Canadian Bureaucrats Forcing Dr. Jordan Peterson to Submit to Re-education for Criticizing Gender Ideology and Climate Change
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Canadian Bureaucrats Forcing Dr. Jordan Peterson to Submit to Re-education for Criticizing Gender Ideology and Climate Change

Canadian Bureaucrats Forcing Dr. Jordan Peterson to Submit to Re-education for Criticizing Gender Ideology and Climate Change

“what they’ll claim after dragging me through, whatever this re-education is going to be, is that I can’t be taught, that I’m ungovernable… that he’s a disgrace to his profession and ungovernable”

A court in Canada has ruled that the Ontario College of Psychologists may force Dr. Jordan Peterson to attend a social media education program if he wishes to retain his license. Peterson’s crime is that he has criticized left-wing orthodoxy on gender ideology and climate change.

This is actual 1984 ‘thought crime’ type stuff. It’s disturbing.

Spiked Online reported:

The shameless campaign to silence Jordan Peterson

Writer and psychologist Jordan Peterson has lost his battle with Canada’s woke moralists. After a two-year legal fight, the Ontario Court of Appeal has ruled that the Ontario College of Psychologists has the right to send him for mandatory ‘social-media training’ – or to a ‘re-education camp’ as Peterson puts it. If he refuses, Peterson will lose his licence to practise clinical psychology.

Peterson is effectively being punished for committing thoughtcrimes. His troubles started in 2022, when several individuals complained to the Ontario College of Psychologists about his tweets, particularly his criticisms of climate-change alarmism and gender ideology. The tweets also included comments that a plus-size model was ‘not beautiful’; that trans actor Elliot / Ellen Page ‘had her breasts removed by a criminal physician’; and that Gerald Butts, prime minister Justin Trudeau’s former principal secretary, was a ‘prik’ (sic).

This attempt to silence Peterson is deeply Orwellian. At an earlier hearing last summer, the Ontario Divisional Court ruled that individuals belonging to professional bodies ‘do not lose their… right to freedom of expression’, but that they must still ‘abide by the rules of their regulatory body that may limit their freedom of expression’. Such doublethink wouldn’t be out of place in Nineteen Eighty-Four.

Peterson recently appeared on FOX News and said that this is all ultimately about taking away his license.

From FOX News:

Dr. Jordan Peterson defiant after court mandates social media training: ‘The goal is to take my license’

Peterson, a professor emeritus of the University of Toronto psychology department, was sentenced to mandatory social media training by the Ontario College of Psychologists last year. He was forced to comply with the order after three Ontario Divisional Court judges dismissed his legal complaint against the administrative board.

On “Fox & Friends” Friday, Peterson was doubtful that social media training would change things.

“I’m in their hands at the moment fundamentally because they’ve already sentenced me, so to speak, to an indefinite period of social media retraining, with some social media expert, whatever the hell that is,” Peterson bluntly remarked. “So I’m obliged to undertake that training, at my own expense, for an indefinite period of time until they in their wisdom presume that I’ve learned whatever it is I’m supposed to learn. Which, given my nature, strikes me as highly unlikely.”…

“It’s definitely the case that the goal is to take my license,” he said. “Because what they’ll claim after dragging me through, whatever this re-education is going to be, is that I can’t be taught, that I’m ungovernable… that he’s a disgrace to his profession and ungovernable.”

Watch the segment below:

This is about making Peterson submit for committing the crime of wrongthink. If the people of Canada do not stand up to this kind of authoritarianism now, any one of them could be next.

Featured image via YouTube.


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Welcome to room 101 class. Today’s instructor will be Mr. O’Brien.

    OldProf2 in reply to SField. | January 28, 2024 at 2:20 pm

    Perhaps a Chinese instructor would be more persuasive. Here is one of the descriptions of a “reeducation camp” from Wikipedia, with my addition:

    Re-education through labor (laojiao), a system of administrative detentions in the People’s Republic of China [and Canada].

    Virginia42 in reply to SField. | January 29, 2024 at 1:53 pm

    He’ll be talking to Gletkin and Ivanov soon.

