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J.D. Vance: Border Patrol Agents ‘Enraged that the Harris Administration Won’t Let Them Do Their Job’

J.D. Vance: Border Patrol Agents ‘Enraged that the Harris Administration Won’t Let Them Do Their Job’

National Border Patrol Council President Paul Perez: “President Trump showed the American people that he can secure the border. All border czar Harris has shown is that they can create chaos on this border.”

HAHAHAHA. Republican vice president candidate Sen. J.D. Vance (D-OH) visited the border before Border Czar Kamala Harris.

Vance toured the border in Cochise County, Arizona.

Despite their brags about low crossings and support, Vance and the agents blasted the administration for not doing enough on the border.

(I also love how Vance called the current administration the Harris administration.)

Presumptive Democrat presidential candidate Vice President Kamala Harris released an ad touting her supposed moves to strengthen border policies and help border agents.

Well, the agents had a different message today:

VANCE: “I want to talk about Paul Perez, who is at the front line of pushing back against this crazy border policy. If you think about it, have we ever had an American border policy that is so at odds with the people who are actually doing it? You talk to these border patrol agents and they are enraged that the Harris administration won’t let them do their job.”

In her ad, Harris claimed she supported increasing the number of border patrol agents. However, evidence shows she wanted then-President Donald Trump to cut funding to hire more Border Patrol agents in 2018.

National Border Patrol Council President Paul Perez had harsh words for Harris as well:

PEREZ: “We have the ability, the knowledge, and the will to secure this border. All we need is somebody like President Trump and Senator Vance to come in and let us do our job. We can secure this border. President Trump showed the American people that he can secure the border. All border czar Harris has shown is that they can create chaos on this border.”


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Vance now knows his opponent

Josh Shapiro has cancelled all weekend fundraisers…
VP Shapiro.

    Ironclaw in reply to gonzotx. | August 1, 2024 at 3:32 pm

    Well that could be interesting considering how much one of the major components of the left absolutely hates Jews

    Ghostrider in reply to gonzotx. | August 1, 2024 at 3:34 pm

    Is Team Obama hoping this pick will solidify the Jewish voting block for Harris? I do not think so.

      Milhouse in reply to Ghostrider. | August 1, 2024 at 8:39 pm

      Yes, if they go with him that is exactly what they would be hoping. And it would likely work, at least in part. It wouldn’t completely stop the Jewish vote (and donations) from leaking to Trump, but it would put a finger in the dike. (No, not going blue on this one.)

Re: Harris administration. The Trump team needs to secure the video of Biden calling it the “Harris-Biden administration.” More than once, if memory serves.

I don’t know why Kamala hasn’t visited the Southern border. I’m pretty sure there aren’t a lot of Jewish folks there. I know she wouldn’t like that.

E Howard Hunt | August 1, 2024 at 5:21 pm

To increase manpower on the border just deputize the illegals.

That started with Bush and Compean and Ramos.

D’OH: “Republican vice president candidate Sen. J.D. Vance (D-OH) visited the border before Border Czar Kamala Harris.”