Report: Violent Gang of Illegal Aliens Takes Over Apartment Complex In Colorado
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Report: Violent Gang of Illegal Aliens Takes Over Apartment Complex In Colorado

Report: Violent Gang of Illegal Aliens Takes Over Apartment Complex In Colorado

“Colorado officials say Venezuelan Tren de Aragua gang has been spilling out of Denver and wreaking havoc in Aurora, other suburbs”

I saw this originally on X and was completely shocked.

I don’t know why I was surprised and horrified since this is exactly what happens when you allow hordes of violent illegal aliens to invade a country, but still, in America?

Local Fox31 reports:

New video has surfaced showing alleged gang violence at an apartment complex home to some migrants in Aurora.

The video shows the group entering an apartment building with several weapons and then making their way through a door. The scenario took place at The Edge at Lowry apartments, which became a reported crime hotspot in that city.

In the video, men can be seen walking up a stairwell carrying weapons. They can be heard speaking Spanish.

The owners of the video said it was taken shortly before a shootout at the complex that left one person seriously injured. Several vehicles were also damaged by gunfire.

. . . . The video was shot in the building where Cindy and Edward Romero lived until Wednesday. FOX31 caught up with them as they loaded up their stuff and moved out.

The couple’s car was riddled with bullets after a shootout at the complex earlier this month.

The Romeros say the trouble started when a large number of migrants began moving in.

They had not been able to move out for different reasons.

“We couldn’t get any help. We tried reaching out to resources, but they told us since it was not a condemned building we would have to wait till that was the issue but we didn’t want to wait for that. The only help I got was after talking to you,” Edward Romero said.

FOX31 showed Aurora City Councilmember Danielle Jurinsky the video, who helped the couple move out Wednesday and find a new place to live.

“The city nonprofits have lined up to help the migrants that have come here but nobody is helping the Americans that are trapped in these apartment complexes,” Jurinsky said.

Jurinsky said the complex had been overrun by a Venezuelan gang.

This is apparently an on-going problem caused by the Biden-Harris open border policy that is letting tens of thousands (maybe hundreds of thousands) violent criminals, gangs, and terrorists into America, no questions asked.

Fox News has more in their article entitled and subheaded: “Sanctuary city’s policies push violent migrant gang into suburbs: ‘It’s a nationwide problem’: Colorado officials say Venezuelan Tren de Aragua gang has been spilling out of Denver and wreaking havoc in Aurora, other suburbs.”

Although Denver’s suburbs don’t share its sanctuary city policies, the influx of migrants into the Mile High City has spilled outward. Now, its neighbors are facing an unprecedented wave of activity from a notorious Venezuelan prison gang.

Officials from Aurora, about nine miles east of Denver, told Fox News Digital the Tren de Aragua gang has gained a strong foothold in their city, commandeering apartment complexes and drumming up violent crime and sex trafficking.

“We currently have entire complexes under gang control — complexes where staff have been beaten up, they’ve been threatened, their families have been threatened [and] complexes where there are no staff left on the property,” Aurora City Council Member Danielle Jurinsky said. “These complexes are being run by this Tren de Aragua gang.

“They start brokering apartments themselves when someone leaves out of fear or whatever. They go in and take pictures of the apartment themselves. Then, I’ve been told, within hours, a Venezuelan family moves in.

Where is the governor? This would absolutely not be allowed in Florida. Of course, a vast majority of Floridians are legally armed, so . . . you know, try that in a small town.

Fox News continues:

“Parts of the city are absolutely under this gang control. The local media is downplaying this,” she said. “I believe politics is being played with people’s lives. … Nothing is being done to help the American citizens that are being trapped under this gang’s control.”

Jurinsky told Fox News Digital calls for emergency services have been on the rise, especially in light of a strapped police department.

“The number of emails coming in to me for help from residents and business owners, the volume is much higher. The allegations being made [about gang activity] are types of crime that I’ve not heard of on a regular basis in our city,” she said.

