The DEIcline and Fall Of Medical Education at UCLA
We’ve been warning for years about how medical education was being destroyed by DEI. The Free Beacon has an investigation of UCLA Medical School showing how deeply the rot has been advanced by affirmative action admitting unqualified students: “One professor said that a student in the operating room could not identify a major artery when asked, then berated the professor for putting her on the spot.”
We weren’t the only ones warning about how DEI was ruining medical education. But we were among the first and most relentless, with our Medical School database at providing the data to back up why, as I argued:
- “The national alarm should be sounding over the racialization of medical school education” (July 2022)
- “The racialization of medical education and medicine constitutes a national emergency” (July 2023)
Our research was amplified at media outlets such as Fox News digital (the website):
The “racialization of medical education” has created a “national emergency” because many of America’s future doctors are being inundated with critical race theory (CRT) and diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI), according to the founder of, which monitors CRT curricula and training in higher education, has expanded its Medical School Database to include all 155 accredited U.S. medical schools. Findings revealed a staggering 70 percent provide mandatory or voluntary CRT-related coursework or training for students.
“The extent to which CRT/DEI and related programming has worked its way into medical schools is truly shocking and worrisome. Racial and other activism should not be the focus of medical education,” William Jacobson told Fox News Digital….
“The ideological capture of over two-thirds of medical schools demonstrates that CRT/DEI has become a part of the fabric of medical education, We are training future doctors to look at patients through a racial lens, with potentially frightening consequences for society,” Jacobson said.
“It’s often said that collapse happens slowly, and then very suddenly. Medical school education is slowly collapsing, but it’s not too late,” he continued. “We need to stop the CRT/DEI medical agenda before that collapse becomes irreversible.”
I made these points in many media appearances:
Critical race theory has arrived at medical schools. What could go wrong? @LegInsurrection founder @wajacobson joins us to explain. Check out the full interview streaming exclusively on @foxnation – plus: unlock free sign-up offers only at
— Tucker Carlson Today (@TuckerToday) April 18, 2023
Our focus at was what happened once students were in medical school, not how they got into medical school.
Aaron Sibarium has a devastating investigative piece at The Free Beacon, ‘A Failed Medical School’: How Racial Preferences, Supposedly Outlawed in California, Have Persisted at UCLA. It’s too long and detailed for a brief summary to do it justice, so read the whole thing.
Here are some of the key findings Sibarium tweeted
SCOOP: Whistleblowers at UCLA medical school say it has dramatically lowered admissions standards for minority applicants.
As a result, they say, 50% of some cohorts now fail basic tests of medical competence.
We've obtained shocking internal data.🧵
— Aaron Sibarium (@aaronsibarium) May 23, 2024
Race-based admissions have turned UCLA into a "failed medical school," said a former member of the admissions staff. "We want racial diversity so badly, we're willing to cut corners to get it."
This is the story of how that happened.
— Aaron Sibarium (@aaronsibarium) May 23, 2024
Those tests, known as shelf exams, which are typically taken at the end of each clinical rotation, measure basic medical knowledge and play a pivotal role in residency applications. Though only 5 percent of students fail each test nationally, the rates are much higher at UCLA.
— Aaron Sibarium (@aaronsibarium) May 23, 2024
One professor said that a student in the operating room could not identify a major artery when asked, then berated the professor for putting her on the spot.
— Aaron Sibarium (@aaronsibarium) May 23, 2024
Another admissions officer said that the bar for underrepresented minorities is "as low as you could possibly imagine" and "completely disregards grades and achievements."
— Aaron Sibarium (@aaronsibarium) May 23, 2024
As the demographics of UCLA have changed, the number of students failing their shelf exams has soared, trends professors at the medical school say are connected.
— Aaron Sibarium (@aaronsibarium) May 23, 2024
"1/3 to 1/2 of the medical school is incredibly unqualified," one prof said.
The collapse in qualifications has been compounded by UCLA's decision, in 2020, to condense its preclinical curriculum from two years to one in order to add time for research and community service.
— Aaron Sibarium (@aaronsibarium) May 23, 2024
It’s not just who they let in, but how the medical education has been degraded by DEI:
They spend an additional seven hours a week in "Foundations of Practice," which includes units on "interpersonal communication skills" and, according to one medical student, basically "tells us how to be a good person."
— Aaron Sibarium (@aaronsibarium) May 23, 2024
This is happening across the country, and the medical establishment deserves much of the blame. The American Medical Association and virtually every major medical association in the country supports DEI.
When I sued the State of NY over its racist anti-white Covid therapeutic guidance, dozens of major physician organizations backed the State’s use of race in medical services.
