Most people don’t realize how bad the situation is in medical schools, worse than in general higher ed
We’ve been sounding the alarm for several years. Ben Shapiro: “DEI Could Get You Killed In the Operating Room”

We have been covering the growing racialization of medical schools for several years.
Our database of medical schools has received widespread media attention, including this Fox Digital article in July 2023, after we completed documentation at all 156 U.S. based medical schools:
The “racialization of medical education” has created a “national emergency” because many of America’s future doctors are being inundated with critical race theory (CRT) and diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI), according to the founder of, which monitors CRT curricula and training in higher education, has expanded its Medical School Database to include all 155 accredited U.S. medical schools. Findings revealed a staggering 70 percent provide mandatory or voluntary CRT-related coursework or training for students.
“The extent to which CRT/DEI and related programming has worked its way into medical schools is truly shocking and worrisome. Racial and other activism should not be the focus of medical education,” William Jacobson told Fox News Digital….
“The ideological capture of over two-thirds of medical schools demonstrates that CRT/DEI has become a part of the fabric of medical education. We are training future doctors to look at patients through a racial lens, with potentially frightening consequences for society,” Jacobson said.
“It’s often said that collapse happens slowly, and then very suddenly. Medical school education is slowly collapsing, but it’s not too late,” he continued. “We need to stop the CRT/DEI medical agenda before that collapse becomes irreversible.” ….
A year before, in July 2022, I argued that “The national alarm should be sounding over the racialization of medical school education”
Ben Shapiro had an X (Twitter) thread today highlighting the DEI problem at several medical schools. Here is a portion of the thread.
2/ Sources tell me Wake Forest Medical School is about to graduate Kychelle Del Rosario – the med student who injured a conservative patient and bragged about it. Wake Forest allowed Rosario to lay low and take a voluntary leave of absence when this scandal broke.
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) February 26, 2024
4/ Both UPenn and Liu’s medical school, Wake Forest, have attempted to hide Liu’s hiring. Wake Forest didn’t list Liu’s hospital in graduation materials, and UPenn doesn’t list Liu’s medical school on its website.
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) February 26, 2024
8/ Vignesh Raman is just one example of a much larger trend. The American College of Surgeons, or ACS, recently gave its 88,000 members a definition of “racism” that implies it’s impossible to be racist against white people.
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) February 26, 2024
10/ This is now the prevailing view in surgical medicine. At a recent conference on DEI at UPenn, where Ewen Liu now works, one surgeon says that it's "off putting" that so many surgeons are white men.
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) February 26, 2024
12/ It’s bad enough when teachers or government bureaucrats talk like this, but valuing intersectionality over merit can literally mean life or death in surgery.
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) February 26, 2024
Here’s a video of his comments on the subject.
DEI Could Get You Killed In The Operating Room
— The Ben Shapiro Show (@BenShapiroShow) February 26, 2024
People need to pay more attention to this. The situation is getting worse. These race-obsessed DEI/CRT bigots are destroying our medical system.
Most people don't realize how bad the situation is in medical schools, worse than in general higher ed. At @CriticalRaceOrg we have a database of CRT/DEI in medical schools
— William A. Jacobson (@wajacobson) February 26, 2024

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I like how they use “cis” instead of “normal” in order to make normal people sound abnormal. This is one of the left’s most oft-used tactics for everything. Try and make normal things sound abnormal so that the depraved and deranged leftists and their pets can hide in the linguistic jungle they create.
Cis and trans are biochemistry terms. They should stay that way.
“Cis-” and “trans-” are not just biochemistry terms. They’re both terms in normal English.
If there is such a thing as “transsexual” then it stands to reason that there must also be such a thing as “cissexual”. But for most purposes there’s no reason ever to use that term, since “cissexuality” simply means being normal, not having the abnormal trait that is transsexuality. Only rarely is there a reason to use the term, even though it is completely legitimate.
Primordial is right that the purpose of throwing it into every conversation is to convey the idea that transsexuality and cissexuality are simply two completely normal conditions, and that one shouldn’t in principle expect one of them to be more common than the other. And that simply isn’t the case.
I suspect someone will get cheesed of if I use “dyssexual” as a global term to encompass the prefix smorgasbord of “trans”, “a”, “poly,” “pedo”, “fido,” etc. that populate monologues.
