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CAIR Demands U. Georgia Drop Charges Against Anti-Israel Protesters Who Were Arrested, Suspended

CAIR Demands U. Georgia Drop Charges Against Anti-Israel Protesters Who Were Arrested, Suspended

“UGA violated the Georgia FORUM Act the minute the administrators told protesters to move their demonstration and UGA violated the first amendment when it had students arrested and suspended them”

At various schools where this has happened, the left seems genuinely surprised to be held accountable for their actions. It doesn’t happen very often.

FOX 5 in Atlanta reports:

CAIR calls on UGA to drop charges against students arrested during pro-Palestine protest

The Georgia chapter of the Council of American-Islamic Relations is calling on the University of Georgia to drop charges against a group of students arrested or suspended during pro-Palestinian protests on campus.

The six students were among the 16 members of the group Students for Justice of Palestine who were arrested on April 29 after setting up an encampment on the Old College Front Lawn at the university’s North Campus.

After refusing to follow orders from campus police to remove their tents and leave the area, officers and Georgia State troopers demolished the encampment and took the group into custody on criminal trespassing charges.

Following their arrests, the students say they were placed on interim suspension and barred from campus, leading them to be evicted from student housing, kicked out of leadership positions at university organizations, and forced to fail or drop classes.

After filing an appeal of their suspensions, a panel ruled in July that they would remain suspended through the fall semester. The students will also remain on probation for the remainder of their academic careers at the university.

On Monday, CAIR and the six students held a news conference asking UGA to drop all disciplinary charges.

“UGA violated the Georgia FORUM Act the minute the administrators told protesters to move their demonstration and UGA violated the first amendment when it had students arrested and suspended them,” First Amendment and civil rights attorney Samantha Hamilton said at the press conference. “We call upon UGA to publicly apologize to the student protesters and reinstate them,”


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Muslims are certainly getting aggressive. Do not let them intimidate you. Go to court and let them make their case there. Or pretty soon CAIR will move towards making it obligatory to demonstrate against Israel and harass American Jews. UGeorgia has an endowment fund for just these emergencies.

destroycommunism | September 25, 2024 at 10:01 am

from the twin towers to the sea

will be their latest chant

JackinSilverSpring | September 25, 2024 at 12:54 pm

The University of Georgia shouldn’t care at all about CAIR’s demands.

This should be viewed by all as a learning opportunity – UG is a learning institution. Actions should have consequences. As Alexandr Solzhenitsyn wrote in his book Gulag Archipelago, “When we neither punish nor reproach evildoers, we are not simply protecting their trivial old age, we are thereby ripping the foundations of justice from beneath new generations.”

Hey, CAIR: Proud UGA alum and US Marine veteran here. Trained by the finest: one of the badasses you failed to kill in your cowardly barracks bombing 41 years ago this October 23.

Stop with the goats and sheep already and go **** yourselves.

🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 Toodles, twatwaffles. 🖕 May you live in fear that your cellphone, or perhaps your laptop, or bidet, or some other tool of your existence, is going to take you out at any moment — and that the God you claim to honor by destroying His creation with glee, greets you at the gates of Hell to let you know just how eternally disappointed in you He is.

“Following their arrests, the students say they were placed on interim suspension and barred from campus, leading them to be evicted from student housing, kicked out of leadership positions at university organizations, and forced to fail or drop classes.”

That’s why it’s called suspension. UGA should expel them permanently, and the local DA should charge them.

Every muslim in this country should be deported. Islam is a cancer in the body politic and will spread and kill it.