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Authorities Identify Georgia School Shooter as 14-Year-Old Student

Authorities Identify Georgia School Shooter as 14-Year-Old Student

“The Georgia Bureau of Investigation confirmed that four people died at Apalachee High School in Barrow County, Georgia.”

*UPDATE 5:09 PM* Authorities identified 14-year-old Colt Gray as the school shooter and will charge him with murder. He attends the high school. No one has determined the motive.

The shooter surrendered to the school resource officer.

The shooter killed two teachers and two students.


*UPDATE 2:41 PM* Four dead: “The Georgia Bureau of Investigation confirmed that four people died at Apalachee High School in Barrow County, Georgia — approximately 40 miles northeast of Atlanta – and nine others were taken to various hospitals with injuries. The suspect is alive and in custody.”


Authorities have a suspect in a shooting at Apalachee High School, located 40 miles northeast of Atlanta, in custody.

Reports indicate the shooting left two dead and injured four others. Barrow County Sheriff Judd Smith did not confirm or deny any deaths.

Judd confirmed “multiple injuries.”

The school is located 40 miles northeast of Atlanta.

The school started releasing students to parents and guardians at 11:30AM.

Authorities received their first phone call about an active shooter at 9:30AM:

A release from the Barrow County Sheriff’s Office said officers from multiple agencies responded at 10:23 a.m. “in reference to a reported active shooting.”

“At the time of this release, one suspect is in custody. Casualties have been reported, however details on the number or their conditions is not available at this time,” the sheriff’s release stated. “This is an ongoing situation.”

The Georgia Bureau of Investigation said on X: “GBI has responded to a shooting @ Apalachee H.S. in Barrow Co. We have agents on site assisting local, state, & federal law enforcement w/ the investigation. One suspect in custody. We urge anyone near the area to stay clear while authorities investigate. More info to follow.”

Gov. Brian Kemp said in a post on X he has “directed all available state resources to respond to the incident at Apalachee High School and urge all Georgians to join my family in praying for the safety of those in our classrooms, both in Barrow County and across the state. We will continue to work with local, state, and federal partners as we gather information and further respond to this situation.”


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The Gentle Grizzly | September 4, 2024 at 2:06 pm

What prescription drugs is he on, and were they mandated by some “authority”?

    Lack of details is a “tell”.

      JohnSmith100 in reply to lichau. | September 4, 2024 at 6:57 pm

      Here are some relevant details, the school is over is a black and Hispanic. It is not educating a vast majority of students. I other words, it is a shit hole area.

    How many school shooters were not taking some sort of prescription drug?

      Antifundamentalist in reply to Concise. | September 4, 2024 at 2:32 pm

      If my memory serves. so far, every single school shooter from Columbine forward was either taking or had recently been taking one of a certain range of medications. The same applies to all but one or two of the “mass shooters.” It’s also interesting to note that many murder-suicide incidents also involve brain-chemical affecting medications.

        henrybowman in reply to JRaeL. | September 5, 2024 at 12:04 am

        It’s even on the crap they’re advertising to consumers on the TV. Listen to the disclaimers for some of the drugs: “side effects may cause suicidal thoughts and impulses.” This isn’t even the stuff for headcases, now it’s even allergy or dermatology meds. And you know if there wasn’t a law forcing them to disclose it, they wouldn’t.

        The big problem with a lot of the SSRI-class psych drugs is that patients hate to take them — they feel like they’re in a fog all the time (which in fact they are, it’s how they work) and they hate the feeling. So, many people just stop taking them. And when you stop taking them, there is a rebound effect that makes you temporarily at least TWICE as suicidal/homicidal than you were when you started taking them. From now on, watch for reports of these incidents where the perp “had been taking drug XYZ but had recently come off it.”