Here’s the problem I have with that take: ‘trans’ also means ‘across’, which makes sense when describing someone of one sex desiring to be the other. On the other hand, in isomers, ‘cis’ and ‘trans’ describe molecule arrangement ‘on this side’ and ‘on the other side’ respectively. The two uses of ‘trans’ are directly at odds. The later use seems purely to grasp at some undeserved and completely unrelated impression of scientific validity.
“Across” as in “on the other side”.
Transsexuals think they are the opposite of what their bodies say they are.
Cissexuals think they are the same as what their bodies say they are.
The vast majority of people are cissexual, and only a few are transsexual. There are two possible explanations for this:
1. Transsexuality is a relatively rare abnormality, a birth defect, so it stands to reason that very few people have it, and one can expect the same to be true in every generation.
2. It’s just a coincidence, and there’s no reason to suppose that it will be the same in the next generation, or that it was the same in any previous one.
You decide which of these explanations is more plausible.
“Trans” is not an “abnormal trait.” It is a manifestation of mental illness with no biological basis (save for the exceedingly rare cases of true hermaphrodism).
One buys into the left’s fantasy if you perceive normal body identity as one state of being and “trans” as another, less common one.
There is no such thing as transgender.
Even if you’re correct that it has no biological basis (which I’m not so sure of), it’s still a trait. Acquired traits are traits nonetheless.
How about we all agree to just use the terms “normal” and “mentally ill.” I think that covers a lot.
Cisgender is a term that appeared out of nowhere ten seconds ago.
The moment you apply the “trans-” prefix to any word you automatically imply that the same word must also take the “cis-” prefix. That’s just English. You may not ever use it with “cis-“, but the word will still exist, like a theoretical subatomic particle that “exists” only because its counterpart does.
“Cis” and “Trans” are amongst the PRIMARILY Latin/Greek derived terms used principally in science, principally chemistry and biochemistry, that the left has stupidly and erroneously commandeered without knowing what the implications of misuse of those terms means in their proper connotations. Terms like “Nor-“, meaning the removal of an active methy- or other simple alkane radical from a more complex organic compound was “commandeered”, so to speak, to mean removal of a undesirable from a body of people—e.g. the “norcandidate”. This was a stupid misuse of a scientific term in a nonscientific context. There is no reason to misuse chemistry terms (also used in pharmacy, etc.,) in sexual or psychological contexts where they don’t belong. This is simply social scientists trying to sound more intelligent than they are and nothing more. Health care professionals see right through them, and it diminishes them more than adding any scientific rigor.
All these arguments over “Cis” and “Trans” are silly. These are Roman geographical terms from over 2,000 years before any chemical or medical science began. E.g., the area in northern Italy populated by Celts was “Cisalpine Gaul” (the Gauls on this side of the Alps), and what is now France was “Transalpine Gaul” (the Gauls on the other side of the Alps).
There’s nothing normal about “cisgender” — it’s a manifestly contrived word from the Dhimmi-crat propaganda lexicon. Don’t confer an alleged legitimacy upon this word that is totally undeserved.
Which is why we need to start using government and end our 21st century libertarian/anarchist larp.
Those medical schools are what libertarianism looks like. We need to regulate the hell out of them and enforce those regulations to the point offending med schools will have to declare bankruptcy.
There is no free market solution to this.
Don’t forget to drink the Kool Aid, Danny.
You mean the coolaid about the hell it was for non-leftist non-communist med students in the 20th century?
Gladly keep your dam Ron Swanson impression he is a parody of conservatives written by leftists who are thrilled to be the only ones calling the shots.
Where is Danny wrong here? What solution exists to this problem other than the power of government stopping the insanity?
you are both right and wrong
the free market solution is to not fund via any tax money
and THATTT is a libertarian pov
wo you are wrong on that count
you are correct that it is and would be THE GOVERNMENT who writes
that law to stop the funding
“so” you are wrong on that count
In which case the private medical schools that aren’t being written checks will be unchanged.
Funding for medical schools did not make them woke in the 20th century, 20th century American medicine was cutting edge in every field and that was the purpose.
The difference was Republicans did not withdraw from all decisions related to culture while pretending to be Ron Swanson leaving the Democrats as the only ones calling the shots.
“funding didnt make them woke”
Thats where you are wrong
that funding is part of a welfare state that says
dont worry about a budget
the gov>>taxpayers will fund it
aka affrim action etc etc
Medical schools are already heavily regulated.
