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Trump: Harris Won’t Debate on Fox News on September 4th

Trump: Harris Won’t Debate on Fox News on September 4th

Trump will do a town hall with Sean Hannity on September 4.

What a wuss.

Kamala Harris agreed to do two debates with Donald Trump, both of which are on Democrat friendly stations.

The first takes place on September 10 on ABC. (Mom pointed out I accidentally put October. Thanks, Mom!)

NBC will host the second debate on September 25.

Trump offered to debate Harris on Fox News on September 4.


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Oh. So where are all the “afraid to debate” and “if he shows up” snarky comments now?

Kammy the Commie backed out. COWARD!

    Milhouse in reply to Dimsdale. | August 20, 2024 at 10:17 am

    She didn’t back out, she never agreed in the first place.

    I think he’s foolish to have agreed to debate on her home turf without requiring her to also debate on something at least approaching a level ground.

    But he did agree, so we’ll see how obvious they make it that she’s being coddled and he’s being attacked, and whether he can take advantage of that.

      Dolce Far Niente in reply to Milhouse. | August 20, 2024 at 10:36 am

      I don’t think it matters; “how obvious they make it that she’s being coddled ” is no longer a negative. We live in a country that as a general rule no longer values fairness, but prefers that feelz trump both law and reality.

      The 50% or 60% of women who constitute The Weaker Sex™ and the males who want those women to sleep with them are the driving cultural force these days.

      Trump had no leverage to get a debate on “level ground”. He is the one that needs a debate, not Harris. With the billions of dollars worth of “halo” applied to harris by the MSM on a daily basis, Harris could cruise right into early balloting and then the election.

        TargaGTS in reply to jb4. | August 20, 2024 at 10:51 am

        Trump had all the leverage in the world when he was up 4-points when he agreed to debate Biden ‘without conditions.’ That was unbelievably stupid. But, that’s very on-the-nose for Trump. He speaks without any circumspection, just says the first thing that pops into his head.

        When he initially established the debate schedule w/Biden – the schedule Harris is using right now – if Biden wouldn’t have agreed to to debate on Fox at all, then Trump shouldn’t have agreed to any debates. Biden needed that debate. Trump didn’t. But, since Trump can’t think any further ahead than lunch, here we are.

          mailman in reply to TargaGTS. | August 20, 2024 at 11:13 am

          Hold on a second. Limp wrists like you told us it was a giant mistake for Trump to debate Biden…and then Biden got buried by Trump 😂

          Here again the wet fishes like you are telling us it’s a giant mistake for Trump to debate Harris…who if anything is a far worse debater than Biden even at his worst 😂😂

          It’s not lost on people that Trump isn’t afraid to go in to hostile environments. Those people see him doing those things just posted as they see Harris being in hiding.

          Hence why the Democrat media keeps surprising themselves when they ask blacks on the street who they are going to vote for and the answer keeps coming back Trump.

          The hard core leftist is a lost cause. They will never vote Republican even if that Republican was a reborn MLK.

          TargaGTS in reply to TargaGTS. | August 20, 2024 at 11:27 am

          Here’s the ABC ‘moderator’ Trump agreed to….comparing Trump to the KKK last night. Yeah, this debate is going to go just great.

          Azathoth in reply to TargaGTS. | August 20, 2024 at 12:03 pm

          Cower all you want. Trump doesn’t.

          mailman in reply to TargaGTS. | August 20, 2024 at 3:28 pm

          Azathoth, these people are cowards and they’d prefer Trump was a coward too. That way they don’t have to feel sorry for themselves because OMB is more of a man than them 😂

          Milhouse in reply to TargaGTS. | August 20, 2024 at 7:32 pm

          I don’t think it was stupid to challenge Biden unconditionally, because it was clear to everyone paying attention — but not to the general public — that Biden had completely lost it.

          Eight or even four years earlier it would have been a very foolish thing to do, because Biden in his day was a master debater. He knew nothing, but if you didn’t know the subject matter he could convince you of anything. He would make stupid arguments, but if you didn’t have enough background to know they were stupid he could convince you they were knockout blows. But Trump knew, as we all did, that Biden was no longer capable of doing that, but Biden didn’t know it, and neither did the public; the debate showed everyone that.

          Harris is not senile. She can read a teleprompter with the best of them. She’s not the master BS artist that Biden was, but on her home ground the umpire can make up for that. She needs to be forced to debate before moderators who may not be neutral, but at least aren’t completely in the tank for her. And agreeing to go onto her home ground without making her agree to leave it was foolish.

          Still, what’s done is done, so we just have to hope for the best.

          Milhouse in reply to TargaGTS. | August 20, 2024 at 7:34 pm

          It’s not lost on people that Trump isn’t afraid to go in to hostile environments.

          But it is lost on the general public that ABC and NBC are hostile environments. People still think they’re honest, just as they thought Cronkite was honest.

        tbonesays in reply to jb4. | August 20, 2024 at 2:56 pm

        @jb4. Also Trump agreed to debate Biden, he never agreed to debate Harris. He could have easily said that any change to the debate comes with another debate on Fox.

      Azathoth in reply to Milhouse. | August 20, 2024 at 11:13 am

      HE had no choice because folks like you, and your fellow Democrats would be screaming about what a coward he was for not subjecting himself to Dem controlled debates (as you did when he pointed out that he’d never agreed to a debate with Kamala)

      AND you will accept any tripe she offers up as valid. Case in point your entire post.

        Milhouse in reply to Azathoth. | August 20, 2024 at 7:35 pm

        And Azathoth lies again and again and again. Shut your filthy mouth and go back to your master, the Prince of Lies. You are disgusting.

Did anyone expect different?

No problem, bring in a Harris impersonator and hold the ‘debate’ anyhow with the impersonator given a ‘script’ of responses from the existing public record of the responses and statements made by Harris herself and from the d/prog ’24 campaign policy platform.

Harris and her handlers are chickenshit 🙂

destroycommunism | August 20, 2024 at 12:01 pm

her pals will make sure the amount of time she has to talk is limited and will “cut her off” to help

she is at best a 5th grade level of intelligence

even her street smarts are worse than mother teresas

Armchair Sinner | August 20, 2024 at 12:43 pm

Obviously, Harris will only debate on networks that promise to give her the questions ahead of time. Why is anyone surprised?

Harris is afraid of debating Trump. They have agreed but I am not sure it will happen. Harris whole plan on getting elected is following Biden’s 2020 plan” 1) staying away from people and reporters, 2) Have the media prop you up everywhere including fake polls, 3) have the Dems cause fraud in the election to Harris wins.

    tbonesays in reply to JG. | August 20, 2024 at 10:41 pm

    It’s odd because Trump is not a good debater by any measure. His two happened because the opponents ruined themselves.