Walz Bolts When Asked to Comment on the 6 Murdered Hostages in Gaza
“You and your party continue to bend over backwards to excuse Hamas atrocities and tie Israel’s hands as they defend themselves.”

Speaking to the press at the Minnesota State Fair on Sunday, a jovial Gov. Tim Walz was asked, “What’s your reaction to the six hostages being found dead in Gaza?”
As we know, the reporter was referring to the IDF’s grim discovery of the bodies of six hostages, including one American, who had been brutally murdered by Hamas savages, inside a terror tunnel on Saturday night. Vijeta Uniyal covered this story here.
He clearly heard the question as he was looking directly at the reporter who asked it. His earlier smile instantly vanished. Fortunately for Walz, he was rescued by an attentive aide who signaled that it was time to go. Walz abruptly raised his hand, said “Thanks everybody,” and walked away.
Reporter: "What's your reaction to the 6 hostages being found dead in Gaza?"
Tim Walz ignores the question like Biden and said "Thanks everybody". pic.twitter.com/sw02ctFsH4
— Real Mac Report (@RealMacReport) September 1, 2024
I was unaware there was a high degree of difficulty in saying "I am outraged and heartbroken by the news," but you know, I guess I should mind my own damn business.https://t.co/YXOZuEXr7U
— John Podhoretz (@jpodhoretz) September 1, 2024
The optics of his cowardly – and callous – handling of this question were terrible. And hours after a clip of the exchange went viral on social media, Walz posted the following message on X: “The anguish of losing a child is something no family should have to endure. Gwen and I send our deepest condolences to the Goldberg-Polin family, after Hamas’ murder of their son Hersh. Hamas is a brutal terrorist organization — and we condemn their continued atrocities against both Americans and Israelis in the strongest possible terms.”
The anguish of losing a child is something no family should have to endure. Gwen and I send our deepest condolences to the Goldberg-Polin family, after Hamas’ murder of their son Hersh.
Hamas is a brutal terrorist organization — and we condemn their continued atrocities against…
— Tim Walz (@Tim_Walz) September 2, 2024
It was too little, too late, and unfortunately for Walz, Americans know when they’re being lied to.
Step down now! https://t.co/8D7NykpoQv
— Gypsy1776 (@oneilkagypsy) September 2, 2024
You and your party continue to bend over backwards to excuse Hamas atrocities and tie Israel’s hands as they defend themselves.
You don’t give a damn about the murdered Jewish boy.
Why don’t you and your wife go burn some more black neighborhoods.
— mikesamerica (@mikesamerica) September 2, 2024
Tim Walz, just like Kamala Harris /Joe Biden, doesn’t care about the hostages. They only care about getting those Muslim, Pro-Hamas votes. What a joke. This administration turned their backs on Israel, and Secretary Blinken is a total joke. Parking lot!!! pic.twitter.com/5XeC6D34Na
— Patriot Lady (@angelwoman501) September 1, 2024
None of us can claim to be surprised by Walz’s refusal to answer the reporter’s question. His far-Left world view is well-known. Among the deluge of reports about Walz’s radical past after his selection as Vice President Kamala Harris’s running mate, was one about his relationship with Imam Asad Zaman of the Muslim American Society of Minnesota.
According to The Washington Examiner, “on at least five occasions as governor of Minnesota, [Walz] hosted a Muslim cleric who celebrated Hamas‘s Oct. 7 attack last year on Israel and promoted a film popular among Neo-Nazis that glorifies Adolf Hitler.”
The Examiner reported that Zaman has published official Hamas press releases and blog posts from “antisemitic websites slamming Jews” on his Facebook page. A spokesperson from the Anti-Defamation League told the Examiner, “Imam Zaman has a troubling history of playing into classic anti-Jewish themes and justifying violence against Israel. … He also has justified violence against Israel, including from terror groups.”
There is no question where the governor’s sympathies lie.
Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Walz, on at least five occasions, hosted a Muslim cleric who celebrated Hamas‘s Oct. 7 attack and promoted a film popular among Neo-Nazis.
DETAILS: https://t.co/4iYDnpb7y1#timwalz #democrats #election2024 #politics #usa #explorepage pic.twitter.com/3gid3kfFSf
— Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) August 9, 2024
Harris had a choice to make and, in a nod to her progressive base, she chose Walz over popular Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro, who is Jewish. Recent polling data indicates this was a mistake.
First, RealClearPolitics’ Tom Bevan pointed out that Harris’s lead in Minnesota is now “half of what it was a month ago before she added Walz to the ticket.”
👀New SurveyUSA poll in Minnesota shows Harris up 5.
Her lead is half of what it was a month ago before she added Walz to the ticket. pic.twitter.com/nGfVTqN88X— Tom Bevan (@TomBevanRCP) August 31, 2024
And, perhaps most telling of all, were the results of several hypothetical matchups in a survey of likely Pennsylvania voters conducted last week by polling firm Wick Insights. Independent journalist Mark Halperin, who had commissioned the poll, invited Wick’s chief pollster David Burrell onto his Friday podcast to discuss the results.
First, Wick asked participants whom they would support between a Republican ticket of Trump/Vance and a Democratic ticket of Harris/Walz. Harris led by a margin of 49% to 48% under that scenario.
Next, Wick replaced Trump’s current running mate, Sen. J.D. Vance, on the Republican ticket with former GOP presidential candidate Nikki Haley. Harris’s lead increased by 2 points, a margin of 48% to 46%.
Finally, participants were asked to choose between a Trump/Vance ticket and a Harris/Shapiro ticket. Harris’s lead increased significantly. She led Trump by a margin of 51 to 45.
Looks like Harris should have ignored the left-wing of the Democratic Party and chosen Shapiro. Although her choice of Walz may have satisfied her base, she surely knows that the majority of Americans are pro-Israel.
(The relevant portion begins at 4:55 in the video below.)
Elizabeth writes commentary for The Washington Examiner. She is an academy fellow at The Heritage Foundation and a member of the Editorial Board at The Sixteenth Council, a London think tank. Please follow Elizabeth on X or LinkedIn.

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to the full extent allowed by law.
well come on
the little boy had to check in with mommy if it was ok to say
as long as no blm members were harmed
quietly omar continues the takeover of the usa
using “jolly” boys such as walz to keep it as peaceful as possible
until they want to unleash their next barrage against americans
lefty is pushing the “Pro Act” so that Unions will have even more power >>>dnc more power
this locks in step with the newer brazen lefty takeover of america
But that will take corporate America to accept—voluntarily or, more realistically, through legal compulsion—that companies can thrive and serve their
Fair protection for union organizing would begin to address the 12 million children in the US who grow up in poverty. It could correct the shame that one in four adults older than 50 have no retirement savings, and it would address the growing number of Americans who must work multiple jobs to make ends meet. Poor is a four-letter word, and a big part of the solution is a five-letter word: union.
yahoo “news”
See Walz
See Walz asked a tough question
See Walz run
Run Walz run
I’m sure his PR staff will “explain” that Walz just suffered a fit of “dehydration” — a malady from which any Western politician (like Merkel or Cankles) can suffer at a moment’s notice, even while enjoying a frosty ice-cream treat, as Walz was.
Hamas cruelly taunts slain hostages’ kin with haunting new video of captives before death, promises ‘last messages’
Just watched it. Wrenching.
When confronted by reporters, Walz dropped his weapon of war and took off running with his tail between his legs:
He ran through the briers and he ran through the brambles
And he ran through the bushes where a rabbit couldn’t go
He ran so fast that the hounds couldn’t catch ‘im
All the way back to his basement
Brave Sir Timmy.
Where Kamala was waiting.
And the moral of the story is: Be good. If you can’t be good, be careful. And if you can’t be careful, try and keep it down to five or six verses, huh?