          CommoChief in reply to henrybowman. | September 5, 2024 at 7:14 am

          It seems to me that our entire health care delivery system has turned away from treating patients to one of dispensing pills/RX. Got a problem? We got a RX for that. The newest craze with Ozempic and similar products seems to support this. If our healthcare system from Physicians to payments remains more focused on dispensing a pharmacological ‘solution’ instead of treating patients as people with both individual agency and responsibility for
          their choices I don’t think were gonna see less of these things. Add to this the ‘PC’ or woke mindset of prioritizing feelings over facts where the bureaucracy allows itself to become handcuffed by wokiesta ideological policies.

          I call it “Better living through chemicals”.

    Where was the school resource officer?

    My wife has been substitute teaching for JC schools here and safety briefing was “good.” SRO is always present. Doors are not easy access points and local POPO trains the snot out of rapid response to all schools. Like seriously- back actor has a minute before they get double tapped.

      Andy in reply to Andy. | September 4, 2024 at 2:37 pm

      I cannot say the same for schools in other states. In the elementary school we pulled our kid out of in Olympia— every person there would be dead before police response. That’s because they have starved the TCSO of resources.

      Mike 1969 in reply to Andy. | September 4, 2024 at 5:49 pm

      They were the ones that arrested him

      GWB in reply to Andy. | September 5, 2024 at 10:12 am

      The SRO was the one who confronted him pretty quickly. Shooter surrendered to him, evidently without having to fire a shot. (But he could have, as he was armed.)

    All of them, I reckon.

    Which door did he come in? Was it insecure? Why? Where was security? Was this individual known to be exhibiting similar behavioral/psychological issues as prior shooters? Was this shooter bullied at school while the grown ups let it happen? How many armed individuals were on site to potentially stop/deter a shooter? If not why not?

    School district leadership/elected school boards and other elected officials AND the folks eligible to vote have got to be held accountable at some point. Schools are generally soft targets. Hardening them a bit by locking outer doors and putting armed security/staff on site, providing simple means to secure interior doors and the grown ups paying actual attention to well being both physical and emotional of the Students are a choice…as is choosing NOT to do those things. Choices have consequences and often very bad ones as I believe we will ultimately find here.

NY Post: “… at least 4 dead and close to 30 injured”
A suspect, who is of student age, is in custody, the sources said.

    TargaGTS in reply to jb4. | September 4, 2024 at 2:45 pm

    The better news is of those 30, only 9 were apparently hospitalized. The rest were treated on site or treated and released at the care center, almost certainly injured from the mayhem of students running for their lives.

      TargaGTS in reply to TargaGTS. | September 4, 2024 at 6:12 pm

      No idea who the three retards are who downvoted my comment. They’re apparently upset that there were 9 hospitalized rather than 30.

I am an old guy and it is sad to realize that the school system I attended is gone and the new system is an absolute nightmare. The long-gone innocence of yore has been replaced with an endless list of potential killers, cell phone peer pressure, and barring nude students, there seems to be no way to stop it.

    Actually there is – Catholic grammar schools. There is one in my town that my wife and my daughters graduated from and my grandchildren are now attending. No nonsense. Of course, universal school choice would bring accountability to the public school system, which you will not get if you vote for Harris.

Nothing gets better news audience than school shootings.

The best leftist joke ever, on Barron Trump in 2015, “destined to be the nation’s first home-school shooter.” Playing on the news value of school shootings.

    rhhardin in reply to rhhardin. | September 4, 2024 at 2:53 pm

    Where I went to high school, we had a rifle team, a range in the basement, rifles on the school bus on meet or practice days, guns in lockers. There were meets with other high school teams. 10 miles from NYC.

Local Atlanta stations are reporting the shooter is a 14-year old male. No other description available. As school spree shooters go, that’s awfully young.

    Sanddog in reply to TargaGTS. | September 4, 2024 at 10:23 pm

    Last year, he came on the FBI’s radar when there where school shooting threats from that area. They turned it over to the local Sheriff’s office and they interviewed Cole and his father but couldn’t do much else because they couldn’t prove the threats came from him.

