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2019: Kamala Harris Promised to Weaponize DOJ Against Social Media to Fight Misinformation

2019: Kamala Harris Promised to Weaponize DOJ Against Social Media to Fight Misinformation

“We will hold social media platforms accountable for the hate, infiltrating their platforms because they have a responsibility to help fight against this threat to our democracy.”

Oh, look. Kamala Harris vowed to weaponize the DOJ and law enforcement against social media platforms that allowed “misinformation” on their platforms.

It’s not shocking that Mark Zuckerberg admitted the FBI and Joe Biden’s administration pressured Facebook to suppress or eliminate supposed misinformation.

Harris said:

HARRIS: “And we’ll put the Department of Justice of the United States back in the business of justice. We will double the civil rights division and direct law enforcement to counter this extremism. We will hold social media platforms accountable for the hate, infiltrating their platforms because they have a responsibility to help fight against this threat to our democracy. And if you profit off of hate, if you act as a megaphone for misinformation or cyber warfare, if you don’t police your platforms, we are going to hold you accountable as a community.”

Harris loves censorship.


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Whitewall | September 5, 2024 at 3:06 pm

That’s not very ‘liberal’.

destroycommunism | September 5, 2024 at 3:19 pm

and the scotus recently backed them up on their pressuring the social media companies

we are in trouble!!!

I can feel the government mandated Joy.

Steven Brizel | September 5, 2024 at 3:28 pm

Harris clearly does not understand what freedom of speech means

    Ghostrider in reply to Steven Brizel. | September 5, 2024 at 6:22 pm

    Everybody better listen up! A Harris-Walz administration will be a perfect nightmare for free speech. Leave no doubt. Free speech is on the ballot. Not democracy.

    Free speech is on the ballot.

So, can the DOJ start investigating the endless ads saying that Project 2025 is Trump’s plan ?

freedom of speech and then freedom of thought! Book burnings soon!

Tulsi Gabbard just laid out a succinct case that all of government is being weaponized against its opponents.

MK Ultra | September 5, 2024 at 5:01 pm

But I’ve been told that it’s trump who is an existential danger to the constitution and our freedoms.

rhhardin | September 5, 2024 at 6:20 pm

It amounts to shutting down the other guy’s news silo, not restricting his speech. The left never sees what the right says anyhow, censored or not.

The right is more curious as the left’s news silo is mostly laughable entertainment for them. Sort of like watching falling on intellectual banana peels.

If Democrats were fighting misinformation they would be fighting themselves.

nordic prince | September 5, 2024 at 8:07 pm

I’m so old, I remember when liberals used to say (e.g. regarding “offensive” content in media/entertainment) “If you don’t like it, you don’t watch it.”

Good times. Now it’s “I don’t like it, so you can’t watch it.”

“misinformation” is basically the new leftist programming of “we hate it when our lies are exposed”.
The base needs Hoovers up all the lies and takes the brunt of the damage without enough intelligence to see who is really stealing their lunch money.

One of two things will happen

1. Next opportunity we update the law to make Marsh v Alabama apply to internet, and we update regulations to see social media beyond a certain size as utilities.

2. The Democrats will successfully use force to make social media do their bidding.

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