No doubt the Democrats Danny wants to keep in power will solve the DIE / CRT problem. /s
Medical schools are NOT “heavily regulated”. They are heavily “accredited”, which is a huge difference. Their regulation is no more than any other college or educational institution. Their accreditation agency, the LCME (Liaison Committee on Medical Education, a joint program of the Association of American Medical Colleges and the American Medical Association for allopathic (MD) programs, and the AOA (American Osteopathic Association) Commission on Osteopathic College Accredication (AOA-COCA) for osteopathic (DO) programs. Their standards are very roughly equivalent, and the control of MD/DO programs lies within the standards they create, with added requirements from the individual colleges. The medical/DO colleges are free to set many standards, but in most cases the stringency of the accreditation standards are so tight that it doesn’t leave much room. So heavily regulated in the legal sense? No. Heavily accredited and controlled through that route? Yes.
“”when patients see physicians who look like them, they tend to do better.” I wouldn’t bet my life on that if the quality is compromised.
Ok… but does that mean Dr. Karen or Dr. Ken has to avoid lecturing patients about ideology and politics? In Portland, separated by a bridge are two different worlds…. on one side OHSU and the other the VA. I read a story where an attending on rounds had a resident launch into a vet about his improper politics…”correcting” him. The attending… later across the bridge..had a discussion with the resident, a Dr. Karen. about what was the goal in treating the patient? Now we are on the threshold is mis-treating patients unless they conform to the agenda? Impartiality is giving way to partiality.
Sounds like a good reason to regulate DEI out of med schools and fine med schools an extortionate/must shut down amount of money for instituting it and incentivizing students to report violations?
Regulation only drives it deeper. It’s what happens AFTER they leave medical school and out from under any “thumb” that is important. The DEI has to be shown to be worthless at best and damaging otherwise. They have sworn onto the Hipocritic Oath.
How would issuing fines to Med Schools that teach DEI, discriminate, and fail to expel students who deliberately hurt conservative patients… does that drive it deeper?
Do you think the administrators are pinning for the day when their institution has to pay a fine, and they have to pay a personal fine to?
The only way to protect the Hippocratic Oath is to enforce it at the end of the sword of the state government.
Democrats will hate it, will people who just want to know their doctor will treat them to the best of their ability hate knowing that medical schools that tolerate hurting patients on purpose will be shut down by an overwhelming fine?
Woke doctor to white patient: “Sorry, equity says I don’t have to treat you.” White patient: *pulls out a pistol* “Well, tell equity I’d like a second opinion.”
Think of the bright side…. knowing who they are means avoiding them and living longer and better than their patients.
Saw an ad on my geezer channel yesterday for “Oak Street Health,” which seems to be some sort of interstate franchise HMO. Insanely happy dancing black senior plan member. Hispanic doctor. Nonwhite nurse Looked toxically woke. Watched the ad very closely for any hint of a white face, finally found one on a receptionist way in the background. Pretty sure they didn’t want my business anyway, because it’s clearly a place I shouldn’t walk into even if I were on fire. Also, I can’t dance, so there’s that.
My son does storyboards for many different commercials and he told me that the companies ad people require him to use minorities in their commercials. After he complained, they told him to do it or look for another job.
Completely off topic, for user Concise:
You asked about the Hawaii proposal for an additional $25 tax on tourist accommodation. Here is the draft legislation. This is the relevant language:
More interestingly, the bill amends the exceptions to the tourist tax, to remove “accommodations furnished without charge” (with certain exceptions). That means that if this passes, it seems to me that even if you stay with friends or family they will have to pay this tax on your room!
I don’t think so, as your family does not pay any of the OTHER “taxes imposed under subsections (a), (c), and (e).” I think that language is to dragnet “free three-day stay” offers from timeshares, contest promoters, vacation clubs, and the like.
Who says they don’t have to pay the other taxes? They didn’t until now, because the statute specifically exempted all “accommodations furnished without charge”. This bill removes that exemption, and replaces it with one for only certain free accommodations, which do not include house guests. So it seems that they would now be subject to the other taxes as well, though the only other tax I can see is a 9.25% tax on the gross rent charged, and 9.25% of zero is zero.
Sorry, 10.25%, but that’s still zero. Still, under this bill your hosts would have to pay 10.25% of zero, plus $25, for a total of $25.
