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Twenty-Six People Charged in Anti-Israel Protest That Shut Down the Golden Gate Bridge

Twenty-Six People Charged in Anti-Israel Protest That Shut Down the Golden Gate Bridge

“The blockage halted traffic from the southbound and northbound lanes for several hours.”

Wow. Charges for anti-Israel leftist protesters? In San Francisco?

KRON News reports:

26 charged in connection with April Golden Gate protest

Multiple protestors have been charged in connection with an unlawful public assembly from the Golden Gate Bridge protest that occurred in April, according to San Francisco District Attorney Brooke Jenkins.

Eight of the protestors are charged with one count of felony conspiracy, 38 counts of false imprisonment, trespassing to interfere with a business, obstruction of a thoroughfare, unlawful assembly, refusal to disperse at a riot and failure to obey the lawful order of a uniformed officer.

The other protestors were charged with one count of misdemeanor conspiracy and 38 counts of false imprisonment, trespassing to interfere with a business, obstruction of a thoroughfare, unlawful assembly, refusal to disperse at a riot and failure to obey the lawful order of a uniformed officer.

On April 15, numerous pro-Palestine protestors formed blockades on the Golden Gate Bridge. The blockage halted traffic from the southbound and northbound lanes for several hours. Jenkins’s office said that the drivers impacted by the protest were “trapped.”

The protester organizer informed KRON4 that the goal of the protest was to demand the United States government to end all support of “Israel’s genocide in Palestine.”

Golden Gate Highway and Bridge Transportation District Captain Eularia verbally identified himself as the Bridge Captain and told the protestors they were “obstructing traffic.” With no resolve, California Highway Patrol personnel responded to the scene at 10:17 a.m.

CHP Chief Don Goodbrand said, “Regardless of the message, blocking roadways is not only illegal, but also dangerous for protesters, motorists, and first responders who must now assist in clearing the incident. District Attorney Jenkins and her office have been a valuable partner in our efforts to hold those responsible for disrupting the lives of so many on the morning of April 15, and we are grateful for their hard work to bring these charges forward.”


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Probation if that will take place and since there are zero consequences it will happen again just like the “protests” at the Ivy League colleges.

The charges will be quietly dropped as soon as all the hubbub dies down.