Colorado’s governor — Branch Covidian, gun-grabber, and general tyrant wannabe — Jared Polis will almost certainly tackle this . . . now that it’s gaining negative national attention. He will likely issue a disapproving statement and let this continue; that seems to be the way Democrats deal with the results of their policies.

Needless to say, people have thoughts.


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They should disperse or face a Waco moment followed by a Mussolini reception courtesy of taxpayers.

    It’s Polis’ Colorado, so I’m pretty sure they have his blessing to terrorize, exploit, shake down, and even kill anyone they believe won’t vote Democrat. /sarc. But really only half kidding. They are allowed to do this. Why? By whom? To what end?

    This whole open border thing is not going well . . . unless you have a bizarre desire to become a third world banana republic. And live under the hilarious delusion that those who made it happen won’t be first against the wall. Spoiler: they are always the first ones to go. Always.

    History’s a funny thing. It keeps happening over and over, and the deluded just keep doing the same thing . . . and sincerely expect different results. Insane.

      The Gentle Grizzly in reply to Fuzzy Slippers. | August 29, 2024 at 11:19 am

      I think it was Mark Twain who said history doesn’t repeat but it rhymes.

      scooterjay in reply to Fuzzy Slippers. | August 29, 2024 at 12:08 pm

      I think the plot is far more sinister with the explosion of Chinese industry in the USA.
      I was employed by Flex in Columbia, SC two years ago and discovered it was a cover for a Chinese manufacturer. Jushi USA opened a fiberglass plant here as did Sterlite Technologies, who makes fiberoptic cableand is a 50/50 venture comprised of Indian and Chinese investors.
      Westinghouse makes nuclear fuel rods at the Bluff Road facility, but Westinghouse is now only a name, as 49% is owned by Toshiba and 51% is owned by the enigmatic British Nuclear Fuel, a consortium of Chinese investors.
      That scares me more than illiterate sub-80 IQ gangs with guns.

“The city nonprofits have lined up to help the migrants that have come here but nobody is helping the Americans that are trapped in these apartment complexes,” Jurinsky said“

American citizens left to be murdered

This writes itself as an ad President Trump

    “The city nonprofits have lined up to help the migrants that have come here
    I’d put them on the hook for aiding and abetting. If lawfare is good for the goose, it should be good for the gander.

      ThePrimordialOrderedPair in reply to GWB. | August 29, 2024 at 6:22 pm

      It’s not lawfare, though. It’s real criminal law with the so-called “non-profits”. They are guilty of treason (those Americans in them) and need to be rightfully charged with that. They are waging war on America and need to pay the appropriate price for such treason.

Once again, Kurt Schlichter has predicted the future. And it’s not a good one.

I have a prediction.
This story embarrasses certain politicians.
Politicians hate to be embarrassed, so they will try to squash the story.
The story seems unsquashable.
That leaves a dramatic action, mostly unplanned, with no attention paid to consequences. Military-style sweeps, arrests, drug-sniffing dogs, every arrestee handed over to ICE, perhaps a few shoot-outs with the cartel employees, and probably resulting in a burned-out ruin with gang members scattering into nearby communities and a few token publicized arrests/deportation so the politicians can say “Nothing to see here. All fixed.”

And the other escaped gang members will repeat the same thing in nearby communities.

The Gentle Grizzly | August 29, 2024 at 11:21 am

I predict vigilantism coming very soon. And, the cops will be told to step aside lest they be caught in friendly fire.

    In this set-up, the gangs buy and/or intimidate the cops to do their bidding. This cannot be permitted.

      The Gentle Grizzly in reply to Fuzzy Slippers. | August 29, 2024 at 11:52 am

      I am cynical enough to think that cops in general are on the take; each has his price. Anything from a little action from the sweet young thing to keep him from writing a ticket on up to looking the other way.

