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Kamala Harris Visited Spice Company in PA Known for Hateful, Antisemitic Emails and Remarks

Kamala Harris Visited Spice Company in PA Known for Hateful, Antisemitic Emails and Remarks

Penzeys Spices did that “Republicans are Racist” special for MLK Day in 2022.

Kamala Harris bragged about buying spices at Penzeys Spices on Penn Avenue in Pittsburgh’s Strip District.

The name sounded familiar to me.

I wrote about Penzeys Spices in January 2022 because of its “Republicans are Racist” special on MLK Day.

Notice how I referred to it as a Wisconsin spice company? It’s based in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin.

Then there’s this tweet from December. I couldn’t confirm if it happened, but members of the Jewish community nearby have spoken out about the owner making antisemitic remarks in the past.

By the way, that community includes members of the Tree of Life synagogue, where a gunman slaughtered many Jews.

The always lovely and eloquent Salena Zito provided a more in-depth takedown of the company known for hateful and antisemitic remarks.

Zito, a seasoned (no pun intended) political writer, noted that a candidate’s team researches the best places to visit on a stop, usually choosing a local family-owned small business.

Yeah, Penzeys Spices, as I mentioned above, is not a local business, nor is it based in Pennsylvania.

A quick search would also show the hateful past associated with the shop. No doubt they saw all the hate and divisiveness associated with the company.

That was likely the point:

But the bottom line is Harris had a say in where she went in Pittsburgh. Her advance team had every reason to know, full well, that this was not a place where the page would be turned on divisiveness. This is a place where divisiveness is who they are. By going to Penzeys Spices, Harris showed every reporter covering her who she is. And yet no one, not a single person in that press pool, local or national, told the rest of the story.

But Zito saved her wrath for the mainstream media, which fawned and gushed over Harris’s spice choices instead of telling the truth about the shop.

Zito wrote:

It’s almost guaranteed that if former Vice President Dick Cheney had visited a far-right equivalent of Penzeys Spices, every major publication would have led with it for three days. In fact, if any Republican had visited this hypothetical far-right spice store, it would have likely been the most anticipated question in a presidential debate. Think pieces would have droned on for days, and MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough may have needed an inhaler to recover from his outrage.

Instead, a Washington Post reporter took to X to share their observation of Harris’s choice to go to Penzeys Spices.

“Kamala just went into Penzeys Spices and bought Creamy Peppercorn Dressing Base, Fox Point Seasoning, Trinidad Lemon-Garlic Marinade, Turkish Seasoning, and Tuscan Sunset Salt Free Italian Seasoning,” the reporter posted on X.

The Associated Press wrote a headline that read, “Harris turns to her favorite foods in effort to show a more private side and connect with voters.” Then it went on about collard greens in a tub, caramel cake, pancakes, bacon breakfasts, and how much of a devoted foodie Harris is.

Zito knocked it out of the park:

Harris wasn’t trying to evoke her devotion to food by visiting Penzeys Spices.

In short, she showed people and the press who she is without answering a single question about her choices, and no one questioned it, likely because they share her values and see nothing divisive about hating Republicans.


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That kind of hatred is fine.


Gee whiz…what a phony baloney commie!

I’ve never actually shopped at a spice shop before but if I ever do, at least I.know now to avoid like the plague this sick little anti-Semitic hole.

    Louis K. Bonham in reply to Concise. | September 10, 2024 at 1:04 pm

    The original Penzey family spice business still exists (The Spice House), and has an excellent selection of spices, available online, without all the drama and hatred.

    The outfit in question here was started by one of the children of the founders of the Spice House. Penzeys Spices offers pretty much the same products as The Spice House, but with a side of attitude and unpleasantness.

      Yes – The original Spice company was started by his father; somehow the business was split in two- Penzey’s and The Spice House. I was a customer of Penzey’s from at least 2010 through the day after Trump was elected- that being the date on which Bill Penzey himself sent a broadcast message to all his customers essentially calling everyone who had voted for Trump horrible names. Well, if you don’t want my business: Goodbye.

