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With the World in Complete Chaos, Biden Focuses on Single-Use Utensil Ban

With the World in Complete Chaos, Biden Focuses on Single-Use Utensil Ban

The administration also said it planned tougher regulations on plastic manufacturing,

The news cycle has been more like a hurricane, with the war in the Middle East poised to erupt, endless drama in the presidential campaigns, and the border invasion now costing states billions.

And, of course, the economy is now in a tailspin.

It has been clear for quite some time that Biden’s mental capacity and ability to focus was diminishing. Perhaps that would explain the new priority for the occupant of the Oval Office: Banning single-use utensils.

The Biden administration is touting a new rule as a means to reduce waste generation, but advocates counter that the government squandered an opportunity to clamp down on single-use plastics.

According to a General Services Administration rule finalized Thursday, products without any single-use plastic packaging on the federal government’s purchasing system will soon be marked with a single icon.

The icon is intended to encourage federal agency buyers to phase out use of single-use plastics, which “will reduce the Government’s waste generation, and potentially save industry partners money by having them reduce unnecessary packaging,” the rule says.

The rule took event effect on July 8. Given all the other issues, this move seems nonsensical, especially since it will add even more crushing rules that impact plastics manufacturing.

The efforts, which the White House called the first comprehensive strategy to tackle plastic use nationwide, aim to reduce demand for disposable plastic items while also helping to create a market for substitutes that are reusable, compostable or more easily recyclable.

Brenda Mallory, who heads the White House Council on Environmental Quality, said in a statement that the changes would “require unprecedented action at every stage of the plastic life cycle.” Because of its purchasing power, the White House added, “the federal government has the potential to significantly impact the supply of these products.”

The United States produces 35.7 million tons of plastics annually. Plastics are found in nearly every aspect of the modern world, making life healthier, easier, and more convenient. Adding more regulations based on pseudo-science produced by capitalism-hating eco-activists will only generate more economic turmoil, likely leading to a recession.

Congressional Republicans indicate that this Biden trial balloon will float like a lead.

‘The world’s on fire and he’s worried about plastic forks,’ Sen. Mike Rounds, R-S.D., told, adding that policy is ‘par for the course’ for the administration.

…Sen. Roger Wicker, R-Miss., told Biden’s effort is ‘absurd’ and ‘laughable.’

‘I mean, first of all, what is so bad about plastic forks and spoons? I mean, I assume the biggest impact this will have will be at government workplaces, military bases, things like that,’ Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, speculated.

‘Does that mean that they’re going to have to have, like, stainless steel silverware everywhere, with a lot of people washing dishes, and what about people who need things to go?’

He said the effort to phase out single use plastics is misplaced, and that if the White House meaningfully wants to reduce waste, it should shrink the size of the government, the consumer, rather than outlawing plastic, the product consumed.

This is not the only time Team Biden has targeted plastics manufacturing.

If there is one industry Biden supports outside of gender-transitioning medical practice, I would be hard-pressed to name what it is.


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Sounds like his spork broke off in his ice cream.

    Dimsdale in reply to Oracle. | August 5, 2024 at 11:12 am

    LOL! I am happy to bring my own, clean and sturdy spoon, fork or spork!!

    Is this what he has been reduced to?

    Plastics have saved more lives, preserved more food and performed better than metals in numerous situations. (yeah, I am not fond of BPA, PFOE’s etc.; remember 1,2,4,5 for safe plastics). And don’t use ChiCom plastic anything.

    thalesofmiletus in reply to Oracle. | August 5, 2024 at 10:31 pm

    They can have my spork when they pry it from my cold, dead hands.

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to Oracle. | August 5, 2024 at 10:46 pm

    He switched from sporks to foons.


Biden isn’t doing anything. Biden hasn’t got the cognitive function to button his own shirt.

Biden’s puppeteers are doing this to make it look like Biden is still functional in an attempt to avoid invoking the succession provisions of Article II and/or the 25th Amendment, which would prove that they have staged a third-world coup.

E Howard Hunt | August 5, 2024 at 10:08 am

Next up, a ban on single-use condoms.

wonder if the lsraeli / lebanese people give a damn about plastic utensils ?

    E Howard Hunt in reply to texansamurai. | August 5, 2024 at 10:26 am

    If you sup with the devil use a long, reusable, ethically sourced spoon.

      Metropolitan Opera General Manager Peter Gelb announced that in the future, the Commendatore scene in Don Giovanni will no longer be provisioned with single use utensils or glassware.

    Milhouse in reply to texansamurai. | August 6, 2024 at 2:56 am

    Actually Israelis care quite a bit. The previous government imposed a punitive tax on single-use plastics, supposedly out of a sincere concern for the environment blah blah blah, but actually in order to harass the haredi sector, which tends to have large families and relies heavily on cheap disposables. The current government repealed the tax, angering the environuts.

Amazing. Brandon’s trying to add plastic knives, forks, and spoons to the list of useful products the liberals want to ban: toilets that flush, shower heads that work, dishwashers that clean dishes, light bulbs that are both affordable and which work, gas powered cars that actually are useful on long trips, reliable power generated by fossil fuels that is there when the wind doesn’t blow and the sun doesn’t shine.