      It’s just how it is; it not just a feature of 3rd world countries and banana republics.

        johnny dollar in reply to The Gentle Grizzly. | August 29, 2024 at 12:01 pm

        I have been in the legal system in various capacities for 40 years. During that entire time, no one has ever offered me, nor have I solicited, a bribe.
        I don’t know what your experience is, but mine is the exact opposite of what you portray.

          alaskabob in reply to johnny dollar. | August 29, 2024 at 12:48 pm

          Kudos to you….. but how about those around you? You may exude “Boy Scout”… too hard a target. The story is that those in NYC in Narco could make only one hit… no more.

          johnny dollar in reply to johnny dollar. | August 29, 2024 at 1:09 pm

          I know that there are corrupt cops, lawyers, and judges. I am not so naïve as to think otherwise.
          I take issue with the assertion that “cops in general” are corrupt.
          That is simply not the case.

          CommoChief in reply to johnny dollar. | August 29, 2024 at 2:17 pm

          Johnny Dollar,

          Have you ever or have you witnessed another LEO extend a traffic stop on a pretext, demand information or issue commands without a lawful basis, refuse to immediately depart a property when told by owner and you had no warrant or exigent circumstances? How about civil asset forfeiture? Reliance upon qualified immunity? Ever put your foot in the threshold of a door to prevent it being closed? Use deception and lie to Citizens to make LEO job easier? Fail to accurately note policy/civil/criminal acts of fellow LEO in a report?

          LEO do all these things every day. Corruption isn’t limited to financial gain. IMO 99% of LEO start their career truly intending to ‘protect and serve’ but over time many LEO lose their way one step after another into sort of cultish us v them mentality. Being LEO is a difficult and demanding career and not everyone can maintain the professional, emotional detachment to treat each encounter separately for a multi decade career. Congratulations on you being an exception.

          AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to johnny dollar. | August 29, 2024 at 2:32 pm

          Cops “in general” may not be corrupt.

          But there isn’t an LEO that exists who will go up against the corrupt leadership and corrupt politicians who give them their paychecks.

          I know for a fact. I left a position in my late 20’s because many were told to look the other way when it benefited certain people.

          I have no doubt, based on the actions of many officers during the Branch Covidian scam. Around the US, police harassed and arrested people in parks, moms with their children on the playground, certain owners of businesses who refused to close their doors, and much much more.

          Many officers would not hesitate to enter any domicile and arrest the inhabitants because they were told to do so. Many of the reasons are related to not cowering to Democrat and Republican mandates.

          henrybowman in reply to johnny dollar. | August 29, 2024 at 5:04 pm

          A cop’s very paycheck is “the take.” Cops proved during Katrina that in bulk, they exercise practically no independent judiciousness whatsoever.

          There is no such thing as “the blue.” It is not an independent entity. If your local government supports you, your police will support you. If it oppresses you, your police will oppress you. By default, expect to be treated by police as you would be treated by paid mercenaries, and most of the time this expectation will serve you well.

          Durak Kazyol in reply to johnny dollar. | August 30, 2024 at 8:46 am

          I suspect your experience is from a part of the country that is still part of the First World. In the Third World, corruption is the norm. The Third World is coming to America and being allowed to take over.

        On the take to do what? Cops are basically pencil pushers in squad cars.

        The idea of cops on the take was before 911 was a thing. It’s the prosecutors and prison systems that are the evil elements in todays world.

    henrybowman in reply to The Gentle Grizzly. | August 29, 2024 at 3:44 pm

    “The video shows the group entering an apartment building with several weapons”
    Weapons that real Coloradans can no longer possess, thanks to Jared and his pals.

    “I predict vigilantism coming very soon”
    Do you think they might poke the Venezuelans with The Soft Cushions?

    The cops will just go after the vigilantes.

I see two options (once you’ve gotten the Americans out of the complex):
1) Bring in the Philadelphia police (a la MOVE), or
2) Relocate all those troublesome wolves from the mountains and ranching areas. And put up tall fences until it’s over.

Fat_Freddys_Cat | August 29, 2024 at 11:36 am

Earlier today I noticed on X that the predominant lefty reply was to deny that this was happening, it’s MAGA propaganda, etc. And their focus seems to be trying to blow up the fake Arlington scandal.

Kamala will put a stop to this. Too bad she’s not in office now.

