Riley Gaines, 15 Other Female Athletes Sue NCAA for Allowing Biological Males to Compete in Women’s Sports
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Riley Gaines, 15 Other Female Athletes Sue NCAA for Allowing Biological Males to Compete in Women’s Sports

Riley Gaines, 15 Other Female Athletes Sue NCAA for Allowing Biological Males to Compete in Women’s Sports

“This lawsuit against the NCAA isn’t just about competition; it’s a fight for the very essence of women’s sports.”

Sixteen current and former female athletes filed a lawsuit against the NCAA over its transgender policy that allows biological males to compete in female sports. They are:

  • Riley Gaines – Swimmer, University of Kentucky
  • Reka Gyorgy – Swimmer, Virginia Tech
  • Kylee Alons – Swimmer, North Carolina State
  • Kaitlynn Wheeler – Swimmer, University of Kentucky
  • Ainsley Erzen – Soccer and Track, University of Arkansas
  • Ellie Eades – Tennis, University of Kentucky
  • Lily Mullens – Swimmer, Roanoke College
  • Kate Pearson – Swimmer, Roanoke College
  • Susanna Price – Swimmer, Roanoke College
  • Carter Satterfield – Swimmer, Roanoke College
  • Katie Blankenship – Swimmer, Roanoke College
  • Julianna Morrow – Swimmer, Roanoke College

Four athletes did not want to be named to avoid retribution and reprisal.

The Independent Council on Women’s Sports (ICONS) funded the lawsuit.

“This lawsuit against the NCAA isn’t just about competition; it’s a fight for the very essence of women’s sports,” said ICONS Co-Founder Marshi Smith, a collegiate All-American and NCAA national champion swimmer. “We’re standing up for justice and the rights of female athletes to compete on a level playing field. It’s about preserving the legacy of Title IX and ensuring that the future of women’s sports is as bright as its past.”

ICONS filed the lawsuit in the U.S. District Court Northern District of Georgia, Atlanta Division, seeking damages, declaratory, equitable, and class relief, and demands a jury trial.

The lawsuit reminds everyone that Congress enacted Title IX “to increase women’s opportunities.”

That means the NCAA cannot allow a policy that allows males to replace women on women’s teams or place them in the women’s locker room.

If you can interchange males and females, then we wouldn’t need Title IX.

“The NCAA’s Transgender Eligibility Policies on their face and in practice deprive women of equal opportunity in comparison to men in college sports governed by the NCAA,” the lawsuit states. “The sole justification of the Association for its discriminatory Transgender Eligibility Policies, which are imposed by the NCAA upon all member colleges and universities in NCAA Divisions I, II and III, is that biological differences between males and females can allegedly be overcome by a program of testosterone suppression in males who identify as transgender.”

The policy literally cuts down women to testosterone. That’s it: “Testosterone suppression and personal choice alone can make a male eligible to compete on a women’s sports team.”

Former University of Kentucky swimmer Riley Gaines, who has become the face of the fight to preserve women’s sports, joined the lawsuit

“We’re not just fighting for ourselves, we’re fighting for every young girl who dreams of competing in sports,” said Riley Gaines. “I’m thankful for ICONS’ commitment to our cause, especially their financial commitment allowing us to take this to court. I urge anyone who cares about protecting women’s sport to help get behind us.”

The lawsuit mentions the 2022 Women’s Swimming and Diving Championships, where UPenn swimmer Lia Thomas dominated many races, denying biological females a chance to win.

Allowing Thomas to compete also meant Thomas had access to the female showers, locker rooms, and restrooms.

This deprived female athletes of a safe space where they could “protect their bodily privacy” and “prepare for athletic competition.”

“These purposeful actions by the NCAA in coordination with public colleges and universities and others, including one or more of the Georgia Individual Defendants, upended and undermined the competitive seasons, mental and emotional health and well-being, and academic and athletic experiences of hundreds of female swimmers and their families,” the athletes claim.


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More power to her. This should have been done a long time ago.

