Trump Open to Second Debate on Fox, But Not With Bret Baier, Martha MacCallum
Well, I wouldn’t want to have Martha and Bret. I’d love to have somebody else other than Martha and Bret. I’d love to have, frankly, Sean or Jesse or Laura, you know, somebody else. Let’s give — let’s give other people a shot.”

Donald Trump told Sean Hannity he had his “best debate ever” on Tuesday night and knew he’d have to face Harris and the moderators.
Fox News invited Trump and Harris to a second debate, which Trump said he would “have to think about it.”
OPEN INVITATION: FOX News Media has formally re-upped its offer, proposing a second presidential debate in October while early in-person voting gets underway in multiple battleground states. Read the letter sent to the Harris and Trump campaigns.
— FOX Business (@FoxBusiness) September 11, 2024
But if you won the debate, I sort of think maybe I shouldn’t do it. Why should I do another debate? She immediately said we want another debate. That’s… you know what happens when you’re a prizefighter, and you lose? You immediately want a new fight.”
“Would you be inclined to say yes?” Hannity asked.
“Maybe if it was on a fair network, I would do that,” Trump said.
On Wednesday morning, Trump told Fox & Friends if he did a debate on Fox, he’d prefer the network not choose Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum as moderators:
DOOCY: “Mr. President, I know when we started the interview you said that you felt that you won the debate last night, your best ever. I think before the debate happened last night the Kamala Harris people said that they would actually like to do another debate in October, and I know that last night Fox News offered, sent letters to your campaign and her campaign, offering three dates of debates moderated by Martha and Bret. One is October 9th in Arizona.”
TRUMP: “Well, I wouldn’t want to have Martha and Bret. I’d love to have somebody else other than Martha and Bret. I’d love to have, frankly, Sean or Jesse or Laura, you know, somebody else. Let’s give — let’s give other people a shot.”
‘But I didn’t think Martha and Bret were so good last night. Yes, he was. Jesse was fantastic last night. What he said, Jesse. Really got it. Jesse said to Trump once that debate that was we won that debate by a lot. And I wouldn’t want Martha involved.”
But look, here’s a story. When two fighters fight and one loses, the first thing they do is ask for a debate or they ask for a fight. So in this case, a debate. So we had two people. They lost very badly. The first thing they did is ask for a debate, because that’s what when a fighter loses, he says, I want a rematch. I want a rematch. They always the losing person, the fighter, the debater, they always ask for a rematch. I won the debate according to C-SPAN, by a lot, according to every single I think we had 14 polls that we said to you everyone had been winning the debate.
Doocy followed up, saying, ‘So you don’t know if you want to do another debate. It sounds like you’re in. No.” Trump made clear he’s not currently inclined to do a second debate, saying:
Well, I’d be less inclined to because we had a great night. We won the debate. We had a terrible, terrible network. I think they were terrible. They should be embarrassed. I mean, they kept correcting me and I said what I said was largely right or I hope it was right. But what they said was absolutely wrong. The other you know what what she said. And they refused to. Correct. I even complained a couple of times. Why aren’t you correcting them? Look, they should have corrected 6 or 7 times. She told an outright lie. Another one is Project 2025. They know it has nothing to do with me. She mentioned it all night long and they refused to correct it. And everybody, you know, I haven’t I have nothing to do with Project 2020. I would just say one thing, but I am not inclined to do it because I won the debate by a lot. But I think we let it settle in and let’s see what happens.
President Trump when asked about doing a second debate with Martha MacCallum and Bret Baier moderating. Love his response
“Well, I wouldn’t want to have Martha and Bret. I’d love to have frankly Sean or Jesse or Laura”
— Kelly (@kellytx2) September 11, 2024

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I don’t blame him at all, time to put your foot down
The only reason the moderator(s) matter is because GOP candidates agree to rules that give the moderator power. Debate moderators are not inquisitors. They read the topic in advance of each timed period and then they – you know – keep the time. They don’t ask follow-ups. They don’t ‘fact-check.’ They don’t have agency in any capacity to editorialize or comment on the event as it unfolds.
The respective campaigns should agree on a list of a half-dozen (more or less) topics and those topics should be read, with alternating candidates giving the opening statement and then the opposing candidate offering a rebuttal. The order for the first question should be established by coin-flip. It’s not the candidate’s mics that should be muted. It’s the MODERATOR’S. I’ve been saying this for years, LONG before Trump.
Until Candy Crowley decided to throw away all pretense of integrity to bail out Obama, moderators never considered themselves “fact checkers”. They certainly never debated or attacked the candidates themselves. Now, the left expects and demands that the republican be fact checked by people who are barely qualified to pour coffee in a diner.
