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Media Works Feverishly to Distance Kamala Harris From Joe Biden

Media Works Feverishly to Distance Kamala Harris From Joe Biden

“Speaking at a rally in Big Rapids, Michigan, former President Donald Trump’s running mate tried to tie Harris to the Biden administration’s policies — saying at one point that ‘Kamala Harris has been calling the shots'”…

Back in July after President Joe Biden, in withdrawing from the presidential race essentially declared the end of his 50+ year political career via tweet, the mainstream media were working fast and furious to revise Kamala Harris’ history of failures as his vice president.

Most notably, there were the “she was never his border czar” pieces, with Axios leading the way in not only gaslighting voters but also thoroughly embarrassing themselves when it was pointed out that they, too, had referred to Harris as Biden’s border czar in April 2021, a month after Biden made the announcement.

Hilariously, the Community Note that got attached to their tweet on the article is still attached to it as of this writing:

Fast forward a month and we see that the MSM has gone from saying, hey, she was never tasked to do this to now trying to completely distance the Democrat presidential nominee from her boss altogether.

Here, we learned via Politico that Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH), Donald Trump’s vice presidential running mate, was “trying to tether Harris to Biden”:

From the article:

Speaking at a rally in Big Rapids, Michigan, former President Donald Trump’s running mate tried to tie Harris to the Biden administration’s policies — saying at one point that “Kamala Harris has been calling the shots” — while also warning of China’s emergence as an economic superpower that’s taking jobs away from the U.S.

Though the Community Note isn’t currently appearing under that tweet, here’s what it looked like when it did:

Media critic Joe Concha even provided a bit of a fact check:

In a write-up at The Hill, we were informed that Trump was “trying to link Vice President Harris” to the Afghanistan chaos:

Except there was no “trying” to it.  In April 2021, Harris tied herself to the Afghanistan decision:

Vice President Kamala Harris confirmed Sunday that she was the last person in the room before President Joe Biden made the decision to pull all U.S. troops out of Afghanistan.

In an interview with CNN’s Dana Bash on “State of the Union,” Harris was asked about being the last person in the room regarding major decisions, something that Biden has said is important to him in his working relationship with the vice president. Harris confirmed that was the case regarding the move to pull U.S. troops out of Afghanistan by Sept. 11.

And the Washington Post‘s Aaron Blake performed his Operation Demoralize duty by insinuating that maybe Republicans should give up on linking Harris to Biden because the polls allegedly suggest the tactic isn’t working:

And yet if that’s truly the case…

The media mockery was, of course, on point:

Vance even got in on the action:

Sadly, we are currently at the point at which we shouldn’t be too surprised in the very near future to see a fact-checking organization actually try to claim it is false that Harris served as Biden’s VP:

I mean, come on y’all, you know we’re not that far away from this level of media gaslighting.  It truly has gotten that bad.

— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —


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“Media works to distance Kamala Harris from Biden.”

Yes, but who is worse?

Six months ago the media portrayed Biden as the greatest thing since sliced bread. And Kamala was recognized as the dunce that she is. Now the shoe is on the other tootsie.

***munching popcorn***

Is it time for ten thousand marbles and a Playboy bunny while Neidermeyer reassures us that all is calm?

I absolutely love that Mary Katherine Ham tweet. Short and to the point.

You have just established that Kamala Harris has not performed her job duties as VP
Well, to be perfectly fair, there aren’t any duties for VP, really, except for voting in ties in the Senate. Oh, and sitting there during things like SOTU, “presiding” as “President of the Senate.” They’re usually given jobs that the President doesn’t want to deal with but need an official imprimatur from the administration. You know, like border policy.

    jb4 in reply to GWB. | August 29, 2024 at 4:27 pm

    But she did cast the tie-breaking votes in the Senate for the two huge spending bills that contributed big-time to the inflation. That made those her policy more than anyone elses, as she really was “the last person in the room”.

    ThePrimordialOrderedPair in reply to GWB. | August 29, 2024 at 4:28 pm

    That’s true, but it was Traitor Joe and his geniuses who tried to claim that Komrade Kamala was an actual working VP, a la Dick Cheney. And her tie-breaking votes are certainly huge, real, substantive, and all hers.

    henrybowman in reply to GWB. | August 29, 2024 at 7:32 pm

    “Well, to be perfectly fair, there aren’t any duties for VP, really, except for voting in ties in the Senate.”

    And due to the peculiar and atypical makeup of the Senate these past three years, she has cast a record number of such votes — and thereby has an ineradicable record of having consistently come down on the wrong side of every destructive Democrat/Biden initiative created under this administration.

