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September 11, 2012: Terrorists Murder Four Americans in Benghazi

September 11, 2012: Terrorists Murder Four Americans in Benghazi

“If you guys don’t get out here, we’re all going to f—-ing die.”

Every September 11 we need to remember another attack on Americans.

On September 11, 2012, at 9:40 PM, terrorists launched an attack on the compound housing ambassador Christopher Stevens in Benghazi, Libya.

“We are under attack.”

“If you guys don’t get out here, we’re all going to f—-ing die.”

Over the next 13 hours, these terrorists will kill four Americans and injure many more.

The movie 13 Hours, which had the survivors working as consultants, tells the full story.

The movie is on Amazon Prime. Please, I beg you, please watch the movie. The survivors worked as consultants on the movie. Michael Bay did it justice, basing it on the book by Mark Geist, one of the GRS team members.

Those at the compound:

  • Ambassador Christopher Stevens
  • Scott Wickland, DSS Agent
  • Dave Ubben, DSS Agent
  • Alec Henderson, DSS Agent
  • Sean Smith, an IT specialist

They begged for more security. Demanded it. They knew they couldn’t trust anyone.

The men secure Smith and Stevens as they hunt for their weapons and one keeps watch on the cameras. The terrorists force their way into the compound but not the safe room.

Wickland pushes Smith and Stevens into a bathroom.

The terrorists still cannot get into the area. They decide to burn the men out, setting fire to the place.

Overcome by smoke the three men attempt to escape but lose each other in the smoke.

The movie details how the man in charge at the CIA annex kept back the CIA contractors known as the Global Response Staff (GRS) from running to the compound.

The members of the team:

  • Jack Silva
  • Tyrone “Rone” Woods
  • Mark “Oz” Geist
  • John “Tig” Tiegen
  • Kris “tanto” Paronto
  • Dave “Boon” Benton
  • Glen “Bub” Doherty

Kris Paronto said: “We were told to ‘stand down’. Those words were used verbatim—100 percent. If the truth of it affects someone’s political career? Well, I’m sorry. It happens.”

Unfortunately, by the time the men arrived at the compound, it was too late. No one could find Stevens. Smith was dead. The others had injuries.

The GRS team attempted to secure the compound as the injured made their way back to the annex.

The injured from the compound arrived after the annex after facing constant gunfire on the route.

The GRS team made their way back to the compound, ordering everyone to prepare for an evacuation.

They set up shop on the rooftops knowing the terrorists would hit the CIA annex. They faced numerous attacks, trying to keep those in the building safe.

The movie showed a drone over the annex and compound, knowing officials had their eye on the whole thing.

No one answered their calls except Glen Doherty in Tripoli. He gathered a team, but faced delays out of the airport.

Doherty and his team finally land at 1:00 AM. They help the GRS team fend off more attacks.

But then it all went to hell at 4:00 AM when the terrorists attacked the annex with mortars.

They murdered Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty and injured many more.

A mortar nearly blew off Geist’s arm. He was also shot numerous times and had shrapnel all over his body.

A mortar took out a chunk of Dave Ubben’s arm and almost severed his leg.

Some help finally arrived, providing cover for the teams, 30 CIA agents, six State Department personnel to the airport.

The agents, personnel, and injured left.

The bodies of Stevens, Smith, Woods, and Doherty arrived at the Benina International Airport where they were flown to Tripoli and then to Germany.

The fallen and the team arrived back in D.C.

Never forget these heroes. None of these people should have been in Libya. Many high ranking officials didn’t even know about the CIA annex until the attack.

We won’t forget, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. You might not ever face punishment, but thanks to the survivors and Michael Bay, no one can ever bury the Benghazi attack.

The future will always know what happened and the failings of the Obama administration.


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ThePrimordialOrderedPair | September 11, 2024 at 2:31 pm

September 11, 2012: Terrorists Murder Four Americans in Benghazi

And Barky’s reaction was to go to sleep and then, as soon as he woke up, jet off to Las Vegas (which he had constantly been insulting and demeaning) for a big fund raiser.

Yep …

Recall the brazen and unabashed lies — “misinformation/disinformation/fake news” is what the vile Dhimmi-crats call it, today — that crone Clinton and narcissist-incompetent-Obama, willfully spread regarding the Benghazi attacks and deaths, in order to deflect attention away from Muslim terrorists’ culpability for a pre-planned attack, as well as the Administration’s own glaring and indefensible incompetence in failing to secure the compound, prior to the attacks, as well as to mount a rescue mission, after the attacks.

These reprobates blamed Obama’s and Clinton’s own incompetence, stupidity and dereliction of duty upon a totally obscure YouTube video that no one in Libya had ever seen, alleging that the video was responsible for inflaming the otherwise peaceable Muslims into mounting an allegedly spontaneous attack (as opposed to a pre-planned terrorist operation).