— Frank Hayes
Walz is a typically vile, evil and feckless Dhimmi-crat reprobate. Has no problem funding, mugging for the cameras with and otherwise obsequiously cozying up to Jew-hating, genocidal Islamofascists and Muslim supremacists in Minnesota and elsewhere, but, when asked a simple question about the Jewish victims of genocidal Muslims’ terrorism and atrocities, can’t even summon a scintilla of moral probity, integrity and compassion to condemn the murders and those who committed them.
I’ve arrived at a conclusion, recently, regarding the nature of evil. Evil isn’t simply about people who directly engage in crimes and wicked behavior — it’s also about feckless, self-serving, greasy and narcissistic reprobates such as narcissist-incompetent-dunce, Obama, Biden, crone-harlot, Harris, clown-fool, Walz, and, other Dhimmi-crats who directly enable, appease, whitewash, rationalize and kowtow to evildoers.
Sergeant Foreskin disappears again.
Command Sargent Major Richard Cranium…always disappears when it gets hard.
Both of those nicknames are hilarious.
Remember, this guy’s wife loves the smell of burning tire rubber.
Or, as we used to call it in Virginia, TAR FAR.
Failing to have a basic answer to such a question is really a horrible lack of seriousness for a candidate. Not hard to come up with a generic statement to offer up.
That Walz views a question about the deaths of Jewish Israeli hostages at the hands of genocidal Muslim terrorists as some sort of attempted “gotcha” question, and, doesn’t possess the clarity of mind to even deign to answer the question, much less proffer an intelligent and rational response, shows how dim-witted, morally bankrupt and feckless he is.
He’s terrified of backsplash from BrotherFu__er Omar and her peaceful Mohammedan constituents.
Now, now. She’s not a brother-fu**er, just a brother-“marryer”.
I’ll bite, how do you know, or at least allege, that the marriage was not consummated?
Because the “marriage” was an obvious sham. On paper she “divorced” her real husband and “married” this other person who later turned out to be her brother, and then divorced him and remarried her husband. But in reality she never left her husband or lived with her brother for even one day. She continued to live with her real husband, the father of her children, they continued to hold themselves out in public as a married couple, they continued to file joint tax returns, and be a couple in every way until the day she dumped him for her infidel boy toy.
Not just Jewish Israeli hostages and murder victims are at issue, but, also, AMERICAN citizens!!!
They cannot answer because even the most innocuous boiler plate
non-answer irritates one or more major blocks of either votes or dollars.
It’s the “intersectional gridlock” that sane people always saw coming.
It’s really not or doesn’t have to be. Just something like ‘We grieve for all the victims of this conflict along with their families and hope a negotiation can secure not only the return of the hostages but the beginning to what can become a lasting peace’.
I wrote that neutral phase of gobbledygook in less than a minute. It ain’t hard. Yes some will find the use of ‘hostage’ offensive just as others will find the lack of denunciation of terrorist tactics that led to seizure of the hostage offensive. Even the extremists, those with any sense anyway will acknowledge that this is a candidate who has to get elected and that politics is a process of addition not subtraction. Ignoring the ‘all or nothing’ folks on each end of the spectrum and playing to the much bigger middle is how folks get elected. By running away from the question and failing to provide at least an anodyne answer Walz shows he is unprepared. It also allows others to fill in the blank he chose to create by running away.
Profile in courage, Orwell style.
another dem:
there are good people on both sides,,moment
What’s the deal with Communists and ice cream?
They’re just pinin’ for Siberia.
There is no deal. Everyone likes ice cream. Trump likes two scoops, or so the news industry breathlessly told us, as if there were some arcane significance to this.
He thinks he’s miss America with all that waving. Love how they picked an old white, bigoted clown as a candidate. And it looks like there are no shortage of morons who will vote for her just because she’s a womanx and would be our first womanx presidente.
Girl Boss filled with Joy!