    Dimsdale in reply to JR. | March 18, 2024 at 10:16 am

    Every parent with real daughters should join this suit. We are definitely interested parties and are being aggrieved.

    The Catch-22 of all this is that male hormones begin doing their work in the womb, and increase significantly prior to puberty.

    “Remediating” the levels after the physical changes have occurred is pointless; the body changes are done or well on their way.

    For the hormone thing to work, they would have to be applied around age 10, maybe sooner, and that constitutes child abuse, um, I mean, “gender affirmation.”

    Human vivisection or just plain butchery to you and me.

    Psychology does not trump biology.

It won’t go anywhere. You have to prove that the men are not just unusually athletic women, and that’s not being conceded. You still get canceled for claiming it.

    ChrisPeters in reply to rhhardin. | March 14, 2024 at 6:07 pm

    It might be better to just claim that these men are taking the competitions spots or slots that would otherwise have gone to women.

    jb4 in reply to rhhardin. | March 14, 2024 at 6:35 pm

    Dosn’t Lia Thomas going from what looks to be a third rate male swimmer to a top “female” one prove that. While this suit won’t hurt, what might help more is men taking women’s spots in big box office/big salary/big prize sports and $50M punitive damage suits in front of sympathetic juries when women get really racked up by men in contact sports.

Riley Gaines, 15 Other Female Athletes Sue NCAA for Allowing Men to Compete in Women’s Sports

Corrected headline.

About. Damn. Time.

Good for them, I hope they win bigly.

Chromosome determine sex, not cosmetic surgery.

    Milhouse in reply to smooth. | March 16, 2024 at 8:17 am

    That’s what you say. They say otherwise. Neither of you can prove it, so it will depend entirely on what the court will choose to believe.

    Oh, and while chromosomes do almost always determine sex, they don’t define it. On the extremely rare occasion that the chromosomes messed up and didn’t determine a person’s sex, their sex is still what it is, not what their chromosomes say they should be. An anatomically correct XY woman is a genuine woman, even though she “should have been” a man. This is extremely rare, but it happens.

      Dimsdale in reply to Milhouse. | March 18, 2024 at 10:31 am

      I disagree: the chromosomes are indisputable evidence of sex. “Gender” is psychology, not biology.

      If they throw out DNA evidence, then they will have to accept that DNA is not an accurate indicator of individuality, and many court cases will be in jeopardy.

      Of course, the very essence of being a Democrat is the selective and frequent acceptance of inaccurate or fake science.

      I don’t think they are ready to call transgenderism a mutation…

      Dimsdale in reply to Milhouse. | March 18, 2024 at 10:32 am

      Society should not be turned on its head for “extremely rare.”

It’s actually sad only 15 have signed on

Wait till we see it competing in the NCAA Women’s Basketball Championship

Women in college sports need to unite and boycott competing in sanctioned events with biological males. It sucks for them, but it will work in the long run.

They’ll probably need to “struggle session” the holdouts. Fight fire with fire.

    not_a_lawyer in reply to Tiki. | March 15, 2024 at 5:44 am

    They cannot.

    Virtually all college athletes are on a scholarship, and the rules dictate that they must compete except in cases of injury or illness. Failure to comply can result in loss of scholarship and expulsion from the University.

I don’t understand who is financing women’s games that have men participating, and I don’t understand who is sponsoring the men. I would think that Budweiser would me lesson enough for the densest CFO. Any oncologist prescribing Lupron for Prostate Cancer knows that the patients don’t magically turn into ladies.

BierceAmbrose | March 14, 2024 at 8:48 pm

While I’m pleased to see the NCAA getting a bit of the Gina Carano treatment — Do not mess with a winning athlete: have you *seen* what they do pursuing their wins, I mean, besides pretending to be something they’re not? — so many more angles without even arguing pesky realities like biology:

— By being a monopoly cartel, NCAA is subject to more stringent access, operations, and fairness standards than were there many College Athletic Associations.

— It’s all govt money; only question is laundered through how many hands. So, what about that disparate impact? Title IX? Other encumberences on the largess?

