The Underappreciated Radicalism of Claudine Gay
So what that Gay didn’t follow the rigid publish or perish time schedule or properly attribute her meager works? We have to recognize that her refusal to live by the expectations of what the Smithsonian and campus radicals call ‘whiteness’ is a revolutionary act.

Defenders of Claudine Gay accuse her detractors of white supremacy. Conservative journalists Christopher Rufo and Christ Brunet exposed serial acts of plagiarism committed by the Harvard University President who sometimes lifted paragraphs almost verbatim from other writers without proper attribution. But the Harvard Corporation cleared her of all accusations and the woke institutions circled the wagons.
Despite Gay publishing just eleven papers in her academic career, five of which were shown to contain plagiarism, Nikole Hannah-Jones, who won the Pulitzer Prize for her conspiratorial race-baiting The 1619 Project, declared that attacks on the Harvard’s president’s qualifications are “racist”. President of the Black Economic Forum Alphonso David found Gay’s accusers to be engaged in an exotic kind of hate called “misogynoir,” reserved by the white supremacy exclusively for black women in positions of power. The Southern Poverty Law Center published multiple hit pieces on Rufo — they probably were banking them just in case he did something damaging.
I find their line of defense well-meaning but insufficiently radical. If the goal is to insert unqualified diverse apparatchiks into Western institutions — then yes, by all means shriek racism every time you get caught red-handed. But if the goal is not merely to create a wealth-sucking DEI attachment on capitalism, but to bring down the West, plagiarism should be celebrated.
Recall, for instance the infamous graphic on something called whiteness published by the Smithsonian Foundation during the 2020 George Floyd riots. America went a little crazy at the time, but the picture was too radical even for the moment and had to be removed after a few days of ridicule. That wasn’t the first time I’ve heard that critique —I spent a few years in the UC Berkeley Anthropology Department in the 1990’s and the 2000’s where these ideas were widely discussed and, back then, frequently discarded as a blueprint for life — or even for a political action. We couldn’t imagine progress without the scientific method, for instance.
According to the graphic:
“White dominant culture, or whiteness, refers to the ways white people and their traditions, attitudes and ways of life have been normalized over time and are now considered standard practices in the United States. And since white people still hold most of the institutional power in America, we have all internalized some aspects of white culture — including people of color.”
The Smithsonian gave examples of whiteness — or, as most of us would say, Western civilization — in American culture. Among them were rugged individualism, emphasis on scientific method and Protestant work ethic. Justice, the Smithsonian bemoaned, is designed to protect property and entitlements. Written tradition was presented as problematic, along with following rigid time schedules and delayed gratification. One could sense a bit of envy in the Smithsonian’s complaint about thin blond women and nuclear families.
Intellectual property rights that Gay violated have been designed to fortify the very culture of whiteness the Smithsonian railed against. Rugged individualism, the scientific method and work ethic are advanced by the academic citation requirements. The current rules require that every idea is sourced and quotation marks are used around any language borrowed from another writer. Failure to follow the rules is considered theft and constitutes grounds for expulsion or termination.
The arrangement allows academics to receive proper credit for their work from which they benefit both socially and financially. Because they create incentives for an individual to work hard and delay gratification, they enable scholars to advance scientific inquiry. And yes, I am aware that I’m oversimplifying the situation, particularly when it comes to giving credit to academic research assistants.
Citations perpetuate the culture of literacy — they require exact replication of a quote accompanied by a detailed and highly regimented description of the source. By contrast, oral literature, like ballads and legends, always varies. Exact replication is an impossibility.
The only two major cultural values of whiteness omitted by the Smithsonian that applies to the academic world is specificity of detail and authenticity. It’s a shameful omission because attention to detail is highly prized in the Western. The academy is scrupulous to the point of ridiculousness — to launch investigations into esoteric topics and study all possible angles is considered admirable.
Authenticity presupposes that there exists the original version of a text for which, then, its author can be credited. The idea seems natural to the Western mind, so it’s easy to miss, but as someone who was once unfortunately tasked with grading student papers, I can assure you that in some cultures replication is the norm. As a former Soviet, I lived in a society with strong ideas about authenticity but weak intellectual property rights. Creators weren’t properly rewarded and economy stagnated.
The values fueling university research culture present themselves throughout our society. The properly encouraged individual achievement, hard work and perseverance put the man on the moon and created the most vibrant, productive society on Earth. These Western values is not something that we should hold for granted because they are by no means universal — the Smithsonian is right about that, of course.
Others are more interested in living in the moment or are motivated by envy. There is a certain charm to the first type of mentality, but if it’s combined with the second, the social arrangement it produces is a downward spiral. Revolutions are grounded in envy and Harvard’s President is very much a part of a racialist revolution.
