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Did he mention windmills at the Twitter Townhall?

Did he mention windmills at the Twitter Townhall?

Because as we know, windmills are our future.

While I did send a Tweet, I didn’t get to follow the Twitter Townhall.

Please tell me, did he mention windmills? or at least “wind energy”?


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Juba Doobai! | July 6, 2011 at 6:28 pm

Dunno. I try never to listen to Obama’s windbaggery. I’m guessing that he held a Twitter town hall cos he thoughtnit was the kind of thing Sarah Palin would do and he wanted to preempt her. Only thing is Palin isn’t so dumb.

Has anyone yet pointed out that yesterday and this morning, the WH urged all to leave political rhetoric at the door and have a serious discussion. But today during his Twitter peacock plumagery, he indulged in the usual class warfare demagoguery he excels in. The biggest hypocrite that ever occupied the WH.

Wait, TwitOTUS?

Yes, he did mention “wind energy”.

Thanks for that link drozz, I just cleaned my sinus’ – all over my keyboard.

Juba Doobai! | July 6, 2011 at 11:00 pm

Post of the night, the winner: “Milo | July 6, 2011 at 9:56 pm
Wait, TwitOTUS?”

Glad I’d stopped drinking before I read this.

Somebody mentioned jobs and the economy:

Not much was said about GWB.

Windmills as a main grid-source shall go the way of pet rocks and phrenology.

dorsaighost | July 7, 2011 at 12:40 pm

I believe they power the entire Twitter town hall meeting with windmills stationed in front of Obama and just out of camera view …

BP non-oil corp American | July 7, 2011 at 1:03 pm

Don quixote obummer, attacking wind mills, Jan 2013 can’t come fast enough.