Weird weapon for a latino gang-banger to be carrying. I can’t get a good look at it, so I can’t tell if it has a magazine or not. But, it looks like it has a….bipod (folded), and it obviously has a long range scope. Could be an AR, or maybe a bolt-action? In any event, not something you’d expect to see being carried by hoodrats. Almost certainly stolen from someone who likes to hunt, maybe target shoot and probably readily recognizable by whomever it was stolen from.

destroycommunism | August 29, 2024 at 12:02 pm

the sign reads:


destroycommunism | August 29, 2024 at 12:05 pm

this is where the politics comes into play

the police: this was a targeted attack
there is no threat to the neighborhood

but this is soooo close to election time
the left might *act* on this with tough measures like
grounding the “minors” and taking away their Instagram accounts

It did not take long for another horrifying headline. Vote for Kamala for 8 years of worse all over.

    GWB in reply to jb4. | August 29, 2024 at 12:41 pm

    That’s just because they didn’t know what “SCHOOL BUS” meant on the side, and thought it would take them to work. I’m sure.

    destroycommunism in reply to jb4. | August 29, 2024 at 12:47 pm

    thanks for that link

    a takeover is a takeover

    and the lefty has insured americas being taken over…. by any means necessary

destroycommunism | August 29, 2024 at 12:45 pm

and fjb *wonders* why the good people need AK and AR weapons to defend themselves

Illegal aliens taking over an apartment complex in Colorado is, in a small way, symbolic of them taking over America.

    Paula in reply to Paula. | August 29, 2024 at 1:04 pm

    Investigation into the Trump assassination attempt is taking months, while on the other hand background checks for illegals applying for amnesty takes less than 24 hours: “Parole-in-Place Amnesty Applications Approved within 24 Hours” (

destroycommunism | August 29, 2024 at 12:50 pm

the left is setting up the vigilantes with all this

if nothing is done? takeover complete

if action is taken against the lefty
then its up to the military to “defect” away from the left

its that simple
its that scary
its that real

As much as I enjoy watching streamed A-team episodes, I would expect some citizens in Denver are not having much fun living one. And there aren’t enough A-Teams to deal with the sh*t that will be this country if Kamala wins.

destroycommunism | August 29, 2024 at 12:52 pm

watch the video

Im sure it just the “house cleaning ” crew

E Howard Hunt | August 29, 2024 at 1:00 pm

A gefreiter in the Bavarian infantry foresaw all of this.

No go zone in America, this time not black ghetto, or Muslims, but thug Venezuelans

    GWB in reply to gonzotx. | August 29, 2024 at 2:08 pm

    Hey, enough no-go zones in America and you can just glide right on in to that sweet globalism grift. No real country, no need to fight globalism, right?

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | August 29, 2024 at 4:12 pm

This is why they have to form death squads in Central and South America. The law is inadequate to deal with a society filled with monsters like this. The very idea of law is quaint and silly in such a context. And the America-hating, nihilist dem scum are trying to turn all of America into such a wasteland.

destroycommunism | August 29, 2024 at 11:08 pm

aurora is the center of that areas migrant dumping ground and denver keeps the $$$ and sending them there

Keep voting Dem Colorado, win Dem prizes!

To fix this requires arresting and imprisoning or reporting tens of thousands of people at a minimum; hundreds of thousands or – to be realistic – millions of illegals. This cannot be done without a great deal of “unpleasantness,” and if it isn’t done, then the violence illustrated by this article will become the norm. Rough times are inevitable, and only good principles and grit can get us through the turmoil ahead.

A Punk Named Yunk | August 30, 2024 at 4:03 pm

My theory: The gang leaders pay the city officials better than their salaries. Protecting the actual city bosses.

Subotai Bahadur | August 30, 2024 at 5:30 pm

Just in passing, a couple of hours ago I noted that Governor Polis denied that there was any such Venezuelan prison gang problem in Aurora, and any reports of such were the products of peoples’ imaginations.

So the gang now has weapons free and clearance to do as they please.

Subotai Bahadur

Just for the record, it sure didn’t take much to shut ol’ johnny dollar up.