Russell Sage College ‘Gender Affirming’ Program Will Teach How to Sneeze and Cough Like the Opposite Sex
“explore aspects of voice, like pitch, inflection, resonance, articulation, and loudness”

What does this have to do with the pursuit of knowledge and scholarship? When did this become college?
The College Fix reports:
College ‘gender-affirming’ program will teach how to sneeze like opposite sex
A new Russell Sage College program will teach “gender-diverse individuals” how to sneeze, cough, and modify their voices to “match their identities.”
The private institution in Albany, New York plans to offer the Gender-Affirming Voice Program starting in the spring 2025 semester, according to its website.
A project of its School of Health Sciences’ Speech and Language Center, the program will offer a series of two-hour weeknight sessions for “gender-diverse individuals who seek to modify their voices to match their identities,” the website states.
“We provide participants with the opportunity to explore their voice and communication goals in a safe, welcoming small group environment,” according to the college.
During the sessions, participants will “explore aspects of voice, like pitch, inflection, resonance, articulation, and loudness,” the website states.
Attention also will be given to “nonverbal communication” and “behaviors such as coughing, sneezing, and throat-clearing, because these often affect listener perception of gender,” according to the website.
Activities will include vocal warm-ups and small group activities to explore “voice and communication,” “gratitude,” and “mindfulness.”
The college did not mention if the program is only for students or if it also welcomes participants from the community.
Russell Sage is taking over the program from the nearby College of Saint Rose, which is closing, according to an article from Young America’s Foundation.
“Participants will receive 20 hours of training throughout a three month period. The school receives funding through the New York State Department of Health to cover training for those without private insurance,” according to the article.

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Growing upI had to endure my dad’s really loud sneezes. As I aged I developed the same sneeze. I don’t think that it was learned, but rather is genetic. My son was not happy when he learned the family history, as he too cringes when I sneeze in public.
If you accept who you are, then you don’t have to learn how to be someone else. Accepatance is the key. I guess that they demand tolerance because they simpy cannot accept who they are. Kind of sad, if you ask me.
Let me know if they need fart, spit and scratch lessons. My brother is underemployed, but this job he is Perfectly qualified for.
Honestly, if they don’t try teaching these fake “trans” women how to fart like a girl, its all pointless.
Just blame the dog next to them.
When we were at the “Grossology” exhibit at the local science museum, my son read the presentation of how much gas the human body produces in a day, looked at me, and gave that look of “yeah, right.” He thought that their number was low, like WAY low. Just another great reason to be a guy, IMHO.
The teeth grinding aspect is that this “program” appears to be a New York State funded program being administered by a private school for private students. Tax money from all given to a select few
In re-reading this story, it indicates how far from reality the medical, academic and political world has strayed. To consider that the teaching of deluded , misguided people to be imitators of something they are not is a state and insurance funded need, belies credulity.
It also steals money from taxpayers.
Um, they’ve been paying for the surgeries with tax money (especially in the military) for years now.
When will active minor attracted persons, not merely be accepted, but to be looked up to as a roll model?
I’m waiting for them to get their own pride month, and I want to see how many liberal gay pride supporters will support that.
So will the trans”women” learn to wear thongs, and the trans”men” wear tighty whities?
Please do not neglect the atomic wedgies.
This is an acting class. Why sugar coat it?
It was inevitable. Now that “Taylor Swift Studies” is an actual thing, could “Fart Like A Woman” ever have been prevented?
Is there a way to defund these colleges without destroying the small religious ones? Maybe require some intellectual diversity as a condition for loan subsidies.