Animal Rights Protester Attacks Harvard Interim President With Glitter Bomb During Alumni Day Speech
“The individual was arrested for assault and battery, trespassing, and disturbing a public assembly.”

Harvard’s interim president Alan Garber was trying to give a speech at Alumni Day on Friday, when a student animal rights protester hit him with a glitter bomb. This used to be a popular form of attack for the left, but people started to point out that glitter can be very harmful to the eyes or if it’s accidentally inhaled by the person being bombed or those in the vicinity of the attack.
There should be legal consequences for this.
Joel B. Pollak of Breitbart News:
Protesters interrupted Harvard University interim president Alan Garber Friday during “Alumni Day” proceedings in Harvard Yard, with one person storming the stage and dumping green glitter all over Garber as he delivered a speech.
Video of the proceedings appeared to have been taken offline, though not until Breitbart News saw the footage.
Garber was appointed after the resignation of Claudine Gay, whose short tenure was marred by prevarication over antisemitism, and a plagiarism scandal about her earlier academic publications. As he began his remarks, he was approached by a woman who screamed about “monkey labs” and threw green dust on him. Garber ducked but did not react otherwise.
Later, pro-Palestinian protesters interrupted Garber’s remarks, earning boos from some of the alumni present.
Watch below:
Harvard Interim President Alan Garber was just hit with a glitter bomb.
Now that we have your attention—torturing baby monkeys is NOT scientific & has NO ethical justification. HARVARD MUST END THESE EXPERIMENTS.
— PETA (@peta) May 31, 2024
The Harvard Crimson has more details:
The protester, Brittany Drake, who appeared to be wearing an event badge, poured gold glitter over Garber as she shouted: “For the baby monkeys, for the animals in the labs, Harvard, shut down the baby monkey labs now.”
Harvard University Police Department spokesperson Steven G. Catalano wrote in a statement that the protester was immediately escorted off stage and arrested by HUPD officers.
“Harvard University Police Officers immediately detained the individual and escorted her out of the area,” Catalano wrote. “The individual was arrested for assault and battery, trespassing, and disturbing a public assembly.”
Catalano wrote that the protester was not affiliated with the University and that the glitter was not hazardous.
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, the animal rights group that organized the demonstration, wrote in a press release that Drake had been charged with trespassing and “failure to disperse a riot.”
The report goes on to say that Garber basically laughed off the attack.
This was more awful behavior from bratty, entitled, and privileged students. The hits just keep coming for Harvard’s brand.
Featured image via Twitter video.

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Vicki Hearne, a rare woman who can do philosophy, writes What’s Wrong with Animal Rights
worth reading to see if you’ll like her three books even better: Adam’s Task, Bandit, Animal Happiness. Ignore cover blurb completely, no arts major will understand a word.
I have to say, I have a very hard time with animal testing,
Months day and age, we can use cells, tissue, etc. we don’t need to abuse the animals
And so many experiments are absolutely useless, like fauci’s insect eating of beagles heads to see how long it takes
What an evil evil worm
Sorry worms
My understanding is that monkeys are the only test animal that can be used to test possible treatments for degenerative nerve diseases like Parkinson’s. And their immune system is so similar to Homo Sap that they are the goto test animal in developing a host (pun not intended) of vaccines for other diseases, to include both malaria and HIV.
Tissue and cell tests are useful for initial safety testing, but not as determinative as the next test – using a live test animal.
As for “torturing baby monkeys” – firstly there are standards that must MUST be met for getting a license to use test animals. A biggie is no sociopaths doing torture. Study induced pain or discomfort is from the disease itself or the treatment for the disease. In other words, the same that humans would (and do) suffer.
Secondly, to mimic a mature human immune system you would need a mature monkey immune system. Baby monkeys are useless as test subjects for that. For the term “baby” insert “cute” – that part of the objection is an obvious gilding of the Lilly to inflame feels and turn off reason….
Unfortunately monkeys and other animals are still being used when alternative techniques could be used instead. Many of the experiments are not good and cause much pain.
Why does Harvard arrest and charge an animal rights activist and coddle the anti-semitic brats who took over Widener and stopped Jewish students from attending?
I can’t say that every animal study is necessary, I can say that SOME animal studies are necessary. “Alternative techniques” are the medical equivalent of “green energy”. Useful alternatives that (at least currently) can’t/don’t always address needs addressed by older methods. Hence not suitable as total replacement.
An important point is that animal studies largely fall into two categories, testing effectiveness and testing lethality. Revlon testing (say) mascara on animals serves no medical purpose other than testing lethality. Hopkins testing (say) an HIV vaccine on animals addresses both concerns.
But testing lethality is a big part of what the FDA administers. If it’s getting into human bodies testing what dose levels hit LD (Lethal Dose) 10/25/50/75/100 for small mammals is important to discover.