The IDF has a history of spectacular hostage rescues but you can’t pull it off against the same guy many times. Hamas has put in place a shoot the hostages order and the means to carry it out if a rescue is attempted.
So it’s not exactly a murder, but more the rules of engagement at the moment. You try this and we do that, hoping to make a standoff out of it.
In the meantime we don’t shoot them.
You already have all the outrage you need from October 7.
“Not exactly a murder, but, more the rules of engagement.”
Your “analysis” is obtuse.
Hamas is not a party of honor whose word can be trusted, at all. They’ve killed hostages quite liberally, whether a rescue attempt was imminent, or not.
They’re not saying they won’t shoot them in general. They’re saying they will shoot them when you try a rescue.
The general complaint here is that the whole press system is being run on outrage based on which side is more oppressed and that’s a losing argument. Hence “murder” clickbait. It’s just a war. Each side considers itself in the right. As far as oppression goes, both sides have a case, and the Palestinians certainly have evidence in mind so you’re not going to persuade them. The same way that American blacks have evidence of their oppression by whites. It’s not true but it doesn’t matter – just look at how much better whites do than blacks. What else could it be but oppression? Blacks average IQ 86, Palestinians average IQ 82. You can win that argument but clickbait won’t do it.
The actual argument is the Israelis always behaved morally – many times starting mutually beneficial trade with Palestinians, trade being the only source of new wealth for anybody – and each time Hamas blows it up or shoots it down. That’s their immorality.
Forget oppression and go for economics.
Low IQ to pretend murder is not murder behind a word salad that would make Harris proud.
Shooting unarmed civilians taken as war trophies IS murder.
Can you imagine that defense at a war crimes tribunal?
“It wasn’t a war crime or murder, your Honor. It was simply our policy to kill unarmed civilians, noncombatants, and prisoners.”
There’s no war crimes tribunal in sight. The US point is to get clicks or points by provoking outrage among their base. The Hamas point is to be the bad-assed terrorist group skillfully fighting against Israel so as to get external support from nations that like that kind of thing and show their base that they’re still in charge.
War crimes tribunals don’t do very well in terms of making sense. Which Japanese were hung was random and erratic, and the let the Emperor off, fortunately, because the Emperor was able to say to his loyal base lay off and cooperate with the occupation, which saved thousands of lives US and Japanese.
I was just pointing out how stupid your statement was. You said it wasn’t a crime because it was a “rules of engagement” thing. It makes no sense.
You are correct that there will be no war crimes tribunal because Hamas isn’t a nation or a legitimate army and has no claim to such niceties. Instead, they’ll be destroyed by Israel.
It’s not a murder. It’s not aimed at the victim but at denying Israel access to the victim. It falls under war strategy.
A murder would be we hate Jews so much that we’re going to kill this one. That’s not what they’re doing. They have lots of live hostages left and are not killing them because there’s no point to it yet.
You’ve quite literally shot and killed unarmed civilians taken as war trophies during Hamas invasion of Israel with the sole purpose of killing and raping Jews for the crime of being Jews.
That is murder regardless of whether your Jew hating racist brain thinks otherwise.
It’s a strategic message to Jews – you can’t live here. That’s the Palestinians’ view of Jewish oppression and why it has so much support – the Jews had it coming etc.
An end to it all has to accommodate both sides so it’s important to know both sides. The eventual deal will do that and put something else on the table as well to seal it. A Trump deal. See Abraham accords, which wasn’t achieved with outrage as a guide.
Idiot comment. Low IQ. Killing non-combatants as part of rules of engagement is murder, not “not exactly” murder. Theorize harder.
If he theorizes any harder, he’d vaporize.
Utter nonsense. Their hatred of Jews drives all they do.
Sorry, meant to reply to rr above. The reply button doesn’t always show in the right place
Then arguably the best response is for the Israeli gov’t to up the ante by destroying one square kilometer of Gaza for each hostage murdered. Level the grid square, then bounce the rubble for a week. For each hostage killed. No advance notice. No leaflets. Just a mechanical response.