— Contract: a college athlete takes the “go to college” deal on particular terms. Changing the deal along the way is at least slimy, maybe actionable. Winners with medals and trophies have far different trajectories post competition than also-swams. Monetary damages from endorsement deals lost? Access and qualification failed for further leagues and competitions? Pain and suffering?

You don’t need to win the suit to advance the cause. Bringing up uncomfortable stuff they’d rather keep quiet is quite enough victory.

I hope they utterly destroy them
And salt the earth.
Wait till the Olympic Games..

ugottabekiddinme | March 14, 2024 at 9:31 pm

You go, girls!!!!!!!!!

within 5 years, Riley will be in congress

Of the athletes listed, six of the twelve (Riley Gaines, Reka Gyorgy, Kylee Alons, Kaitlynn Wheeler, Ainsley Erzen, and Katie Blankenship) are no longer in school having graduated.

The NCAA will argue that as the women are not in a NCAA institution, they have no standing to sue.

The NCAA will then argue that six women amongst the thousands of women in college sports are a minute minority and the policy of allowing trans women is a positive thing for those thousands.

Not saying that I agree with that, but only that is what the NCAA will argue – especially in regards to the standing issue.

not_a_lawyer | March 15, 2024 at 6:09 am

I still do not understand why men who decide to compete against women aren’t mercilessly humiliated by family, friends, the press, other athletes, classmates, etc.

This Lia fellow seems completely unperturbed.

College men are very susceptible to influence from college women. Why don’t the ladies insist that their male counterparts ‘take care of the problem’ by taking the interlopers out to the soccer field and pound his face into the pitch?

Something is seriously wrong with our society if we allow this to continue.


    Knowing me and the fathers of my daughter’s college friends, if a naked man ever showed up in their locker room, they would not be able to complete in as much as slow crawl.

This should have happened a long time to go. This Insanity should never have been allowed to blossom.

Capitalist-Dad | March 15, 2024 at 9:10 am

The issue is spectacularly simple: Nothing transitions. Deluded males remain male; deluded women remain females. Everything else is just dress-up, or at the extreme surgically assisted dress up. The fact that sane women have to file a lawsuit to make this conclusion demonstrates America’s decline. And this assumes the plaintiffs can find a judge who is equally sane and not a corrupt tool of our leftist-controlled system. Good luck with that!

There are lists of college athletes (team rosters, scholarship slots, etc)..

Send this lawsuit to every woman athlete in the land, with a cover letter asking them to join and also to loudly protest.

Send a similar letter to every male athlete asking them to support biological women and to protest against this transgender tyrannical farce.

“The lawsuit mentions the 2022 Women’s Swimming and Diving Championships, where UPenn swimmer Lia Thomas dominated many races, denying biological females a chance to win.”

Don’t you mean Will Thomas?

    Milhouse in reply to herm2416. | March 16, 2024 at 8:28 am

    His name belongs to him, and he has changed it to Lia, so Lia he now is. That’s how names work. He’s still a man, though.

Riley Gaines is a warriorette…sue the pants off the corrupt NCAA, send fear into all these poseurs. “Lia” et al should be taken behind the gym and have their attitude readjusted.

Kinda like a boxing match… Take a 6″ 200 pound male, Give him/her Lupron and you have 6″ 200 pounder to swim against a feather weight. We need to recruit some female Russian Longshoremen to swim in this game.

Its not limited to college sports. Planet Fitness gyms allowing trannys to use whatever locker rooms and showers they want. Males who “self identify” as women can use women locker rooms. Women who complain are getting membership revoked.

Best of luck to all of you. May you become wealthy beyond your wildest dreams.

It is incredible that this is even a question. Male/female is as basic as gravity.

    Dimsdale in reply to Romey. | March 18, 2024 at 1:12 pm

    The only organisms that can’t figure it out are “enlightened” or “evolved” humans,

    I think I prefer “evolved,” because transgenderism runs counter to natural selection…