Our medical care is being gutted. Drastic action needs to be taken before it’s too late, if it’s not already too late.
UPDATE 5-24-2024
UCLA Responds:
NEW: Today the dean of UCLA medical school denied allegations that the school lowers academic standards for minorities, asserting that admissions decisions are "based on merit."
Notice: His statement refers to "false allegations" without saying which ones are false.🧵
— Aaron Sibarium (@aaronsibarium) May 24, 2024
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Truth is we are going to fall right over a demographic cliff. Race may be a catalyst but we simply aren’t going to have enough qualified people to support our societal infrastructure in <20 years.
We are going to end up like Japan but we are so much less healthy than the Japanese.
In Japan’s defense, whatever demographic challenges the country may face, as a result of declining birth rates, the Japanese aren’t so crazy/stupid as to have instituted this “DEI” crap in their schools, their companies and their government institutions. At least, I believe that to be the case.
Japan is still a very homogeneous nation. There is no need to impose DEI there.
“We’ve been warning for years about how medical education was being destroyed by DEI.”
Destruction of medical education leads to a destruction of doctors. And a destruction of doctors leads to a destruction of patients. So if you’re a patient and you don’t want your life destroyed, make sure you pick a non-DEI doctor.
They are getting old and retiring unfortunately, and these inexperienced , poorly educated NP’s are God awful
There is a move to cut NP’s away from MD/DO supervision to be solo practice.
“Case in point— a University of California medical school professor recently apologized to his students during a lecture:
“I said ‘when a woman is pregnant,’ which implies that only women can get pregnant and I most sincerely apologize to all of you.”
Remember— this is a medical professor, in a lecture to medical students, at a medical school.
Sadly this is far from an isolated incident. That same medical school, in fact, hosts a forum where students can correct teachers who use terms like “breastfeed” instead of “chestfeed”.
Petitions have been circulated to shame professors for “wrongspeak” as one student put it.
One professor apologized for using the terms “father” and “son” while discussing chromosomal disorders. Apparently it would have been more woke to say “person who provides sperm” and “genderless offspring”.
According to a University of California student whistle-blower, professors refuse to mention when medical conditions are more prevalent in males or females, for fear of being canceled by their students.
They cannot discuss how heart attack early warning signs differ between men and women. Or how male and female kidneys process drugs differently, which affects proper dosage.
It’s concerning to imagine what American healthcare is going to look like after a decade or two of being controlled by the woke mob— when doctors aren’t allowed to acknowledge basic biological and human anatomy.”
That was 2021. The medical students of today are just another segment of know-nothings. Not because there are too few applicants, but the indoctrination that turns the Hippocratic oath sideways.
What discipline is not corrupted?
This is Maoist insanity. “Struggle sessions” at a school that is supposed to be teaching and promoting rationality and objective truths, in the medical/scientific disciplines.
I am, well, a second-generation medical educator. My grandfather, whose name graces this account, was a full tenured clinical professor of neurology and psychiatry, and was adjunct at four other colleges of medicine in Texas. Me? I teach at the same institutions where he taught, though I am a not a full professor like he was. Medical education has gone to hell. The Geffen School of Medicine experience at UCLA is just one example of how low medical education has sunk to the DEI bullshit. Believe me, folks, and excuse the vernacular, but “you ain’t seen nuthin’ yet!” The almost psychotic drive towards full DEI-based admissions and total denial of meritocracy is ruining the profession in short order. I can tell you from short-hand experience that my students, residents and fellows are NOT prepared. They simply lack the education, intelligence and most importantly—the independent judgment that is integral to medical practice. Medicine, just like any other profession, is both an art and a science. You integrate both into patient care. Sometimes you have to take a calculated risk, but you don’t do so without a full consideration of what you are recommending to the patient. Medical ethics rely on three pillars traditionally: a) primum non nocere (DO NO HARM); b) advance only that which is good – meaning you educate the patient on all available choices and balance the risks versus benefits in that discussion with them; and c) respect THEIR individual choices—with the understanding that if YOUR conscience does not permit you to adhere to their choice that you will refer them on to someone who will consider their judgment without guarantee that it will happen. That last point is important—if someone wants to get something extremely inadvisable done (e.g. have their head cut off), you will not perform it (e.g. it is out of scope of your practice or clearly so over the top and unethical—I, for example will NOT participate in assisted suicide!) that you cannot guarantee the physician you referred the patient to will acquiesce to the patient’s wishes. That’s an important point to know. I mention all of this because this is what is being taught by unprincipled, amoral, self-centered, leftist MORON medical whackademics pushing DEI/CRT principles on medical students, residents and fellows. I have had enough. I am done. I leave as of June 30 this year. I won’t participate in the destruction of my profession to idiots. I have my fifth child on the way, and I have four already that need me as their mother, and also my husband. You tell me which needs me more? I think my family takes precedence over some snot-nosed punks spewing their DEI sh*t in my face.
