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Media Gives Harris 84% Positive Coverage and Trump 89% Negative Coverage

Media Gives Harris 84% Positive Coverage and Trump 89% Negative Coverage

Between July 21, when Biden dropped out, and August 17, the Big Three gave Harris 66% more coverage than Trump.

The MRC study on media coverage of Kamala Harris and Donald Trump shouldn’t surprise anyone.

This year, the center researched all ABC, CBS, and NBC presidential coverage.

I noticed the biased coverage when I was a leftist. It keeps getting worse:

Since Joe Biden exited the 2024 presidential race four weeks ago, the liberal networks have delivered an unprecedented boost of positive publicity to his successor in the race, Vice President Kamala Harris. Not only has Harris received 66% more airtime than former President Donald Trump, but the spin of Harris’s coverage has been more positive (84%) than any other major party nominee, even as Trump’s coverage has been nearly entirely hostile (89% negative).

As always, our calculation of spin omits so-called “horse race” assessments (see methodology statement below), but a separate count shows those statements have also favored Harris by a whopping margin (94% positive, vs. just 43% positive for Trump). At the same time, the network coverage has virtually eliminated any discussion of the strident left-wing positions Harris took as Senator or during her 2020 presidential campaign. And while Republican Vice Presidential candidate J.D. Vance and his Democratic counterpart, Tim Walz, have received nearly equal amounts of airtime, the networks have celebrated Walz (62% positive press) and punished Vance (92% negative).

In 2020, the media gave Trump three times more coverage than Joe Biden.

However, between July 21, when Biden dropped out, and August 17, the Big Three gave Harris 66% more coverage than Trump.

The stats include 57 positive comments and 11 negative statements. That’s 84% on the positive side.

Trump? 89% negative comments and 11% positive comments. That’s an 89% terrible press score.

The media has given JD Vance 22 negative and only two positive comments. That’s a whopping 92% lousy press score!

Tim Walz has a 62% positive press score, with eight positive remarks and five negative ones.

Get this.

The MRC also found out that 70% of the voters don’t know about Harris’s radical policies.

That’s not a shock either since the media avoids talking about her far-left ideas:

Harris is almost certainly the most left-wing nominee of a major party in U.S. history. In 2019, she was named as the most liberal of all U.S. Senators, a grouping that included socialist Bernie Sanders. Yet Harris’s past support for many extreme left-wing ideas, such as the Green New Deal, abolishing the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, and imposing Medicare-for-All in place of private health insurance, were completely ignored during this wave of good press.

Network reporters only twice explained Harris’s ideology to viewers. On July 21, CBS’s Weijia Jiang noted that Harris “has a liberal voting record that could be balanced with a more moderate VP.” Three days later, NBC’s Liz Kreutz identified Harris as a “self-described progressive prosecutor.” ABC’s correspondents and anchors never once thought to identify Harris as a liberal; the only mention of Harris’s ideology on that network came from occasional soundbites from Trump and other Republicans, describing the Vice President as a “radical left lunatic” (Trump on the July 28 World News Tonight).


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scooterjay | August 21, 2024 at 12:59 pm

I truly hope Trump can overcome the obvious bias currently on display and stun the left into violence this November…or will they wait until later in January to throw a collective tantrum?

Arnoldn | August 21, 2024 at 1:00 pm

My recollection was that the coverage of the 2017 inauguration was largely negative. I had expected that after the 2016 campaign with a similar media bias tilt towards Clinton, that there would be some relaxation at the inauguration. But no. If DJT wins, I expect a similar pattern. Conversely, if Harris wins, there is likely to be an extended media “honeymoon” until the first botched crisis.

    DaveGinOly in reply to Arnoldn. | August 21, 2024 at 4:04 pm

    Biden’s “first botched crisis” was his withdrawal from Afghanistan, and Trump was blamed. Will Harris blame Trump or Biden for her “first botched crisis”? Or, more likely, will she just deny that there was any crisis at all? (Because the media will assure us there was no crisis, and therefore nothing to botch.)

    henrybowman in reply to Arnoldn. | August 21, 2024 at 8:12 pm

    You mean, right up until Pelosi tells them to draw swords.

Olinser | August 21, 2024 at 1:30 pm

The only thing that surprises me about that is that it’s below 95%

destroycommunism | August 21, 2024 at 1:33 pm

well trump is the n azi
harris is the pro america

according to the communistnazi cabal aka msm

TargaGTS | August 21, 2024 at 1:46 pm

The media is a collective in-kind contribution to Democrats. What the value of that contribution might be is likely unknowable. But, considering Trump and his allies are going to spend close to a BILLION DOLLARS just to buy a few minutes of airtime in critical viewing hours for a couple months, I’d have to think 84% positive coverage of Dems AND 89% negative coverage of Trump is probably worth something close to One Trillion Dollars to Democrats…..each year.

destroycommunism | August 21, 2024 at 2:01 pm

the “peaceful protests” tag when the cities were aflame was the defining moment of many many moments over the past 70+ years of the msm leftist takeover of america


when the results of elections etc are announced by the msm


fox calling az for fjb in 2020 was another point in case

the …”vote counting will stop” biden declaration on election night 2020 etc etc

we are now becoming/become victims of our willingness to cede power to the street mobs

the revolution is


right now from chicago

Halcyon Daze | August 21, 2024 at 3:21 pm

If it weren’t for our state mandated, Democrat Party controlled Education Industry, they wouldn’t stand a chance at the polls. But there appears to be no opposition party to the Dems willing to get their hands dirty. Undoing the inherent demographic advantage the left has built for itself would be a good start.

gonzotx | August 21, 2024 at 4:06 pm

During the Trump outdoor rally in NC today, you know, the first outdoor rally behind the new bullet proof glass…there was a medical
Event. I was remembering the last time this happened, Stephen Colbert and other Late Night hosts replayed the footage like old Drumpf was having a seizure or forgetting the lines.
Well it happened again today, medical event…Trump paused and asked for a Doctor…then he actually left the sanctuary of his new bulletproof glass and went down to hug the older gentleman who had the event. I was in tears 😭


Subotai Bahadur | August 21, 2024 at 5:20 pm

You have to realize that there are a few days left in the Democrat Convention. The real campaign does not start till then. At which point you can be sure that the Media will make the coverage even more lopsided.

Subotai Bahadur

guyjones | August 21, 2024 at 6:11 pm

PowerLine Blog had a good post a few weeks ago, referencing a study by political scientist Tim Groseclose, that analyzed the electoral impact of all of this contemptible, pro-Dhimmi-crat and anti-GOP/conservative media bias and disparate coverage.

Groseclose’s study quantified the benefit as an estimated plus-5% skewing of public opinion, in a leftist tilt. One naturally assumes that this effect translates into at least a 5%-plus benefit at the ballot box, during elections. My opinion is that the actual number is probably even higher.

And, this study doesn’t even begin to take into account the dollar value of all of this media coverage, which basically amounts to free political advertising inuring exclusively to the benefit of Dhimmi-crat candidates and officeholders. I think it’s fair to state that this amounts to hundreds of billions of dollars worth of free media exposure and campaign advertising, over decades.

    jb4 in reply to guyjones. | August 21, 2024 at 11:13 pm

    I have said for years that the MSM is the greatest danger that this country faces, as shining an accurate light on everything prevents it from becoming embedded. (The Dem-controlled educational system is probably second.)

      guyjones in reply to jb4. | August 22, 2024 at 10:59 am

      Education and media, yes — the Dhimmi-crats’ dominance of those realms has paid huge dividends for them, undeniably. “The long march through the institutions,” however insidious, has been a shrewd political strategy.

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