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Kamala Harris Campaign Won’t Comment on EV Mandate Flip

Kamala Harris Campaign Won’t Comment on EV Mandate Flip

Harris was for an EV mandate. A campaign email said she’s against the mandate. Now they say no comment. She has no clue.

Alex Thompson at Axios reported that Kamala Harris’s campaign stated “no comment” when asked if she would veto or sign her own 2019 bill that mandated electric vehicles:

Driving the news: Harris’ campaign has sent contradictory signals about her position on a mandate for automakers — a key issue in pivotal Midwestern states such as Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin, where many autoworkers are based.

  • In a lengthy “fact-check” email last week that covered several issues, a campaign spokesperson included a line saying that Harris “does not support an electric vehicle mandate” — suggesting she changed her previous position, without elaborating.
  • On Aug. 28 Axios asked the Harris campaign to clarify her position, and whether she would sign or veto a bill she co-sponsored in 2019 that included such a mandate for manufacturers.
  • On Tuesday afternoon, Harris’ campaign ultimately declined to comment.

That’s weird because a Harris campaign email from August 27 said she does not support an EV mandate.

“When she was a senator, Harris cosponsored the Zero-Emissions Vehicle Act of 2019, which contained a requirement for car manufacturers to sell only zero-emission vehicles by 2040,” Amber Duke wrote on X.

It’s almost as if Harris should sit down for an interview and answer policy questions.

Oh, wait. That won’t happen like ever.

It reminds me of when Nancy Pelosi said they have to pass the Obamacare bill for us normies to see what’s in it.

Well, we have to vote in Harris to find out where she stands on policy.


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Kamala Harris campaign won’t comment on wonderful newly acquired ability to do triple and quadruple back flips.

E Howard Hunt | September 4, 2024 at 11:01 am

Unfortunately none of this will matter much. The Trump campaign is in panic mode. The polls show on a PERCENTAGE basis (not points) women prefer Harris over Trump by between 25 and 35 percent. Trump has tried loosening his abortion stance and offering free fertility treatment, but it hasn’t moved the needle. Absent some completely earth-shattering revelation, it seems inevitable Harris will be the next president.

TargaGTS | September 4, 2024 at 11:06 am

This is EXACTLY like when Obama said he believed marriage was between one man and one woman, a lie everyone on the left gave him room to make because….they knew it was a lie.

destroycommunism | September 4, 2024 at 11:16 am

Shes ACDC ( not the greatest rock band )

her circuts go both ways

Fred Idle | September 4, 2024 at 11:29 am

Paraphrasing the signature line from Major Bowes on the original “Amateur Hour” on the radio ” Round and round she goes, and what she thinks, nobody knows.”

Vile crone-harlot, Harris, flips and flops her policy positions so many times, daily, I lose track. Rest that assured she’ll flip and flop her way back to her prior — now, deceitfully renounced — positions, if she is elected.

This is all so much transparent shuck-and-jive posturing and theatrics, intended to cloak Harris in the veneer of alleged moderacy and pragmatism. The harridan is a card-carrying, neo-communist zealot and fanatic.

    guyjones in reply to guyjones. | September 4, 2024 at 2:44 pm

    Harris’s deceitful, alleged renunciations of her formerly loudly professed policies and agenda, are very similar to the taqiya doctrine in the ideology of “Submission’s” tenets, that permit Muslims to claim to renounce Submission, if the goal is to deceive and/or gain advantage over, non-Muslims.

It’s worse than a “flip-flop”. She’s just lying.. She and the hacks she will unleash will pursue regulations and laws that will operate as a mandate without literally being a mandate. Just like fracking. Her regulators will make it impossible to effectively, from a cost and legal standpoint, carry out fracking and thus banning the process for all intents and purposes. The same tactic proposed by that clod Obama for coal plants.

Dimsdale | September 4, 2024 at 1:28 pm

Say anything, do anything; whatever it takes to fake out the public long enough to get elected, then show up on Jan. 20 with a stack of EOs she couldn’t explain on her life.

JackinSilverSpring | September 4, 2024 at 1:33 pm

Why would anyone believe her? Why flip now and not years earlier? Does anyone really think this leopard will change its spots?

henrybowman | September 4, 2024 at 4:23 pm

“Well, we have to vote in Harris to find out where she stands on policy.”

Or, a better idea: we can vote in Trump, and then we won’t have to care where Que Mala stands.

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