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Border Patrol Union Unanimously Endorses Donald Trump

Border Patrol Union Unanimously Endorses Donald Trump

“If we allow border czar Harris to win this election, every city, every community in this great country, is going to go to hell.”

The Border Patrol Union announced that all 16,000 members have endorsed former President Donald Trump.

Paul Perez, the president of the National Border Patrol Council, made the announcement at a rally in Prescott Valley, AZ, on Sunday:

America, I have a message for you. If we allow border czar Harris to win this election, every city, every community in this great country, is going to go to hell. The untold millions of people unvetted, who she has allowed into this country, that are committing murders, rapes, robberies, burglaries and every other crime will continue.

To put our country in peril only one man can fix that. That is Donald J. Trump. He has always stood with the men and women who protect this border, who put their lives on the line for the country. A man who knows about putting his life on the line for what is right.

This November, we have a choice to make. Continue the chaos, allow the criminal cartels to control the border, to allow drugs and fentanyl across our country or put an end to it once and for all.

On behalf of the 16,000 men and women represented by the National Board of Pro Council, we strongly support, and endorse Donald J. Trump for President of the United States.

At the rally, Trump told the crowd he would ask Congress to give agents a 10% raise and add at least 10,000 border patrol agents.

The last four years have exhausted the border patrol, spreading them thin and forcing them to perform tasks not in their job description.

In November 2023, the border patrol asked agents across the country to help “virtually” process illegal aliens at the southern border.

The border patrol sent out a memo obtained by The Daily Caller:

In general, USBP did a good job managing in-custody numbers through the Thanksgiving week, however, the in-custody numbers have now increased due to an average number of low bookouts versus the number of encounters.

We are asking all Southwest Border sectors to spend the remainder of this holiday weekend surging agents from the field to fill all processing computers to maximize the number of bookouts and reduce the in-custody numbers. Additionally, we need the assistance of the Northern/Coastal Sectors to ramp up their virtually processing sector over the weekend.

Let’s not forget how the Biden-Harris demonized border patrol agents, claiming agents on horses whipped Haitians in April 2022. The admin accused the agents of “brutal and inappropriate measures.”

The Customs and Border Protection’s Office of Personal Responsibility (ORP) finished investigating the alleged whippings and found that the agents did nothing wrong.

The White House never apologized for its remarks.

Instead, the administration found other ways to punish the agents, claiming they used “denigrating and offensive” language against the aliens.


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Peter Moss | October 14, 2024 at 12:19 pm

But, but, but…

I was told in no uncertain terms by the Very Smartest People™️ that there is no border crisis and that illegal aliens are not storming the border.

Kamala Harris would not lie to me, pinky swear.

So why are these people endorsing the Bad Orange Man? I, like, don’t get it…

    DaveGinOly in reply to Peter Moss. | October 14, 2024 at 1:34 pm

    Note that there was no crisis at the border until DJT started his run for re-election, at which time there not only was a border crisis, but it also became his fault. Biden-Harris “inherited” a problem from DJT that they refused to acknowledge (as they would have us believe) until it became useful for them to do so. What rubbish. The current administration (as well as the MSM) can’t be hated enough.

destroycommunism | October 14, 2024 at 2:34 pm

every city IS going to hell as the policies of the left

have infected more people than

a gangbang in the community

Olinser | October 14, 2024 at 3:33 pm

Color me unimpressed.

They waited until 3 weeks before the election, when all signs seemed to point that Trump was going to win anyway, to finally endorse him.

They didn’t want to actually help, but they’re willing to jump on the bandwagon when it looked like he was going to win without them.

Too much of their leadership is totally on board with them being a shuttle service for illegals.

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