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Hamas Recorded the Murder of Joshua Mollel, a Tanzanian Student, on October 7

Hamas Recorded the Murder of Joshua Mollel, a Tanzanian Student, on October 7

I did not post the video or pictures of the murder. I will not share the video or pictures.

I’m not going to post the video. I refused to watch it or even look at pictures.

Israel confirmed Hamas killed Joshua Mollel, 21, a Tanzanian agricultural intern, on October 7.

Video and pictures of Mollel’s murder hit social media this past weekend. Hamas is still holding his body hostage.

Joshua never left Tanzania before accepting an internship in Israel. He worked on a dairy farm in Kibbutz Nahal Oz.

Joshua wanted to open an agricultural business back home. From The Times of Israel:

He was working in the Kibbutz Nahal Oz dairy farm, and was excited to learn more about farming, wanted to eventually open his own agricultural business back home.

A few weeks after the attack, his father spoke to BBC, telling them he last spoke to Joshua on October 5, two days before the Hamas onslaught.

“I said, ‘Be on your best behavior because you’re somewhere new, and make the most of the internship you’re there to do,’” he recounted.

“My son wants to make his fortune in agribusiness and become one of Tanzania’s most successful farmers,” his father said at the time, saying they were hoping he would return home from his studies to build a successful business.

“We can’t eat or sleep — when I go to the market people ask me why I’m losing so much weight,” said his father weeks after the attack.

He told AFP in late October, “I feel bad all the time because my son is not a warrior. He just went for training but is now in trouble.”

He described his son as “polite, obedient and serious” about his work.

Louito told the BBC that Joshua’s younger siblings “ask me every morning and night: ‘Dad, we want to talk to our brother.’”

Hamas also kidnapped and killed Clemence Felix Mtenga (also seen spelled Clemens Matanga), a Tanzanian agricultural student in Israel with Mollel and Ezekiel Kitiku, another student intern:

Ezekiel Kitiku, a fellow Tanzanian intern, was living and working with Mtenga on Kibbutz Nir Oz in the dairy farm. He told BBC that as the air raid sirens sounded on October 7 and he ran for shelter, he texted both Mtenga and Mollel. “They told me that there were so many rockets coming from Gaza — and that they were going to the shelters too,” he said. But a few hours later, they were no longer answering.


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Scorched earth.

And I hear Lloyd is going to tell the Israelis what they can’t do. To give them terms, or something like that. I hope they just give him lip service.

TY Mary.

    The Packetman in reply to amwick. | December 18, 2023 at 11:17 am

    I hope Bibi tells Lloyd, in nicer words, to go fuck himself.

    Crawford in reply to amwick. | December 18, 2023 at 12:37 pm

    The Israelis should declare him persona-non-grata the moment he tells them to go easy on the monsters.

    JohnSmith100 in reply to amwick. | December 18, 2023 at 12:42 pm

    Better if they tell him to F off. The really needs to be much more death in Palestine, the kind which thermobaric weapons bring, that is the only thing that Pales will understand. By the way, JR aka. Thad Jarvis was way off, greatly understating how many Gazan’s should die. Those 40 babies merit about 1.6 million.. They raped babies, burned them and cut off heads. Maybe more abuse that we do not know about. One was found in an oven. Those Gazans who are not killed outright should be expelled. Who can blame Egypt for vowing to kill all who come their way?

    Never forget that we have a lot of these crazies in America.

      Thad Jarvis in reply to JohnSmith100. | December 18, 2023 at 12:57 pm

      I’m not JR, you frothing psychopath. And I’ll take my Muslim neighbors, particularly the interpreters that risked their lives serving with our troops, over deranged keyboard warrior yahoos like you any day.

        JohnSmith100 in reply to Thad Jarvis. | December 18, 2023 at 5:07 pm

        Have you Muslim friends expressed any sympathy for slaughtered Jews? Have you?