Video every second of every re-education encounter.

    #FJB <-- Disco Stu_ in reply to stevewhitemd. | January 28, 2024 at 4:40 pm

    What’s the over/under wagering line on how long it takes for Dr. Peterson to reduce his interrogator – oops, I mean Re-education Specialist Level 6 – to tears?

    I’ll offer $10 for less than 20 minutes.

      Yes, then he can write a book about it , go on tour and show how idiotic the whole thing is. He will reduce them to rubble. The sooner the better.

      Fat_Freddys_Cat in reply to #FJB <-- Disco Stu_. | January 29, 2024 at 9:34 am

      There was an episode of the FX show Rescue Me where the firefighters were sent to “sensitivity training” because one of the senior firefighters called a female firefighter who screwed up “stupid twat”. The firefighters batted their “instructor” around like a cat batting a toy around.

    henrybowman in reply to stevewhitemd. | January 29, 2024 at 7:21 pm

    Since they made him pay for it, he should be able to invite whoever he wants. Revolver News, James O’Keefe, conservative activist lawyers, FIRE…

Dilbert strip Jam 30 2023
Frame 1
Dogbert: The college of psychologists of Ontario says they will pull my license unless I surrender to a reeducation camp.
Frame 2
Dilbert: You don’t live in Canada, and you don’t have a license to practice.
Frame 3:
Dilbert: They are oddly aggressive for canadians.
Dogbert: Sounds like a mental disorder.

thalesofmiletus | January 28, 2024 at 10:38 am

Dr. Peterson: “None of you seem to understand. I’m not locked in here with you — you’re locked in here with me!”

Dr. Peterson, former professor at harvard, is hardly considered to be cultural conservative. He supports universal healthcare, redistribution of wealth towards the poor, and the decriminalization of drugs.

The higher suicide rate for those who have undergone gender re-assignment, and the personal testimony of those who have de-transitioned, is evidence for questioning it.

There is no reason for him not to be allowed to promote an alternative opinion on the subject.

    Concise in reply to smooth. | January 28, 2024 at 10:49 am

    uh huh. But your average liberal fascist doesn’t care about reason. Otherwise, they wouldn’t be liberal fascists.

    Tionico in reply to smooth. | January 30, 2024 at 12:28 am

    You quite obviously do NOT live in the Land of True Dough.
    They “do things diffrunt” up there. I lived up there during the raigh of Trudeau Pére and it was bad enough then. I happened to have got lucky and found sufficient quantity of Smarts to make the excellent decision to bail whilst I could. If I were still there I am rather convinced I’d have, by now, done SOMETHING to have gained the “fond” attention of the celebrated minions of Trudeau Fils.
    Ultimately you are quite correct in your final words above. However, what is true, right, just, is not what goes on any more “up nawth”. Or as the locals in Tronna might put it: ‘la bás”.

I guess in that budding new leftist totalitarian regime called Canada, he may have no option but to resign from the Ontario College of Psychologists and relinquish his license. I don’t suppose he could move to another area of Canada and join another local organization?

    DaveGinOly in reply to Concise. | January 28, 2024 at 1:56 pm

    Yes, the problem seems to be that he has his license not from government, but from a professional organization that can control its members’ behavior. If this is the case, then he’s screwed, because if you voluntarily join an organization, compliance with its rules is obviously mandatory and enforceable. But, as you ask, can he join another professional organization elsewhere?

      #FJB <-- Disco Stu_ in reply to DaveGinOly. | January 28, 2024 at 4:47 pm

      Canadian Association of Accomplished and Highly-regarded Free-Thinking and Irrepressible Psychologists, perhaps?

      (Not a catchy acronym: CAAHRFTIP?)

      BierceAmbrose in reply to DaveGinOly. | January 29, 2024 at 12:27 am

      Professional “colleges” in Canada, which are professional associations, not accredited educational institutions, are deeply interwingled with the Canadian government.

      They are no more autonomous than the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.

      Calling it a “corporation” doesn’t make it so.