Just as an aside…maybe use paragraphs in the future to help male your incredibly interesting comments a bit more readable 🙂
What you said!
Anatomy is taught during the first year of medical school and by the time of the third and fourth year of medical school the student has been exposed (??) to the circulatory system going into the clerkships Gross anatomy has been augmented with “pro-sections” which are professionally dissected portions of the body to better illustrate the anatomy. Depending on how much of gross anatomy relies on look and not feel could add to the problem. (I was an assistant professor in residence at the University of California – School of Medicine and attending at UCIMC….I refer to it as U Cal-Disneyland)
Hum..gross anatomy… in more ways than one. SPOILER ALERT: The next real life description of my anatomy course may make some squeamish and no barf bags are available.
Gross anatomy is usually started with the body (trunk and extremities) to allow the student to build up some tolerance before going to head and neck. There is something tougher about cutting into a face. Our anatomy prof (circa 1976) required we dissected without gloves… bare hand folks. That meant we were allows “immersed” in embalming solution. If smelling food is part of the senses for eating…think of that.
Oh, we didn’t get to start with body but in an accelerated course work, we started with head and neck. Removing the brain for me is memorable. After removing the top of the skull, I cupped my bare hand to receive the brain. Only problem was that the brain had not set up and so instead of catching the brain, the brain oozed through my fingers and around my whole hand leaving my whole hand covered in pink brain paste.
Some things in medicine cannot and must not be “sanitized”. Some doctors see medicine as solely a money making profession, for some a continuance of family tradition, and for others a social merit badge ala a (poison) Ivy League diploma.
Degradation now appears the case for The University of California – Tinseltown. Don’t get me started on Irvine!
Are you under any pressure from the top of the system to pass these, unprepared, unqualified people through the system or are part of a bigger problem by passing them and letting through the system?. It sounds like you are, soon to be were, in a position to put the brakes on some of this, Passing the qualified through a broken system is not the answer long term or even short term.
We’re under constant pressure to pass students who are unprepared. Those who are in postgrad, the residents and fellows, we get less pressure largely because they have direct patient care responsibilities and I have far more freedom to take corrective action. The undergrads are almost sacrosanct. It’s a crazy world when I get called on the carpet for flunking or giving a bad grade to a student who just doesn’t get it.
The DEI offices in the med schools where I teach have been closed, but the functions have just been transferred to other areas. We have “student success” (whatever that is?!) officers whose sole duty seems to be writing me useless memoranda about this or that student who doesn’t seem to be getting the material, mostly wanting it dumbed down or wanting to take the rotation slower. I can’t do that. In med school, everything is on a tight schedule and it’s impossible to take a slower pace.
So yes, the pressure on the undergrad to pass these kids is enormous. That does not stop me from flunking those who I know won’t make it through their next board levels or those whose grasp on even basic principles is so tenuous that they wouldn’t even make good janitors.
My rotation for the surgical clerkship at UW would have been interesting with that berating med student. The chief surgical attending used major milestones in surgery to illustrate progress in the field. Those milestones centered principally on historical events..mostly wars. That’s right…. he expected med students to have studied history sometime in the past. Point to remember… when questioning the surgery team… start with the med students and work up… do no ask the R4 or R5 the question only to have a lowly med student being the only one knowing the answer…. like me. I guess with the state of future medicine I will have to learn to “heal thyself”.
“They cannot discuss how heart attack early warning signs differ between men and women. Or how male and female kidneys process drugs differently, which affects proper dosage.”
Given how Lysenkoist the medical profession is trending, maybe increased mortality rates would be an appropriate wake-up call
Affirmative action destroyed standards.
The COVID fraud destroyed credibility.
Rampant wokeness has destroyed trust.
There is no medical “profession” in the United States any more. At this point, I would not trust a “doctor” to apply a band-aid to a paper cut.
fdr set the stage when he employed poc to help trick other poc that they were to receive FREE MEDICAL CARE
as the poc were injected or allowed to live with syph
the greates lib of alll time they braggggg
yeah well there you go
I don’t think it was something that can be laid entirely at FDR’s feet.
This is just my view, but, I believe that inside many doctors is a Josef Mengele begging to be let out into the open.
your second paragraph not withstanding
fdr set up the program
it lays at his feet….. ENTIRELY
It is worse than you can imagine. Our department received a call from the medical school asking for help with one of their medical student who needed tutoring. It was not for calculus or multivariate statistics. The student had no understanding of decimals. When this student graduated, and he did, you would not want him to prescribe your medications.. Michael Jackson found that out.
