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Surprise! Colorado Gov. Jared Polis Issues Strongly Worded Statement Condemning Illegal Aliens Taking Over Aurora Apartment Complex

Surprise! Colorado Gov. Jared Polis Issues Strongly Worded Statement Condemning Illegal Aliens Taking Over Aurora Apartment Complex

“Colorado is a zero tolerance state for illegal activity, taking over buildings has no place in Colorado”

You just knew this was coming. It had to.

Earlier, I blogged about an apartment conplex in Aurora, CO being taken over by a dangerous and violent Venezuelan gang. The state’s ludicrous governor, Jared Polis (D+), suggested that the reports were a hoax, “imagination,” despite there being video evidence and reports from local officials.

Surprise, surprise, surprise! Polis’ lie did not land well, did nothing to tamp down now-nationwide outrage, so he did what all Democrats do when they can’t lie their way out of a problem: issued a strongly-worded, but ultimately empty, statement.

Here’s the full text via Polis’ Facebook page:

Colorado is a zero tolerance state for illegal activity, taking over buildings has no place in Colorado, and I am confident that the city of Aurora shares this basic value and will enforce the law if it is being violated there. I urge them to do so quickly and in a thorough manner. Over the last month, I have been in regular contact with the City of Aurora and the Aurora Police Department and have offered any and all state assistance to support their efforts if requested. The state has been ready for weeks to back up any operation by the Aurora Police Department needed to make Aurora safer.

That’s a pretty big shift from Aurora officials are overreacting to an imaginary problem. Odd, though, that the state would prepare weeks ago for something that is the figment of an Aurora official’s imagination.

[Featured image via X]


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E Howard Hunt | September 1, 2024 at 8:14 am

Perhaps the sight of slim young men grasping big deadly weapons triggered the governor’s imagination.

Peter Moss | September 1, 2024 at 8:15 am

Here’s hoping that the rumors about the Hell’s Angels motorcycle gang riding to Aurora are only mistaken in underestimating the number of those headed in that direction.

The judicial system exists to protect the criminal from the citizen; when that trust is broken, it’s back to the rough justice of bygone days.

Such resolve and determination. Gov. Polis seems to be a natural fit for the Harris/Walz team.

Whitewall | September 1, 2024 at 9:02 am

I don’t know which America needs rid of more, illegals or Democrats. Both would be too much to hope for.

    Milhouse in reply to Whitewall. | September 1, 2024 at 10:22 pm

    Definitely Democrats. Illegal aliens are only a problem because of Democrats. Without Democrats the incentives would attract only the good and productive sort of immigrant and not the criminals and lowlifes, so we could afford to dramatically increase legal immigration while the undesirables wouldn’t want to come.

And “Double Secret Probation” for all of them!

Wait. Didn’t Pelosi say these invaders possess the “Spark of Divinity™️”?

Embrace the vibrancy, Colorado.

This is serious. Something must be done.

But what? Issue a statement? Yes, that will do the trick.

But will Venezuelan gangs read it? No! It’s not for them. It’s for the sheeple.

TrickyRicky | September 1, 2024 at 9:54 am

Similar to other states that were reliably conservative, my home state of Colorado has been utterly ruined by the influx of libtards into the metro areas. I doubt that there will be any way to stem the tide, since these moochers rely on government largess to survive and will never vote to end their gravy train.

It’s words, nothing more. He’ll do nothing. It’s all for image.

amatuerwrangler | September 1, 2024 at 10:16 am

“Colorado is a zero tolerance state for illegal activity…”

How does that work when CO is openly allowing those who violate our immigration laws to live there, with CO government’s blessing? It’s about time these sanctuary cities and states decide to either fish or cut bait.

And, yes, why did he just last week call this stuff imaginary when he had supposedly a month or more prior prepped the state police for action? It’s the 21st century and this guy doesn’t understand calendars and video?

Just to concede the illegals are “taking over a building” itself actually masks the gross criminal activities on display here. These illegal thugs are harassing, assaulting, robbing and extorting residents. And of course federal immigration law violations. Why aren’t the federal authorities on site and throwing them out of this country?

This is what will happen to the entire U.S. if it is not stopped.

Harris-Walz would destroy this country, utterly and completely.

    paracelsus in reply to Dimsdale. | September 1, 2024 at 12:06 pm

    it’s already in progress
    some group has decided that the US needs war within its own borders and has initiated it;
    the sheeple haave not yet been awakened by the MSM or the politicians

He looks like a pudgy soy boy

How could anyone vote formthis

There are rumors that the Hells Angels are on their way to Aurora

The Gentle Grizzly | September 1, 2024 at 1:02 pm

I was reading some article online this morning – I forget where – that even Walz’s own brother opposes his run.

George S | September 1, 2024 at 1:06 pm

Notice the use of the word “value” in that statement. Compare that to Harris’ interview dismissive answer to flip flopping on fracking and the border that her “values” are still the same. Even though what you see around you is happening and our way of life is seriously at risk, we are assured by Democrats their values haven’t changed.

Apparently, this reassures rich leftist women and soy boys to keep voting Democrat.

Idonttweet | September 1, 2024 at 1:23 pm

The problem I see with this is that the government (city/county/state) will decide to go after these illegals not because of their blatantly illegal acts of taking over the building, extorting rent from residents, etc., but because they’re illegally armed. The government will then use that as a pretext to confiscate everybody’s guns, illegally possessed or not. Especially if the citizens take up their arms in self-defense.

(Anyone who doubts something like that could happen should take a look at the reports of Tampon Timmy’s State Police and Personal Gestapo patrolling the streets of Minneapolis and opening fire with paintball guns against people on their porches during the Scamdemic Lockdown.)

At the end of the day of course, the Venezuelan gang bangers will still be armed, but not the law-abiding citizens who need their arms to defend themselves and their families.

henrybowman | September 1, 2024 at 5:08 pm

“taking over buildings has no place in Colorado”
Taking over election results, however, is completely different.

Subotai Bahadur | September 1, 2024 at 6:52 pm

If there is any resistance in any way, judicially or physically including self defense by the residents; the coercive organs of State power [both Federal and Colorado] will defend the Venezuelans to the death . . . of any involved Americans. I am really glad that I took off my badge for the last time long ago.

If I was a resident there who was not part of the vast army invading our country, I would be quietly getting my children and elderly out of the buildings to family/friends elsewhere, smuggling any valuables [personal or financial] out similarly, and then whatever else I could but at that stage it would mean being ready to just run and abandon anything that is left.

Subotai Bahadur

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