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Kamala the Great Pretender Week at Legal Insurrection

Kamala the Great Pretender Week at Legal Insurrection

All the news you may have missed.

If you look closely, you might have a hard time finding anything about Kamala Harris that’s genuine.

Her running mate is a disaster.

This is a red flag.

Could Democrats be any more obvious?

It’s all so predictable.

Even CNN knows.

This had Democrats in a panic.

They think this will help?

Nice of him to finally admit it.

Just absurd.

Read this story about Professor Jacobson. It’s infuriating.

What is going on here?

Israel updates.

Anyone surprised?

Just awful.

Good to know.

The AP has become trash.

Good news.

Outrageous that this was even a thing.

Check it out!


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“If you look closely, you might have a hard time finding anything about Kamala Harris that’s genuine.”

Things about Kamala Harris that are genuine:

1. She’s a genuine India-Haitian hybrid with no African-Amerian heritage
2. She has a genuine Canadian upper class early life experience
3. She had a genuine desire to further her career via Willie Brown
4. She’s a genuine idiot. Period. Full stop.
5. She didn’t do a dang thing while VP, so she’s a genuine, lazy, worthless POS
6. She has a genuie desire to keep hidden from the public all of the above

    diver64 in reply to Paula. | September 8, 2024 at 9:23 am

    Hardest thing I find to believe is that she went to school in Montreal and can’t speak French. Even if you went to an English high school you still need some French to make it around the city on a daily basis.

    Dimsdale in reply to Paula. | September 8, 2024 at 9:25 am

    The best part: Elon Musk is actually an “African American” and Harris is not.

    And, of course, he is brilliant and supports Pres. Trump.

Enjoy a Platters, at Kamala’s expense, a blast from my past,

RedWrangler | September 8, 2024 at 9:37 am


    Paula in reply to RedWrangler. | September 8, 2024 at 2:18 pm

    The Kameleon was born to two non-citizen parents, spent her formative years growing up in Canada, has like 4 blood relatives in this country and does not have even one family member who ever served in any capacity at any time at any place in the US military.

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