NBC’s Andrea Mitchell Claims ‘Misogynation’ Prevents Kamala Harris From Connecting With Male Voters
“I think they’ve got to double down on doing more interviews and serious interviews.”

One of the underreported aspects of the 2024 election is that men are drifting away from the Democratic party in waves. Kamala Harris is not connecting with men and it’s a serious problem for her campaign.
Over at NBC News, Andrea Mitchell blamed this on ‘misogynation’ during Meet the Press on Sunday.
FOX News reports:
Andrea Mitchell says Kamala Harris has a ‘big problem’ connecting with men, who don’t take her seriously
MSNBC anchor Andrea Mitchell said on Sunday that Vice President Kamala Harris is struggling to resonate with White and Black male voters.
Michell said on “Meet the Press” that Harris needs to show up more in the media because she is not being seen as a “heavyweight.”
“She’s got such a big problem with men,” Mitchell said, adding that support for Trump among that demographic could be underestimated.
She proceeded to blame misogny as one of the reasons Harris wasn’t being taken as seriously among both Republican and Democratic men.
“I think that there’s misogynation in all of this, Black and White men, [it’s a] big problem. But also the business world. They don’t think she is serious. They don’t think she’s a heavyweight. And a lot of this is gender, but she’s got to be more specific about her economic plans,” Mitchell continued. “I think they’ve got to double down on doing more interviews and serious interviews.”
Harris has taken heat for largely avoiding the press. Since becoming the Democratic nominee 72 days ago, she has yet to hold a single official press conference.
Watch the clip below:
NBC's Andrea Mitchell says Kamala Harris needs to "double down on more interviews and serious interviews.”
"She's got such a big problem with men… big problem. But also the business world, they don't think she's serious. They don't think she's a heavyweight." pic.twitter.com/0knAdqbFdf
— TV News Now (@TVNewsNow) October 6, 2024
This is a point that MSNBC contributor Katty Kay made just last week.
.@KattyKay_: "The real struggle for the Harris campaign is young men, older men, men of color, white men. And they're doing all they can. The debate next week will be really interesting to see how Tim Walz reaches out to that group." pic.twitter.com/mwL41t104d
— Morning Joe (@Morning_Joe) September 27, 2024
Andrea Mitchell forgot to mention Latino men. Harris has a problem with them too.
USA Today reports:
Harris losing ground with young Latino men, exclusive USA-TODAY polls find
Vice President Kamala Harris is losing support among young Latino men, even as she continues to hold a lead over Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump among Latino voters in Arizona and Nevada – two key states that will help determine the 2024 election, according to two exclusive new USA TODAY/Suffolk University polls.
More than half – 57% – of Latino voters in Arizona said they plan to vote for or lean toward Harris, while 38% said they lean toward Trump, according to a statewide poll of 500 likely Hispanic voters there. Harris also leads Trump among Latino voters in Nevada, 56% to 40%, the statewide poll of 500 likely Hispanic voters found.
Both polls were conducted in English and Spanish between Sept. 27 and Oct. 2, and have a margin of error of 4.4 percentage points in each state.
Featured image via Twitter video.

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I can’t find misogynation in the dictionary. Perhaps Andrea meant to say that men don’t like Harris because she is the product of miscegenation.
I think she was trying to say “misogyny” but had “miscegenation” on her mind, so it came out as a portmanteau of both words.
Misogynation is legitimate, following the rules, as a deverbal noun based on misogynate, which itself is a denominal verb from misogyny. Whether lexicographers think it’s common enough to list is another matter, but its meaning is quite clear and different from misogyny.
Misogynate would be the act of creating whatever misogyny describes. It make misogyny something created deliberately. Misogynation is the name of doing that act, the deliberate creation of misogyny.
You know more words than there are in the dictionary and they’re easily within reach of a native English speaker if needed. That is, you can say them and people will understand their nuances.
More likely that Mitchell erroneously replaced the word “misogyny” with the title of an awful 2018 book by Laura Bates entitled Misogynation, which of course blames everything on — you guessed it — misogyny.
Probably an easy mistake for Mitchell to make, since I expect she keeps a copy of Misogynation on her bedside table and reads from it every night before bedtime.
To paraphrase Jimmie Walker- GYNOMITE
It is a made up word that some person claiming to be an author wrote a book about. Just like “White Privilege” it is a victim word used to beat us over our heads. At some point we have to just say STFup.