That’s something that sounds plausible in principle, something that might be true, but it turns out that there’s no actual evidence for it.
We are reverting to “Just So” stories instead of evidence. They make people feel good.
When do you suppose they’ll realize that the logical extension of that is that white people refuse to see anyone but white doctors because “when patients see physicians who look like them, they tend to do better”?
By gradually weeding out the (truly) best and brightest from those who become doctors,
the moneyed interests will not have to be bothered with Real Physicians in the future—people like Dr Peter McCullough, Dr Ryan Cole, Dr Vladimir Zelenko , Dr Theresa Long, and the few others
It has nothing to do with justice or fairness or patient care.
Quite the opposite, actually.
“These race-obsessed DEI/CRT bigots are destroying our medical system.”
Not “are destroying”, have destroyed.
Affirmative action destroyed standards.
The covid fraud destroyed credibility.
Rampant wokeness has destroyed trust.
To the extent that they’re focusing on DEI and AffAc students, one would reasonably expect that these students will almost all require large student loans
Very large student loans
Medical students who take on a lot of debt become doctors who have a lot of debt
Doctors who have a lot of debt are much easier to control
Much, much, much easier to control.
So, if you were super-pleased with the CDC / medical / FDA / NIH response to Covid, you ain’t seen nuthin yet
My wife is a doc (clinician) at a prestigious teaching hospital. Yes, it’s WAY worse than people realize. But, it’s not just medical schools that have been terminally infected with WOKE. It’s virtually every medical profession in every clinical setting. They’re insane, managed and staffed by insane people. Normies are paralyzed with fear particularly younger normies who likely have giant medical school bills to pay back. They’re afraid of rocking the boat because it’s clear if you’re terminated for violating a tenets of DEI, you’ll be blackballed by every hospital and affiliated practice in the area. My wife is counting the days to retirement which is so odd to say because a decade ago, she was planning on practicing as long as she could. She loves seeing patients but she hates working in today’s medical profession.
BTW, if you’re thinking it might be better at religiously-affiliated hospitals, like Catholic or Baptist hospitals, you’d be wrong. And honestly, at the current rate of these religious hospitals being bout-out, there won’t be many left in 20-years.
errrr. bouGHt-out. Would be really great if they could move to the 21st century and program some kind of ‘edit’ function.
To Targagts,
What state are you in?
Here in south Florida we do not have that.
Our students and staff are not “paralyzed with fear”
We teach medical students, crna and aa students and have no DEI craziness.
I would say the great majority of surgeons and anesthesia staff are conservative.
The students seem pretty normal with a high percentage of conservative gun owners among them.
It’s a southern state…that’s trending blue.
“It’s a southern state….that’s trending blue.”
What in the damned hell are you taking? Must be some pretty good hallucinogenic crap! Either that or you are off on an uncontrolled acute schizophrenic break and re-establishing control over you is going to be hell for your psychiatrist!
I found the same thing. The catholic hospitals I mostly served at started tanking when the soulless MBA administrators replaced the nuns. The private university hospital I taught at was radically woke early on and I bolted ASAP.
I stopped helping my old state school medical school interview applicants when they went full DEI and admitted those with clear fixations on issues of politics, sex, race, and gender rather than a healthier holistic view without bias.
I saw the results anytime when my group had to interview new, young doctors. There was a frightening high percentage of entitled, clueless, twits without a smidgen of professionalism.
After being nibbled to death by the ducks of bureaucracy, I was delighted to retire early.
I’m done with the faculty thing starting June 30, 2024. Done with idiot DEI requirements, idiot Millenial ASSociate/ASSistant deans, department chairs/vice chairs and the mouthy, unprepared and frankly STUPID students who playing doctor at a 9th grade level. You can have ‘em all. Not me a-n-y-m-o-r-e!
Not to mention more plane and truck crashes, and building and road collapses. All so certain people’s “feelings” won’t be hurt.
Hey, I helped launch sestamibi! You?
This post is a prime example of why the right keeps losing. Too meek to state the obvious danger, it conflates indoctrination and medical school admission practices. Assaualting a group of 130 IQ white men with racial propaganda is not good, but the real danger is admitting unqualified minorities-period! Being cowardly and polite will not get you listened to by the wackos.
And it hurts qualified minorities that have earned their place and are good doctors. If you see anybody other than a white man, you’re in danger of having a subpar person pushed through a program. Is that black doctor a good doctor? Maybe, but there’s a decent chance he/she isn’t. Is it worth the risk?