God bless those children, families, and this Hod forsaken Country

God forsaken

Freaking phone is satanic

Kamala’s staffers told her to speak with a Georgia accent today.

    diver64 in reply to Paula. | September 5, 2024 at 7:12 am

    The press keeps saying she was speaking with a southern accent up in Detroit. I live in the south and that wasn’t any type of accent I’ve hear around here. Not sure what the heck it was but at least it wasn’t as bad as Hillary’s “I ain’t no way tarrrred”

Subotai Bahadur | September 4, 2024 at 3:41 pm

This being the Leftist-run United States and media in 2024 the lack of details raises the possibility [still just a possibility, but with higher odds] that the shooter is a protected class of some sort; either racially, by foreign invader status, by non-Judeo-Christian religious status, or LGBT status. If of the first two, there is a good chance that the shooter will be released on bond or PR until things die down.

Subotai Bahadur

I’m all in on protecting the 2nd Admendment, but our society is sick, so sick

Something real must be done. Many people are not responsible gun owners and their kids have easy access

I think it’s time to make it a national law that guns be locked up and parents be responsible for their children till age 18

    Nope on the first one. Numerous blue jurisdictions have done exactly that, and it makes the firearms unusable in the event they are needed. A few places have exceptions for carrying in the home, but most require the firearms be locked up separately from ammunition or that the gun be stored unloaded. (They also require the “safe storage” regardless of whether there are children in the home, etc.)

    But, if you make that second one true – and not in some stupid way – then you can make an example of people and most of the rest of them will lock things up on their own.

    Also, if you actually punish people for their previous crimes, instead of treating their dangerous issues as something they should not be held responsible for, you could eliminate a bunch of these issues aborning.

    henrybowman in reply to gonzotx. | September 4, 2024 at 4:09 pm

    Dehorn all the steers in the pen, then act bewildered every time hobos sneak in and slaughter them for dinner.

    At many school shooting sites, there were identifiable teachers or staff who were licensed, trained, and willing to carry to protect their charges, had the politicians not made it illegal. One of them was a coach at Uvalde, who was reduced to protecting his students by becoming a human shield instead, and dying. His blood and his students’ is on the hands of those who maintain irrational, government-decreed “rights-free zones.”

    gospace in reply to gonzotx. | September 4, 2024 at 5:32 pm

    There are minors who have accessed and used firearms in home invasion scenarios who would be dead if the guns had been locked up.

      gonzotx in reply to gospace. | September 4, 2024 at 5:34 pm


      gonzotx in reply to gospace. | September 4, 2024 at 7:52 pm

      I would say more children have been killed in schools than minors have saved the family

      Not that I don’t honor those kids who saved the family, but numbers don’t lie

        destroycommunism in reply to gonzotx. | September 4, 2024 at 9:23 pm

        we rarely get reports on anyone who saved the day by being a pro second amendment type

        and the fact that schools are given THE POWERS of the parents BUT NOT the responsibility of the parent contributes greatly to these “new” problems

        henrybowman in reply to gonzotx. | September 4, 2024 at 11:25 pm

        Or look at the other end of the equation — the kid victims in the Merced pitchfork murders got dead BECAUSE their parents had locked up the guns, which the 14yo left in charge was quite qualified to have used. California “saaaaaafety” law, of course.

        diver64 in reply to gonzotx. | September 5, 2024 at 7:16 am

        The numbers of defensive uses are hard to quantify but overall the numbers seem to dwarf the shootings in schools and elsewhere. Those numbers, shootings of “kids” are wildly manipulated including for example gang shootings. John Lott has done extensive research into this area.
        Here is his site if you care to look

        CommoChief in reply to gonzotx. | September 5, 2024 at 7:25 am

        In these school shootings how many of the shooters were previously ID by school personnel and/or LEO as ‘off’? The fact is the profile of the school shooter is very consistent. Usually was bullied or ostracized, often on psych meds, behavioral issues and the responsible adults in the schools, healthcare system, LEO and the home allowed him to go on without addressing his problems in a meaningfully effective way to get the student the help he needed.