    She is documentedly cemented to this administration’s policies with a concrete overcoat.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | August 29, 2024 at 4:26 pm

Media Works Feverishly to Distance Kamala Harris From Joe Biden

The media is working even more feverishly to distance Kamala Harris from Kamala Harris.

Soon … she won’t even have a name …

    They are trying to separate her Jamaican black half from her Brahmin Indian half and dial up her skin tone by three and a half.

    Vote for:… “THE CANDIDATE!”

    I’m sorry, but our having reached this point in this election cycle, William Jon Watkins’s short story “The People’s Choice” is banging on my tinfoil hat from the inside, screaming to go out wilding.

    When I read this story in my early 20s, I considered it a broad cynical satire, because surely, the American voter could never devolve into such depths of consummate moronism.

    I was young,

I guess Sundowner isn’t the greatest President they say he was

    henrybowman in reply to Skip. | August 29, 2024 at 7:58 pm

    The democrats will simply declare a second “Halftime in America,” in which Biden and Harris will trade reputations.

This afternoon, the NY Times has a lengthy deep-dive into the Biden coup. In that article, that does have some notable bits of information to be fair, the words ‘Vice President Harris’ appear nowhere. Apparently, the NYTs would have us all believe the first soft-coup in the history of the Republic went down without the ‘former prosecutor’ having any idea anything was happening.

    ThePrimordialOrderedPair in reply to TargaGTS. | August 29, 2024 at 4:43 pm

    To be fair, I would bet the farm that Komrade Kamala had nothing to do with the whole event. The only power she had, which she could have threatened, was to start invoking the 25th amendment, but there’s NO WAY she would ever even think of doing that without the direction of Pelosi and the rest of the democrat nomenklatura.

    Basically, I would say that Komrade Kamala sat in her room downing mugs of wine while Nanzi and the rest took out the vegetable – though most of that was probably Nanzi having to come up with a number that Traitor Joe found appealing – my guess: about $100 million.

      I don’t think any of that is wrong. But, I also don’t think there’s anyway they even begin these conversations with the entire DNC Senate caucus (details of that meeting are described with specificity in the article) unless they had received explicit agreement from Harris to both accept the nomination and their direction. IOW, Harris absolutely had to be aware of what they were going to do LONG before they actually did it. At some point, you simply have to tell the new patsy he/she is replacing the old patsy.

      AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to ThePrimordialOrderedPair. | August 30, 2024 at 9:55 am

      That number would have been Jill’s decision. Biden has no clue of the difference between $100, $1,000, $100,000, or $1 million, let alone $100 million.

      He does know the difference between the sand while on vacation in California and the sand at Rehoboth, though. There’s better ice cream in Delawhere.

Over the past three and one half years I have received thousands (literally) of press releases from different offices within the Executive Branch loudly proclaiming “BIDEN-HARRIS ADMINISTRATION” as if they were one person. They couldn’t be more inextricably linked if they were Siamese twins.

The moron in chief stupidity proclaimed that he would pick his vice president based upon genitalia and skin color. No mention if that person can complete a rational thought. What he got was someone so absurdly unqualified that she’s likely going to lose in a McGovern sized landslide.

Under Willie Brown and later Joe Biden, Kamala Harris advanced in her career from two separate connotations of “The Peter Principle”.

“WASHINGTON (AP) 3/21/21 — President Joe Biden has tapped Vice President Kamala Harris to lead the White House effort to tackle the migration challenge at the U.S. southern border and work with Central American nations to address root causes of the problem.”

Okay, how about “Queen of the Border Surge?” That said, exactly what was the result of her “tackling” of the “root causes” of the border problem? Was there a report, even a Venn diagram?

There was nothing, because she did nothing. She’s all “I’m gonna fix immigration,” but she did nothing, I repeat, nothing for the past 3.5 years.

To be honest, NOBODY was in charge of the border during the Biden Harris regime; they just blew up the dam.

E Howard Hunt | August 29, 2024 at 7:43 pm

The Vice President is a nothing. Truman didn’t even know about the bomb.

Vile crone-harlot, Harris, was the first U.S. Vice-President to narcissistically and obnoxiously demand that her name be appended to the President’s, in official Administration documents, press releases, website, etc., as the absurdly characterized “Biden-Harris” Administration — an obvious stunt of brazen self-promotion.

Now, this miserable and deceitful harridan can’t run away from that moniker, fast enough.

destroycommunism | August 29, 2024 at 11:06 pm

she is awol even while present

Not gonna work