Feminist theory, broadly construed, lacks a comprehensive theory of misogyny. While there has been a great deal of feminist work dedicated to analysing the social, cultural, political, and institutional effects of misogyny, the ancillary theories of misogyny these analyses produce are only ever partial, fragmented, vague or conceptually inconsistent. This article engages and critiques these theories by focusing on three separate but related issues within existing feminist scholarship on misogyny:
“I think that there’s misogynation in all of this, Black and White men, it’s a big problem.”
Making excuses already makes it look like they’re edxpecting her to lose.
This is just reading the polls based on men and women.
If she or her mouthpieces play the race card, I will believe that Trump is ahead.
After the disastrous 60 Minutes interview, there is little chance they’re going to do any interviews tougher than The View. She’s a blithering idiot, unarguably the dumbest major party nominee in 100-years, maybe ever. Critics like to point to Coolidge as one of the dumbest presidents. But, Coolidge was completely self-made and created a very successful law practice for himself before entering politics. People have looked and thus far, they can’t find a SINGLE case where Kamala Harris was the 1st or even 2nd chair prosecutor. She really did ‘sleep’ her way to success.
Coolidge was probably the best president of the 20th century.
The only people dumber than brown diversity Hillary are those who vote for her.
Well now WHY would MEN not just be idolizing the Kamala ? Why would MEN not consider her to be a SERIOUS person? I can see why Mrs. Snakehead has so much problem understanding MEN since she IS MRS. SNAKEHEAD, oh, and a leftist lunatic to boot! Real MEN love women – not just their own – but all women and will do things to protect them, help them, and provide for them. In return, REAL WOMEN will LOVE and UNDERSTAND REAL MEN! When a REAL MAN opens a door for a REAL WOMAN she usually says “Thank You” and accepts the gesture for what it is – a courtesy! The leftist women see it as an attack on their MANHOOD! The Kamala is an airhead – REAL MEN see that and know how dangerous her word salads are. A lot of women see her as nothing more than a “woman” who might be President, not understanding the DAMAGE and DANGER she represents for Our Nation!
No Andrea it isn’t what you think. It’s the air head communism that men detect.
She should stop womensplaining!
Andrea Mitchell is just as dumb as Kamala Harris.
Many men don’t like her because she’s a blithering idiot who’s a mile wide and an inch deep. It has nothing to do with misogyny.
I suspect many women feel the same way.
Give Andrea a break, she is 114 years old.
Sure! It couldn’t be because The HO lacks intelligence and judgment, or that the cackle she uses when she can’t answer a question is sickening to hear, or that world leaders are heartily laughing at her as a leader because she not only lacks leadership, she’s as crooked as sHillary. She couldn’t even bring a decent amount of votes in the dumbo state of California. Add to that, this is a person who lacks the ability to give ANY straight answer.
I could write a book!
If we were going to have the FIRST woman president, this would not be her.
There are many women, past and present, who would be excellent leaders and role models. Both on the left and right of the spectrum.
But it’s not her.
I’d vote for Tulsi Gabbard in a heartbeat over Cumalot if those were the only choices.
Michelle Bachman. Elizabeth Dole.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
Swanson or Gellar?
Mitchell may have a problem with misandry as well as her TDS.
The real problem is that Kamala Harris is a activist.
She has no experience at actually governing.
Worse, she seem to have no interest in the skills required to govern.
Excuses, excuses.
The oldest gripe will never be resolved because men just won’t listen to Eve again.
To a feminist, anyone who can watch Single White Female without rooting for the bunny boiler is a misogynist.
She appears to be an airhead and has a nervous cackling laugh.
I would prefer someone better suited has the nuclear codes.
The communists have been telling men that they are toxic for at least a decade. Why would a man want to vote for more of that? If anything, they have a misandry problem.
Translation: “Ah, uh, the genitals of the genitalians are germain to general genitalian concerns about genitals in the genitalian wing of the party, so if you don’t vote the correct genitals, you’re a bigot.”
“Misogy-Nation” would be a great name for a podcast!
I didn’t see your post before adding mine below.
Did you miss the comment up top about some author having already grabbed it?
I’m a woman and I don’t take her seriously because she is an intellectual lightweight, her positions are idiotic and/or destructive, and she’s also too lazy to do her homework.