      On searching for another supplier, I found The Spice House and I actually wrote them an email asking if they agreed with brother Bill.
      They emphatically did not and do not. I’m still a customer of theirs and I’m actually a bit disappointed to find out Penzey’s is still in business.

        WTPuck in reply to Hodge. | September 10, 2024 at 3:57 pm

        Good to know. Penzey’s had a retail store in the Cincinnati area, and I got several of their spice blends when they used to send out free coupons for new products. Luckily, Cincinnati has a few local places to shop for spices.

I truly do not understand the liberal mind.

If I am a member of a group that hates me, I will no longer be part of that group.

    Stuytown in reply to 1073. | September 10, 2024 at 12:49 pm

    I think it’s something like Stockholm Syndrome or some other brainwashing syndrome. It’s all I can come up with.

      henrybowman in reply to Stuytown. | September 10, 2024 at 4:29 pm

      Almost. These leftists are guilt-ridden and self-hating. They have a need to be punished before they can feel satisfied. They are the people entering S&M clubs through the M door.
      Can you imagine hating yourself because you were born white? These people do.

        So what explains your continued attachment to Tucker Carlson who does exactly the same thing by platforming and promoting Holocaust denial?

    nordic prince in reply to 1073. | September 10, 2024 at 2:08 pm


    Some people get off on self- flaggelation, others on self-loathing. They are subcategories of virtue signaling.

BigRosieGreenbaum | September 10, 2024 at 11:19 am

‘…text them a photo of a couple sleeping bags up in your attic with the message that you will always have a place for them.’
The guy’s kind of an asshole isn’t he? I hope that he doesn’t have any Jews who do business with him; wouldn’t want to dirty his white sheets.
I’m glad he was able to sell Kamala some of his poison spices for her Sunday family meals (oh please).

destroycommunism | September 10, 2024 at 11:19 am

ohhh our little paprika grrrrllll

I didn’t see an example of antisemitism in the text supplied.

‘I can’t believe Kamala Harris visited a store that embraces antisemitism.’

-Said no one, ever.

“if former Vice President Dick Cheney had visited a far-right equivalent of Penzeys Spices”
Black Rifle Coffee Company, perhaps.
Or just go for broke and visit the Hodgdon Powder Company.

    Black Rifle Coffee is far right?????????

    I actually think it is a leftwing owned company that wants to gobble up a conservative audience.

    But far right?

    I think you are looking for notorious Holocaust Deniers Tucker Carlson and Candace Owens.

irishgladiator63 | September 10, 2024 at 1:19 pm

Why would she even go to this store? It’s a random chain store that isn’t even local to the Pittsburgh area. It’s a tiny storefront in the Strip District, a neighborhood full of local businesses and local chains. Makes no sense to stop at Penzy if you want to appeal to locals. It’s like going to a taco bell

    henrybowman in reply to irishgladiator63. | September 10, 2024 at 4:31 pm

    It’s her dogwhistle to Ibrahim and Fatima out in Dearborn TV land.

      She doesn’t dogwhistle that she does it explicitly.

      At least unlike you she has not backed a Holocaust denier.

      You might not want to attack anyone on anti-Semitism because unlike almost any other person here you are actively backing a Holocaust Denier (Tucker Carlson).

The owner of the chain is a huge Democratic Fanboi. I bet he was shocked and disappointed the Biden withdrew.

As for why a spice shop? There is some coded race message being sent by the selection of spices purchased. They’re NOT Indian spices, although the store has a broad selection.

Disgusting. The vile Dhimmi-crats have no shame about gleefully courting Jew-hating bigots of the Muslim and non-Muslim varieties. The Dhimmi-crat Party is now married to rabid Jew-hatred, and, its apparatchiks are totally unashamed, unabashed and non-plussed about appearing in public with Jew-haters,

See the photo of narcissist-incompetent-dunce, Obama, mugging for the cameras with his pal, Farrakhan — a photo that the Dhimmi-crat media and Obama’s handlers successfully suppressed and concealed from the public, during his 2008 campaign for president.