    MajorWood in reply to Concise. | January 29, 2024 at 1:22 pm

    I used to work with Canada’s best neurosurgeons. They were at Hopkins. Canada is effecting a brain drain just like pre-war Germany.

I’ve had my doubts about this guy for some time. He writes books telling people how to man up and live their lives, but ends up addicted to Valium and committing himself to Russian lunatic asylum. Why on earth is this “man” fretting about the course content? He should simply issue a condemnatory statement and surrender his license. It is unbelievable that he is actually considering taking the course and whining about it. Nothing but an overeducated, supercilious, autistic fraud.

    That’s hidden secret of the psych field. Many shrinks get themselves into trouble with prescription meds.

    alaskabob in reply to E Howard Hunt. | January 28, 2024 at 11:33 am

    Rush Limbaugh got addicted….toss him. Peterson with Valium..toss him. Hunt…perfection….keep him. Make it a double plus good day.

      E Howard Hunt in reply to alaskabob. | January 28, 2024 at 11:38 am

      Ignore the drug addiction. He is still a hypocritical worm to even consider taking this course.

        DaveGinOly in reply to E Howard Hunt. | January 28, 2024 at 2:00 pm

        As a subversive, I’d take the course, then do my best to turn my “re-educators” to my side.

        I’ve been known to invite Jehovah’s Witnesses into my home in order to tell them why I’m an atheist (although I don’t tell them that). As you may know, they come in pairs – an experienced proselytizer and a padawan. I’ve gotten the attention of a padawan or two, and the elders noticed and quickly terminated the conversation and departed. Great fun.

        Evil Otto in reply to E Howard Hunt. | January 28, 2024 at 4:24 pm

        He can’t win with you, can he? You shriek like a wounded cat about his addiction, attack him for seeking to get clean (which he did), and have nothing worthwhile to say about him.

        Peterson has always been willing to walk into the lion’s den, to discuss anything with anyone. He’s not scared of these people, and has already stated that if he chooses to do this then the sessions will be RECORDED AND DISTRIBUTED, so that everyone can see the nature of what is being done. Which is a hell of a lot braver than anything you’ve done.

        BierceAmbrose in reply to E Howard Hunt. | January 29, 2024 at 12:31 am

        His standing as a practicing clinical psychologist gives weight to his comments.

        In practice, he often connects his high-flying BigThink to specific, concrete experiences with his clinical clients. Both insight, and again, weight to his comments.

        Look up his description of working with “trans” clients clinically, and communications from people in that category as that particular kerfuffle spun up.

        They don’t want him to have the credibility of being an actual academic, or actual clinician.

          E Howard Hunt in reply to BierceAmbrose. | January 29, 2024 at 7:39 am

          What’s required of him next, fellatio at high noon? You people have zero sense of dignity or integrity.

          BierceAmbrose in reply to BierceAmbrose. | January 29, 2024 at 2:55 pm

          Not parsing what you’re trying to mean there, other than insult a bunch of people.

          If you’re trying to communicate a point, you’ll have to be more direct. Sometimes I’m just dense.

    Peter Floyd in reply to E Howard Hunt. | January 29, 2024 at 9:04 am

    Dr.Peterson should merely record the re-education program while he debates the issues with whomever the Association appoints to “re-educate” him. I am sure he will score huge views on YouTube, write another best-selling book, and fight the Association when they attempt to take his license away for failing their “re-education” another 2-3 years-long battle. Perhaps, the court might rule in his favor as this becomes a legal issue the government would like to bury. Otherwise, he will sell thousands of books and videos and add to his already considerable fame and fortune.

This is “Normal” for Canada:

Male Professor, 50, Again Allowed to Compete, Shower with Teen Girl Swimmers

Peterson should record the re-education sessions and post them publicly. If I read him correctly, what he will do is force the re-educators to justify what they tell him by citing facts, studies and academic literature, which he will subject to rigorous analysis. I expect he is a good deal smarter than any of the flunkies they will send to re-educate him, and he will embarass them thoroughly. But the key is to record it all and post it publicly. Ezra Levant did something like that when he had to defend himself before a human rights panel a decade ago. It works.

