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A Long Time Coming: Alan Dershowitz Declares “I am no longer a Democrat”

A Long Time Coming: Alan Dershowitz Declares “I am no longer a Democrat”

“I cannot be associated with the party that features as its speakers, AOC, [Al] Sharpton, Liz Warren and Bernie Sanders. . . .That’s not my party.”

If you’ve been following prominent legal scholar Alan Dershowitz for any length of time, you’ve likely noticed that not only is he an avid supporter of the Constitution but, particularly since October 7th, an outspoken critic of his own party’s shocking embrace of Hamas and rejection of Israel as demonstrated in increasing and vocal antiSemitism among prominent (and not so prominent) Democrats.

He’s finally had enough. He’s left the Democrat party and become an Independent.

Obviously, he’s not about to jump on the Trump train, but he suggests that he may be willing to vote for Trump.

He says in the radio interview that he hasn’t decided how he’ll vote and likely won’t until November 1st, at any rate, so he’s open to voting for Trump (to voting his conscience?).

The New York Post reports:

Renowned legal scholar Alan Dershowitz recently announced that he is leaving the Democratic Party, after being “disgusted” by what he witnessed at last month’s Democratic National Convention.

The retired Harvard Law School professor, who is a longtime self-described liberal Democrat, told radio host Zev Brenner on Aug. 23 that he felt the Chicago gathering was “the worst convention in American history” because of the number of speakers who have publicly expressed opposition to Israel.

“They had more anti-Jewish, anti-Zionist people who were speaking, starting with [Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez] – a miserable, anti-Zionist bigot,” Dershowitz said during an appearance on “Talkline with Zev Brenner.” “Then of course they had [Sen. Elizabeth] Warren, who is one of the most anti-Jewish people in the Senate. Then they had Bernie Sanders, one of the most anti-Jewish people in the Senate.”

. . . . “I was disgusted at the Democratic National Convention,” he added. “Absolutely disgusted.”

“I am no longer a Democrat. I am an independent,” he continued, without revealing who he plans on voting for on Election Day.

“I’ll decide who to vote for at the last minute based on the totality of the circumstances,” Dershowitz explained. “I want to see how they deal with Iran. I want to see how they deal with Iran attacks on the United States. I want to encourage the current administration to support Israel. So I’m not revealing my vote until you know, maybe Nov. 1.”

. . . . “I cannot be associated with the party that features as its speakers, AOC, [Al] Sharpton, Liz Warren and Bernie Sanders,” he said. “That’s not my party.”

Good for him. This is a brave and bold move for any Democrat, particularly a lifelong one who clung desperately to JFK’s Democrat Party for years, long after it became obvious to the rest of us that the new Democrat party is a radical, racist, antiSemitic, anti- and un-American disaster.


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Dolce Far Niente | September 7, 2024 at 10:12 am

But he was unmoved by all the fascism introduced by the Democrat party, the degradation of American culture, the welcoming of millions of third world invaders., the trampling of the Constitution he claims to love.

It took the embrace of Hamas and the goring of his own Jewish ox to turn him away from the D party.

And he hasn’t decided for whom he will vote? I am less than impressed with the Koolaid-stained Mr. Dershowitz

    If you haven’t listened to his podcasts or read anything he wrote since 2000 (which is prior to all of those things you said) would you mind just shutting the hell up about him?


    For your own good so you don’t look like a complete and utter ass the way you just did?

    His podcast consists of him raging against DEI for 15 minutes, defending the idea of all men are created equal for 5, defending the concept of free speech for 5, followed by a either 10 minutes of his attacking the rise of authoritarianism and answering questions or if he has a different topic the topic he said he was going to cover.

    If you followed his coverage of the Trump charges and you think he is fine with fascism congratulations your an idiot.

      destroycommunism in reply to Danny. | September 7, 2024 at 11:20 am

      while this is ALSO true the OP is also correct

      Lucifer Morningstar in reply to Danny. | September 7, 2024 at 11:30 am

      Which all means diddly squat as I predict in the end, despite all his protestations of disgust with the democrat party and the Trump legal cases and ya ya ya, Dershowitz will still find some good and sufficient reason no matter how far fetched to vote Harris/Walz and the democrat party. Guaranteed.

        If centrists like Alan Dershowitz do not vote for Donald Trump we are royally screwed so I hope you are wrong.

        I did not downvote you because using the internet is an act that gives me pessimism because I see Kamala adds everywhere and never see any Trump adds so I understand pessimism during this campaign and will leave it at I dearly hope you are wrong and Trump takes the center, which I think is very accurately represented by Dershowitz.

