49ers First-Round Pick Shot During Robbery Attempt in San Francisco
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49ers First-Round Pick Shot During Robbery Attempt in San Francisco

49ers First-Round Pick Shot During Robbery Attempt in San Francisco

It turns out not only firefighters are targets of opportunity in the Bay Area, but so are NFL Football Payers.

In a recent post discussing crime in the Bay Area, I reported thieves in Oakland had just stolen the “Jaws of Life” from responding firefighters.

Furthermore, San Francisco city officials have decided that their priority is auditing its collection of monuments to tag those deemed ‘racist’ or ‘sexist’ according social justice dogma so that they can be removed. Clearly, art history is easier to deal with than crime.

However, crime continues to be a problem, and this time it can’t be swept under the rug…especially as football season is about to start. San Francisco 49ers rookie Ricky Pearsall was shot during an attempted robbery in San Francisco on Saturday afternoon.

Pearsall is in “serious but stable condition” after sustaining a bullet wound to his chest, the 49ers said in a statement. Police said a 17-year-old suspect from Tracy, Calif. — about 60 miles east of San Francisco — is in custody.

The incident occurred in the Union Square area of San Francisco. At a news conference Saturday night, SFPD chief William Scott said Pearsall was walking alone when the suspect approached him. A “physical altercation” ensued during the robbery attempt and both Pearsall and the suspect were shot during the struggle, police said.

Scott said more than one shot was fired, but would not confirm how many times each individual was shot. Both Pearsall and the suspect were transported to a local hospital and are in stable condition. The suspect’s gun was recovered at the scene, Scott said.

Scott said there was no indication that Pearsall was targeted because he is an NFL player. He said police believe the suspect was working alone but that they are checking video cameras in Union Square as part of their investigation.

Since the initial reports, Pearsall has been released from the hospital.

The suspect was shot during the attempt. Meanwhile, Mayor London Breed is desperately trying to assert this was an isolated incident.

The 17-year-old resident from Tracy, California, who attempted to rob Ricky Pearsall — and was also shot during the incident — is in custody, police said. Officers say they believe the suspect acted alone and have no reason to believe Pearsall was targeted because he is a football player.

Mayor London Breed, in a news conference outside San Francisco General Hospital on Saturday, framed the shooting as an isolated incident in a city with relatively low violent crime rates.

Breed said the shooting was “a terrible and rare incident in Union Square,” where the city has increased police officer coverage in recent years.

“This incident does set us back from all of the hard work that we’ve done in order to make significant changes in public safety in San Francisco,” she said.

It turns out not only firefighters are targets of opportunity in the Bay Area, but so are NFL Football Payers.

But when you prefer to cataloging statues rather than controlling crime – both small and significant ones – even the biggest and bravest can become victims.

Pearsall is lucky to be alive, and San Fransisco is luck that he is, too. Not only does it look like he will be able to play football, but a potential enhancement to the city’s already grim crime reputation is somewhat mitigated.

I do not think Breed’s assurances that crime is the comfort to potential residents, tourists and business owners that she thinks it is.

Prayers to Pearsall for a speedy recovery, and the normals living in the Bay Area for their safety.


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This poor 17 year old boy was probably driven to this desperate act by all of those racist and sexist statues in San Francisco.

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to Q. | September 2, 2024 at 10:10 am

    I thought it was Islamophobia.

    henrybowman in reply to Q. | September 2, 2024 at 2:54 pm

    “San Francisco 49ers rookie Ricky Pearsall was shot during an attempted robbery”
    So as long as the rest of the robbery proceeds were under $901, the kid still gets off.

I live in a city near SF and we have been warned not to wear expensive watches to the city because the thieves will follow you home and rob you. Needless to say we don’t go to the city.

So a 17 yr old punk drove 60 miles to SF with a gun to steal a Rolex because SF crime is down and it’s much more likely to get arrested. Sure. You always travel to the hardest locations to rob people.

The Gentle Grizzly | September 2, 2024 at 10:19 am

NFL ballers, firemen, tv camera crews, people wanting a hamburger near the airport in Oakland…

Lucifer Morningstar | September 2, 2024 at 10:32 am

The a17-year-old resident from Tracy, California . . .

Which means he’ll be tried as a juvenile, given a slap-on-the-wrist punishment, if any punishment at all, and then be quickly released back into the community to continue his criminal activities. Guaranteed.

He will be taken to a CIA grooming facility to improve his aim.

destroycommunism | September 2, 2024 at 11:02 am

sure hope no one with a great conscience lets that pos name out to the public

so that the government will stop believing they are the power over the good people

destroycommunism | September 2, 2024 at 11:05 am

this is how they run their cities like they run the prisons

keep the non trouble makers in fear and allow the bad to exert their ways



Not just robbed at gunpoint in broad daylight, but in UNION SQUARE which used to be one of the gems of the city. Union Square is (was?) packed with high end hotels, shops and restaurants. If there is any place in the city one should feel safe, it would be Union Square.

The assailant was arrested WITH A GUN just THREE DAYS before this shooting and was released. It’s unclear if he was released without bail. But, common sense should tell us that even if there was cash bail, it must have been very, very low considering he made it.

    navyvet in reply to TargaGTS. | September 2, 2024 at 1:01 pm

    When a city refuses to punish criminals, the result is ALWAYS more crime. Either live with it, or vote different.

    Subotai Bahadur in reply to TargaGTS. | September 2, 2024 at 5:42 pm

    One can make the working assumption, due to the release a few days ago, that the unnameable one is a “protected class” who they were under instructions not to prosecute. I would also guess that at 17 years old, he/she/it [gotta get the pronouns right in SF] has an impressively thick police file.

    Subotai Bahadur

destroycommunism | September 2, 2024 at 11:36 am

as proof that crime is falling in her city

Breeder said:

hey I fired the department that kept those stats

destroycommunism | September 2, 2024 at 1:24 pm

why do we allow the name not to be released


THE WHOLE “REHAB” ANGLE is just the typical lefty in control

The current state of affairs in San Francisco lends new meaning to the song “I Left My Heart in San Francisco”!

Subotai Bahadur | September 2, 2024 at 5:52 pm

While not particularly a football fan, I wish Pearsall a speedy and complete recovery. But I have to note that while his mother said that he was shot in the chest and nothing vital was hit; there is a reason that we are taught to shoot for the center of mass, and I have seen what thoracic hits do up close and personal. I suspect that there will be complications that may affect his football career.

I would also note that if someone is involved with the NFL draft, they might want to try to get somewhere NOT like San Francisco, if only because of the hazard of being shot in the street in broad daylight in what is supposed to be a tourist area. I was given to understand that Pearsall was walking en-route to a team autograph signing [for fans and tourists] at about 1530 hours when shot. That is not supposed to be a life threatening activity.

Subotai Bahadur