    TargaGTS in reply to boldface. | January 28, 2024 at 11:28 am

    At the end of the day, you can’t reason with extremists. No matter how sound and credible…and supported by scientific literature his arguments may be, it won’t be enough – can never be enough – for the extremists who are no in charge of Canada. They have a vested interest in othering and marginalizing Peterson because if he succeeds, it will become a blueprint for others to challenge their authority. And that, they simply cannot allow.

      alaskabob in reply to TargaGTS. | January 28, 2024 at 11:41 am

      Oops the reply-down vote fat thumb…sorry. These are pseudo-shrinks in a profession mainly because they are the ones needing therapy. Lysenko would be proud. Interestingly, 85% of his YouTube viewers are men. Conformity without questioning has become a plague. History is just repeating itself….except now and forever…the sun revolves around the earth.

    randian in reply to boldface. | January 29, 2024 at 5:21 pm

    No chance they let him.

Is this pass/fail or simply “attend”? If attending is enough then do it…but as other have suggested, with an eye towards disruption with facts and data and thought, not the tortured logic being employed by the demented few who think us normals believe anything they say or demand we imbibe.

    henrybowman in reply to Camperfixer. | January 29, 2024 at 7:36 pm

    “Is this pass/fail or simply “attend”?

    “So I’m obliged to undertake that training, at my own expense, for an indefinite period of time until they in their wisdom presume that I’ve learned whatever it is I’m supposed to learn

A Clockwork Orange comes to Canada.

Encourage delusional person to believe they can fly, give them paper wings, push them off the roof. Then claim non-responsibility for any of their injuries….. because the intent was to make them “happy”.

Sounds like College of Psychologists is trying shut down people like Dr. Peterson, in order to shield themselves from potential legal liability.

    henrybowman in reply to smooth. | January 29, 2024 at 7:38 pm

    “Encourage delusional person to believe they can fly, give them paper wings, push them off the roof.”

    Sounds like the cut-rate Canadian version of MK-Ultra, for the same results.

Will Peterson’s reeducation involve strapping a rat cage to his face?

Meanwhile two climate activists threw soup at the glass protecting the famed Mona Lisa painting at the Louvre Museum in Paris while shouting slogans advocating for a sustainable food system.

And yet, I have been reliably informed that he was Bad and Wrong when he asserted that Canadian Bill C16 was part of a larger social agenda, and would result in speech regulation, including compelled speech (or silence, it seems in the event.)

“…but that they must still ‘abide by the rules of their regulatory body that may limit their freedom of expression’.”

But if the government requires you to be approved by a regulatory body that THEY APPROVE OF in order to practice, they are complicit in limiting that freedom.

Remember “a free country”….me too. Apparently that ship has sailed. And yes I know it’s Canada, but you thinks its any different here in Amerika?

I never have been impressed with this man nor his “work”. But that has naught to do with his RIGHT to believe and write about what he does believe. I’d never go to him for help” nor recommend anyone else to do so. Yet his right to express himself, and defend his observations and beleifs, SHOULD be sacrosanct. But then, this is ONLY Canada.

It would appear he has been sentenced to an indefinite sentence. He must be “reeducated” but that goal has not been defined. HOW will his tirmentors know he has been “reeducated”? And on what empirical basis will this be established? Questions that must be asked and answered prior to commencing the “training”.

If I were in his loafers, I’d consent to enduring the programme they have, but would demand specific goals be met, and a means of establishing the point at which those goals have been attained. Elsewise they simply have put a tap into his bank account and will allow the blood, er, I mean, money, to flow until they’ve either driven him madder than he is, or he has surrendered (which he will never do) or (by far the best outcome) HE will have driven his tormentors mad.

I believe he must return to the court and request that specific goals, and the means of determining when those goals have been attained, or in the alternative, the length of time or quantity of money to be squandered be clearly established.
THEY can say “retrain” but what does that MEAN in reality, and WHAT will be the measure of said attainment? Otherwise they’ve a slave they can work as hard and/or long as suits them.