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Seattle Times Gaslighting Over Trump Pointing Out 2020 Protesters Took Over a ‘Big’ Part of City

Seattle Times Gaslighting Over Trump Pointing Out 2020 Protesters Took Over a ‘Big’ Part of City

The media’s kneejerk reaction to everything Trump says is that it must be false. Even if people saw it with their own eyes, even if it’s on video, if Trump said it, it can’t be true.

During the debate on Tuesday night, Donald Trump mentioned the fact that leftists took over a big part of the city of Seattle in 2020. This is well documented, they called it the CHOP Zone, short for ‘Capitol Hill Organized Protest.’

The Seattle Times felt the need to fact check Trump on this, appearing to take issue with the use of the word “big.” It wasn’t that big argues the paper. It was only six city blocks. Oh, well OK then.

From the Seattle Times:

Trump falsely claims CHOP protesters took over a big part of Seattle

Former President Donald Trump referenced Seattle’s Capitol Hill Organized Protest during the presidential debate Tuesday night, falsely claiming protesters took over a big portion of the city.

During the debate, Trump was asked if he has any regrets about what he did on Jan. 6, 2021, when he asked his supporters to march to the U.S. Capitol, ultimately leading to an insurrection.

In response, Trump, who was president in 2020 when protesters started CHOP to protest police brutality after the death of George Floyd, said: “When are the people that burned down Minneapolis going to be prosecuted or in Seattle? They went into Seattle, they took over a big percentage of the city of Seattle. When are those people going to be prosecuted?”

The zone’s size fluctuated, but it essentially occupied about six city blocks surrounding the Seattle Police Department East Precinct building and Cal Anderson Park, extending east to 12th Avenue, west to Broadway, south to East Pine Street and north to East Denny Way.

The city did not press charges against protesters solely for being involved in CHOP or occupying the area. Some charges were filed for specific acts of violence or property damage.

People were shot and killed in this miniature city within a city. People stood guard at its border with guns.

Is anyone else sick to death of being gaslit by the progressive activist media?

People on Twitter/X hammered the paper.

Watch this video from the Seattle Police Department detailing violence in the ‘CHOP’ zone. It’s non-stop gunfire for almost three minutes.

The media’s kneejerk reaction to everything Trump says is that it must be false. Even if people saw it with their own eyes, even if it’s on video, if Trump said it, it can’t be true.


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Absolutely amazing. I’m sure the citizens caught inside CHOP felt like a “pretty big portion” of the city had been taken over.
They literally must think we a) don’t remember 2020 and b) are stupid.
This is, yet again, your daily reminder that you don’t hate the media nearly enough.

OK, they fact-checked his phrasing. It was an exaggeration to say “big percentage.” And…?

I said at the time that 6 blocks wasn’t much. It certainly wasn’t enough to sustain itself. But the nitpick is so 10yo temper tantrum. “I might have flushed, but I wasn’t the one that put the toilet paper roll on the back of the toilet to get knocked in, in the first place. Hmmph!”

But, please, do acknowledge their correction. Don’t simply state “Hey, we saw what we saw!” Say, “OK, you’re right, there was an exaggeration there. But for all the people who don’t live in Seattle, that’s all they saw of Seattle in the summer of 2020, so it’s natural to assume it was a large chunk of the city. I mean, it had to be, right, for the police to be unable to bring it back under city jurisdiction? It had to be some massive movement for you to not be able to identify and prosecute the ringleaders, right? Right?”

    Paddy M in reply to GWB. | September 12, 2024 at 9:42 am

    The CHOP/CHAZ community garden was pretty funny. If I remember correctly, they just threw a bunch of potting soil down and planted seedlings they probably bought at a farmer’s market or Whole Foods.

destroycommunism | September 12, 2024 at 11:54 am

which is why I stated that trumps taking on harris and her nastiness was

NOT IRRELEVANT to the debates

its alllll relevant in to defeating the leftists

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | September 12, 2024 at 1:03 pm

They didn’t just “take over” this area – they declared a new nation on it. And the democrat city and state officials were perfectly happy to give away US territory to these insurrectionist scum at the time, even though it is not in the power of any US official to give away any US territory. Trump’s mistake was not sending the feds in and arresting everyone there, including dragging that treasonous POS mayor out of her office by her hair and the dipshit traitor governor out of his and pressing treason charges against both of them, in addition to everyone involved in this actual insurrection.