DEI? See: Eric Smith, former diversity trainer.
The full Erec Smith interview by John Stossel…
A Diversity Trainer Speaks Out Against DEI:
“…Some of us are accomplished, and it’s often referred to
as privileged. It’s a multi-billion industry that has morphed into a
self-perpetuating environment of resentment. DEI doesn’t actually
mean what is being forced upon the world.” The result of DEI
training? Whites best not talk to the Black people because
their motivation will likely be questioned.
The movement is promoting segregation.
The worst thing is what a doctor recently told me. They accept med students based on DEI criteria and now it is much easier to get through med school – tests are pass/fail, multiple choice and they also have dumbed down the boards.
As medical school faculty, I can confirm this to be true—at least required of full-time, tenure-track faculty. Of those of us who are part-time, non-tenure track clinical faculty (volunteer) faculty, we can tell the administration to f*ck themselves and they have no power to change the grades we assign. I have done so and as a result, am referred to as “Dr. No”. I don’t accept lip, bad preparation, excuses or whinging from any student, resident or fellow. No re-dos in medicine. One mistake and life/lives are in danger, and I don’t give a damn if some Millenial bitch with an attitude and a desire for the fast track decides to give me her damned speech about DEI and why she “needs” me to pass some fricking failure. No way. Somebody fails—they fail. Not sorry. If you’re not suited for medical practice, go sell shoes.
great article
DEI is another lefty form of Violence
against civilization
so when/if a poc says they dont want a white dr to be their doctor that will receive applause
but as we know if a white person refuses a poc doctor that will be met with misdiagnosis etc etc
We are the ones who need to change the culture, the problem is there is a total of one institution we could use to do it, and too many of us are stuck in it being forever 2002 and are addicted to the cult of anarchism (by anarchism I don’t mean communists who think anarchist sounds cooler but the “Any government is too much government” school of thought). Even here a lot of people would rather a hundred years of this to issuing regulations fining medical schools for using DEI.
another all in the family episode comes to reality and the archie bunker is proven correct
america>>down for the count
Corruption has seeped deeply everywhere.
What makes us stronger is strength. Strength is achieved not by skin color, but by hard and focused work, by devotion, by integrity, by merit.
What I read yesterday is truth:
No matter how much you hate the democrat activist media, it’s not enough.
It’s more than skin color. The deepest tan that I ever acquired never made me stupid.
It’s even worse for anyone with a mental health or developmental label. They seem like they are trying to purposely kill this population by not believing people with labels have brains. Just got into a big go round with a local hospital mental ward. The staff don’t even know the laws on VOLUNTARY vs INVOLUNTARY admissions. Had to call in the legal services.
According to commercials on TV, America is 90% Female, Black and Gay. DEI/AA is ruining EVERYTHING in America, fueled by Guilty White LIEberals with money and political power. The Enemy Media and the Federal Government continues to intimidate anyone who protests against this policy of favoritism and discrimination. Under these policies, our Constitutional Republic will crumble and we will be under a Lefist controlled dictatorship.
Speaking as a practicing and very busy surgeon for 30+ years, I can assure you this will sort itself out (although I did drop out of the American College of Surgeons a couple years ago because of it). In my estimation, there are two fairly large groups where DEI will not work – surgeons and airline pilots. The left’s proposed solution is to have “teams” do surgery and flying, so no individual gets the credit, but I doubt any surgeon or pilot who is really competent will be able to put up with that for long.
while I appreciate that input
I dont agree
surgeons ( look up patrick chavis) and pilots are of course “hired” via dei status
alos there are other ways to “Fund” that insanity
lowering of standards allows a dei to come in on the ground floor and with LOWER STANDARDS they get to “rise” up the ranks while still lacking that real goods to perform correctly
and of course surgeons and pilots WHO ARE QUALIFIED will in fact and do put up with it as they too rise up for playing along
I am waiting to see how the upheaval plays out at OHSU in Portland. “Hey I am going to fire the Dean, but don’t tell anyone.”
It’s very offputting to me to think that when I go on medicare, I might have no choice but doctors who are there by affirmative action. So far I’ve been able to have white males and I know they had to clear all the hurdles to get to where they are. But when I go on medicare I will probably have fewer choices, and they’re populating the profession with affirmative action doctors.