It would work except all the hostages would be killed in retaliation, and it’s a little disproportionate. You’d lose the PR battle plus all the hostages. A hostage for a raid aimed at that hostage is proportionate.
Always consider the other side’s point of view.
Think like Trump. You want to change what the disagreement is about so something else can be put on the table. Like offering Kim Jung Un an Atlantic City on the sea. Nobody saw that coming and NK became best friends.
“So it’s not exactly a murder…”
Welllll… yeah, it kinda is.
By any generally accepted standard, killing hostages is a war crime and mass murder.
Do better.
Hamas hasn’t signed any Geneva agreements. Calling it whatever produces outrage is counterproductive though. In the end you have to persuade the other side and they’re doing their own outrage. So say: it’s not about outrage it’s about economics. Substitute well-being for outrage.
They didn’t sign the Geneva convention because they’re a terrorist organization, not a legitimate army or government. Literally everything they do is a criminal act. Every killing they commit is a murder. Since they are criminals, they don’t deserve the protection of the rules of war between civilized nations and should be put down like the animals they are. As quickly and efficiently as possible
All Palestinians? All Palestinians who support (sort of) Hamas at the moment? They’re just victims of brainwashing. Actual fighters? The latter are the ones being energetically sought out and killed already.
The added thing to try is add economics to get to the non-actual-fighters. Brainwash them your way instead of theirs.
Websites rely on brainwashing for clicks. The more outrage the better for the sites. Take it into account.
Given that I was clearly referring to the Hamas organization and my response couldn’t be taken in any other reasonable way, your response is nonsense.
Israel isn’t targeting the non combatants. And frankly, the average “Palestinian” is not my problem or the US’s problem. They’re unfortunate people who live in a terrorist controlled area. I can’t fix their world or their lives and I don’t care to. I’m going to fix this country.
The average Palestinian would vote for Hamas again. There’s a huge brainwashing problem. That has to be part of what’s taken care of somehow.
You’re showing us the brainwashing problem with every post of yours R!
The best that can be done is to alert you to brainwashing. Like alerting women to voting on feelings being a bad idea. They have to take it from there.
Low IQ comments pretend that people act solely for economics or even self-interest.
That’s their problem. Once Israel kills all of Hamas, I wonder who they’ll vote for next. Eventually, they’ll figure out that mess with Israel and you get bombed. Or they’ll eventually get wiped out. Not my problem.
Trump’s going to lose because of all the pregnancy-aged women voting against Rpublican-brand short abortion restrictions, so riling up the base against another Walz shortcoming is pointless. You have to rile up pregnancy-aged women.
It’s not about riling the base. Some just don’t get it. They usually have the answer, however, or so they say.
It’s about clicks, first of all. That aligns with the base-needers’ interest as well, though.
One first must understand what “it” is, before lecturing what it’s about. A high IQ person should know to question rather than pretend to know, especially when it’s apparent that person has no clue.
This is also nonsense. We shouldn’t point out what we think are the opposition’s flaws and shortcomings? Should we even campaign at all?
Also, what a way to insult women. Apparently to you, women ignore the economy, cost of living, crime, jobs, illegal immigration, the ability of their children to have a future, and poor moral qualities in candidates, all so they can murder babies. Far more women have children than abort them. Do you really believe those women care so little about their children and grandchildren, and themselves, that they will vote for poorer conditions just for the ability to kill?
Women vote feelings. They vote for the person who seems to mean well. Guys vote structure (for systems designed to avoid perverse consequences). The founding fathers were structure guys, not feelings guys.
Women’s feeling is that they need abortion available, especially against religious dogma Republicans.
Liberals vote feelings.
I’m sorry you know such low quality women. The ones I know have integrity, intelligence, and humanity. They don’t want to murder children.
How would you account, in general, for women’s voting pattterns being different from men’s? One or the other has intelligence, integretiy and humanity, but not both.