I believe they also tried a CHAZ version down in Portland, too, though that wasn’t covered very much by the media. In Portland, they mostly concentrated their insurrection attempts on burning down the federal courthouse with everyone inside. That is another case where the city and state officials who were de facto co-conspirators to these insurrectionists should have been hauled away in orange jumpsuits.

The only actual insurrection attempts were those that the left carried out across the nation in 2020, and they were real insurrection tries. They declared their hate of America, tried to tear down every symbol of America they could find, and worked hard to actually try to burn the country down as much as they were able. And they all got away with it with no one ever being held responsible – not the scumbag foot soldiers who tore up the cities, not the democrat officials who gave the insurrectionists aid and comfort, not the people who funded it all. They all got away with one of the most dangerous and serious series of crimes against America EVER.

    good post

    wish the gop was more forceful in using the media to promote these truths

    CHOP/CHAZ was a local speedbump, no within the bailiwick of FedGov at the time. From he perspecive of the rebels, they were YUUUUUUGE!!! iin their own pea-sized brains. I live about seventy miles away and thought “what a bunch of spoilt impudent children playing Big Boy Games. The utter corruption of the Wokies running Seattle was pretty pathetic.

Douglas Murray points out that “autonomous” portions of cities are hallmarks of 3rd world failed cities. “it’s only a little cancer….”

These brazenly dishonest attempts at revisionist history and distortions are a prelude to a Trump-Vance win whose margin of victory will surprise everyone except those who’ve understood the suffering that the middle class has endured, under the illegal alien invasion, and, crushing Biden-Harrisflation.

The desperation of the contemptible, water-carrying Dhimmi-crat media shills/lapdogs/trained seals/propagandists/fabulists is palpable. Thus, they resort to ever more brazen prevarications.

The same people who called unarmed melee that accompanied a (truly) mostly peacefuyl walking tour of the Capitol building an “insurrection” are now dismissing an ACTUAL insurrection for which nobody was punished by quibbling over whether or not it was “large.”

I was going to close this posting with a Latin phrase meaning, “the controlled media must be destroyed,” but every time I swapped sides to ensure a faithful translation, it was retranslated back to English as “the central government must be destroyed.” I never knew those old Romans were so politically insightful.

    Nex time you are in Seattle nip round and ask the owners of Tacos Guaymas,and the coffee shop a block away, and any of he folks who had lived there long term how “large” that area is. To them it was their whole world collapsing before their eyes. I kniw that area well, and based on the “borders” described in the press it WAS huge. In the perspective of the locals trapped within it, their lives upended and daily, hourly threatened.

    Tp put it in a current perspective, head out to Aurora Colorado and ask the folks personally involved/victimised by the Venezolano takeover of JUST ONE apartment block One sixth the size of CHOP but to them it might as well be the entire country under foreign siege.

Consider the source of the gaslighting…Seattle Slimes. I am surprised they are still in business at all. But, then, it is Seattle and birdcages do need liners.

when he asked his supporters to march to the U.S. Capitol, ultimately leading to an insurrection.

I have heard he recording of Trumps speech of that day. He did NOT “ask them to march to the Capitol”. He knew they were already planning on movng on over to the Capitol Building. Therefore he DID remiind them by way of “asking” them to rmember and do so peacefully.
he Seattle Slimes also conveniently forgot to mention that his speech ended at least fifteen or twenty minutes AFTER the “breach” of the Capitol AND it is a stiff forty five minute walk in uncrowded conditions from where HE spoke to the Capitol. I have read accounts of folks leaving AS Trump’s speech was winding down and quickmarching to the Capitol, taking a full hour to get there.

I quit reading the Seattle Times forty years ago because of their sleaze and bias.

I will also take yet one more opportunity to slam them for their characterisation of Floyd’s death as having anything to do with “police brutality”. That man killed himself by ingesting a four times lethal dose of fantanyl and then a two plus times lethal dose of meth as a chaser. He would have surely died even if Officer Chauvin had never found him.