So what that Gay didn’t follow the rigid publish or perish time schedule? We have to recognize that her refusal to live by the expectations of whiteness is a revolutionary act. Disposing of the accepted rules of academic citation should be seen as another way of undermining Western civilization. Campus queers are well advised to follow her example.
First of all, plagiarism is easy — no need to overexert yourself with a or Protestant work ethic. Secondly, if writers can’t be guaranteed a proper acknowledgement for their work, academic enterprise will break down. It won’t be the first institution to be destroyed or the last.
I don’t know how Gay absolved herself from guilt for intellectual theft. What did she tell herself when stole from black scholars? It could be that she concocted an excuse about not living by whitey rules, including those governing the institution that created incredible advantages for her. Many others try, but she is one true insurgent of the academic world.

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She certainly lived by expectations of blackness.
No white person would EVER be elected president of a university with just 11 papers. Even a podunk state community college. This is such a farce. If the Corporation wanted a BLACK person, well fine. But I know there are plenty of black professionals out there with stellar credentials that far surpass this Gay imbecile. I’m just incredulous how the Corporation continues to rally ’round their clown
What a difference it would make if black culture valued education and looked at successful blacks as role models, but they don’t.
I just love how the racial grievance industrial complex continues to tell black people that they are too ignorant to live up to the standards of the rest of society. Why do black individuals listen to this? Gay is a thief of ideas. That other are supporting her show the disdain they have for the academic and intellectual qualifications of those in the black community. It’s insulting, but the black community seems to love being insulted by their betters.
Another example supporting the statement that the only place where diverstiy works is in the stock market.
It hasn’t worked lately.
It evidently works in the advertising business.
Objective measures of scholarship and success are RAYCISS!?! Oh my, I think I’m coming down with the vapors!
These affirmative action babies and their race-bating friends are nothing but grifters, pure and simple. It’s well past time to shun them and those who play along with this nonsense.
“As a former Soviet, I lived in a society with strong ideas about authenticity but weak intellectual property rights. Creators weren’t properly rewarded and economy stagnated.”
Kolmogorov? Landau & Lifshitz? Yaglom?
Michele Boldrin argues on the contrary that intellectual property is not only unnecessary but a positive drag on the economy.
My own experience is that sharing what you’re working on produces reciprocal sharing and co-authorships. If you’re any good you’ll do something else in any case and a plagiarist won’t.
We’re dealing not with plagiarism but stupidity.
They plagiarize because they’re stupid. Having an original thought is entirely unknown to them. Hence, the need to steal.
And I’m guessing she had someone else write her papers for her.
Plagiarism is the tribute laziness and incompetence pay to hard work and creativity.
Imitation is not the sincerest form of flattery in this case; it is thievery of the basest sort, particularly when the plagiarist is not clever enough to make it look original.
These are high crimes in higher education. Or used to be.
like trans athletes unable to compete against other men based on individual merit, she relies on aa to dismiss her inability to compete intellectually / academically on her own merits–in essence, just another fraud and grifter
by empowering her and her ilk harvard (as an institution) has foregone their once world-wide renown as ” the best of the best ” and, like so many female athletes who ARE the best of the best, have instead had to accept that their efforts, their genuine striving toward excellence (and for years on end) has been supplanted by obvious mediocrity and outright fraud
In the 50s a Milton Berle show was about Milton stealing jokes, a meme at the time. Some comedians made up a bad joke (punchline was that it wasn’t blonde bombshell Marilyn Monroe but the Monroe Doctrine) to see if Berle would steal it, and he did.
We have the same thing here. What was stolen apparently was a bad paper itself, but standards aren’t what they were.
Standards have – at least in this case – been race-normed.
It’s like grade scaling; race norming just lowers the standards to a shadow of their former levels.
I am a racist due to my observation of their overwhelming lies since childhood.
I haven’t actually tortured myself by reading any of her papers but I strongly suspect that human knowledge did not benefit from her input, plagiarized or not. Human knowledge in fact would probably have been happy if she just shut up.
Most of the drivel that underlies non-STEM degrees (Masters and especially PhDs, and most especially MEds like that of Jillin’ Biden) add nothing to the knowledge base.
Jill Biden holds an Ed.D….. the absolute least rigorous doctorate degree you can possibly earn…and it’s always been completely bizarre that she demands to be called doctor for having it especially outside of an academic setting. No one with an EdD would EVER be called doctor outside of an academic setting… she knows how pathetic it is
Agreed. It is at the level of matchbook cover degrees. If it were worth anything, I would spend a few bucks and get one, but why bother? I have never seen an Ed. D. do anything of note, other than making sure you knew they had a doctorate.
The are like the vegans of academia: malnourished/maleducated and can’t stop telling everyone how great they are.
It doesn’t matter what she wrote or didn’t write. She could’ve left the pages blank and she would still be where she is today. And her position would be just as safe.