Dear God, terrifying
(Gesturing and shaking my cane in anger…)
Back in my day, you didn’t make it out of – what? – 3rd grade? – without an understanding of decimals. I was dismal with math and still am compared to my classmates but can still work through basic everyday problems just fine.
I guess the solution is to be very, ahh, selective when in search of a doctor. I know this sounds stereotypical, but I guess one still looks for “a good Jewish doctor”.
Que va! One of my second year internal medicine residents couldn’t figure out a simple Cockcroft-Gault renal clearance (it’s an easy formula!), then struggled with an adjusted dose for an antibiotic based on body surface area (BSA), which is also a simple formula. Both of them are available from a drop-down menu on the physician order screen on the hospital computer system, and I told him he could use whatever tools he needed. He ended up calling my favorite Pharmacist and she guided him through it. Her text to me said, “Is this resident for real?” I texted back, “Scary, isn’t it?”
The only rational solution is for patients to avoid consultations with, and, refrain from receiving treatment from, “BIPOC” (as the vile Dhimmi-crats use this nauseating acronym) physicians, on the reasonable, fair and proactively self-protecting assumption that they have advanced through the medical profession largely, if not exclusively, on the basis of the Dhimmi-crats’ racist and inequitable racial spoils system, as opposed to their demonstrations of high competence and merit.
One could rationally and logically extend this attitude to the legal profession, as well, and avoid seeking legal advice and services from “BIPOC” attorneys.
Fomenting entirely legitimate patient and client distrust of the supposed professionals’ alleged qualifications is the natural product of the Dhimmi-crats’ unrelenting attack on merit, in graduate schools.
Mr. Jones, I find myself thinking that, maybe, the entire intent of all of this DEI/CRT is in fact a way to lock non-whites out of being taken seriously.
I am absolutely certain that there ARE qualified blacks and other non-whites out there who can get through med school or law school or whatever just fine on their own. There always have been. But now, those same folks are hobbled with being thought of a “BIPOC” admissions, or DEI/CRT race-normed incompetents.
This is just sad. But, this is the Democrats keeping them on the plantation, and “de mannnn” keepin’ dem down.
I totally agree — there’s no question that there are eminently qualified “BIPOC” physicians and attorneys in their respective fields.
As you note, and, as echoed by the sage Dr. Thomas Sowell and Justice Thomas, “affirmative action,” “DEI” and the rest of the Dhimmi-crats’ utterly corrosive and racist school admissions, job hiring and contracting initiatives undermine the reputations and achievements of these professionals.
Our local institution has a policy of “you will take the doctor assigned to you and you will like them.” Your option is no treatment.
Deep blue states controlled by dem super majority are most at risk of the unintended side effects of DEI/CRT.
Dangerous old times we are living in eh.
What from lefties who want to spark are war with Russia while pandering to China and Iran to declaring everyone is women and pedophilia is acceptable!
This is why all important institutions must be operated by hard, white men. Motion pictures, recorded music, radio and television have destroyed the capacity to think. These media must be severely restricted and censored to eliminate junk content. By all means allow true orderly political debate- few will tune in.
So what’s the explanation for why you’re such an inane jackass?
What do you call the person who graduates last in his medical class?
Doctor, and they will be the MOST likely to insist you use that title, even if one is a close friend.
For a graduating class, the top third make the best researchers, the middle third the best clinical doctors and the bottom third make the most money.
Professor, the strange thing about that video is that now that Tucker Carlson has revealed himself as an anti-Semite, you couldn’t picture yourself now on his podcast.
read that his lead writer was a racist
and then the left is saying that carlson is against christians who are plo
so how does that go against carlson
other than carlson giving interviews to people we dont agree with?
to the newer generations
these dei are just as smart as any doctors
and with the gov in charge
no one will hear your cries
you do know who david geffen is?
Have you considered a good 12-step program? I’m sure a good sponsor and putting the work in will help fix what’s so glaringly wrong with you.
You may take all the care in the world picking and vetting your suite of medical professionals, but when you end up in the Emergency Room, it’s the luck of the draw.
BTW, I highly recommend this book before you end up in the ER.
Now on to the FAA
The FAA’s Hiring Scandal: A Quick Overview
An Air Traffic Control nightmare
This is one more example of why a socialized health care system would be so dangerous. And why the left wants it so badly. Socialized medicine has nothing to do with cost or fairness. It has everything to do with forcing this crap down the throat of every American. No choice and no opt out. Oh, unless you’re a privileged member of Congress, then you get your own private health care system.