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Columbia University Bars Pro-Israel Prof From Campus

Columbia University Bars Pro-Israel Prof From Campus

“Davidai will be allowed back on campus once he ‘undertakes appropriate training on our policies governing the behavior of our employees'”

Professor Shai Davidai has been an outspoken critic of the anti-Israel protests at Columbia University since they began, right after the October 7th attacks. In March of this year, the school launched an investigation of Davidai. In April, he was blocked from entering the main campus during a protest.

Now the school has barred him from campus for allegedly threatening behavior.

FOX News reports:

Columbia University bars pro-Israel professor from campus for ‘threatening behavior’

Columbia University assistant professor of business and pro-Israel advocate Shai Davidai was barred from campus Tuesday.

In a statement to Fox News Digital, the university confirmed Davidai was suspended, saying he had “repeatedly harassed and intimidated” university employees.

The statement said Davidai’s restrictions were a “direct result of Assistant Professor Davidai’s conduct on October 7, 2024,” though it did not elaborate on the incident in question.

Davidai blasted the decision, claiming it was in retaliation for “expos[ing]” university employees on video at Oct. 7 anniversary protests on campus.

“[T]he University has decided to not allow me to be on campus anymore. My job. Why? Because of Oct. 7. Because I was not afraid to stand up to the hateful mob,” Davidai said, according to the Columbia Daily Spectator. He recorded himself confronting administrators.

“Columbia has consistently and continually respected Assistant Professor Davidai’s right to free speech and to express his views. His freedom of speech has not been limited and is not being limited now. Columbia, however, does not tolerate threats of intimidation, harassment, or other threatening behavior by its employees,” University spokesperson Samantha Slater said.

This part of the story from the Columbia Daily Spectator is downright outrageous:

Though Davidai was restricted from entering campus, these limitations don’t affect his compensation or status as a faculty member, a University spokesperson told Spectator. The University offered to provide Davidai with alternative office space off campus, the spokesperson said.

Davidai will be allowed back on campus once he “undertakes appropriate training on our policies governing the behavior of our employees,” Wert wrote.

As if all of that isn’t bad enough, you may recall that one of the student radicals who was a leader in the hostile takeover of a campus building last spring, is now teaching at the university.

So to recap, Jewish professors who object to campus antisemitism get retraining and student radicals get teaching jobs.

All of the Ivy League schools have embarrassed themselves on this issue over the last year, but Columbia has shown itself to be the worst example. It’s a disgrace.

Featured image via YouTube.


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E Howard Hunt | October 18, 2024 at 9:32 am

One look at this beefy, menacing brute is enough to reduce the raucous crowds of anti-Israel protestors into quivering, whimpering, gelatinous victims.

Columbia has declared to the world that they are nothing but criminal activists.

Nobody but the deranged will be going there. Isn’t it time to establish some new All-American Universities? Fifty percent of American students are probably searching for this.

I guess the pro-holocaust leftist rallies and camps didn’t violate any policies?

    Subotai Bahadur in reply to geronl. | October 18, 2024 at 5:52 pm

    Certainly not as that is the basis of much of their curriculum. My father helped liberate the last concentration camp in Nazi hands [Gunskirchen sub-camp of Matthausen]. I’m glad that he did not see what our colleges teach now.

    Subotai Bahadur

destroycommunism | October 18, 2024 at 11:02 am

alarmed ? shocked?


allll of society is now doing the same thing as we are regulated on even

what type of jokes can be told

lefty is ruling america like never before

or at least

not since the civil war

What can you say about Indigenous People’s University other than it needs to be sued here for much wampum.

A very long time ago, I shared an office with some Columbia grad students, although I was never a grad student there. I worked on some technical projects with Columbia professors. Some were very impressive. Some Columbia professors treated their grad students abusively. They they would drag out their thesis project to keep them for the cheap labor.

My daughter was accepted to Columbia but I wouldn’t let her go.

I had similar experiences over a longer period of time with UC Berkeley which is actually worse than Columbia. Professors plagiarizing from their grad student’s work. Again I was never a student there, but had a lot of contact with staff, professors, students and graduates. My daughter was also accepted, but didn’t go.

My own experiences in another grad school were way different. My professors were great, in every way. And world class scholars in their field. I pity the suckers at UCB and Columbia.

So Shai Davidai’s treatment comes as no surprise. The place is rotten to the core in every way. If Trump wins, I hope he can pull all federal funding from Columbia, including student loans, grants, contracts etc. We taxpayers should not be forced to subsidize an Jew-hating institution.

Direwolf | October 18, 2024 at 2:07 pm

Wait, what if Prof Davidai agrees to wear a gold Star of David on his sleeve and carry the proper “papers” that all the Hamas radicals can demand to see on sight at any time. Along about now, “Hezbolumbia” seems a more appropriate name for this bastion of wokeling-prog tolerance.

stevewhitemd | October 18, 2024 at 2:18 pm

I’m waiting to see if either Hamas or Hezbollah will offer any of their suddenly-open leadership positions to faculty and students at Columbia. After all, who would be more qualified?

Hint: if you’re a Columbia person and are offered the position, make sure you take the employer offered life insurance plan…

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