Obama deserved to lose the 2012 election based on his and Clinton’s culpability for allowing this attack to happen, alone.

    guyjones in reply to guyjones. | September 11, 2024 at 2:50 pm

    But, as sure as the day is long, the Dhimmi-crat media shills/puppets/lapdogs/trained seals swung into action to protect Obama and Clinton, by dutifully parroting and propagating Obama’s and Clinton’s lies about the alleged culpability of the obscure YouTube video.

    If the media had done its job, Obama would have fairly lost the 2012 election, or, at least suffered a massive decline in popularity and votes.

      And it was Biden advisor Susan Rice who did the “Full Monty”, went on all the Sunday morning talk shows to promote the lie about the YouTube video.

        guyjones in reply to bev. | September 11, 2024 at 7:42 pm

        I had forgotten about that. These snakes are all mendacious reprobates of the lowest order. Covering their behinds and protecting themselves and their bosses from political fallout is all that they care about.

          Pepsi_Freak in reply to guyjones. | September 12, 2024 at 9:09 am

          Well, they *are* Democrats. What would you expect? (And as Hillary said, “What difference at this point does it make”? Well, you’re not in jail where you belong, for one thing.)

        MAJack in reply to bev. | September 12, 2024 at 7:37 am

        Rice is evil personified.

Hillary Clinton will never be President.

And, recall the vile crone Clinton’s haughty, dismissive and callous response before a Congressional committee — “What difference, at this point, does it make?”

All the intrinsic and immutable arrogance and unaccountable flippancy of the Dhimmi-crat apparatchiks and the denizens of the D.C. Swamp are encapsulated in that one contemptible remark.

RIP Vile Rat.

Sean Smith Tribute from Eve Online.

A sterling example of neocon, DC establishment policy failure.

destroycommunism | September 11, 2024 at 3:58 pm

from the “fact checkers”

read their usual callous bu1111h1t:

Did Hillary Clinton know that more security was needed?

On the issue of security at the outpost in Benghazi, U.S. Sen. Rand Paul put the blame on Hillary Clinton.:

“I think it’s pretty important that she accept blame for not providing security,” Paul said. “She was asked repeatedly to provide security in Benghazi on several occasions including direct cables, and she says she never read the cables on security. I find that inexcusable and a dereliction of duty.”

The State Department was asked repeatedly for additional U.S. security staff in Libya. But we see no evidence that Clinton herself was made aware of those requests. For example, there’s no “direct cable” that automatically appears on the secretary of state’s desk. Instead, all cables would have carried her name, and only those passed up the chain by staff would have reached her. She says they didn’t. Paul’s office didn’t provide evidence linking requests for security directly to Clinton. We found only evidence that requests were made of her department. We rate his statement Mostly False.

    destroycommunism in reply to destroycommunism. | September 11, 2024 at 4:00 pm


    and she says she never read the cables on security.

    and she says she never read the cables on security.

    and she says she never read the cables on security.

destroycommunism | September 11, 2024 at 8:23 pm


ris’s attacks on irrelevant topics, such as Trump’s calls for vengeance against the Central Park Five, five black and Latino teenagers from H

it goes to the core of who THEY WANT US TO BELIEVE TRUMP IS


a man who wants justice to prevail

w/o justice nothing else matters

make $$$$$$$ but with the streets crawling with the no justice lunatics of the bailed out harris leftists ( like he spoke about!)

and your money means nothing because the enjoyment of life factor is negated by the criminally insane left

I went to see 13 Hours with a friend and a friend of his, all three of us veterans. When we came out of the theater, my friend asked me, “What did you think?”
I was so furious I literally couldn’t talk. Neither of them (both liberals) could understand what I was so angry about.

    gonzotx in reply to DaveGinOly. | September 12, 2024 at 9:43 am

    Therein lies the problem. Veterans and they couldn’t understand YOUR anger?

    Friends like that. Veterans no less

    We lost already

The INJUSTICES that we have witnessed over the last 20 years should shake every REAL American to his core! The LIES, COVERUPS, and CORRUPTION that has been EXPOSED and then DENIED by the LEFT and MEDIA (pardon my redundancy) should make everyone with a “smidgeon” of intelligence to be absolutely FURIOUS! We need a NEW AMERICAN PARTY to combat the UNI-PARTY and cleanse Our Government of Our Enemies! Long ago when people CAME to America they came to BE AMERICAN. Now? They come to DESTROY America – with the help of MANY in power! We’ve had one Civil War that was horrendous – if the LEFT continues it’s course we most likely will have another. THAT is why the “military” has been removing ACTUAL PATRIOTS ! I do believe though if – IF – it ever gets to that flash point the REAL MILITARY will side with AMERICANS fighting for FREEDOM from the LEFT! THAT is the REAL REASON for all the “gun control” crap. PRESIDENT TRUMP needs to initiate “MENTALLY ILL CONTROL” to stop the carnage!!