        DaveGinOly in reply to Thad Jarvis. | December 18, 2023 at 11:23 pm

        Unfortunately for “good” Muslims, they must prove their goodness, because of the Islamic tenet of taqiyyah, which instructs Muslim to lie to non-believers when protecting oneself, Islam, or the Prophet, or for the advancement Islam. When a religion teaches that deception is OK, its adherents start off in a hole until they demonstrate they’ve crawled out of it. Until that time, they should be regarded as orthodox Muslims, with beliefs consonant with the demands made of them by the Quran. They can thank their illustrious prophet for saddling them with this problem.

Its somewhat telling how people respond to such events.

The last couple days the airwaves have been awash with news the IDF killed two Christian women in a church. The archbishop of Canterbury has been on the airwaves and when asked if he believed Israel when they said the IDF didnt kill the women his response was “I dont believe them”.

Yet I guarantee you this fucking arsehole will not shed a single tear for this poor boy.

Another thing that gets me in how the left has been treating this conflict as opposed to how they treat Bidens war in the Ukraine.

The media is falling over themselves DEMANDING the war Hamas kicked off stop immediately. With the Ukraine its the complete opposite, the are practically DEMANDING Russians be killed and that Ukrainians continue to die to further that objective.

Maybe the FJBiden admin theme song today should be The Stones. “Sympathy fire the Devil”? This is purest Islam at war. The Riresof battle displayed.


There won’t be any outrage from the vile, European dhimmis or American Dhimmi-crats, over Muslim terrorist thugs murdering a person “of color.” They’ll gleefully lump the victim in with the rest of the Israeli Jews, amid their usual indifference.

I am sure the media/Hamas/human rights groups will spin this to be the fault of Israel as more proof of their imperial racism…

How did I miss this? It’s from March, before the latest Hamas atrocities.

The Islamic Fatwa Council (IFC) is the first global governing judicial body specializing in deducing Fatwas from indisputable and moderate Islamic references, and is a representative legal body of all sects of Islam.

The Islamic Fatwa Council (IFC) has ruled on the conduct of Hamas (Ḥarakat al-Muqāwamah al-ʾIslāmiyyah), charging the Islamist entity with violating the laws of the Holy Quran and teachings of the Noble Prophet Mohammad (Peace be Upon Him).

It got ONE mention in the US press, on FOX TV, nothing else.

Apparently there was a LOT discussion about this among Muslims, because Hamas has been claiming it is the pinnacle of Muslim society.

“It is the view of the Islamic Fatwa Council that Hamas has been promoting and engaging in ISIS-like behavior against Muslims and Palestinians alike, under the guise of ‘resistance,’ ” states the 35-page document, titled “Jurisprudential Resolution of Islamic Fatwa: F02301.”

    DaveGinOly in reply to Valerie. | December 18, 2023 at 11:28 pm

    You had me going there for a while. I thought I was going to read that the IFC condemned Hamas for its conduct in the attack on Israel. Silly me.

    Milhouse in reply to Valerie. | December 19, 2023 at 2:36 am

    The “Islamic Fatwa Council” is an extremely fringe group that very few Moslems have ever heard of, and even fewer see as having any authority. It seems to be run by some maverick imam in Australia who wants to reform Islam and bring it into the modern era. So while what it says is good, I wouldn’t put too much stock in it.

    DaveGinOly, that is exactly what it did, except of course that it was before the latest attack so it couldn’t condemn that one; instead it condemned all the previous Hamas attacks.

Carpet bomb Gaza until they flee to Antarctica for their lives. And take the aholes that came here with them.

When I ask Hamas supporters why I should choose them over the Jews, they just get really angry. The fact that this fellow from Tanzania went to Israel to learn stuff and improve his life instead of going to Hamas controlled territory speaks volumes to me. Everyone has their faults, but, it’s obvious to anyone that Jews have done a lot more for humanity than Hamas and their ilk and their supporters.

    DSHornet in reply to jsolbakken. | December 19, 2023 at 9:40 am

    How many Jews have been awarded Nobel prizes? Something like 214, and thirteen Israelis.

    How many “Palestinians” have been awarded Nobel prizes? Um … let me get back to you on that.

Video the Hamasnicks took?

I have been reliably informed — by some UN spokesthing being interviewed — that they can’t assert war crimes, deaths, or even an attack on Oct 7, as there’s no “credible evidence” to be found.

What’s the point of doing terrorism if nobody believes your video of it?