          Lucifer Morningstar in reply to Danny. | September 7, 2024 at 5:03 pm

          If centrists like Alan Dershowitz do not vote for Donald Trump we are royally screwed so I hope you are wrong.

          I too hope I’m wrong. But the manner in which Dershowitz made his statement has too much wiggle room in it to be sure he’ll vote Trump/Vance and not simply revert to democrat form and vote against his better judgement for Harris/Walz.

          And as for the downvotes? They don’t bother me. The only thing that bothers me about them is that those that downvote don’t have the balls to make a comment as to why they downvoted. Scared to identify themselves, I guess.

          henrybowman in reply to Danny. | September 9, 2024 at 12:59 am

          “using the internet is an act that gives me pessimism because I see Kamala adds everywhere and never see any Trump adds”
          How curious. From the viewpoint of someone who actively contributes to conservative candidates and causes, the Internet ad repertoire you describe is 100% foreign to me. Mine tilts entirely the other way.
          Check to make sure you haven’t been gettin visits from the Ambien Walrus,

      AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to Danny. | September 7, 2024 at 4:14 pm

      Hmmmm. Who is the idiot?

      “congratulations your an idiot.”

      Who’s gonna tell him?

    destroycommunism in reply to Dolce Far Niente. | September 7, 2024 at 11:19 am


    Suggest toning it down. The enemy of my enemy and all that.

    Harsh, but essentially fair. He’s gonna have to prove himself.

    JohnSmith100 in reply to Dolce Far Niente. | September 7, 2024 at 12:27 pm

    A lot of Dems are jumping ship, I don’t care why, just that they are on the path of rejecting Dems and everything they have come to stand for..

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to Dolce Far Niente. | September 7, 2024 at 7:20 pm

    Your comment indicates – as mailman or one of his countrymen would put it – you know sweet Fanny Adams about Alan Dershowitz.

In an April 2024 interview with the New York Post, this media whore said “History will remember O.J. as a someone who POSSIBLY did it, but whom the police tried to frame.” He and the dream team did more to fan the flames of racial division than any others in the second half of the twentieth century. Now he is crying when his own ox is being gored.

Rats are abandoning the ship to save their own asses.
Just plain fuck them!

Don’t worry Dick Chaneys family is voting D… prob the Bushes also
Trump cuts into their income stream
With no war less profit.

At least he called out Big Chief Warren (D, Navajo Nation), a stain on the US Senate.

RFK Jr. basically said the same thing in endorsing Trump – that his views were lined up with those of his father and JFK and that is not the current party of the radical left. Also, Elon Musk said he voted Democratic for many years and is now supporting Trump. IMO the significance of these guys is to make it OK for Democrats to vote Republican and open up the possibility of overcoming the ballot harvesting and MSM bias edge the Dems have.

destroycommunism | September 7, 2024 at 11:21 am


trump is the actual non politician ( though he is starting to stink that up a bit too much) other than ross perot to have made such a major impact in a positive way FOR the american agenda

A great many Democrats are no longer Democrats nor democratic.

Dershowitz says he’s no longer a Democrat, yet he may still vote for Harris, depending on how “they” deal with Iran.
Good on him for disowning the Party, but he seems otherwise to be a rather foolish man.

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to Tom Orrow. | September 7, 2024 at 4:23 pm

    How many Democrats left the party, only to continue to caucus, support, and vote for the very people they claim no longer hold the same “values?”

    I am an independent who never left either the Republican or Democratic Party cult. Yet I continue to vote for Republicans because the Democrats have never held the same values.

    But sheesh! How can someone leave a party, then claim that they won’t make up their mind until 2 days before an election? Thats no better than an independent who doesn’t make a decision on who to vote for until they close the curtain on Election Day.

    If they haven’t figured out by now who needs to be president, in the words of “Danny,” YOUR and idiot.

Suburban Farm Guy | September 7, 2024 at 12:44 pm

So many times I am watching the guy — I like him quite a bit — wondering ‘how are you even a Democrat?’ There’s my answer!

Gotta say, too late to the party. He is redeemed because at least he was a voice that Democrats would not reject outright, but even then he would be ignored by his own.

Great Consitutional lawyer, however. Puts Tribe and many others to shame.

The long knives will be out for Dershowitz in earnest now. I hope the Epstein unpleasantness doesn’t come back to bite him in the arse.

A more accurate statement would be there is nothing left of the Democrat party he used to belong to.