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U. Penn Alerts FBI of Antisemitic Emails With Threats of Violence Against Jews

U. Penn Alerts FBI of Antisemitic Emails With Threats of Violence Against Jews

The emails named Penn Hillel, a Jewish organization, and Lauder College House, an on-campus housing unit

The University of Pennsylvania told the FBI about emails containing threats of violence toward its Jewish community. From Fox News:

Penn president Liz Magill emailed the campus community on Monday advising them that university staff members received “disturbing antisemitic emails” “threatening violence” against its Jewish community. The messages included “hateful language” and targeted “the personal identities of the recipients.”

The “vile” antisemitic emails specifically named Penn Hillel, a Jewish organization at the university, and Lauder College House, an on-campus housing unit.

Magill said Penn’s Division of Public Safety was immediately alerted to the threats. The Penn police subsequently notified the FBI of the “potential hate crime,” and a joint investigation is underway.

Magill said the school’s Division of Public Safety performed “safety sweeps of Penn Hillel and Lauder College House.” They did not find any “credible threat at this time.”

However, the Penn Police increased security on campus and at those places.

“The perniciousness of antisemitic acts on our campus is causing deep hurt and fear for our Jewish students, faculty, and staff and shaking their sense of safety and belonging at Penn,” wrote Magill. “This is intolerable. I condemn personally these vicious and hateful acts and words.”

A copy of the letter is at the bottom of the post.

Penn Hillel released a statement on its Instagram account.

The Huntsman family told UPenn that it would no longer donate anything to the university due to its lack of response to antisemitism.

The Huntsman family is one of UPenn’s top donors, giving it tens of millions of dollars over three generations.

“Moral relativism has fueled the university’s race to the bottom and sadly now has reached a point where remaining impartial is no longer an option,” wrote John Huntsman.

Philanthropist David Magerman also closed his checkbook to UPenn, saying he felt “deeply ashamed” due to his association with the Ivy League school.

Apollo CEO Marc Rowan stopped donating and urged other donors to stop as well.

Law & Order creator Dick Wolf called on the UPenn president and the board of trustees to resign.

Professor Jacobson has always covered antisemitism at Cornell, even more so since Hamas invaded Israel.

Cornell Hillel also received threats to Jewish students and the Kosher dining hall.

Watch our great boss on Laura Ingraham’s show, discussing Cornell and other Campuses.


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The FBI will ignore them in the order they’re received. Those straight-shooters have some Islamophobia to suss out in addition to the usual enemies of the Brandon Junta.

2smartforlibs | November 7, 2023 at 4:34 pm

Now if that was a door pull the Stasi would be all over it.

It’s a misdiagnosis for anti-white pro-brown wokeness, that’s just been translated to Middle East words.

Gaza is anti-semitic, the woke US is actually just anti-white.

Jews are culturally primed (stance of alienation) to find anti-semitism but that’s not the right problem here, in fact solving it as if it were will increase that alienation.

The whole legal insurrection project embraces a stance of alienation, and such a stance is highly productive, witness all the Jewish scholarship that results from it.

But it’s between that stance and membership in a system that life is lived.

Say at least two Jewish scholars, Derrida and Levinas.

On that “between,” see sociologist Erving Goffman, at the end of _Asylums_, a study of various total institutions (prisons, mental asylums) finding that nobody in such systems does what the institution says they are doing:

“The simplest sociological view of the individual and his self is that he is to himself what his place in an organization defines him to be. When pressed, a sociologist modifies this model by granting certain complications : the self may be not yet formed or may exhibit conflicting dedications. Perhaps we should further complicate the construct by elevating these qualifications to a central place, initially defining the individual, for sociological purposes, as a stance-taking entity, a something that takes up a position somewhere between identificaiton with an organization and opposition to it, and is ready at the slightest pressure to regain its balance by shifting its involvement to either direction. It is thus _against something_ that the self can emerge. This has been appreciated by students of totalitarianism …

I have argued the same case in regard to total institutions. May this not be the situation, however, in free society, too?

Without something to belong to, we have no stable self, and yet total commitment and attachment to any social unit implies a kind of selflessness. Our sense of being a person can come from being drawn into a wider social unit ; our sense of selfhood can arise through the little ways in which we resist the pull. Our status is backed by the solid buildings of the world, while our sense of personality identity often resides in the cracks.”

These days I wouldn’t be surprised if the threats came from an FBI operative. The Brandon administration’s #1 priority seems to be destabilizing the USA and the world.

Don’t ignore the possibility that it’s yet another hoax “hate crime”. Just because antisemitism is real doesn’t change the fact that antisemitism hoaxes are also real. The proportions are different, but both exist, so an unsolved case may be either one.

    henrybowman in reply to Milhouse. | November 8, 2023 at 2:50 am

    I’ve had this thought as well. But the supply/demand ratio seems too obviously different between racism and antisemitism.

In response. I think they need to immediately form a committee to combat Islamophobia.