But what I do take seriously is the risk to this country and the world if Harris the Horror becomes president.
Amen to that.
Any clue who Mitchell’s husband is?/s
We’re learning that Kamala MARRIED a misogynist, so if she doesn’t understand them by now, she’s clearly incompetent.
she is a misandrist
let the name calling begin
She’s a woman. Everything is your fault.
The Left constantly shits on men (“toxic masculinity”), and now they’re wondering why men are abandoning them?
Just don’t ask her to bring home the bacon AND fry it up in a pan if you don’t ever want to forget you are a man…she wears Mysogyny!
Is that a new perfume?
Misogyny, by Faberge!
Great name for a band: Misogynation Nation.
The better question: why do women have less of a problem with Harris? The planted axiom: she should be taken seriously, and if you don’t there must be something wrong with you, not Harris. In my opinion, no one should take Harris seriously for obvious reasons. What’s the matter with the women who do?
Because women see Harris as the vehicle to give a big double FU to the Republicans who took away their abortion rights. They don’t care about what other policies she represents. The government can run on autopilot as it has been for 4 years. They know she is on their side where it matters most.
Because nobody wants to have to get an abortion in the same back alley they have to live in.
Given that VP Harris has changed her stance on a large number of issues at a head-snapping rate and still claims that her values are unchanged, the skeptical electorate can be forgiven to think that her values are plastic – that is her values are deformable such that they will allow policy positions to conform to what ever will get her in office. I would certainly hope that most people, men and women, would see right through it.
It would be an interesting thought experiment what women would do if the two major candidates were women. I think that many women are motivated to support Harris because they want to see a woman president however vacuous she is.
Peggy Noonan expressed the views of many when she characterized the two candidates as awful versus empty.
Liberal women actually despise conservative women more than they despise conservative men. The vast majority of women vote for Leftists, and the fact that Kamala is a woman only helps her because she is of the Left. Women are motivated to support Harris because she is an abortion loving feminist. They see someone who is on their side, and they are especially angry after the Dobbs decision, which they take as a massive personal assault against their dignity, and want to give a big FU to Republican men.
Indeed, Trump’s choice of a male VP in these intersectional times was one of unheralded political courage.
Kamala has no problem connecting to men on a “personal” level. It’s just no one with any sense wants her in charge of anything.
Kamala is a Moped. Easy to ride, but don’t let your friends catch you.
Her standing with male voters is completely irrelevant. There is only one thing that matters for the election outcome – the difference between male and female turnout in the battleground states. That’s it !!!
It would be utterly stupid for KH to try persuading male voters. She should be concentrating solely on maximizing female turnout, and convincing males not to vote at all. Trump has to do (and is doing) the opposite. The gender gap is at least 30 points and could crack 40 in some places. Turnout is the only thing that matters, and that is why this contest is so unpredictable. A tiny change in the difference between male and female turnout can flip a battleground state.
I feel less hopeless about this observation when I observe the number of females at the massive Trump rallies.
Yeah, that’s the ticket
It’s miss-Kommunization that keeps us away.
One of the biggest reasons, it seems, to vote for her is that she is a woman. It is also the least qualifying for level headed people. I don’t know what you call level headed people sorting out pros and cons of who to vote for, but I don’t think it is related solely to her sex. For Mitchell, it is a big reason, but for others not so much. Basically Mitchell proves that men and women think different, and that is diversity for you.
No fancy or made up words needed.
I have been aware of this “person” since she first broke onto the scene of local politics in California.
Her disgustig use of her body for gain was the start of my “discinnexion” with her. Her partner in this game earned the same disgust, though he was already on my radar as a threat to decency and liberty. The fact that HE would take advantage of her personal corruiption and give her power and position in the piblic rust when he had not earned them put them both on my “do not trust” radar.
I watched her as she marched her way through the power politics in California, and the abominable job she did with the misuse of her power, gotten illigitimately by her “service” to her corrupt partner.
Her entire career has been that of taking what is not rightly hers, and using it for her own personal gain.
Of COURSE I do no connect with her. She is an abomination. And cannot “fade” from the political scene quickly enough. If she were standing on a stage centred on a trap door, and someone pulled the lever to open that door, she still would ot disappear quickly enough. It would still trouble me more than enough to know she was yet “somewhere down there”.
Are Willie Brown and Montel Williams voting for her?
So she knows what a woman is?