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Aurora, CO, Police Admit Arresting ‘Tren de Aragua’ Gang Members

Aurora, CO, Police Admit Arresting ‘Tren de Aragua’ Gang Members

So the police have been arresting Venezuelan gang members in connection with apartment takeovers! I thought the takeovers were a conspiracy theory?!

The Aurora, Colorado, police department arrested members of the Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua (TdA), including those allegedly connected to the numerous apartment complex takeovers.

Democrats and the media told us none of the takeovers happened. They denounced Donald Trump for talking about the “debunked” conspiracy.

Well, I would say that the police, which also said none of the reports were true, showed the conspiracy theory was true.

“For some time, well before concerns about TdA in Colorado generated national attention, APD had been arresting people for various criminal activities who had suspected, but not necessarily confirmed, TdA connections,” stated the police department.

But now (emphasis mine):

‘To date, APD has now linked 10 people to TdA and has arrested eight of those people. Two of the eight individuals who were taken into custody were involved in a July shooting at one of the specific properties in the city that have experienced issues with TdA activity.

‘In line with these arrests, we can also now confirm that criminal activity, including TdA issues, had significantly affected those properties.’

Oh, so you mean the people begging for help and posting videos of the takeovers were correct?

Did they push away those people for political reasons? You know, not give conservatives ammunition to prove that open borders have negative consequences for America? To protect the Colorado government by making the state a sanctuary state?

See, on August 29, the police department released a statement regarding TdA.

I tried accessing it, but I got the message, “Sorry, the page you requested cannot be found.”

Some of the incidents go back to 2023 (emphasis mine):

Some of the arrests stem as far back as late 2023, when, according to the property’s managers, the gang established a ‘stranglehold’ on the property, engaging in assaults, threats of murder, extortion and even child prostitution.

Yoendry Vilchez Medina-Jose was arrested in August 5 and is accused of assault at the complex last November.

A firm hired by the owners of the complex had previously said that in November, a consultant was so allegedly severely beaten and stomped by gang members that he had to go to the hospital. It’s not clear if this is the same assault that Medina-Jose is accused of.

Meanwhile Juan Carlos Mejia-Espana was arrested on March 17 after a reported domestic dispute with a weapon, Yorman Camilo Sangronis-Garcia was arrested on February 4 over a hit-and-run crash at the complex and Larry Medina was arrested on July 10 in connection with felony menacing.

They are all documented members of Tren de Aragua.

TdA member Jhonardy Pacheco-Chirinos was arrested after an alleged assault in November 2023 at Fitzsimons Place apartments at 1568 Nome St. He is also suspected of being involved in a nonfatal shooting at the property on July 28.

His brother Jhonnarty Dejesus Pacheco-Chirinos, a fellow TdA member, is also accused in the July 28 shooting at the property.

Some of the TdA members were arrested for crimes that appear unrelated to the overtaken properties.

Carlos Aranguren-Mayora is accused of 38 crimes all over the Denver area, dating back to December 2023.

Roiberth Daniel Mora-Marquez was arrested in April and accused of assaulting someone over unpaid rent money. He is also a suspect in a nonfatal shooting on June 28.

To the shock of no one, the department claimed the gang hasn’t taken over the city:

“As for the perception and reality of public safety in Aurora, please understand that issues experienced at a select few properties do not apply to the city as a whole or large portions of it. TdA has not ‘taken over’ the city. The overstated claims fueled by social media and through select news organizations are simply not true.”

Ward Clark at RedState has reports of the takeovers:


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Why, they are just poor “migrants,” trying to find their way in a strange country by beating, robbing and raping their new, involuntary neighbors.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | September 12, 2024 at 1:49 pm

All of the officials and NGOs who have been working to help orchestrate this invasion of America need to be held criminally liable for their treason and punished appropriately. ALL OF THEM.

And add in all of the fraud involving siphoning money to these dirtbags in the process. Follow the money. Arrest the traitors.

Have they been handed over to ICE for deportation?

If police come down on the Gang hard enough, they will give up and move to your town.

destroycommunism | September 12, 2024 at 2:31 pm

the msm including fox withholds DELAYS releasing information to the public

this whole bs of

we cant tell you the names of under 18 criminals

is pure political garbage

the argument that it will “interfere” with their rehab could be made for anyone at any age

then they say the mind has not fully formed so they cant release the criminals names….but they want kids as young as 8yo per fjb to decide their gender surgery reassignment and sexual activity

these people are fnlunatics
and we are allowing them to run the country

Worse than these gangs are those people who are orchestrating destruction of America. There is far too much shit going on to think otherwise.

Dolce Far Niente | September 12, 2024 at 3:04 pm

This, and the Haitians in Ohio are perfect exemplars of anarcho-tyranny.

And letting them loose no doubt after $50 fine

The drip, drip,.drip on this story in Aurora and others out there, one yesterday in El Paso, of similar antics by TdA is gonna end up worse for the ‘narrative’ than just telling the truth up front.

Subotai Bahadur | September 12, 2024 at 6:12 pm

OK, the “fictional” and “imaginary” Venezuelan prison gang members defended by our Leftist politicians and law enforcement have been arrested. This is the United States where we have a two-tier criminal justice system. What are the odds that they will a) actually be prosecuted for any crimes, and b) be sentenced the same as an American citizen who committed the same crime(s) and was found guilty?

Subotai Bahadur

Arrested is all well and good, but are they still in custody? And I mean actual custody, as in behind bars, not out and about on bail or with ankle monitors or any other nonsense. Have they been deported?