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Fox News Fact Checks Walz on Lies, Israel, Abortion, Immigration, and Tariffs

Fox News Fact Checks Walz on Lies, Israel, Abortion, Immigration, and Tariffs

I never ever want to hear the word “clear” again. I’m serious. I need to go break something.

Fox News Sunday host Shannon Bream brought the heat during her segment with Democrat VP candidate Gov. Tim Walz.

Bream and Walz were cordial, though.

However, Bream fact-checked Walz on many issues. Walz had no answers. Instead, he continued to dodge, dance, and deflect.

NOTE: I used a transcribing program. I’ve reviewed the transcriptions and hopefully caught all the misspellings, grammar, and other mistakes. If I missed some, I apologize!

Walz’s Lies

Conservative media has exposed numerous lies Walz has told in his past. At the debate, Walz called himself a “knucklehead” and admitted that he “misspoke” at times.

Bream called him out, giving him another chance to come clean.

Walz chose to make excuses. He’s too “passionate,” which makes him misspeak. Okay, bro:

BREAM: Listen, before we go, because I wish that we had a full hour, I want to give you a chance because you called yourself a knucklehead this week to talk about some of your misstatements. You’ve modified your story or explained that you misspoke about things involving your military. Rank about carrying a weapon in war.

Your 1995 DUI arrest, using IVF to have your beautiful children, Gus and Hope, being in Hong Kong and China in the summer of 1989 during the Tiananmen events. A lot of people would say they couldn’t get away with saying…

WALZ: I’m just too passionate. My grammar is not right. I’m a knucklehead…

BREAM: …say to the american people who think, “I don’t know that I can trust this guy with all those modifications to be the potential commander in chief of this country.”

WALZ: Yeah, well, I think they heard me. They heard me the other night speaking passionately about gun violence and misspeaking. And I got to be honest with you, Shannon, I don’t think people care whether I used IUI or IVF when we talk about this. What they understand is Donald Trump would resist those things.

Look, I speak passionately. I had an entire career, decades before I was in public office. They know. And I’m very proud of my 24 years in service and my record.

I have never disparaged someone else in this, but I know that’s not what Donald Trump does. They disparage everyone with the personal attacks. I will own up when I misspeak, I will own up when I make a mistake.

Let’s be very clear on that debate stage the other night, I asked one very simple question, and Senator Vance would not acknowledge that Donald Trump lost the 2020 election. I think they’re probably far more concerned with that than my wife and I used IUI to have our child and that Donald Trump would restrict that. So I think folks know who I am. My constituents here in Minnesota have elected me eight times. They know where I’m at.

And I’m proud to be on the ticket. And we’ll deliver just like we have here in Minnesota. And if we’re going to deal in truth, both the president, the former president and his nominee have said that they are very supportive of IVF.


Walz tried to deflect from the fact that Minnesota has one of the most extreme abortion laws:

BREAM: I want to talk about abortion, too, because this came up at the debate. It’s been a winning argument for Democrats on many ballots. But I want to clarify what the law is there in Minnesota. Abortion Finder, a website that helps women find access, says abortion is legal throughout pregnancy in Minnesota. There is no ban or a limit on abortion in Minnesota based on how far along in a pregnancy.

You sign the bill that makes it legal through all nine months. Is that a position? You think Democrats should advocate for nationally?

WALZ: Look, the vice president, I have been clear. The restoration of Roe versus Wade is what we’re asking for…

BREAM: But that law goes far beyond Roe v. Wade…

WALZ: The law is very clear. It does not change that…was been debunked on.

BREAM: What you signed is there’s not a single limit through nine months of pregnancy, Roe had a trimester framework that did have limits through the pregnancy. The Minnesota law does not have that.

WALZ: This puts the decision with the woman and her health care providers. The situation we have is when you don’t have the ability of healthcare providers to provide that. That’s where you end up with a situation like Amanda Zwarsky in Texas, where they are afraid to do what’s necessary. This doesn’t change anything. It puts the decision back on to the woman, the physicians, and we know that this is simply something to be brought up. To be very clear. Donald Trump’s asking for a nationwide abortion bank. And again, we don’t see this…

BREAM: Trump has repeatedly said that he will not sign a national abortion ban. Are you calling that just a flat out lie?