As to double standards on protestor treatment, anti-semitism is historically already baked into Ivy League colleges, a maximum quota for Jews allowed to attend is only recently not openly practiced. Whereas if you attack medical research you attack Harvard Medical itself. You’re gore-ing THEIR ox.
I’ve been involved in some animal testing. I am not a fan of some like hairspray and cosmetics but some things computer modeling just won’t do yet. When it can I’ll be first on the get rid of train but till then we can let the necessary go on and stop the rest like that beagle puppy sand flea thing that POS Fauci exported to Africa to get around US laws.
The article above was written in 1991, and there are many sane statements, but I like to think we have made some progress in animal needs .
I volunteer at a wildlife rescue and we work very hard to save and release these animals back into the wild, where they belong, and where they will live their best life.
Some are not able to return, and those we keep as ambassadors, to teach the children and public the love of the animal kingdom, our need to protect its wild place in this world.
We are one with the animal kingdom, like it or not, and yes, there are some nasty animals out there, dangerous and really some I could do without.. like poisonous snakes.. really can’t go there, almost bitten by a 6 foot rattler jumping out of my truck in my driveway, water moc in my back yard that somehow my 2 pits took care of without being bitten
That was a wonder of all wonders.
PETA is a terrible organization and there are too many bad pet owners, but organizations all over the Country are no kill, we are trying and learning. Petsalive is most excellent.
I think of Pitbulls and Parolees and the incredible work Tia and her family / ex cons do, but it’s never ending.
I’m sure the Harvard president has already had the chilling notion that the nutball who glitter-bombed him could have been just as easily armed instead with a knife or firearm.
Certainly not.
It’s Massachusetts.
Problem solved.
Except for the knife.
Harvard has been trashed by woke progressive leftists. smh
I remember when that dipsh*t bum-rushed Dave Chappelle on stage a year or so ago…. his security team & entourage took care of the guy. They showed a video of him being hauled into an ambulance on a stretcher and it looked like his arm had been broken and twisted around backwards… shoulder probably out of socket too.
That is the kind of thing that needs to happen to these morons…. brutal, visceral beat-downs, the type that leave permanent physical and mental scars. When people see a few fools get beaten like that, this crap will stop. Until then, the bullsh*t will continue.
That, or the person at the podium pulls out at the very least a law-enfarcement-strength taser and makes the attacker “dance”.
Ooohhh, that would definitely be worth an hour of listening to the usual speeches. I would even pay extra for that
AOC: “The whole point of protesting is to make people uncomfortable.”
Incivility is a boomerang.
Reap the whirlwind, Harvard.
The ‘I’m more special than you’ generation strikes again. As a Gen-Xer myself, I take my share of responsibility. We raised these creatures. Their failure is on us, even if they didn’t come from our specific homes. I take some comfort in the fact that my own kids hate most of their age-peers.
No way to prevent this from happening now and then. But you can prevent repeating performances. 50 years in jail — no parole
After all, there was no way to know until after the attack if it was glitter or acid. The, “He was lucky I wasn’t in a worse mood” defense shouldn’t be a mitigating factor on very harsh charges.
Get back to us when she is actually prosecuted for it.
We won’t hold our breath.
Harvard is broken beyond repair. Shut it down.
That, or sell it for pennies on the dollar to Hillsdale or similar. Why close down all of that perfectly good infrastructure?
My alma mater would probably not want Harvard. Take too much time for the HazMat team to dig up the remaining leftist radiation and nobody would take that kind of weapons-grade Stupid.
Gotta say that if we can’t conclusively ID the substance some rando assaults me with off rip (and we can’t ’cause we don’t carry a Mr Wizard auto lab detector with instant audible results in our pocket) then we should be inclined to treat the unknown substance as lethal. The attacker may know it is water not acid or just glitter and not ricin …. but we do not. IOW start using deadly force in response to these attacks then prosecute and incarcerate the surviving attackers and their enablers and the attacks will stop or significantly diminish.
Threats, intimidation and violence are all that the vile Dhimmi-crats know.
It’s long past time for President Trump and all GOP candidates and office-holders to start fairly referring to these idiots as the “Anti-fa/Hamas Party.”
She could have just sent him a bag of dicks.
Simple fix, no nurse or doctor should ever treats animal rights terrorists medically because doing so would involve some past usage of animals for experimentation. By using anything of the medical establishment would be hypocritical of them.
Can’t use any vehicles that use roads as they’re major killers of animals. not only are a million or more deer killed on roads, but probably billions of bugs die from car collisions.
Can’t use energy derived from windmills as they kills millions upon millions of birds.
Can’t order anything from overseas (cell phones, computers etc) as those ocean freighters kill whales with some regularity.
How is it that a woman who is not affiliated with Harvard attacking a Harvard official is a reflection upon Harvard? Harvard has enough problems without attributing every left kook with them.
Animal rights protesters are still around? Oh but that’s “so last century”!