I just wish there was a way that we could have some states that embrace the liberal policies and others that leave the normals alone. The flow of people from blue states to red states would further accelerate. But the Biden/Harris/Obama strategy is to drag the red states down the drain along with the blue states. Vote like your life depends upon it!

    Dimsdale in reply to Disgusted. | August 5, 2024 at 11:15 am

    Short answer: they want to destroy America economically.

    MA just accepts Californica’s stupid ideas without a filter.

    gafisher in reply to Disgusted. | August 5, 2024 at 2:50 pm

    There is “.. a way that we could have some states that embrace the liberal policies and others that leave the normals alone.” Restore the Constitution, which reserved powers like this to the states.

Let’s be honest with ourselves here for a moment.

What’s the difference between Joe Biden and a head of lettuce?

At this point nothing.

(I’ll be here all week. Try the veal!)

This speaks to the leviathan known as the administrative state. It is far too big, far too intrusive and runs on Malthusianism. It needs to be dismantled.

And whoever stopped Demented Joe from getting on that Russian plane deserves a metal. As bad as things are can you imagine how bad they’d be if he were in Moscow?

Cool but …what’s that mean for MRE? Gonna be interesting to see the campaign trail as Harris and other d/prog gotta bring a utensil set to the State Fair or whatever other campaign stop photo event. Nothing says ‘I’m a normal person, just like y’all’ than whipping out a fork/knife/spoon brought from home while everyone else uses a spork.

Well, Kamala did say she wanted to get rid of plastic straws, so I guess this is a major policy goal for the Biden administration

Disposable utensils save small food businesses money (less need to hire dishwashers, fewer risks of fines for unsanitary conditions).

Just another jab at Main Street America.

I was eating Indian food and doing so quickly before it dissolved the recycled paper plate they served it on.

Nothing like rolling back the clock to the days of eating only with our fingers. As for Keystone only used for “plastics”…the condescending Biden Boy needs readjusting.

destroycommunism | August 5, 2024 at 11:27 am

controlling patriots is job ! with lefty


destroycommunism | August 5, 2024 at 11:28 am

fjb said :

look Im not of this earth much longer so what the f do I care!!!

    henrybowman in reply to destroycommunism. | August 5, 2024 at 6:57 pm

    He was really ripping that Barky wouldn’t let him be president again, until Obama explained he was needed for a more important role: Plastics Czar.

Dementia Joe going to virtue signal by banning plastic straws at Carls Jr?

Sounds like kamala is already in charge?

Tomorrow the Biden regime will announce that all plastic spoons sold in the US must be runcible.

Single use utensil?
How about single use brain function?
His brain has passed the expiration date and ceased functioning.
Time for Article 25.

I wouldn’t expect him to acknowledge it. After all it’s his fault

Mr. McGuire: I want to say one word to you. Just one word.
Benjamin: Yes, sir.
Mr. McGuire: Are you listening?
Benjamin: Yes, I am.
Mr. McGuire: Plastics.
Benjamin: Exactly how do you mean?
Mr. McGuire: There’s a great future in plastics. Think about it. Will you think about it?

McGehee 🇺🇲 Trump 2024 | August 5, 2024 at 2:04 pm


That’s the tone-deaf, witless, clueless, dim-witted, callous and oblivious Dhimmi-crat apparatchiks, for you — always obsessed with their nonsensical minutiae and obsessions, while ignoring the glaring big picture.

    guyjones in reply to guyjones. | August 5, 2024 at 2:09 pm

    Idiotic obsessions such as enabling tranny misogynists, “climate change” and assorted “green” energy diktats, perennially corrosive and dishonest racial agitprop, incitement and demagoguery — conceits which no person in the middle class, struggling under the crushing burdens of Biden-Harrisflation, soaring crime, failed schools and oppressive taxation give a damn about.

Oh no, someone might use a spork. Quick, ban them. Freaking idiots

The Gentle Grizzly | August 5, 2024 at 10:50 pm

I’m assuming this of gonzotx as she is a nurse: how do you think a return to glass syringes and sterilizer machines will go ?

I’m being serious here.

. Adding more regulations based on pseudo-science produced by capitalism-hating eco-activists will only generate more economic turmoil,

Exactly. And it will increase poverty, which is the greatest killer of them all.

I think the Secret Service should the ones policing this edict.

First, they came for our straws…

Hey! You’ve gotta focus on what is really important! Administration priorities are in this order: Eliminate—(1) Plastic straws, (2) Plastic eating utensils, (3) Cow farts, (4) Gas stoves, (5) Gas furnaces, (6) Gasoline-powered autos, (7) Air travel, (8) Auto travel, (9) Transphobia, (10) Unequal outcomes for POCs . . . (24) Right-wing terrorism, (25) Islamophobia . . . (59) Red-necks and sexists in the military, (60) Zionists . . . (99) Ageism, (100 and last) Any existential threats to the United States.