WALZ: Yes, of course. Senator Vance has in the past said so too. Now, look, they may see this as an election issue. We see it as a right of women to make their own bodily decisions and that’s what the states, like my state, have the ability to put that in. States like Georgia force women to cross the border, and then we have a death thef Amber Thurman. So let’s be very clear. Trying to cut hairs on an issue on this is not where the American public’s at. They want the restoration of Roe versus Wade. Vice President Harris said she would sign it. That’s what we’ll do when we’re elected.

BREAM: But to be clear, that…Minnesota law is far beyond Roe v. Wade and about the Amber Thurman case in Georgia. Her family ha,s and it’s tragic, she is a young mother who left behind a young son. But what her family has said is it was a complication from an abortion pill that she received, and she didn’t get proper care when she went to a Georgia hospital, which had multiple opportunities to intervene there. Her own attorney, the family’s attorney, says it wasn’t the Georgia law, it was the hospitals. What he claims is malpractice not treating her when she clearly showed up in distress and still had the byproducts of her pregnancy because of that rare complication from the abortion pill. So just to be clear on the Georgia law and how her family and her attorney sees it.

WALZ: I think they also indicated that had she not go to North Carolina, after the debate the other night, that she would have been in a better position. So look, these are the situations you’re going to get into when you take this decision and put it the hands of politicians like Donald Trump, rather than women and their doctors. We trust women. We trust doctors, and we know the outcomes of that are better.


Walz tried to boast about Harris’s non-existent border policies and immigration:

WALZ: Look, the vice president has made it clear that she has policies that make a difference. Her border policies are the most strongest, the fairest we’ve seen.

BREAM: A lot of people, including your own party, would not join that statement. There are millions of people who have come here over the last few years that..they see this as an open policy.

WALZ: Well, simply, we have a policy. Donald Trump sees it as a political. Look, James Langford in Oklahoma, the Border Patrol agents, the Wall Street Journal, the Chamber of Commerce all said pass this legislation. You have to have Congress to authorize 1500 new border agents. You have to have Congress to authorize the DOJ to speed adjudications on these asylum claims. Those are things that would actually work. Donald Trump told us for four years he would deal with this. He didn’t. He didn’t build his wall, only 2%, Mexico didn’t pay for it. This is a real bill that has bipartisan support. It has the experts on board and it starts to tackle these issues and we don’t have to resort to demonizing people. We don’t have to resort to making up or crafting stories, as Senator Vance said he did. Those things were not happening in Springfield. But it doesn’t mean that we can’t pass a piece of legislation to strengthen our border. That’s what Kamala Harris is talking about. Solving the problem.

BREAM: That piece of legislation does include the wall that you guys have been…you’ve disparaged that. I mean, the vice president has as well. So I don’t know if she really intends to move forward with that, but it was negotiated by three or four senators, and many Republicans came out against it long before President Trump indicated he didn’t like it either.


Tariffs are awful. Harris and Walz have demonized Trump’s tariffs, but Bream reminds Walz that the Biden-Harris administration kept Trump’s tariffs and even added some of their own.

He also lies about the unemployment number, price gouging, artificially inflating the house market. Everything:

BREAM: Our latest polling shows that 66% of Americans we talked to said that buying groceries is a quote, major problem for them. And when we ask people about how they feel about the policies of this administration versus the previous. Double the amount of people surveyed say that Biden-Harris policies have hurt them rather than help them and their family’s economically. That’s in stark contrast to how they feel when asked about the Trump administration. So what would a Harris-Waltz administration do different than a Biden-Harris administration when it comes to convincing people that the economy is going to get better for them. Because their perception is that it’s not.

WALZ: Well, we saw a blockbuster job report this week. We saw interest rates come down and we’ve also seen Vice President Harris laying out a middle class agenda. Look, I was in Ohio yesterday in Cleveland, in Cincinnati. And talking about this, folks in Ohio know that Donald Trump’s policies led to 180,000 manufacturing jobs leaving. They understand when he left office, we had more people unemployed percentage wise, than the Great Depression. What Vice President Harris was talking about is making it more affordable to buy housing. And we’ve seen it in Minneapolis when you have more housing stock, we’ve seen rates go down. We’ve seen more houses available.