I was in college when I first (and last) watched the Bruce Dern film “Silent Running.” I remember a scene where he is sitting in his space capsule watching a political discussion on TV with only his little robot pals as company, and a voice (human or artificial) is softly fact-checking the debaters in real time as they speak, in a voiceover audible only to the viewers. The idea, I guess, was to show how added technology would better inform watchers and voters, and that was the takehome that impressed a lot of my student pals. Contrarily, my first thought was, “how can you know that the fact checker isn’t deliberately lying?”
50+ years later, we’ve seen that future, and it doesn’t work.
Trump should demand the 2nd debate be the one Elon Musk has offered to host.
There’s ZERO reason we need to put up with these corrupt leftist hacks at the alphabet networks, INCLUDING Fox.
Even a bunch of people that don’t follow politics were shocked at the moderators last night.
There was not ONE so-called ‘fact-check’ of Harris. NOT A SINGLE ONE. People noticed.
YES!! Or if not Musk, then Dr. Phil, who never lets go of a question.
Another debate maybe. But calling for the network you want and the anchors you don’t want is bad form. It puts Fox and the preferred anchors under pressure not to be fair to Trump but to maintain their own credibility and ratings that appeal to who matters in the end– News Corp. Let it go at this one and be done with it. People saw what they saw and heard what they heard..
Yeah that credibility ship has sailed. Megan Kelly has offered to moderate. maybe take her.
her credibility ship sailed long ago
You obviously haven’t watched her since she left FNC. She is a 100% Trump supporter and was on his side in the last debate.
She’s looking for redemption.
Isn’t the real shame that one has to ask for fairness?
So true. In todays America, fairness won’t win, truth won’t win and facts won’t either.
The true shame is that people can’t see what’s going on. When Linsey sailed in to save her girl Kamala, it gave Harris an instant confidence boost and she knew she could tell lie after lie, after lie and the only pushback from the moderators would be if Trump tried to call her out for her lies. The left has come not only to expect that type of behavior, but to demand it.
All we want is a debate with credible moderators….how do you not get that?
I get it fully. Calling out your preferences will not do that. The other side will say ‘not credible’.
No, the point is that the people being called for might actually have the integrity to maintain credibility in spite of their biases while the people that have been selected have zero interest in maintaining credibility because there are no consequences for leaning into their biases.
@whitewall, that is why the fair way is that both sides bring one moderator to ask questions.
Who moderated Lincoln and Douglas?
Ah, that’s right — NOBODY.
Over and over the Republicans get stiffed with these debates by letting the MSM sponsor, host and moderate them. Fox is no better.
Going way back to the early Trump-Biden debates it was obvious Biden was getting coached during the debate with a tiny receiver in his ear canal. Some body-language experts pointed this out. I did a little research and discovered the FBI uses the following covert communication technology. An earpiece gets implanted deep inside an agent’s ear canal. The tiny earpiece communicates with agent’s electronics using near-field radiation picked up by a wire loop worn underneath the agent’s clothing, A standard cell phone provides the final link to field operatives. I managed to get a warning to the Trump campaign to ask for an otoscope examination of both Trump and Biden. Initially the Biden people agreed only to back out later. Practically an admission Biden was getting coached.
I strongly suspect Harris was wearing an earpiece and getting coached. The remedy: jam the local cell phone spectrum using software radio. Modern chips are so fast than can operate at RF frequencies. The cheater would then react to the sudden possibly high intensity audio signal from the earpiece. But this is not the Republican way. They seem to like losing. I think some large fraction of the Republican party hates Trump and wants him to lose.
See this: https://xDOTcom/TommyD31613086/status/1833873196640076191/photo/1
I forgot this site trusts us on links.
If Harris was wearing an earpiece the person talking to her must have been a recording of herself. She said absolutely nothing all night and answered not one question. None of her charges against Trump were true and all of her self-proclaimed facts about herself were lies. Why would she need an earpiece for that?
In case she forgot any of those facts about herself.
Second debate? Heels-Up got what she wanted/needed last night. No way will she agree to another debate.
Last night Drudge was reporting that Heels wanted another debate,..guess she was giddy about her performance
perfect time to have NO MODERATORS
each candidate speaks w/o interruption( in a different room if need be)
for 2 mins
then each one poses a question to the other one and then is allowed a min after to respond
a candidate not answering a question?
then that is ONCE AGAIN up to the public to say big deal or no big deal
we alllllll know what we think we know
Prediction Trump will not debate again, not after being turned into road kill
Infuriating. Every year of the Biden administration saw a greater trade deficit than any of Trump’s term. The previous high was in 2006.×240
Regrettably small and fuzzy, plus the Census jackass who created it seems to have deliberately obscured crucial data with a legend balloon.