Her anchor is made from different stuff.
Maybe Urkel and Fauxcohontas could have a poseur party.
History has a way of making modern views total BS. All one has to do is look at the history of Africa, the world’s largest black-dominated country to see what they have accomplished. The same goes for the Middle East. If it weren’t for their raw minerals, we would only see or hear about either on National Geo or see on TV the genocide they perpetrate against their own people monthly. Whitness has made the world a better place and blackness is trying its best to take us back to the dark ages.
In my childhood innocense I asked Mama why the black people lived in ramshackle housing yet had a Cadillac in their yard. She responded “That is just how they are.”
Fifty three years and they still enslave themselves.
Mama neglected to mention that all those Cadillacs and gold chains and spinner rims can be bought on the installment plan, which requires no deferral of gratification.
Deferring gratification is a hallmark and necessity of “whiteness”, i.e. success.
How racist of my seven-year-old self for noticing.
Humanity has steadily evolved, you see that in historical-archelogy records, and they will continue to do so. Africa & the Middle East were left far behind. Whites and Asians are not responsible for this, it is not their fault.
As history progressed, it became clear that certain races went backward instead of forward. Egypt and Turkey are both good examples of this. Can you imagine modern Egyptians building a pyramid? Turkey was climbing the ladder of human development and then Erdogan took over and now it is on its way to an Islamic hell hole. Africa didn’t go backward, they never went forward.
“I would Rather Be Governed By the First 2,000 People in the Boston Telephone Directory than by the Harvard University Faculty.”
William F. Buckley Jr. made this statement decades ago, more true today than then.
That would be my preference as well. But as it turns out, we’re being governed by the people that star in tv commercials. There’s at least 2,000 of them per hour!
One way or another, I tune out all commercials & obnoxious sales people.
It’s not just Harvard.
Go abroad for college.
Despite Gay publishing just eleven papers in her academic career, five of which were shown to contain plagiarism . . .
Which in the serious academic publishing world would have garnered anyone else five retractions for plagiarism (ie. stealing other people’s work) and there would be serious repercussions on their academic career. They wouldn’t be allowed to simply request “four corrections in two articles to insert citations and quotation marks that were omitted from the original publications”. (1) Nope. that wouldn’t be allowed for anyone else. that’s for sure.
But since Gay checks the appropriate boxes ☑ black ☑ woman ☑ liberal she gets a pass on her acts & actions and is allowed consideration that others would never receive.
Who wouldn’t want to be awarded degree with double major in anti-semitism and plagiarism?
Keep it classy, harvard.
The degree, of course, would be Fine Arts and those would be the required courses. Required reading would be:
From the River to the Sea by R. Tliab
How to Succeed in Business with Affirmative Action
The Art of Floating the Race Card by M. Waters
How to Copy and Paste by C. Gay
Advertising by Upper Epidermis
Counting the Cost of Repartions by Ima Hogg
The moral of the story seems to be
This is what Diversity means and gets you
“Properly” is misspelled (“property”) under the header.
Fixed, thanks!
How can any minority be anything but an affirmative action hire?
There will always be a * by their name.
There are some smart competent minorities, but they are rare.
What a sad, ignorant, bitter racist loser you are.
What a miserable, inadequate loser you are.
I think ParkRidgeIL and JohnSmith100 are in a race to see who can be the most racist person in the comments section.
I love John’s pathological fantasies about slaughtering Muslims.
The Real Claudine Gay Scandal: Future Harvard students accused of plagiarisms may now invoke “the Gay rule” in their defense
Harvard knew exactly what they were doing when they hired Gay.
She must be meeting or exceeding expectations or plagiarism would have been an easy out.
Just like they knew what they were getting with Elizabeth “Fauxcohontas” Warren.
“White dominant culture, or whiteness, refers to the ways white people and their traditions, attitudes and ways of life have been normalized over time and are now considered standard practices in the United States. And since white people still hold most of the institutional power in America, we have all internalized some aspects of white culture — including people of color.”
YES — the United States was founded by white people. The US is still primarily white. That’s the reason is has been the dominant culture. Get over it.
She is welcome to her revolution, and whatever place she can find in it. She is less welcome to an exalted place in what she is working to tear down.
If she’s so awesome and right, what’s with all the borrowed authority; borrowed from institututions corrupt and outmoded? What, it feels good to say, but doesn’t actually work to do real things? I think there’s a word or two for that. Perhaps a scholar at Harvard should know them.
It’s not just her. Even “trained Marxists” running national BLM want property rights, with national currency funds transferred through regulated banks, and enforced title to those mansions they bought.
“This above all to thine own self be true and it must follow as the night the day thou canst not then be false to any man . . .”
Gay is not, and she is; the Regents are not, and they are. People know.