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Media Conveniently Trots Out Woman/Sexism Cards to Ward Off Kamala’s Critics in Advance

Media Conveniently Trots Out Woman/Sexism Cards to Ward Off Kamala’s Critics in Advance

“A woman at the top of the ticket will take slings and arrows that male candidate won’t. That’s just a fact, and we know it.”

News of President Joe Biden’s Sunday announcement that he was withdrawing from the presidential race – as well as his secondary statement that he was endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris as his replacement – has kicked the media fangirling for Harris into high gear.

Predictably, the sexism, woman, and race cards are already being played in an effort to blunt legitimate criticisms from Harris’ many critics, including of course the Trump campaign, which has already come out with some hard-hitting ads targeting Harris specifically for what she knew about Biden’s cognitive health.

On CBS News’s “Face the Nation,” for instance, co-moderators Norah O’Donnell and Margaret Brennan both fretted over how Harris would be attacked by Donald Trump and Republicans, citing his campaign against Hillary Clinton in 2016. Brennan even went so far as to proclaim without evidence that Harris would be subjected to attacks that males weren’t because “That’s just a fact”:

O’Donnell: “I wonder, though, how worried the campaign is. Donald Trump ran against a woman, Hillary Clinton, in 2016. It was personal. He called her nasty, her called her a lot of other words. I wonder whether those same types of attacks would work in 2024? There will be a different dynamic running against a black woman.”

Brennan: “There last time we saw a woman at the top of the ticket, Hillary Clinton, there was quite a lot running against Donald Trump — there were quite a lot of attacks against her. And there is a mind towards what is the lesson from then, how do we apply it now?”


Brennan: “I can only imagine that and a woman at the top of the ticket will take slings and arrows that a male candidate won’t. That’s just the facts and we know it. So, they’re looking at the vice presidential candidate carefully.”


The New York Times did their part as well, conveniently rounding up a handful of female Democrat rank-and-file voters and activists who were concerned Harris would be held back due to sexism:

“Women are angrier, and that could be motivating,” said Karen Crowley, 64, an independent voter and retired nurse in Concord, N.H., who would not vote for Mr. Trump, did not feel like she could support Mr. Biden and now planned to back Ms. Harris.

Among the motivations Ms. Crowley cited were the demise of Roe v. Wade and comments and actions by Mr. Trump that many women see as sexist and misogynistic. “A woman president might be more possible now,” she said.

But for female voters and activists eager to break that elusive glass ceiling, there was also fear that sexism would remain difficult for Ms. Harris to overcome.

“It’s a patriarchy out there,” Ms. Crowley said. “She’s smart and she’s a prosecutor, but there are a lot of old white men who will want to stop her. The only thing wrong with her is that she’s a woman.”

Left out of all this breathless reporting about poor Kamala supposedly having to fend off “sexist” attacks are troubling numbers for her dating back to her failed 2019 run that are at odds with the narrative that Harris has an uphill climb because of those stereotypical knuckle-dragging white conservative males we keep hearing about.

Harris’ approval ratings at times as Vice President have also shown her polling lower than Joe Biden among black voters, such as this one from USA TODAY/Suffolk University in January:

But the findings reveal difficulties she herself has with the Democratic base. She gets lower job approval ratings than Biden among Black voters, 56% compared with 68%. She lags Biden among voters younger than 35, too, at 27% compared with 32%.

Of course, a lot can change in six months – and it definitely has – but the fact remains that Harris has had a rocky road when it comes to earning overwhelming support from core Democratic constituencies.  Remember, even a small drop in percentage points among these groups in November could mean the difference for her between victory and defeat in battleground states.

Couple that with the rise in support among black male voters for Trump, and you’ve got a potential recipe for disaster for the Harris campaign on Election Day.

And that rocky road I mentioned has had little to nothing to do with Harris’ gender or race and everything to do with her ability – or lack thereof – to perform the tasks she’s been given, as evidenced for example by her disastrous handling of the border crisis. She’s just not very good at what she does, and it shows.

