire Hamas chief cowed but in one piece, his supporters believe that the terrorist lost his arm. The photos of the corpse taken the following day reveal what appears to be a flesh wound to his arm.

Anti-Israel influencer AdamMedia put a statement on Twitter/X accompanied by the picture of the terrorist with his arm clearly seen attached to his body:

Reports that Sinwar stayed fighting *after* losing an arm.

Whatever the west wants to label him that’s not how a ‘coward’ dies.

Netanyahu would crap his pants at the first sight of blood.

The visiting fellow at European Council of Foreign Relations and The Jewish Daily Forward contributor Muhammad Shahada published the same picture with near-identical commentary:

The last picture of Sinwar alive

Israel’s Channel 12 says he kept fighting even after losing an arm

Anti-Zionist Mondoweiss and Electronic Intifada contributor Dan Cohen posted on Twitter/X:

Israel made the mistake of publishing footage of Yahya Sinwar’s last moments.

Wearing a kufiyyeh and severely injured, he threw a stick at the drone filming him – a final act of defiance against the Zionist occupation.

In his death, he became a legend.

Yes, how would we even know that anyone is a Palestinian if not for the keffiyeh?

Amidst the over-pouring of fervor, Timcast contributor Brett McDonald tried to inject Nordic stoicism in his commentary:

Worth noting that Sinwar did not die a coward, hiding behing [sic] so-called human shields as we were told he would. Instead, he died with objective courage fighting the war he had created and eye to eye with Israeli soldiers.

Unfortunately for McDonald’s enterprise, this take fails as an attempt at measured assessment because it doesn’t reference facts. Sinwar was fleeing because the war didn’t go well for him; his terror army was decimated and the human shields no longer offered sufficient protection. The widely circulated video shows him hiding, not fighting eye to eye.

The BBC contributor Bushra Shaikh demanded:

I want to see Netanyahu on the front line.

She was ratioed with the iconic picture of Israeli prime minister in his special forces days. Netanyahu served in the elite reconnaissance unit Sayeret Matkal and was wounded in combat several times. After being discharged from service in 1972, he went to the U.S. to study, but returned the following year for the Yom Kippur War. It’s safe to say he’d seen many drops of blood and he didn’t faint.

Jackie Walker, the British “anti-racism trainer” who was expelled from Labor Party for misconduct, likely doesn’t know these facts about Netanyahu’s biography. Of Sinwar she said:

Something extraordinary about Israelil culture. Whatever people think of Sinwar, he died the death of a Hollywood hero. The last man standing,  alone amongst his dead comrades, covered with dust, barely alive, against overwhelming odds, using his one remaining arm to throw the closest weapon he could reach towards the mindless drone operated by a coward hiding behind the machine.  It’s like ‘Terminator’ but real. And the Israelis think they humiliate Sinwar and Palestinian resistance by making this public. There’s something deeply wrong with Israeli society [sic]

Typical of antizionists, she got it all backwards. The need to bring up Hollywood speaks to something else — yearning for a compelling storytelling and the need to believe. She has that in common with Dan Bilzarian, a shady gadfly with prodigious legal history, including the later dismissed charges of possessing an incendiary device with an intent to manufacture explosives. Bilzarian wrote:

The jewish [sic] media has been attacking masculinity because weak men are controllable. If the world had more men like Sinwar, the Israeli terrorist attacks, occupation & genocide would have been stopped a long time ago.

Bilzarian posts his lubed up, clean shaven chest across his social media accounts.

Yet the wildest attempt at Sinwar glorification is rightfully that of the Australian influencer Caitlin Johnston or, to be more precise, her husband. Johnston reported:

My husband has spent all morning talking about how he hopes he gets to die in battle fighting off drones and tanks with one arm and a giant erection.

Is he aroused by the thought of a man who ordered the slaughter of Israeli civilians and rape of Jewish women dying with his arm severed? Kinky.

It’s not just that this deification orgy flushes out the unreliability of information coming from Israel’s adversaries. Consider some other instances of it.

A widely circulated picture of a young Arab man, bare-chested and lubricated like Balzarian, holding a Palestinian flag in one hand and throwing a stone with the other is obviously staged. But antizionist influencers pass it as a live action shot. The picture is the kind of stuff that, in the 90’s, would produce uncontrollable giggles in GenX women, but I guess irony doesn’t work on certain subgroups.

Pro-Palestinians identify with the folklore of third world liberationism, but where did it get them? October last year, they fully believed that Hamas laid a trap for the IDF in Gaza, posting and reposting videos with Israeli tanks and soldiers marked with red triangles. They boasted inflicting thousands and then tens of thousands casualties on the Jewish state. After about a month these posts withered away.