        There more firearms than people in the USA, more than 350 million. That there’s so few school shootings in comparison to the sheer number of available firearms is a testament to the fact that gun owners are largely speaking law abiding, responsible folks.

          TargaGTS in reply to CommoChief. | September 5, 2024 at 8:55 am

          Local Atlanta tv stations interviewed several kids who knew the shooter. All of them said he rarely ever spoke and when he would, it would be strangely short sentences. He was also out of school more than he was in it. That was true of middle school and true during the very short period of this school year (GA schools have been back in session for about month). The reporter asked one girl how often he was absent. She said, ‘most days.’

    RetLEODoc in reply to gonzotx. | September 4, 2024 at 8:04 pm

    Such laws only work with people who would secure their firearms anyway. Irresponsible people won’t respond to such laws unless they know that the Stasi are going to check for compliance. Punishment for noncompliance only happens after a tragedy happens, which is too late to alter anyone’s behavior.

    Education programs might have some effect on generally responsible people who haven’t thought about the consequences of having unsecured weapons but for the truly irresponsible people, education won’t work. At least based upon my experience with numerous irresponsible people (also known as criminals and drug abusers and dealers).

    star1701gazer in reply to gonzotx. | September 5, 2024 at 6:08 am

    You are correct that society is sick. But locking up guns is not the answer. The anti-gun folks would have you believe that it will stop attacks, but it won’t.
    When i was growing up it was normal to see hunting rifles and shotguns hanging in the back windows of pick up trucks in the school parking lot. Number of school shootings? 0. None. Nada. Why is that? Society was different and children were taught morals by their parents and their church. Then the radicals of the 60s took over our institutions and media and drove that out of society. Now we reap the consequences.

      The anti-gun folks would have you believe that it will stop attacks, but it won’t.
      Recall that the Sandy Hook killer broke into the safe to get the rifle he used. Then killed hi mother before going to the school. Locking up the firearms is not a perfect solution.

    healthguyfsu in reply to gonzotx. | September 5, 2024 at 5:41 pm

    You know Obama tried to pass that right?

The White House says Biden and Harris were briefed on the school shooting.
In Chicago over the holiday weekend. more than 70 people were shot, 13 fatally, 6 of them children. But no one briefed Biden on those shootings.

My SIL left his handgun in his truck
10’years ago, unlocked

Yes it was stolen

No repercussions, who knows if it has been used to rob amd murder people.

That has to stop

Now he has a huge gun safe, amd 2 young kids.

His mother has a gun in her purse.
Last year one of the kids got into her purse and was holding the gun

It’s a nightmare

    And none of that means other parents and gun owners should have to lock their guns away.
    Sounds like maybe there needed to be some lessons on taking personal responsibility for certain tools, and teaching your kids it’s never OK to dig around in Mommy’s purse.

      gonzotx in reply to GWB. | September 4, 2024 at 5:34 pm


        I appreciate how you approached this, BTW. You expressed yourself and then listened to all the responses. And that last bit is why I haven’t actually downvoted you.

        I understand the emotion and grief. But until we start actually dealing with the people who do wrong, throwing further infringements on the otherwise law-abiding won’t accomplish anything except give the gov’t more power to oppress.

LibraryGryffon | September 4, 2024 at 5:32 pm

Over 50 minutes to respond to an active shooter report?

    Not sure where you’re getting that. Because of a ‘panic button’ type of signaling device that is carried by some teachers in the school and connects directly with law enforcement, they became aware of the shooting almost instantaneously as it began. That system has only been operational since just after this school year began. Police were dispatched at 10:23 and arrived just a ‘few minutes’ later. But, the school resources officers responded immediately. It’s quite a sprawling campus, so ‘immediately’ probably took a couple minutes or more. They had the shooter in custody reasonably quickly. It did take roughly another 50-minutes to then clear the rest of the building. Perhaps that’s where that number comes from.

      Yes, clearing a building full of people takes a goodly amount of time. Particularly since the cops never want to assume it’s a lone shooter.