Though the woman/sexism/racism cards are going to loom large over this presidential race from now until November, rest assured that ultimately, Kamala Harris’ worst enemy will always be… Kamala Harris.

— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —


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BigRosieGreenbaum | July 23, 2024 at 8:42 pm

Hate stuff like this, as it doesn’t do women any favors. SOS with these people. It never ends.

The Gentle Grizzly | July 23, 2024 at 8:51 pm

If she could stand on her own merits she’d not need this stuff.

McGehee 🇺🇲 Trump 2024 | July 23, 2024 at 9:00 pm

Eight years ago Trump was running against a spiteful witch with a drinking problem.

Now — assuming things go as they seem — he would be running against a brainless ditz with a drinking problem.

The fact they both have uteri is purely coincidental.

rhhardin | July 23, 2024 at 9:28 pm

She has to lose the nervous laugh, and also say something intelligent.

Paula | July 23, 2024 at 9:28 pm

When dealing with Biden’s obvious mental deficiencies the media played along and pretended he was just fine. Now they’re dealing with Kamala Harris and are treating her the same way pretending she was picked for her great intelligence and leadership abilities while ignoring the obvious. Do not even think about the obvious.

Dathurtz | July 23, 2024 at 9:33 pm

I just can’t wait to experience the future unburdened by what has been.

Arnoldn | July 23, 2024 at 9:39 pm

However, we can rest assured that in the event that Kamala becomes president, Congress and all of the various nations will treat her with utmost respect as they have treated all male presidents.

Basically, if you can’t take the heat stay out of the kitchen.

daveclay | July 23, 2024 at 9:39 pm

The left now knows what a ‘woman’ is?

Disgusted | July 23, 2024 at 9:40 pm

Obama: fool me once, shame on you.
Biden: fool me twice, shame on me.
Harris: you must be joking.

destroycommunism | July 23, 2024 at 10:01 pm


men take slings and arrows too

its just that women get to play aggressor and victim all at the same time

again,,allow lefty to control the narrative and civilization loses

this allows women to be the bullies and have the law and males who arent aware, to protect them

respect is earned

Sanddog | July 23, 2024 at 10:22 pm

Well, part of the problem is she is a woman who got her start in politics, on her knees, servicing Willie Brown. That’s just a fact the left can’t make go away and it’s part of what tanked her in 2019. In public, she always behaves like she’s filming a scene for Friends. She wasn’t ready for prime time 5 years ago and she’s not today.

    artichoke in reply to Sanddog. | July 23, 2024 at 11:03 pm

    What tanked her in 2019 was her record as California AG, and Tulsi Gabbard daring to mention it in the 2nd Dem debate, and the moderators allowing Tulsi to do it and keep at it. Since the moderators cooperated against Kamala, it smells to me like a Biden mob operation. Recall how Kamala had attacked him in the first debate and forced him to the defensive.

    Trump said now what was already clear, Obama and Biden hate each other. It’s even more clear that Biden and Kamala hate each other. In fact isn’t it typical for the president and VP to hate each other?

artichoke | July 23, 2024 at 11:00 pm

He doesn’t have to call Kamala “nasty”. He could call her “stupid”, which did not apply to Hillary but does apply now.

I wonder how that would work as a nickname, “Stupid Kamala Harris”. Probably not a good idea, but I like it.

“Nasty” is a female pejorative? I used it to describe Biden just today in a FB group, lamenting that I was sorry I couldn’t feel bad for what the Democrats are doing to him because he’s such a nasty person, richly deserving all the crap that’s happening to him.

By her own father’s account Kackling Kamala is descended from a Jamaican slave owner. For some people that might make a difference.

    Milhouse in reply to jb4. | July 24, 2024 at 12:10 am

    SIgh. This again? She is descended from slaves and their owners exactly like most black Americans. That was part of slavery in America. Slave women had children by their owners, and the owners’ relatives, employees, and guests.

Interested Party | July 23, 2024 at 11:47 pm

“A woman at the top of the ticket will take slings and arrows that male candidate won’t. That’s just a fact, and we know it.”

As opposed to the literal bullet the white male Republican just took?

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