Also, the idea of price gouging with 37 states…Republican and Democratic states have this. Corn is about 410 or so a bushel. That’s where it’s been for many years, up and down. But prices at the grocery stores have skyrocketed, corporate profits have skyrocketed, and people are paying more. So we talk about that. And then I think the fundamental difference here is, too, as Donald Trump kept his promise. He cut taxes for the wealthiest.

She’s talking about making sure things like a child tax credit, $6,000 child tax credit, put more money in people’s pocket, making sure that we’re able to buy those things, whether it’s a crib or it’s baby formula. Get started. And she’s simply asking that we can pay for it by asking those at the top to pay their fair share.

This is a fundamental difference in approaches to it, and we’re seeing it working. We’re seeing economists talk about Donald Trump’s proposal to add a 20% sales tax will cost $4,000. That’s everybody. That’s not me saying it.

BREAM: And just. To know that is a tariff, which, by the way, this administration not only kept most of the Trump terrorists, but they added their own as well. So that’s got to be part of the conversation.

Israel and Iran

Walz attempted to please everyone with his answer about Israel possibly striking Iran’s oil and nuclear facilities:

BREAM: Okay, so I want to pick up where Alexis left off there in the Middle east, because you were asked in the debate the other night, a question about whether or not you would support a preemptive strike by Israel on Iran. You didn’t really get to an answer on that. So this administration continues to call for Israel to moderate its response after being attacked by Iran. Do you now think that Israel has a right to either strike? Oil facilities, nuclear facilities? What’s your position on that?

WALZ: Well, look, let’s remember how this started. And we’re approaching tomorrow. A tragic anniversary. Hamas terrorist murdered over 1200 innocent Israelis. 46 Americans took hostages. We have been clear. Israel has the right to defend itself. We’ve always stood in that. Position. We need the hostages returned, and we need to bring an end to the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

But again, the point is, it’s Iran is at the heart of this, and their proxies that bring disruption throughout the region. That’s why being in the situation room as vice president was working with Israelis to repel the attack we saw this week. They tried it back in April. The same thing. And that’s the point of being and boxing Iran in. President Trump tore up the nuclear deal that moved Iran closer to a nuclear weapon.

He also allowed Iran to shoot down an American aircraft in international airspace with a tweet. And when Iranian weapons missiles fell on us troops, he called it a headache, when his traumatic brain injury. Just to be clear, we have always said we reserve the right to protect american troops. Our allies in the region and that there is consequences for Iran.

So what you’re seeing right now is the ability to work with our allies, the ability to make sure Iran is not further. And every administration has dealt with them for 45 years now it’s to make sure. And there has never been a question. Israel has the right to defend itself, and we stand with them to do that. But we need to bring this to a conclusion.

BREAM: Does that include a strike on Iran’s nuclear or oil facilities?

WALZ: Specific. Operations will be dealt with at the time. But being very clear on this Iran, there was consequences. For what they do. That’s what’s happening right now. Israel’s right to defend itself is not in question.

BREAM: Okay. You said in a radio interview that anti Israel protesters were speaking out, quote, for all the right reasons. You know that some of them are carrying Hamas flags. Some of them are calling for the extermination. Of the jewish state. Do you want to clarify? Your praise for that.

WALZ: Yeah, I’m certainly not talking about them. I’m talking about the people who understand. That. We have to end the humanitarian crisis. But they understand we need to return the hostages, bring peace to the region.

Look, I will always defend people’s rights to first amendment, but that’s. Not the folks I’m talking about. Those folks are not speaking for the entire group. So I think it’s very clear on this. Israel’s right, as we’ve stood with them. Antisemitism has no place in this country.

And Vice President Harris has been clear about that. I’ve been clear about it.

But the ability to bring a peaceful solution and understand Israel’s right to defend itself. The return of the hostages and Gazan’s right to live in peace, too, is something that we’re trying to get to, and that’s going to take the leadership that we’ve seen out of Vice President Harris bringing able to hold this a coalition together.

And again, when Iran launched their missiles this week, she’s in the Situation room. That’s different.

The people who are in the situation room with Donald Trump, like, John Kelly, as chief of staff, said he shouldn’t be there. He’s a damaged human being his own defense secretary said he does not understand the situation is incapable of dealing with it it’s about character.