There are reports of white flags in Gaza following Sinwar’s death and the fellow terror organization Al Qaida urged Hamas to let go of the hostages. Jewish influencer Max Nordau pointed out that the more realistically-minded Jew-hater Nick Fuentes admitting that the Hamas and Hezbollah causes are a dead end:

Nick Fuentes—who hates Israel—accurately points out that Yahya Sinwar 🤪 got completely humiliated, and arguing otherwise is desperate cope.

It got to be embarrassing. Antizionist storytelling is a heavy-handed blend of misery and delusion. It’s the genre favored by unironic — and not too bright — men uninformed about the world and insecure in their masculinity. It’s true that the West devalued manly virtues, but masculine honor can’t be reclaimed by identification with genocidal, not too bright savages who rape women and kidnap babies.

Sometimes — often times — the good guys win. Israel showed the value of prudence, solidarity, courage, intellect and faith. Israeli victory is the triumph of these values over savagery, perfidy and unrestrained rage. The Civilized world should emulate the Jewish state.


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“He reportedly changed into a woman’s dress…had a fake passport on him and $10,000 in cash.”

But where would he go? A note in his pocket said he planned to come to America and play on a women’s volley ball team.

He didn’t exactly go out like Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid

These nutters are like the German radio announcer in ’45 who claimed Adolf died at his command post fighting to his last breath against the Bolsheviks. Total BS.

Whitewall | October 19, 2024 at 8:50 pm

Saddam Hussein was found hiding in a hole like the animal he was. Sinwar was no different

steves59 | October 19, 2024 at 9:08 pm

“My husband has spent all morning talking about how he hopes he gets to die in battle fighting off drones and tanks with one arm and a giant erection.”

Well, sweetcheeks, then send him to Gaza or the Israeli-Lebanese border, and he’ll get his wish.
Only problem is that he’ll more than likely die headless and ball-less, having never fired a shot and after wetting his drawers.

scooterjay | October 19, 2024 at 10:10 pm

Israel has shown much compassion in the face of destruction.

I suppose the last thing that went through his mind was a piece of rebar.

Long War Journal: This operation came under the command of the Gaza Division once the 162nd had moved out to fight in Jabaliya. The IDF’s 828th Brigade and Israel’s Nahal Brigade were both involved in weeks of searches in areas of Rafah.

It was in this context that the 828th Brigade came upon Sinwar. The brigade, usually comprised of soldiers from an infantry training school, has fought in Gaza since 2023 in several operations from northern Gaza to Khan Younis and Rafah. “Troops from the 828th Brigade operating in the Tel al-Sultan area of Rafah identified several suspects in the area. The troops conducted scans, during which they encountered terrorists who fired at them and threw grenades,” the IDF said on October 18, explaining how the encounter with Sinwar unfolded.

The three terrorists split up. The infantrymen of the 828th were accompanied by armored support from the 460th Brigade, also a training brigade. “A Merkava Mark 4 tank shell fired by the 460th Brigade and a Matador missile” were used in the encounter against Sinwar and the two other terrorists.

Peter Moss | October 19, 2024 at 10:29 pm

“ Some say that the mastermind of the 10/7 massacre in southern Israel died like a dog.”

I had a dog named Legend once so that makes sense.

This dude was so painfully ugly that being dead with most of his forehead missing was an improvement.

Foot Soldier by Roscoe C. Blunt.

“White flags and bed sheets were draped as signs of capitulation
from practically every window in the city, not unlike those we would see in every city and town in our path from the Roer to the Rhine to the Elbe rivers, where the Germans finally capitulated totally and all shooting ceased. Civilian resolve was collapsing as fast as that of the Wehrmacht.”

When dealing with civilians, except for a couple of old women, I
never once met a Nazi the whole time I was in Germany, either during
or after the war. Strangely, the Nazi was universally the “other guy.”

To imagine that anyone would admire a person like Sinwar and his cause.

henrybowman | October 20, 2024 at 12:16 am

Sinwar died like a boss.
In almost any video game you can name.

mailman | October 20, 2024 at 1:48 am

Can we call these people what they are please? Racists in the truest meaning of the word!!!

ahad haamoratsim | October 20, 2024 at 2:41 am

“ Netanyahu would crap his pants at the first sight of blood.”

That would be the same Netanyahu who was wounded in combat on more than one occasion, including was wounded in combat on multiple occasions, including the rescue of the hijacked Sabena Flight 571 in May 1972, in which he was shot in the shoulder?

Contrast with the brave Sinwar who made his name strangling suspected collaborators with his bare hands.

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