Bret Baier us a great choice for moderator.
Oh no he is t
He absolutely hates Trump
All that Botox in his brain maybe
no he’s not……you want a good debate, Joe Rogan and Bill Maher
No you want a debate where:
1. the moderator is not a big personality that shifts focus from the issues
2. doesn’t look to make a name for themselves with a “moment”
Good points also ask the same question of each person and then let them question each other about their answers. Show a list of the public’s important issues and then go down that list asking each what their fix is and what they would do SPECIFICALLY.
Note well: the PUBLIC’S important issues, NOT the Democrat’s.
From Ace- good to know
I’ve been on X most of the morning and my takeaway is that Trump didn’t lose a single voter, managed to sway undecideds in his favor and that Harris just made her base feel better about being lying POSs.
Two most recent polls, youguv and the economist have Trump and Harris tied after Harris lost two points.
I’m okay with how things went. Someone said yesterday that Harris would be seen as winning the day after, but Trump the following week.
Posted by: Sharon(willow’s apprentice) at September 11, 2024 12:15 PM (t/2Uw)the
The Women s Presidential commission. Use to do them and they were not biased
Hence the Democrats for them removed
From Ace- good to know
I’ve been on X most of the morning and my takeaway is that Trump didn’t lose a single voter, managed to sway undecideds in his favor and that Harris just made her base feel better about being lying POSs.
Two most recent polls, youguv and the economist have Trump and Harris tied after Harris lost two points.
I’m okay with how things went. Someone said yesterday that Harris would be seen as winning the day after, but Trump the following week.
Posted by: Sharon(willow’s apprentice) at September 11, 2024 12:15 PM (t/2Uw)
Over at The Federalist, John Daniel Davidson says that by disorienting and demoralizing us with endless, brazen lies, these ‘debates’ make it even harder for Americans to practice self-government.
Could not agree more.
“No, the real effect is to erode our ability to function as a coherent polity, to maintain a democratic form of government or anything close to self-government. You can’t do it like this, especially not in our digital era. The lies and distortions and undisguised bias get fed directly into social media, which instantly becomes a feeding frenzy of claim and counterclaim, replete with clips and commentaries that serve only to compound the distorting effect of the debate itself.”
Seeing the reactions, it’s hard to argue that the debates and analysis are as corrupted as everything else seems to be. Just more cheap fakes and a reminder how long the road to recovery will be.
If the mics were supposed to be muted when the other party was talking how was the mic able to easily pick up Harris’s voice when she interrupted him during his time.
Mic technology should be sophisticated enough these days to block out sound that is not directly into a mic.
Most of the mikes I see in use today at local functions can’t even pick up the voice of the person holding it unless he is practically fellating it.
funny. My pet peeve at bars and open mics is the musician fellating the mic. The classic mic from grade school works about 2′ away.
Hers was clearly not muted
And when President Trump attempted to ask a question, which he had to put to the moderators, they ignore him, 99% of the time
How about Joe Rogan? That would be a hoot.
If you were from Mars and saw the debate, you might think Harris won it on style. If however, you know anything about what is going on today you know Trump won the debate. The fact that she lied almost continually was obvious to any knowledgeable person. When you lie confidently and smile while doing it, it is still lying. On the economy, CNN just had a Tapper poll that showed Harris lost two points of the economy against Trump. That shows that her eloquent lies and nonanswers did nothing to help her.
Firstly, let’s remind ourselves that there have been no presidential debates for many decades. They are joint news conferences presided over by celebrity “news” personalities. Therefore it is really cringeworthy to talk about who won the debate. The question is who is more likely to have gained voter share from this farcical theater. If a real debate had occurred, there would be two questions- who won and who was most helped.
Substance means nothing. Harris performed abysmally by any ordinary standard, but she was most helped because Trump lacked the skill to take control of this biased circus. Almost any other moderately intelligent man could easily have bested her, but we have a self-destructive man-boy running.
Ok President E Howard Hunt , billionaire , entertainment super star
I think instead of going with a network, the debate should be hosted by a couple of podcasters; one picked by each candidate:
For Trump, my first choice would be Megyn Kelly – she has become a supporter over the years, admitted she voted for him in 2020, and as a former lawyer, would know how to throw some tough initial and follow-up questions at Kamala. And importantly, being a woman backing Trump would be a big plus for him.