      Michael Johnson in reply to TargaGTS. | September 6, 2024 at 12:18 am

      “Authorities received their first phone call about an active shooter at 9:30AM:

      A release from the Barrow County Sheriff’s Office said officers from multiple agencies responded at 10:23 a.m.”

      That sounds really, really slow to me. I was surprised no one else mentioned it until this deep in the conversation.

Colt sounds very white

destroycommunism | September 4, 2024 at 5:47 pm

parents will be sued for naming him after a weapons company

the Christian school where my wife teaches has doors that require key access and shatter resistance doors and windows. inside are steel doors
that lock from the inside.
currently no guns during school hours. hoping the laws change.
schools should be like forts.
all doors alarmed and key required.
only way in is front door with school resource officer / armed security.
our school is in the country so not sure of time it will take to get someone there …

    gonzotx in reply to jqusnr. | September 4, 2024 at 6:32 pm

    Our schools are prisons , or need to be to have any safety

    What a Country

      Yes. That’s why I don’t like the lock-down-for-safety methodology. I prefer to allow all the law-abiding adults to be armed (if they desire) – including parents. This allows the individual to be secure, instead of just the location.

I will be very interested as to what if any proscribed drugs he was on.
as well. as any street drugs.

Known to FBI for more than a year.

Unbelievable. Also, I can’t imagine a compelling explanation the father might offer about why his firearms were still accessible even after a visit from the Sheriff and FBI about his son….potentially shooting-up a school.

For those discussing the shooter’s mental health….
Where is the mom? Not mentioned in the FBI stuff from a year ago. Not mentioned in reports from yesterday. A young man who loses his mother can be just as troubled as one without a father.

So, in addition to any chemical treatments he might have been under, how much of a contribution of a society that no longer supports real parenting? For 3 generations now, society has told parents “The kids are so different now, anything you have to tell them is useless” and “They’re so different you could just never understand.”

Along with all the nihilism (built in to Progressivism, the dominant religion in schools now) and the “compassion” of “We don’t want this to follow him” and such, you not only get more of these kids, but the number of them that go dangerously violent will increase. We need to actually respond with more than an “interview” with law enforcement.

    CommoChief in reply to GWB. | September 5, 2024 at 2:17 pm

    You won’t get support for returning our society and culture to the days of intact families. Remember that several things occurred in about a decade +/- from mid ’60s to mid ’70s that contributed heavily to where we are now.
    1. Hormonal birth control
    2. Abortion on demand
    3. No fault divorce
    4. End of the gold and silver standard

    Those ain’t getting changed with the exception of 1/2(ish) the States for abortion. Then consider wages have stagnated since the early ’70s and asset prices have skyrocketed fueled by cheap money in the form of both unbridled gov’t spending and low to zero interest rates. Families need two incomes to support a household where before an average male manufacturing worker made enough $ to buy a house and support a family on a single income. Average workers can’t do it anymore. The top 20% has reaped disproportionate share of asset growth and the top 1% far more. So women are in the workplace in huge # and no longer in the home. Add in feminism which morphed from equality to become a sort of ‘men are bad’ doctrine so many don’t get married and if they do they put child rearing behind job demands and it adds up. Then add no fault divorce, abortion and hormonal birth control to the mix and society has become far different in three generations.

    It ain’t the same as when the boomers were children of the ’50s. Marriage rates are the lowest ever and divorce is the highest and growing. Sexual revolution is ongoing and some States looking to pass mandatory DNA test prior to Father being named on a birth certificate b/c up to 1/3 of Fathers listed turn out not to be biological father when tested. Young men in general don’t seek marriage anymore b/c they can’t support a family or in many cases qualify for a girlfriend anymore.

    I don’t have any easy answer to fix it. Maybe in a counterintuitive manner go with the current direction of flow but get rid of alimony for no fault divorce and legalize adult prostitution. That may act to create enough counter inside society to pull the pendulum of cultural change in the opposite direction. Sure as heck moralizing isn’t gonna work.