Here is the whole 15 minute interview:


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E Howard Hunt | October 6, 2024 at 2:30 pm

Hey, Tim.

There’s no such thing as being too passionate with Shannon Bream. What a doll- unlike your cackling running mate.

I wish my “Weasel Walz” nickname had caught on. This knucklehead has to weasel out of everything he says.

rhhardin | October 6, 2024 at 2:37 pm

No restriction on abortion just means that you can react to necessity even in oddball cases. It’s favorable to common sense in unusual situations.

Nobody treats ninth-month abortion as fun. In the first place you’ve gone through all that pregnancy with no result. The matter is different if there’s non-viability etc that turns up late. It winds up being the best option.

iconotastic | October 6, 2024 at 2:46 pm

WTAF was all of that? I don’t know which is worse, Kamala with her circular non-statements or Walz with his insane blabber.

    TargaGTS in reply to iconotastic. | October 6, 2024 at 3:20 pm

    Impossible to say who’s dumber, Harris or Walz. Here’s an early clip of Harris’ 60 Minutes interview. She gives a statement that is a case study in Word Salad:

    “The work that we have done has resulted in a number of movements in that region by Israel that were very much prompted by or a result of many things including our advocacy for what needs to happen in the region.”

    She shouldn’t be doing any job that requires communication skills greater than: ‘Paper or Plastic, ma’am?’

      Joe-dallas in reply to TargaGTS. | October 6, 2024 at 4:59 pm

      Who is dumber? That is a good question

      Not to disparage teachers – however the intellectual rigor (brain power) required to obtain an education degree is one of the lowest of all bachelor degrees.

      Compare the brain power required to get a degree in math, engineering, biology, chemistry, etc with education

    amatuerwrangler in reply to iconotastic. | October 6, 2024 at 3:50 pm

    It appears to be “clear thinking” to the Left and their voters.

alaskabob | October 6, 2024 at 3:36 pm

LA Times interviewed readers about Trump and Vance criticizing “fact checking” during debates. The readers were for “fact checking”. I can’t see where they informed the readers that the “moderators” were not to do that but went against the rules they agreed to.. Hum… Two tiers for everything.

FinbarOS | October 6, 2024 at 4:24 pm

I tried to watch this interview, but after a short time I decided my time would be better spent banging my head against a wall.

“No, I didn’t. Honest… I ran out of gas. I… I had a flat tire. I didn’t have enough money for cab fare. My tux didn’t come back from the cleaners. An old friend came in from out of town. Someone stole my car. There was an earthquake. A terrible flood. Locusts! It wasn’t my fault, I swear to God!”

Jake Walz.

henrybowman | October 6, 2024 at 5:23 pm

“States like Georgia force women to cross the border, and then we have a death [of?] Amber Thurman.”
Even postulating that this were cause-and-effect true — which it isn’t — it doesn’t legitimize federal intervention.
Stay in your LANE, commie.

inspectorudy | October 6, 2024 at 5:40 pm

I watched this program and was very disappointed with Bream. She is not exactly Joan of Arc and she tries too hard to be nice. She let Walz not answer a single question unlike the weasel Chris Wallace. He would begin an answer and within one minute start to trash Trump who had nothing to do with the question. Bream allowed him to blather on and on with no interruptions. And one of the things that pissed me off about she and Vance is that they neither quoted what was in this magnificent border bill that Harris/Walz keep bragging about. For God’s sake, just read a few lines from it when these two brag about it and they will shut up. It gives money to Ukraine. It ALLOWS 4,000 illegals per day as normal and when it reaches 5,000, it triggers a stop immigration law that is totally up to the BP to act on. It has no money for a wall. It allows for 1500 new CBP agents but does not say what their mission will be except to rapidly process claims and issue visas quicker. Certainly not to stop illegals but to process them faster! I tried to find out what was in the bill but had to go to the tenth page on Google search to get a non-left organization, and even then it did not tell what all was in the bill. Why don’t the Rs start telling everyone what is in this terrible bill?

henrybowman | October 6, 2024 at 8:30 pm

You know Democrats are irredeemably screwed when SNL breaks ranks and devotes a sketch to mocking Walz, Kamala, and Biden

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